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Open boundary conditions (OBCs) for a regional ocean model that can be integrated stably over a long timeframe, as well as satisfy the volume, heat and salinity conservation constraints, were developed. First, the idea that the inward and outward flux information can be treated separately in the OBCs was adopted. Second, in order to maintain the property that the volume, heat and salinity remains conserved in the simulation domain, conservation constraints were added to the OBCs, and an inverse method utilized to solve the constraint equations. Ideal experiments were designed to investigate the conservation property, and the OBCs were found to work efficiently to maintain the volume, heat and salinity conservation. It was found that simulations were comparable to observations when the OBCs were applied to a regional ocean model.  相似文献   
利用政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告(IPCCAR4)的15个耦合气候模式在不同排放情景下的模拟结果,对我国夏季降水及相关大气环流场的未来时空变化特征与模式之间的不确定性作了研究。结果表明,在全球变暖背景下,我国夏季降水表现出较强的局地特征。其中,我国东部和高原地区的降水在21世纪表现出明显的增加趋势,而且这种趋势随着变暖的加剧而增强,同时模式模拟结果之间的一致性也更好,表明这一结果的可信度较高。在全球变暖背景下,我国新疆南部地区表现为持续的降水减少趋势,而我国西南地区夏季降水的变化则呈现出先减少(21世纪初)后增加的特征,不同模式对降水这些局地特征的模拟也都表现出较好的一致性。其他地区夏季降水在21世纪的变化不大,同时模式模拟的一致性也较差。多模式模拟的我国未来百年夏季降水的这些变化特征在温室气体高、中、低不同排放情景下基本一致,A2情景预估结果变化最大,A1B次之,B1相对最小。东亚夏季大气环流场的预估结果显示,在全球变暖的背景下,大部分模式的模拟结果都表明,东亚夏季风环流有所增强,从而使得由低纬度大洋和南海地区向我国大陆的水汽输送增加,造成该地区大气含水量的增多,从而为我国东部地区夏季降水的增加提供有利条件。此外,随着全球变暖的加剧,西太平洋副热带高压持续增强,其变化对我国东部地区夏季降水的影响程度和范围也明显增大。这些环流场及其不确定性的分析结果进一步加强了我国夏季降水未来变化预估结果的可信度。  相似文献   
青藏高原雪盖异常对福建雨季旱涝影响的环流诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用19555-1994年多种不同类型青藏高原积雪资料的综合再分析结果,通过分析青藏高原雪盖异常年冬季和初夏北半球大气环流特征,及北半球大气环流与福建雨季降水的遥相关,讨论高原雪盖异常反馈影响大气环流,进而导致福建雨季旱涝的可能途径,为在福建雨季旱涝预测中应用积雪因子提供一定的物理基础。  相似文献   
The impact of diabatic processes on 4-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) was studied using the 1995 version of NCEP's global spectral model with and without full physics.The adjoint was coded manually.A cost function measuring spectral errors of 6-hour forecasts to "observation" (the NCEP reanalysis data) was minimized using the L-BFGS (the limited memory quasi-Newton algorithm developed by Broyden,Fletcher,Goldfard and Shanno) for optimizing parameters and initial conditions.Minimization of the cost function constrained by an adiabatic version of the NCEP global model converged to a minimum with a significant amount of decrease in the value of the cost function.Minimization of the cost function using the diabatic model, however,failed after a few iterations due to discontinuities introduced by physical parameterizations.Examination of the convergence of the cost function in different spectral domains reveals that the large-scale flow is adjusted during the first 10 iterations,in which discontinuous diabatic parameterizations play very little role.The adjustment produced by the minimization gradually moves to relatively smaller scales between 10-20th iterations.During this transition period,discontinuities in the cost function produced by "on-off" switches in the physical parameterizations caused the cost function to stay in a shallow local minimum instead of continuously decreasing toward a deeper minimum. Next,a mixed 4D-Var scheme is tested in which large-scale flows are first adiabatically adjusted to a sufficient level,followed by a diabatic adjustment introduced after 10 to 20 iterations. The mixed 4D-Var produced a closer fit of analysis to observations,with 38% and 41% more decrease in the values of the cost function and the norm of gradient,respectively,than the standard diabatic 4D-Var,while the CPU time is reduced by 21%.The resulting optimal initial conditions improve the short-range forecast skills of 48-hour statistics.The detrimental effect of parameterization discontinuities on minimization was also reduced.  相似文献   
利用1961—2017年中国地面观测站日降水资料、全球大气多要素和海表温度月资料,分析华南区域持续性强降水过程的气候特征,诊断并比较与华南前汛期、后汛期区域持续性强降水年际变化相关的大气环流和海表温度异常特征。结果表明,3—12月华南都可能出现持续性强降水过程,其中汛期4—9月的占了94.4%。伴随着区域持续性强降水的年际变化,华南本地垂直上升运动显著异常是前汛期和后汛期的共同点,但前汛期、后汛期在华南及周边环流异常、水汽输送来源以及海温异常分布等方面都存在一定差异。在前汛期华南区域持续性强降水偏重年,赤道西太平洋区域海温偏低,由于大气罗斯贝波响应使西太平洋副热带高压偏强,热带西太平洋向华南区域水汽输送加强,从而有利于区域持续性强降水偏重。后汛期华南区域持续性强降水偏重年的海温异常分布是赤道中东太平洋区域正异常、东印度洋至西太平洋暖池区负异常,海温异常通过西北太平洋副热带高压、南海热带季风强度、水汽输送和垂直环流等多方面,导致后汛期区域持续性强降水偏重。   相似文献   
The midwinter suppression(MWS) of the North Pacific storm track(NPST) has been an active research topic for decades. Based on the daily-mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis from 1948 to 2018, this study investigates the MWS-related atmospheric circulation characteristics in the Northern Hemisphere by regression analysis with respect to a new MWS index, which may shed more light on this difficult issue. The occurrence frequency of the MWS of the upper-tropospheric NPST is more than 0.8 after the mid-1980 s. The MWS is accompanied by significantly positive sea-level pressure anomalies in Eurasia and negative anomalies over the North Pacific, which correspond to a strengthened East Asian winter monsoon. The intensified East Asian trough and atmospheric blocking in the North Pacific as well as the significantly negative low-level air temperature anomalies, lying upstream of the MNPST, are expected to be distinctly associated with the MWS. However, the relationship between the MWS and low-level atmospheric baroclinicity is somewhat puzzling.From the diagnostics of the eddy energy budget, it is identified that the inefficiency of the barotropic energy conversion related to the barotropic governor mechanism does not favor the occurrence of the MWS. In contrast, weakened baroclinic energy conversion, buoyancy conversion, and generation of eddy available potential energy by diabatic heating are conducive to the occurrence of the MWS. In addition, Ural blocking in the upstream region of the MNPST may be another candidate mechanism associated with the MWS.  相似文献   
比较NCEP/NCAR和ECMWF两种再分析资料南半球低层等压面(700 hPa及以下)的平均位势高度场,结果表明:两者在南极洲差异显著,除12月、1月(南半球夏季)外,NCEP/NCAR资料存在一个虚假的很强的极地高压,而ECMWF资料正常。分析表明该两种再分析资料的上述差异来源于南极洲地面以下虚拟气压场的产生过程;NCEP/NCAR资料较ECMWF少了一个对南极洲过低地面温度的修正。由此得到的NCEP/NCAR资料若用于南半球低层大气环流整体结构的分析,会导致严重的错误。  相似文献   
王晓明  张智勇 《气象》2006,32(5):94-98
对吉林省2005年春季(4月19--22日)罕见的降水天气过程在大尺度环流形势、物理条件分析的基础上,重点对其逐时自动站风场资料进行分析,结果表明利用逐时自动站风场分析的中尺度切变对强降水落区、降水强度和强降水发生的时间都具有很好的指示意义;中尺度切变的形成也与地形条件有关。  相似文献   
中高纬度大气低频模态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气低频模态是导致中高纬地区季节及气候变化的主要因素,加强低频模态动力机制的认识对于提高短期气候预测水平具有十分重要的科研意义和应用价值。由于中高纬大气低频环流本身的复杂性,关于其动力机制的研究仍然是大气动力学中重点难点问题。本文简单回顾了激发维持低频模态的前两种机制,即:外源强迫、气流的纬向非均匀性对大气低频模态的影响。从观测事实和模式结果出发,着重介绍了瞬变波与基本气流相互作用激发维持低频模态的第三种机制,且详细阐述了线性假设条件下,瞬变波与基本气流相互作用的动力机制。本文最后针对瞬变波与基本气流相互作用研究中一些尚未解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
北京稳定天气条件下城市边界层环流特征数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用科罗拉多大学和MRC/ASTER共同开发的区域大气模拟系统(RAMS)对北京地区稳定天气条件下的个例进行数值模拟,通过对数值模拟结果与观测事实的比较以及敏感性试验,分析了北京城市边界层环流特征和环流影响因子在环流发展过程中的作用。结果表明:①在山谷风环流和热岛环流相互作用下形成了北京城市边界层流场特有的局地环流。②热岛中心在决定边界层环流的辐合区位置上起相对较大的作用,边界层环流的强度和发展高度由山谷风强度和热岛强度共同决定。  相似文献   
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