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重磁异常正反演可视化实时方法技术改进   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
摘 要 给出了2∙5D 多边形截面棱柱体重磁异常的简化表达式及其偏导数;提供了实用的可 视化模型建立、修改、实时正反演中的一些具体方法技术。借助这一操作方便、功能强大的 图形化实时反演系统‚资料解释工作者可以综合利用各种地质资料对计算过程实现引导和控 制‚使其解释思想及技术方案得到充分体现‚从而提高计算速度和质量。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地沉降史定量模拟和分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用Petrosys盆地模拟系统,定量和动态地模拟了珠江口盆地三个主要坳陷的沉降过程,论述了沉降速率的变化与生储盖发育之间的关联,认为珠江口盆地构造沉降史具有幕式、多阶段变化的特征。盆地第一幕和第二幕沉降是盆地发育的主要时期,奠定了盆地的构造格架,形成了盆地主要的沉积地层和油气资源。第三幕沉降为盆地的改造和完成阶段,是盆地区域盖层发育的主要时期。  相似文献   
THE PROVENANCE OF THE DHARAMSALA FORMATION1 NajmanY ,GarzantiE .ReconstructingearlyHimalayantectonicevolutionandpaleogeographyfromTertiaryforelandbasinsediments,NorthernIndia[J].GSABulletin ,2 0 0 0 .inpress 2 OliverGJH ,JohnsonMRW ,FallickAE .AgeofmetamorphismintheLesserHimalayaandthemainCentralThrustzone ,GarhwalIndia :resultsofillitecrystallinity ,4 0 Ar 3 9ArfusionandK Arstudies[J].GeolMag 1995 ,132 (2 ) :139~149. 3 PognanteU ,CastelliD ,BennaP ,eta…  相似文献   
聚类分析的很多算法中都采用连接两点直线的欧氏距离来判断空间亲疏性,然而当有障碍物层存在时,连接两点的直线已不能完全表达它们之间的关系,特别是当有指定的交通路线时,两点之间的连通路径和距离必须遵从特定的路径.文中讨论在了障碍物或指定的交通路线存在的情况下点集的聚类分析,给出了解决有障碍物或指定交通路线时进行聚类分析的算法PathClust.  相似文献   
通过对使用“特征视角”目测气球方法的阐述、分析,得出提高目测抓球精度的关键在于“量化”.如果能将目标物视角的大部分测量估算工作进行量化、减小目标物视角的估测余量,就能显著地提高目测抓球精度。  相似文献   
Numerical implementation of the gradient of the cost function in a gradient‐based full‐ waveform inversion (FWI) is essentially a migration operator used in wave equation migration. In FWI, minimizing different data residual norms results in different weighting strategies of data residuals at receiver locations prior to back‐propagation into the medium. In this paper, we propose different scaling methods to the receiver wavefield and compare their performances. Using time‐domain reverse‐time migration (RTM), we show that compared to conventional algorithms, this type of scaling is able to significantly suppress non‐Gaussian noise, i.e., outliers. Our tests also show that scaling by its absolute norm produces better results than other approaches.  相似文献   
黄土高原半干旱区异常能量闭合率特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(简称SACOL站)4 a的陆面通量数据为基础,利用普通最小二乘法(OLS)和能量平衡比率(EBR)方法,对能量平衡的异常闭合特征及其与相对垂直湍强(RIw)的关系进行了研究,并进行了能量滞后分析。结果表明,能量过闭合和负闭合现象分别主要发生在白天和夜间,大小遵从正态分布;较大异常闭合产生的原因主要是日出日落时净辐射与地表热通量接近以及降水影响造成湍流通量出现异常大值。一般来说,垂直湍流运动越强,异常闭合越少,闭合度越向1收敛,反之亦然。强湍流或极弱湍流都不利于产生异常闭合,过闭合、负闭合的最适相对垂直湍强RIw约为0.11、0.14。另外,能量支出项的相对滞后也是造成包括负闭合在内的异常闭合的原因之一。剔除湍强较弱的点或将地表热通量G0、感热H、潜热LE相位相对净辐射Rn提前30 min后,异常闭合所占比重减少;月平均EBR法过闭合度降低,OLS法闭合度提高。  相似文献   
全国分县土地经济系数计算方法及比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述土地经济系数的设置意义和目标,针对全国分县土地经济系数计算,提出并分析比较了统计指标法和分区样点法等思路及其数学处理方法。其中统计指标法中的农业产值消耗法基础数据来源可靠、便利,便于操作,计算结果较好,符合土地经济系数含义要求。  相似文献   
Pasargadae complex had been the main center of Persian history during the Achaemenian period (560–330 bc), registered as one of the world heritage sites by UNESCO in 2004. This research is an attempt to recognize the natural setting and landscape of Pasargadae during the Achaemenian period, in Iran. The method is based on the application of a multi-layer technique. Collected data by fieldwork, especially in geology, hydrology, and hydrogeology, along with the analysis of aerial data and satellite information provided the baseline information for preparing historic and environmental layers and have made it possible to recognize a natural lakelet in the this area. The results show that the geometry of lakelet together with the ancient river of Pasargadae had been the main elements that formed the character of the site; they were also important in the locations of buildings in the Pasargadae complex.  相似文献   
In recent ten years, Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) has become a major technique of space-based geodesy together with GPS, VLBI and SLR. Interferometric Synthetic Aper-ture Radar (InSAR) has many advantages, such as all-weather, all-time, strong stability and dynamic survey property, and no requirements for ground sta-tions. In particular, the surveying results by InSAR can cover a large range of the ground deformation field in succession and has gr…  相似文献   
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