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我国西部开发中生态环境保护及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西部地区生态环境脆弱 ,在实施西部开发战略中如何保护和优化生态环境显得尤为重要。在分析西部地区存在的生态环境问题的基础上 ,提出了适度调整资源开发导向战略 ;科技先行 ,强化生态环境建设 ;调整产业结构 ,加快城市化进程 ;制定合理的政策 ,加强环境立法、执法等对策和建议 ,保护和优化生态环境  相似文献   
长江中下游江湖关系演变趋势数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以长江中下游防洪系统为对象,概述了在大型复杂防洪系统洪水行为数值模拟基础上,成功地将长江中下游洪水演进数学模型转化为面向长江防洪系统防洪规划方案评估需求的长江中下游江湖水沙演变的数学模型.为适应防洪规划方案论证涉及江湖水沙相互制衡相互关联客观情况,建立了面向江湖水沙关系及其演变的数学模型.针对长江中下游江湖水沙运动特点,在水沙数值模拟的范围内侧重对下荆江河道冲刷、荆江三口分流分沙模式、洞庭湖泥沙淤积、江湖耦合等环节进行了讨论,提出了合理可行的数值处理方法.模拟结果较好反映了江湖水沙演变规律,主要成果已应用于长江中下游防洪规划和防汛调度方案中.  相似文献   
The paper presents an approach to predicting variation of a degree of saturation in unsaturated soils with void ratio and suction. The approach is based on the effective stress principle for unsaturated soils and several underlying assumptions. It focuses on the main drying and wetting processes and does not incorporate the effects of hydraulic hysteresis. It leads to the dependency of water retention curve (WRC) on void ratio, which does not require any material parameters apart from the parameters specifying WRC for the reference void ratio. Its validity is demonstrated by comparing predictions with the experimental data on four different soils taken over from the literature. Good correlation between the measured and predicted behaviour indirectly supports applicability of the effective stress principle for unsaturated soils. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
该文首先采用合成分析的方法研究了江淮入梅前后大尺度大气环流的演变特征和西太平洋副热带高压西伸北跳的可能机制。研究结果表明, 江淮入梅前期的最显著的特征是:副热带高压首先在太平洋中部增强北跳, 而后向西扩展导致太平洋副高西部脊 (120°E) 的增强北跳。进一步分析表明, 在太平洋中部副热带高压的增强北跳和西伸之前, 副热带高压南侧ITCZ中对流和孟加拉湾北部的对流活动明显并且都经历了一次增强活跃过程, 这意味着热带ITCZ和孟加拉湾北部对流的异常活跃可能对副热带高压的增强北跳西伸产生影响。全球大气环流模式模拟结果表明, 赤道中太平洋ITCZ中对流异常活跃不仅可导致副热带高压的增强北移, 而且还可导致副热带高压西伸, 与诊断分析结果相一致。  相似文献   
在柴达木盆地北缘地区,分别选取有机碳含量很低和较高的侏罗系泥岩样品,对比分析了它们在生物标志物组成上的差异。结果发现,高有机质丰度泥岩的生标组成与我国西北地区侏罗纪煤系有机质的特征差异不大,相比而言,低有机质丰度泥岩的正烷烃以前主峰为特征,Pr/Ph比值在1.0左右,三环萜烷和伽马蜡烷丰度较高,并在部分样品中检出了25 降藿烷系列。结合泥岩的有机岩石学特征,认为这些差异可能反映了泥岩沉积环境和生烃母质的不同:高有机质丰度泥岩的有机显微组分以相对弱还原条件下的形态有机质为主,包括藻类体、孢子体和角质体等,而低有机质丰度泥岩的有机显微组分以相对强还原条件下的矿物沥青基质为主,其母质可能来源于低等显微菌藻类。进一步通过对比不同有机质丰度泥岩,以及区内原油生标组成之间的相互关系,讨论了研究区的油源问题。  相似文献   
帕米尔北缘弧形推覆构造带东段由强烈活动的艾卡尔特弧形活动褶皱-逆断裂带与卡兹克阿尔特弧形活动褶皱-逆断裂带南、北两条巨型边缘弧形构造带及其间的推覆构造构成。每个弧形带分别由多个不同级别的、相对独立的次级弧形构造组成。每个弧形构造实际上就是一个独立的逆冲推覆席体,都有其各自独特的几何学、运动学、动力学特征,但同时又具有自相似性特征。独立地震破裂区或形变带与独立活动的弧形推覆构造可能具有一定的对应关系  相似文献   
As an important component of the cryosphere, sea ice is very sensitive to climate change. The study of sea ice physics needs accurate sea ice thickness. This paper presents an electromagnetic induction (EM) technique which can be used to measure the sea ice thickness distribution efficiently and its successful application in the Antarctic Neila Fjord. Based on the electrical properties of sea ice and seawater and the application of electromagnetic field theory, this technique can accurately detect the distance between the EM instrument and the ice/water interface to measure the sea ice thickness. Analyzing the apparent conductivity data obtained by the electromagnetic induction technique and drill-hole measurements at same location allows the construction of a transform equation for the apparent conductivity and sea ice thickness. The verification of the calculated sea ice thickness using this equation indicates that the electromagnetic induction technique is able to determine reliable sea ice thickness with an average relative error of only 5.5%. The ice thickness profiles show the sea ice distribution in Neila Fjord is basically level with a thickness of 0.8 - 1.4 m.  相似文献   
Based on the partial differential equation governing the effect of atmospheric pressure on water level of confined well, deriving the boundary condition and considering the seepage water between well and aquifer, the author obtained the analytical solution of water level change in time domain under the action of an atmospheric pressure history with the Laplace transform method. This solution is composed of two terms:stable and retarded terms. The stable term is the multiplication of barometric efficiency and simultaneous atmospheric pressure, and it implies the value of water level after infinite time when the atmospheric pressure is a constant from the time in question. The retarded term is the transient process due to the time lag of water exchange between well and aquifer. From the solution, it is obtained that the interference of atmospheric pressure on water level is the integral superimposition of the contribution of all atmospheric pressure changes before the time in question. So that, we further found out the response function of pulsive atmospheric pressure history. Calculation shows: (1) The pulsive response function starts from zero and tends to a steady value, which is proportional to the barometric efficiency, when the time tends to infinity; (2) The retarded time depends on the mechanical property of aquifer and the radius of well. The larger the seepage coefficient, the smaller the radius of well and the thicker the aquifer, then the shorter the retarded time gets. This solution can be used as the theoretical basis for further analysis of the atmospheric effect and practical correcting method in the future.  相似文献   
安欧  高国宝 《地震地质》1996,18(1):25-29
以岩体正交异性弹性理论为基础,用X射线法,在龙门山断裂带测区,选取3个小区深钻孔系列的岩心,测量了岩体中宏观残余应力场的水平和铅直三维主分量、水平和铅直最大剪应力,及其应变能密度随深度的分布,分析了它们沿深度的分布规律,估算了该断裂带岩体中储存的宏观残余弹性应变能的量级  相似文献   
CMIP5模式对中国近海海表温度的模拟及预估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于观测和再分析资料;利用多种指标和方法评估了国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)中21个模式对中国近海海温的月、季节和年际变化模拟能力。多模式集合能够再现气候平均意义下近海海温的空间分布特征;但量值上存在一定的低估。在渤海和黄海;集合平均与观测差别比较明显。在年际尺度上;与观测数据对比;模式模拟海温与Niño3指数相关性较小。中国近海海表面温度在1960-2002年有明显的升高趋势;从2003年开始增温趋缓。评估结果表明;ACCESS1.0、BCC-CSM1.1、HadGEM2-ES、IPSL-CM5A-MR、CMCC-CM、FGOALS-g2、CNRM-CM5-2、INMCM4八个模式对中国近海海温的变化有较好的模拟能力。利用ACCESS1.0、INMCM4、BCC-CSM1.1、IPSL-CM5A-MR、CMCC-CM这5个模式结果对中国近海海温未来的变化进行了预估。在RCP4.5、RCP8.5情景下;未来近100年中国近海海温有明显升高趋势;最优模式多模式集合平均增温分别可达到1.5℃、3.3℃;净热通量变化和平流变化共同促进了东海升温。  相似文献   
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