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采用溶液插层法,利用壳聚糖和蒙脱土制备了壳聚糖/蒙脱土插层复合物,使用红外光谱和X-射线衍射分析对其结构进行了表征;以此复合物为活性红染料RR136的吸附剂,考察了复合物中壳聚糖与蒙脱土的摩尔比、染料溶液pH值和浓度、吸附温度及吸附剂用量等因素对吸附性能的影响。结果表明,吸附反应的最佳条件是以壳聚糖与蒙脱土摩尔比为5∶1的插层复合物为吸附剂,反应温度20℃,RR136溶液pH为3。壳聚糖/蒙脱土插层复合物对活性红染料的吸附更符合Langmuir模型,吸附热力学参数ΔGo、ΔHo和ΔSo值分别为-3.338kJ·mol-1(30℃),-37.98kJ·mol-1和-114.77J·mol-1·K-1,表明壳聚糖/蒙脱土插层复合物对活性红染料的吸附是自发的、以物理吸附为主的放热反应。  相似文献   
周璐  徐世明  曾刚 《大气科学》2017,41(1):57-70
本文利用美国华盛顿大学的PIOMAS海冰模式输出结果,分析了20世纪90年代以来北极海冰减少的动力和热力过程的特征,并探讨了海冰减少与北极大气环流模态之间的关系。结果表明:(1)通过弗拉姆海峡输出的多年冰的厚度自1995年以来有显著减少;(2)海冰的热力过程在20世纪90年代以后特别是21世纪以来是海冰减少的主导因素;(3)大气模态中的北极涛动(AO)和北极偶极子(AD)均对北极海冰的动力输出有影响,各自与海冰输出量的相关关系显著,并且AO和AD的多元线性回归能很好的拟合出海冰输出量的减少。  相似文献   
Experimental petrologists have successfully located basalticliquid compositions parental to mid-ocean ridge basalt thatare, within experimental resolution, multiply saturated withthree-phase harzburgite or four-phase lherzolite assemblageson their liquidus at some elevated pressure. Such an experimentalresult is a necessary consequence of any paradigm in which eruptedbasalts derive from single-batch primary liquids that equilibratewith a mantle residue and undergo no subsequent magma mixingbefore differentiation and eruption. Here we investigate whether,conversely, such evidence of multiple saturation is sufficientto exclude dynamic melting models wherein increments of meltare mixed after segregation from residues, during melt transportor in magma chambers. Using two independent models of crystal–liquidequilibria to simulate polybaric near-fractional peridotitemelting, we find that aggregate liquids from such melting processescan display near-intersections of liquidus surfaces too closeto distinguish experimentally from exact multiple saturationpoints. Given uncertainties in glass compositions, fractionationcorrections, experimental temperature and pressure conditions,and achievement of equilibrium, these results suggest that polybaricmixtures can in fact masquerade as mantle-equilibrated single-batchprimary liquids. Multiple saturation points on the liquidussurfaces of primitive basalts do, however, preserve informationabout the average pressure of extraction of their constituentincrements of liquid. KEY WORDS: mantle melting; basaltic volcanism; experimental igneous petrology; thermodynamic modelling; inverse method  相似文献   
A thermodynamic model for haplogranitic melts in the system Na2O–CaO–K2O–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (NCKASH) is extended by the addition of FeO and MgO, with the data for the additional end‐members of the liquid incorporated in the Holland & Powell (1998) internally consistent thermodynamic dataset. The resulting dataset, with the software thermocalc , is then used to calculate melting relationships for metapelitic rock compositions. The main forms for this are PT and TX pseudosections calculated for particular rock compositions and composition ranges. The relationships in these full‐system pseudosections are controlled by the low‐variance equilibria in subsystems of NCKFMASH. In particular, the solidus relationships are controlled by the solidus relationships in NKASH, and the ferromagnesian mineral relationships are controlled by those in KFMASH. However, calculations in NCKFMASH allow the relationships between the common metapelitic minerals and silicate melt to be determined. In particular, the production of silicate melt and melt loss from such rocks allow observations to be made about the processes involved in producing granulite facies rocks, particularly relating to open‐system behaviour of rocks under high‐grade conditions.  相似文献   
The Feiran–Solaf metamorphic complex of Sinai, Egypt, is one of the highest grade metamorphic complexes of a series of basement domes that crop out throughout the Arabian-Nubian Shield. In the Eastern Desert of Egypt these basement domes have been interpreted as metamorphic core complexes exhumed in extensional settings. For the Feiran–Solaf complex an interpretation of the exhumation mechanism is difficult to obtain with structural arguments as all of its margins are obliterated by post-tectonic granites. Here, metamorphic methods are used to investigate its tectonic history and show that the complex was characterized by a single metamorphic cycle experiencing peak metamorphism at ∼700–750 °C and 7–8 kbar and subsequent isothermal decompression to ∼4–5 kbar, followed by near isobaric cooling to 450 °C. Correlation of this metamorphic evolution with the deformation history shows that peak metamorphism occurred prior to the compressive deformation phase D 2, while the compressive D 2 and D 3 deformation occurred during the near isothermal decompression phase of the P–T loop. We interpret the concurrence of decompression of the P–T path and compression by structural shortening as evidence for the Najd fault system exhuming the complex in an oblique transpressive regime. However, final exhumation from ∼15 km depth must have occurred due to an unrelated mechanism.  相似文献   
基于我国160个台站的降水资料和西太平洋副热带高压指数,利用典型相关分析和合成分析等方法,研究了热带印度洋-太平洋热力异常联合模对我国夏季降水的影响,并探讨了该联合模与西太平洋副热带高压的关系。结果表明,该联合模对我国夏季降水有一年到半年的超前影响,且以冬季联合模对次年夏季降水的影响最显著。当冬季联合模出现正异常时,次年夏季我国四川地区、长江流域、华北南部降水偏多,而华北北部和江南大部分地区降水偏少;反之亦然。进一步分析表明,冬季热带印度洋-太平洋热力异常联合模对我国夏季降水的影响可能是通过夏季西太平洋副热带高压的变动来实现的。  相似文献   
Atmospheric exchanges largely dominate the heat budget of deep lakes in temperate regions. Heat import and export by through-flows is of much lower entity and has been neglected or simplified in many numerical thermodynamic models of lakes. This is often due either to the unavailability of data for inflows and outflows, or to the difficulties in forecasting the evolution of their discharge and temperature in climate change studies. While disregarding through-flows may seem correct, riverine intrusions can bring warmer water than the deep hypolimnetic one to the lower metalimnion and upper hypolimnion, where sunlight does not penetrate and mixing is poor. For holomictic lakes with significant inflow contributions, this can affect the thermal structure at intermediate depths, hampering any numerical model which neglects through-flows. This study focuses on a relevant basin under such aspect, Lake Maggiore (Northern Italy/Southern Switzerland), which drains the rainiest watershed of the Southern Alps. First, we quantify to what extent a one-dimensional fixed-level model ignoring through-flows is able to predict the observed evolution of the thermal structure of the lake and the improvements resulting from reproducing the main inflows and outflows. Then, we directly discuss the influence of through-flows on the thermodynamic structure of Lake Maggiore. The General Lake Model (GLM) was here adopted, reproducing the 1998–2014 period, spanning years with different meteorological and hydrological features. Results show that a calibrated enclosed-lake model can give satisfactory results only if it employs an unrealistically low light extinction coefficient to allow heating of the deep metalimnion and hypolimnion, whose real warming strongly depends on interflows.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analysis and inverse geochemical modelling techniques were employed to deduce the mechanism of groundwater evolution in the hard-rock terrain of Telangana, South India. Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to extract the hydrogeochemical characteristics and classify the groundwater samples into three principal groups. Use of thermodynamic stability diagrams and inverse geochemical modelling in PHREEQC identified the chemical reactions controlling hydrogeochemistry of each of the groups obtained from statistical analysis. The model output showed that a few phases are governing the water chemistry in this area and the geochemical reactions responsible for evolution of groundwater chemistry along the flow path are (i) dissolution of evaporite minerals (dolomite, halite); (ii) dissolution of primary silicate minerals (albite, anorthite, K-feldspar, biotite); (iii) precipitation of secondary silicate minerals (kaolinite, quartz, gibbsite, Ca-montmorillonite) along with anhydrite and calcite; and (iv) reverse ion exchange processes.  相似文献   
In the present study,humic acid was used as an adsorbent for the investigation of the adsorption kinetics,isotherms,and thermo-dynamic parameters of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution at varying pH,temperatures,and concentrations.Adsorption isotherms and equilibrium adsorption capacities were determined by the fittings of the experimental data to three well-known iso-therm models:Langmuir,Freundlich,and Redlich-Peterson.The results showed that the Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson models appear to fit the adsorption better than did the Freundlich adsorption model for the adsorption of chromium onto humic acid.The equilibrium constants were used to calculate thermodynamic parameters such as the change of free energy,enthalpy,and entropy.The derived adsorption constants (logaL) and their temperature dependencies from Langmuir isotherm have been used to calculate the corresponding thermodynamic quantities such as the free energy of adsorption,heat,and entropy of adsorption.The thermo-dynamic data indicate that Cr (VI) adsorption onto humic acid is entropically driven and characterized by physical adsorption.  相似文献   
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