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栅栏绕流减速效应风洞实验模拟   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  
为研究阻沙栅栏的空气动力学效应,利用PIV技术对栅栏绕流的速度场进行了风洞实验模拟,并对其减速效应加以分析评价。结果表明,疏透度对栅栏绕流的平均速度场分布影响比较明显,疏透度越小栅栏后的平均水平风速衰减得越快;栅栏绕流的垂直速度分量在栅栏顶部最大,并随疏透度的增大而减小,影响了栅栏周围沙粒的跃移传输及沉积特征;栅栏后的累计减速率可以用高斯峰值函数来拟合,随疏透度的增大呈先增大后减小的趋势,疏透度η=0.2时累计减速率最大,代表了栅栏减速的理论最佳疏透度。  相似文献   
风水复合侵蚀与生态恢复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风水复合侵蚀是风力与水力共同或交替作用相互增强或者削弱的过程。从侵蚀区划分、驱动因素、侵蚀机理和生态恢复对策等方面论述了风水复合侵蚀的研究进展,简述了半干旱风水复合侵蚀区和海岸复合侵蚀区是两个影响最大的风水复合侵蚀区。晋陕蒙接壤区为半干旱风水复合侵蚀区的强烈侵蚀中心,在土地利用上属农牧交错区,生态环境极为脆弱。海岸复合侵蚀岸段分布广泛,侵蚀岸线在总岸线中所占比例较大。影响风水复合侵蚀的因素包括自然和人为因素,且地域差异显著。半干旱区风水复合侵蚀研究主要从侵蚀特点、土壤特性、侵蚀产沙、侵蚀能量研究等方面;海岸复合侵蚀区从侵蚀特征、风暴潮与海岸复合侵蚀关系等方面分析了取得的进展和存在的不足。总结了生物措施和工程措施对风水复合侵蚀区生态恢复的作用,展望了风水复合侵蚀与生态恢复的研究方向,并指出复合侵蚀机理与评估、生态恢复机理与评价研究是今后研究的趋势。  相似文献   
对膜结构在风雪共同作用下的雪压分布规律进行了数值模拟研究。首先采用两相流原理对雪漂运动中的空气相和雪相分别进行了数值建模,然后采用CFD数值模拟技术,研究了在风雪共同作用下双坡型膜结构表面的雪荷载分布规律,分析了双坡型膜结构的重要几何参数变化时,雪漂及屋面雪荷载分布的变化规律,总结了双坡型膜屋面在风雪共同作用下的雪压分布规律。结果表明,屋面倾角和屋面宽度是影响风雪共同作用下膜结构表面雪压分布的重要因素,檐口高度和屋面长度是影响膜结构表面雪压分布的次要因素。本文研究为更安全、经济地进行膜结构的抗风雪设计、施工提供了可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料和AMDAR资料,对2008年11月1日首都机场冷锋过境前后风切变现象及其可预报时效进行分析。分析认为:在冷锋过境前后,首都机场存在多种形式的风切变,有高空槽前后的水平风切变、高层和中层急流轴引起的水平风切变、冷锋前逆温层顶上下的水平风切变和地面锋面过境时跑道面上的水平和侧风切变。对各种风切变的可预报时效进行了分析。  相似文献   
利用剖面浮标的温盐观测资料和上层温度观测资料以及ECCO风应力数据研究了东南印度洋各主要海洋锋的位置、走向和风场的季节变化,并初步分析了亚热带锋(STF)和亚南极锋(SAF)的成锋机制.季节平均的夏季和冬季厄加勒斯锋(AF)分别可以延伸到80°E和82°E,AF在多数情况下可能与SAF和南亚热带锋(SSTF)汇合共同通过Kerguelen-Amsterdam Passage.在克尔盖伦海台以东海盆区,冬季SAF和PF的路径均比夏季偏南,在其他海域二者路径的季节差别不大.克尔盖伦海台以东的深海盆由北向南正负风应力旋度高值中心交替出现,且位置季节变化很小.85°~105°E之间零风应力旋度线位置冬季比夏季偏北.STF位于辐聚区,埃克曼抽吸导致的表层水辐聚可能是STF产生和维持的原因.SAF位置的季节南北摆动幅度小于风应力零旋度线的季节摆动幅度,夏季SAF位置略偏于风应力正旋度区,而冬季大多位于负旋度区,因此风应力旋度不是SAF形成的直接原因.  相似文献   
沙漠公路风沙土路基风蚀破坏试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李驰  高瑜 《岩土力学》2011,32(1):33-38
以沙漠公路风沙土路基为研究对象,通过室内风蚀风洞试验研究路基的风蚀破坏规律,以及路基不同断面对风沙流运动的影响。以路基高度、路基边坡坡率和路基宽度作为路基断面主要设计参数,研究不同路基断面下风沙流扰动、增速、减速、恢复的过程,以及路基周围风速流场的变化特征,分析路基病害较未病害时路基周围流场的变化。试验结果表明:路基高度和边坡坡率对风沙流运动的影响较大。随路基高度增加,路基对风沙流流场扰动增强,迎风坡坡顶处吹蚀破坏和背风坡坡底处堆蚀破坏越显著,在确定的路基边坡坡率下,路基模型高度为250 mm较模型高度为60 mm时,迎风坡坡顶风速增加1.13倍,背风坡坡底风速减小2.53倍,建议沙漠公路路基高度宜小于2.5 m。进一步,在确定的路基高度下,比较不同的边坡坡率对路基沿程风速的影响,发现当路基边坡坡率为1:1.75时,路基沿程风速变化不明显,沙漠公路风沙土路基不宜被风蚀破坏。  相似文献   
荣冰  张嘎  王富强 《岩土力学》2011,32(5):1596-1600
桩基础是近海风力发电中经常采用的基础形式,承受着包括低频风循环荷载在内的复杂荷载组合。为了采用离心模型试验来研究风机桩基础特性,研制了离心场中风机桩基础复杂加载测试设备。该套设备除了可以施加水平向和竖向静力荷载外,还实现了离心场中长时间低频率的水平循环加载,并能够实现多种荷载同时或者先后施加。通过一系列测试试验,验证了该套设备的有效性,满足离心模型试验中对模拟风机桩基础的复杂荷载要求。初步试验结果表明,桩顶水平位移随着水平荷载循环周数的增加而增大,但增长速率逐渐减小,至一定周数后,桩顶位移趋于稳定,土体变形主要集中在桩周一定区域内  相似文献   
The Tibetan Plateau is a key factor in controlling the present‐day climate and atmospheric circulation pattern in Asia. The pattern of atmospheric circulation after the uplift of the plateau is well known, whereas direct evidence is lacking regarding the nature of the circulation pattern prior to the uplift. The distribution of desert directly reflects the position of the subtropical high‐pressure belt, and the prevailing surface‐wind pattern recorded in desert deposits reveals the position of its divergence axis. Cretaceous eolian sandstone of the Phu Thok Formation is extensively exposed in the northern Khorat Basin, northeastern Thailand. We conducted a sedimentological study on this formation to reconstruct temporal changes in the latitude of the subtropical high‐pressure belt in low‐latitude Asia during the Cretaceous. Spatio‐temporal changes in the paleo‐wind directions recorded in the Phu Thok Formation reveal that the Khorat Basin mainly belonged to the northeast trade wind belt and subtropical high‐pressure belt was situated to the north of the Khorat Basin during the initial stages of deposition, shifted southward to immediately above the basin during the main phase of deposition, and then shifted northward again to the north of the basin during the final stages of deposition. The paleomagnetic polarity sequence obtained for the Phu Thok Formation comprises three zones of normal polarity and two of reversed polarity, correlating to chrons M1n to C34n of the geomagnetic polarity time scale. This result suggests that the Phu Thok Formation is mid‐Cretaceous in age (from c. 126 Ma to c. 99–93 Ma), similar to the age of eolian sandstone in the Sichuan Basin, southern China (the Jiaguan Formation). These results, in combination with paleo‐wind direction data, suggest the development of low‐latitude desert and an equatorward shift of the subtropical high‐pressure belt (relative to the present‐day) in Asia during the mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The dynamic responses of the Tsing Ma suspension bridge and the running behaviors of trains on the bridge under turbulent wind actions are analyzed by a three-dimensional wind-train-bridge interaction model. This model consists of a spatial finite element bridge model, a train model composed of eight 4-axle identical coaches of 27 degrees-of-freedom, and a turbulent wind model. The fluctuating wind forces, including the buffeting forces and the self-excited forces, act on the bridge only, since the train runs inside the bridge deck. The dynamic responses of the bridge are calculated and some results are compared with data measured from Typhoon York. The runnability of the train passing through the Tsing Ma suspension bridge at different speeds is researched under turbulent winds with different wind velocities. Then, the threshold curve of wind velocity for ensuring the running safety of the train in the bridge deck is proposed, from which the allowable train speed at different wind velocities can be determined. The numerical results show that rail traffic on the Tsing Ma suspension bridge should be closed as the mean wind velocity reaches 30 m/s.  相似文献   
韩广  尤莉  程玉琴 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):1087-1096
对13个气象台站2014年5月上旬逐时风况的分析发现:(1)受高空槽和地面低压的影响,科尔沁沙地冷锋过境时瞬时风速8h内快速增加到10m·5s-1以上,风向转为西北风;(2)上风向锡林郭勒草原的冷锋推进速度约为12.5m·5s-1,科尔沁沙地主体部分则降到9.21m·5s-1,总体推进速度因地而异;(3)风速的功率谱以大兴安岭东麓的林西县幅值最大,科尔沁左翼后旗最小;(4)沙地和草原两地区分别存在区域性10h、25h和2h、4h周期性,而冷锋过境引起的强风周期性不明显;(5)常年稳定而频繁的冷锋过境,不仅造成了沙丘的形态变化和不同程度的位移,而且还塑造和维持着该区沙丘群的多种空间格局。  相似文献   
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