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基于释光测年的福建晋江海岸沙丘粒度记录的风沙活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用OSL测年技术对福建晋江海岸沙丘剖面(SHA) 进行加密采样测年和粒度分析,初步确定了研究区近1000a 以来海岸沙丘发育的主要时段,以OSL测年值为基础,在统一时间标尺上综合对比东亚季风变化序列和福建沿海地区台风登陆记录,探讨了控制研究区海岸沙丘发育的主要因素.研究表明:(1) SHA沙丘表现为典型的海岸风成砂特征,海岸沙丘沉积后受风力侵蚀和后期化学风化作用的影响,粒径变粗,分选性变差,各粒级组分和粒度参数特征发生较大变化;(2) 近1000a 以来晋江海岸带海岸沙丘发育可划分为3 个时期,分别为AD1050~1300、AD1470~1600、AD1720~1950,尤其是小冰期(LIA),海岸风沙活动强烈,海岸沙丘发育盛行;(3) 近千年来区域降水量、海平面和台风强度变化与研究区海岸沙丘发育之间的关系尚不明确,而冬季风强度对海岸沙丘发育的影响明显,即海岸风沙活动期主要对应冬季风较强时期,但近50 年来海岸风沙活动较弱除了主要受冬季风减弱影响外,主要与人类经济活动所造成的地表覆被条件发生变化有关.  相似文献   
沙粒的表面磨蚀效应是地表产尘、释尘的重要机制,针对干湖盆泥漠地表开展磨蚀释尘实验研究,对理解干湖盆地表风蚀过程及盐碱尘暴形成机理具有重要意义。对采自西居延海干涸湖盆泥漠地表土样进行室内磨蚀模拟实验,研究了不同粒级(细、中、粗)沙粒不同落沙角度(30°,45°,60°)的磨蚀效应。结果表明:(1)泥漠地表磨蚀实验中能够产生明显释尘效应的沙粒粒级阈值为中沙(0.25 mm<Md<0.50 mm);(2)磨蚀粒径粒级相同时,磨蚀角度会对泥漠地表磨蚀释尘速率产生影响,磨蚀量的角度排序为60°>30°>45°,但同一粒级3种角度下的磨蚀释尘率差异不显著。(3)磨蚀角度为45°时,计算了泥漠地表的质量磨蚀率与能量磨蚀率,其中中沙为0.04 g·kg-1、0.43 g·J-1,粗沙为0.08 g·kg-1、0.74 g·J-1,极粗沙为0.26 g·kg-1、2.54 g·J-1;在磨蚀沙粒粒级倍增而磨蚀角度不变情况下,泥漠地表磨蚀释尘率与能量磨蚀率未发生正比例线性增长变化。  相似文献   
三峡库区人口、资源、环境与经济的协调发展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
全面分析了三峡库区的面临的人口,资源与环境问题及其对经济发展产生的影响,通过模型分析了人口,资源,环境可持续发展的相关指标;提出了经济与人口,资源及环境协调发展的相关措施。  相似文献   
The application of dams built upstream will change the input conditions, including water and sediment, of downstream fluvial system, and destroy previous dynamic quasi-equilibrium reached by channel streamflow, so indispensable adjustments are necessary for downstream channel to adapt to the new water and sediment supply, leading the fluvial system to restore its previous equilibrium or reach a new equilibrium. Using about 50-year-long hydrological, sedimentary and cross-sectional data, temporal response processes of Toudaoguai cross-section located in the upper Yellow River to the operation of reservoirs built upstream are analyzed. The results show that the Toudaoguai cross-section change was influenced strongly by upstream reservoir operation and downstream channel bed armoring thereafter occurred gradually and extended to the reach below Sanhuhekou gauging station. Besides, median diameter of suspended sediment load experienced a three-stage change that is characterized by an increase at first, then a decrease and an increase again finally, which reflects the process of channel bed armoring that began at Qingtongxia reservoir and then gradually developed downstream to the reach below Sanhuhekou cross-section. Since the joint operation strategy of Longyangxia, Liujiaxia and Qingtongxia reservoirs was introduced in 1986, the three-stage change trend has become less evident than that in the time period between 1969 and 1986 when only Qingtongxia and Liujiaxia reservoirs were put into operation alone. In addition, since 1987, the extent of lateral migration and thalweg elevation change at Toudaoguai cross-section has reduced dramatically, cross-sectional profile and location tended to be stable, which is beneficial to the normal living for local people.  相似文献   
Eolian landforms as sandy dunes and dune heaps were mapped by the author in 1979–1980 in a zone where vegetation had been destroyed by a forest fire on 30 June 1976, in an area to the east of Elverum, south-east Norway. The mapped eolian landforms are discussed together with information from 40 samples of the eolian sediment. Winds, mostly from the north and north-west, were responsible for the development of these eolian landforms, utilizing the fluvioglacial sediments accumulated as a sandur during the retreat of the inland ice approximately 10,000 years ago. The winds were active during a short period of time, only a century or so before the area became vegetated.  相似文献   
基于AnnAGNPS模型的山美水库流域非点源氮控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索研究流域非点源氮污染控制的有效措施,对于治理改善水环境恶化具有重要的现实和长远意义。以山美水库流域为研究区域,建立AnnAGNPS氮污染模型,通过情景模拟技术分别模拟了河岸缓冲带、适量施肥、免耕、少耕、梯田和退耕还林等最佳管理措施的非点源氮污染削减效率。结果表明:(1)梯田与退耕还林对氮的削减率较高,均高于15%;免耕较低,为13%;少耕、合理施肥、河岸缓冲带削减效果有限,低于10%。(2)河岸缓冲带、少耕、免耕、梯田等措施的总氮削减率在不同月份的变化趋势与泥沙削减变化趋势一致,在7月和8月有较高的削减率;合理施肥与退耕还林的总氮削减率则与流域施肥状况相关性更高,在2—4月份有较高的削减率,因此山美水库流域水环境改善应结合非点源氮污染治理和流域水土流失治理。  相似文献   
On the southwest-facing slopes of a bedrock ridge lying between Cardigan Bay to the north and the Afon Teifi to the south stands a group of hills in which 30-35 m of cross-laminated and parallel-laminated sands with lenticular upward-fining gravel sequences are overlain by 10-12 m of gravel in a single foreset bed. The sediments mantle a surface of till sloping gently toward the southwest, were transported toward the southwest (across one margin of the Afon Teifi valley), and were cut by a system of densely arranged conjugate normal faults striking northwest-southeast. The lenticular gravels and fault system suggest that the deposits accumulated as a glaciofluvial outwash spread, and on top of an ice-lobe that became isolated in the Teifi valley during the downwasting of a glacier which had occupied Cardigan Bay and much of the country to the south. The large gravel foresets capping the succession are the only indication at Banc-y-Warren of the former existence of a lake, but neither a large nor deep body of water need be envisaged.  相似文献   
About forty productive oil/gas fields hosted in volcanic reservoirs have been found since 1957 in fourteen basins of China. They can be simply subdivided into two groups, the east and the west. Reservoir volcanic rocks of the east group are predominantly composed of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rhyolite and Tertiary basalt, preferred being considered as rift type volcanics developed in the circum-Pacific tectonic regime. Those of the west are Permo-Carboniferous intermediate/basic volcanic rocks, being island-arc type ones developed in paleo-Asian Ocean tectonic regime.  相似文献   
雄安新区在暂不考虑开采砂岩热储地热资源的前提下,探明碳酸盐岩热储东部边界断裂牛东断裂带的分布位置与地热资源品质,对新区地热资源开发利用规划的编制与整体能源利用布局均有着重要意义。以雄安新区高铁片区第一口碳酸盐岩热储勘探井D09孔的探测数据为依据,结合地震剖面解释成果,分析了牛东断裂带内碳酸盐岩热储的空间展布特征、储集层物理性质与单井产能参数,并简述其对地热勘探的指导意义。探测结果表明,牛东断裂带的碳酸盐岩热储主要为蓟县系雾迷山组含硅质的白云岩,分布在断裂西侧基岩宽缓背斜顶部,层状稳定,厚约2000m,顶板埋深1000~1200m,井口水温约70℃,单井水量约102m3/h。D09孔揭示,在距风化壳顶部678m的地层内共发育122个裂隙带,累计厚度达251.20m,裂隙发育率37%,平均孔隙度9.26%,裂隙发育率与平均孔隙度明显比断裂带外地热井高出50%。D09孔与牛东断裂带周缘地热井的地层地温梯度、地热水水化学特征、储集层导水系数等对比分析表明,垂直断距达7000m的牛东断裂带是一条导水导热的盆内隐伏型深断裂,其限定了雄安新区碳酸盐岩热储含水系统的东部边界,构成了西侧牛驼镇凸起的导水通道与东侧霸县凹陷油气运移的阻隔屏障,控制了牛驼镇凸起面积达1000km2的整装地热田的形成。  相似文献   
唐益群  林志  叶为民  黄雨 《工程地质学报》2002,10(S1):186-189,206
首先针对渗流破坏的机理进行研究,区别在堤防工程中常用的流土和管涌的概念,从现有的大量土的渗流破坏的实验资料,结合理论分析,从微观的角度去阐述渗流破坏的形成机理,提出了在级配连续性土和级配不连续性土中进行管涌型土和流土型土判别的标准.然后从定量的角度去推导出各种渗流破坏类型的判别公式以及临界抗渗坡降计算公式.  相似文献   
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