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综合运用石油自给率、流动比率等方法,以“一带一路”沿线国家为研究对象,对1995—2014年各国石油资源流动类型时空演变进行研究。结果表明:1)1995—2014年石油净补给型国家数量较为稳定,无产型或低产型国家的石油贸易倾向变化相对较小;基本自给型国家数量占比最大,1995年占比1/2,其余四个年份占比稳定在1/3;净支出型国家数量显著增加,至2014年其中有5个国家保持不变,表明这些国家的石油产量具有较大的优势。2)1995年和2014年汇地国家均为39个国家,其中有34个国家一直保持汇地职能,空间分布上呈东多西少,南多北少,东西分化以西亚、中亚、东欧为界;有14个国家一直保持源地职能,其空间分布格局与汇地相应,西多东少,南多北少,主要分布于西亚、东欧及中亚;交流地数量较少,呈分散分布,且分布地不稳定。3)从数量变化来看,研究期内汇地略有增加,源地略有减少,交流地略有增加;“一带一路”源地总出口量与汇地总进口量的比呈逐年降低趋势。  相似文献   
Decades of research has concluded that the percent of impervious surface cover in a watershed is strongly linked to negative impacts on urban stream health. Recently, there has been a push by municipalities to offset these effects by installing structural stormwater control measures (SCMs), which are landscape features designed to retain and reduce runoff to mitigate the effects of urbanisation on event hydrology. The goal of this study is to build generalisable relationships between the level of SCM implementation in urban watersheds and resulting changes to hydrology. A literature review of 185 peer-reviewed studies of watershed-scale SCM implementation across the globe was used to identify 52 modelling studies suitable for a meta-analysis to build statistical relationships between SCM implementation and hydrologic change. Hydrologic change is quantified as the percent reduction in storm event runoff volume and peak flow between a watershed with SCMs relative to a (near) identical control watershed without SCMs. Results show that for each additional 1% of SCM-mitigated impervious area in a watershed, there is an additional 0.43% reduction in runoff and a 0.60% reduction in peak flow. Values of SCM implementation required to produce a change in water quantity metrics were identified at varying levels of probability. For example, there is a 90% probability (high confidence) of at least a 1% reduction in peak flow with mitigation of 33% of impervious surfaces. However, as the reduction target increases or mitigated impervious surface decreases, the probability of reaching the reduction target also decreases. These relationships can be used by managers to plan SCM implementation at the watershed scale.  相似文献   
The volume fraction of the solid and liquid phase of debris flows,which evolves simultaneously across terrains,largely determines the dynamic property of debris flows. The entrainment process significantly influences the amplitude of the volume fraction. In this paper,we present a depth-averaged two-phase debris-flow model describing the simultaneous evolution of the phase velocity and depth,the solid and fluid volume fractions and the bed morphological evolution. The model employs the Mohr–Coulomb plasticity for the solid stress,and the fluid stress is modeled as a Newtonian viscous stress. The interfacial momentum transfer includes viscous drag and buoyancy. A new extended entrainment rate formula that satisfies the boundary momentum jump condition(Iverson and Ouyang,2015) is presented. In this formula,the basal traction stress is a function of the solid volume fraction and can take advantage of both the Coulomb and velocity-dependent friction models. A finite volume method using Roe's Riemann approximation is suggested to solve the equations. Three computational cases are conducted and compared with experiments or previous results. The results show that the current computational model and framework are robust and suitable for capturing the characteristics of debris flows.  相似文献   

To enable assessment of risks of water management to riparian ecosystems at a regional scale, we developed a quantile-regression model of abundance of broadleaf cottonwoods (Populus deltoides and P. fremontii) as a function of flood flow attenuation. To test whether this model was transferrable to narrowleaf cottonwood (Populus angustifolia), we measured narrowleaf abundance along 39 river reaches in northwestern Colorado, USA. The model performed well for narrowleaf in all 32 reaches where reservoir storage was <75% of mean annual flow. Field data did not fit the model at four of seven reaches where reservoir storage was >90% of mean annual flow. In these four reaches, narrowleaf was abundant despite peak flow attenuation of 45–61%. Poor model performance in these four reaches may be explained in part by a pulse of narrowleaf cottonwood expansion as a response to channel narrowing and in part by differences between narrowleaf and broadleaf cottonwood response to floods and drought.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Wilding, T.K., Sanderson, J.S., Merritt, D.M., Rood, S.B., and Poff, N.L., 2014. Riparian responses to reduced flood flows: comparing and contrasting narrowleaf and broadleaf cottonwoods. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 605–617.  相似文献   
基于制造业企业网络视角的城市网络核心—边缘结构的研究将加深对城市网络演化规律的理解。利用2020年中国制造业500强企业网络数据和隶属联系模型构建城市网络,研究了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构的演化特征,定量测度了核心—边缘结构的影响因素,并根据国际生产折衷理论解析了城市网络地位分异的动力机制。研究发现: 2005—2020年,核心区块的城市数量逐渐增加,主要由直辖市、经济特区以及东、中部地区的省会城市组成,这些城市通过互惠性的链接关系形成了凝聚子群,网络权力较为集中;边缘区块的城市则主要位于中、西部地区,城市间经济联系相对稀疏,整体网络结构并不稳定,城市的发展受到了网络资本的约束。关键资源、基础设施和区位优势是影响中国城市网络地位的决定性因素,择优选择、网络邻近和路径依赖构成了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构演化的动力机制,这将进一步增强核心城市的网络地位。在网络环境下,城市间的差距趋于扩大,城市网络地位的提升取决于城市在网络中的影响力,中国城市化政策需要做出相应调整。  相似文献   
Introduction Landscape evolution in glaciated high mountains environment in southwestern China is undergoing the coupled processes of monsoon- induced denudation and active tectonic. The debris fan development, in particular sediment transfer, is most int…  相似文献   
山东蒙山八字峪(亦有人称为瑶池)砾石堆积堤不连续对称分布于出山沟口,沿流向延伸,具有弧形或舌状沉积的典型特征.2020年10月在蒙山八字峪砾石堆积堤测量了56块砾石组构,并在叠置砾石隙间采集到4个树干14C测年样品.研究结果如下:①八字峪堆积垄岗砾石组构、沉积构造、地貌组合等标志,均指向其为山洪泥石流堆积物;②缺少扇形...  相似文献   
Current understanding of bedform dynamics is largely based on field and laboratory observations of bedforms in steady flow environments. There are relatively few investigations of bedforms in flows dominated by unsteadiness associated with rapidly changing flows or tides. As a consequence, the ability to predict bedform response to variable flow is rudimentary. Using high‐resolution multibeam bathymetric data, this study explores the dynamics of a dune field developed by tidally modulated, fluvially dominated flow in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada. The dunes were dominantly low lee angle features characteristic of large, deep river channels. Data were collected over a field ca 1·0 km long and 0·5 km wide through a complete diurnal tidal cycle during the rising limb of the hydrograph immediately prior to peak freshet, yielding the most comprehensive characterization of low‐angle dunes ever reported. The data show that bedform height and lee angle slope respond to variable flow by declining as the tide ebbs, then increasing as the tide rises and the flow velocities decrease. Bedform lengths do not appear to respond to the changes in velocity caused by the tides. Changes in the bedform height and lee angle have a counterclockwise hysteresis with mean flow velocity, indicating that changes in the bedform geometry lag changes in the flow. The data reveal that lee angle slope responds directly to suspended sediment concentration, supporting previous speculation that low‐angle dune morphology is maintained by erosion of the dune stoss and crest at high flow, and deposition of that material in the dune trough.  相似文献   
M. Robinson  A. Dupeyrat 《水文研究》2005,19(6):1213-1226
This paper presents the first large‐scale British study of the impacts of commercial forest cutting on stream‐flow regimes. The 70% forested headwaters of the River Severn are part of the intensively instrumented long‐term Plynlimon catchment study into the impact of land use on stream flow. The forest area, comprising predominantly Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), was planted mainly in the 1930s and 1940s. Harvesting commenced in the mid‐1980s and over the study period about half the forest has been felled. Changes in annual water yield and extreme flows were studied in four nested catchments ranging in area from about 1 to 10 km2 and compared with an adjacent benchmark grassland catchment. As expected from earlier process studies the cutting of the forest increased total annual flows. Less expected was the clear evidence that the felling augmented low flows. This informs a long‐standing debate whether upland forestry increases or reduces baseflows. A particularly notable result was the lack of impact of the harvesting on storm peak flows. This may result from the application of forest management guidelines designed to reduce soil damage and erosion during the harvesting, and indicates that the forest itself has a limited impact on flooding. These findings are timely because British forest expansion peaked in the 30 years following the Second World War, and large areas of these woodlands are now approaching economic maturity and will be harvested in the next two decades. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
R. García Díaz 《水文研究》2005,19(16):3221-3233
The limitations of Manning's formula are analysed when it is in extreme conditions, and more specifically with small‐depth flows on natural‐vegetation beds. A thorough analysis is made of research carried out on macro‐rough beds, placing particular emphasis on vegetated beds. Research carried out to date on the roughness of vegetated beds and macro‐roughness is commented on, including that carried out at the Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydrology of the Forestry Engineering Faculty (Polytechnic University of Madrid). The work was done in two phases, the first in a laboratory channel with artificial vegetation and the second in natural beds. The results of the experimental research allow the development of a new approximate method of determining Manning coefficient according to the Froude number. This method may be applied in extreme conditions, both in small depths and steep slopes. It was proved that the Manning coefficient depends not only on roughness height, but also on depth and slope values; thus, it is advisable to choose the appropriate method for its calculation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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