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刘晶磊  王建华 《岩土力学》2013,34(9):2508-2514
为了确定软土中张紧式吸力锚的破坏标准,采用自主研发的电动伺服加载装置,在荷载和位移控制方式下进行了张紧式吸力锚在最佳系泊点受静荷载作用的承载力模型试验。结果表明:不同的破坏模式,锚破坏时对应的位移也不同。当锚为竖向破坏时,对应锚沿系泊方向的位移约为0.6倍的锚径;当锚为水平破坏时,对应锚沿系泊方向的位移约为0.3倍的锚径。同时,按照模型试验所得的破坏标准确定的吸力锚的极限承载力与极限分析法的预测结果吻合较好。对足尺锚进行了有限元分析,将分析结果与极限分析法的预测结果进行比较,验证了模型试验所得位移破坏标准的合理性。  相似文献   
A review of ten-year's practice in developing the improved simultaneous physical retrievalmethod(ISPRM)is given in the hope that some creative ideas can be drawn from it.Theimprovement upon the SPRM is associated with the under-determinedness of this ill-posed inverseproblem.In our experiment,the precondition is observed that prior information must beindependent of the satellite measurements.The well-posed retrieval theory has told us that theforward process is fundamental for the retrieval,and it is the bridge between the input of satelliteradiance and the output of retrievals.In order to obtain a better result from the forward process.the full advantage of every prior information available must be taken.It is necessary to turn the ill-posed inverse problem into the well-posed one.Then by using the Ridge regression or Bayesalgorithm to find the optimal combination among the first guess,the theoretical analogueinformation and the satellite observations,the impact of the under-determinedness of this inverseproblem on the numerical solution is minimized.  相似文献   
沈阳市供水系统抗震功能可靠性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
城市供水管网的抗震研究能够服务于供水管网的规划、设计和改造。以沈阳市供水管网系统为背景,介绍了一类求解大型供水网络节点及系统功能可靠度的方法。对沈阳市主干供水网络进行了抗震功能可靠性分析。研究结果证明,建议方法是合理评价供水管网地震后工作性能的工具,可以为大型供水管网的抗震可靠度分析及抗震设计服务提供基础。  相似文献   
轨迹在地理空间中相对一条有向线移动时,可能发生多次进入、离开、穿过、相遇、折返、停留等拓扑关系。针对轨迹-有向线的时空关联特征,提出语义关联的轨迹-有向线移动过程模型:基本思路是将轨迹-有向线的复杂拓扑细节描述为若干局部拓扑关系的组合,从拓扑和语义的角度描述轨迹相对于有向线的移动过程。最后设计并实现了面向该模型的关系模式,并以两类典型请求为例,分析了轨迹-有向线移动过程的纯SQL查询分析技术。  相似文献   


形变反演模型的非线性平差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了反演问题参数估计的质量要求,将反演理论中的分辨率和精度与平差中的良好统计性质作了对比分析,为使反演参数得到良好估计,提出平差处理对策。针对反演问题经常是非线性模型,提出了非线性平差的几种方法,最后给出参数筛选的原则和相应的统计检验方法。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the migration of Puerto Rican-born women from the United States to Puerto Rico using longitudinal data. We hypothesize that sojourn length in the United States is a function of both structural (macro-level economic and cultural factors) and behavioral (micro-level life-cycle experiences and personal attributes) variables. We test these hypotheses by estimating a proportional hazards model. The parameter estimates of this model indicate that sojourn length in the United States, and thus the decision to return to Puerto Rico, is a function of wage trends and community characteristics on the mainland plus a number of individual attributes that include education, marriage, and childbirth.  相似文献   
在利用改进的POM模式的基础上,嵌套西北太平洋区域模式HAMSOM结果,建立1个日本海对马海峡海域斜压准预报模式.通过与已有的观测和研究进行对比,得到较为可信的模拟结果.以温度场和盐度场为参考,系统分析讨论该海域的环流结构及其季节变化.对于温度锋和盐度锋的位置,以及对马暖流的流核等存在争议的问题给出了相应的解释.对马海峡作为日本海的上层水体主要输入区域,对马暖流携带的高温高盐水经过该区域时,在温盐等方面呈现出自南向北的递减变化趋势.对马暖流被对马岛分为东西两支,流核深度随季节变化,并且明显存在双核结构.  相似文献   
为探讨长江口南港的水动力结构及悬沙侧向输运特征,本文从解析解的角度构建了潮汐河口水沙输运数学模型,并将其应用到长江口南港某横断面上。南港水动力主控于半日潮流,余流主要由陆相径流及本地非线性对流项驱动,悬沙分布上北侧副槽远大于南侧主槽,水沙分布的计算结果与实测结果在结构上基本一致。通过输沙函数进一步分析表明,潮流输沙和余流输沙是南港侧向输沙函数的两个主要部分。南港中强劲径流削弱了涨潮流,增强了落潮流,使得向河槽南侧的涨潮流输沙小于向河槽北侧的落潮流输沙,潮流输沙指向河槽北侧。径流驱动的南港侧向余流在涨潮流方向上为一逆时针环流结构,余流输沙指向河槽北侧。扩散输沙指向南侧主槽,因其总是指向悬沙浓度梯度的负方向。在各输沙因子的综合作用下,南港中大量悬沙捕集于河槽北侧,使得河槽北部底层潮平均含沙量值达到最大值。  相似文献   
A number of statistical methods are typically used to effectively predict potential landslide distributions. In this study two multivariate statistical analysis methods were used (weights of evidence and logistic regression) to predict the potential distribution of shallow-seated landslides in the Kamikawachi area of Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. First, the dependent variable (shallow-seated landslides) was divided into presence and absence, and the independent variables (environmental factors such as slope and altitude) were categorized according to their characteristics. Then, using the weights of evidence (WE) method, the weights of pairs comprising presence (w^+(i)) or absence (w^-(i)), and the contrast values for each category of independent variable (evidence), were calculated, Using the method that integrated the weights of evidence method and a logistic regression model, score values were calculated for each category of independent variable. Based on these contrast values, three models were selected to sum the score values of every gird in the study area. According to a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis (ROC), model 2 yielded the best fit for predicting the potential distribution of shallow-seated landslide hazards, with 89% correctness and a 54.5% hit ratio when the occurrence probability (OP) of landslides was 70%. The model was tested using data from an area close to the study region, and showed 94% correctness and a hit ratio of 45.7% when the OP of landslides was 70%. Finally, the potential distribution of shallow-seated landslides, based on the OP, was mapped using a geographical information system.  相似文献   
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