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“流空间”是人文-经济地理学关注的重要议题。基于城际客运交通流数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析、城市联系强度模型等方法对长江经济带长三角、长江中游、成渝三大城市群城际客运联系网络结构特征进行刻画,结果表明:①长三角城市群城际客运联系网络以上海市为主核心,苏州、南京、杭州为次核心,通过核心城市向外延伸的交通轴线组成相互之间联系紧密的城市网络,西部与南部地区的联系相对较弱;长江中游城市群城际客运联系网络以武汉、长沙、南昌三个省会城市为核心节点,周边次中心城市与其省会交通联系紧密,但城市间跨省联系较弱,本省城市仅与另外两个省会城市存在突出的向心性联系;成渝城市群高等级联系网络大多指向成都、重庆主城区,次级区域中心城市发育不足,成渝城市主轴线在强交通联系推动下发育成型,但川渝接壤地区的城际客运联系存在“断层”。②长江经济带三大城市群在网络化演化进程中,具有城市群“等级-网络”的基本演化特征,其中成渝城市群、长江中游城市群仍处于“核心-边缘”的双核或三核结构,长三角城市群已出现多核网络化发展趋势。③高速铁路作为新兴要素流,对公路、普通铁路等传统要素流具有明显的替代效应,增强了三大城市群核心城市向外延伸的轴线联系,是驱动城市群城际客运联系网络结构演变的新动力。  相似文献   
高速公路建设有利于缩短地区间的交通里程并节约旅行时间,改善区域间的可达性并有利于地区间的经济联系的增强。以长江三角洲地区为研究区域,基于1992、1998、2004和2010年的公路交通网络数据,采用节点平均交通里程、节点平均迂回系数、节点平均旅行时间和区域平均旅行时间等空间和时间距离指标对长三角地区选定年份的交通可达性及其变化进行测算与比较。研究表明:1)各县市平均交通里程均获得了不同程度的缩短,节点平均迂回系数均获得了不同程度的降低,但不同县市在不同时期的改善幅度存在较大差距,2004―2010年各县市平均交通里程改善幅度最大,尤其是跨江和越海通道建设使长江和杭州湾沿岸县市的迂回度获得了较大幅度的降低;2)随着高速公路的建设,各节点平均旅行时间和区域平均旅行时间均获得了大幅度的改善,尤其是边远地区改善幅度更大,但受交通建设边际效应递减规律的限制,可达性的改善幅度不断减弱。  相似文献   
Based on observations from a dense broadband seismic array located along the northeastern (NE) margin of the Tibetan Plateau in southeastern Gansu Province,we use receiver functions (RFs) to pick the arrival times of P-to-S converted waves and bin the traces in different grids according to the piercing points of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities in the upper mantle.The depths of the two discontinuities are estimated by the ray tracing method with the IASP91 velocity model and a 3-D tomography model.The results indicate the following:(1) The arrival times of the P410s and P660s converted phases are delayed by approximately 1 s than those predicted by the IASP91 model.The mantle transition zone (MTZ) is thicker than that in the global model.(2) The synchronous lags in the P410s and P660s arrival times are consistent with low-velocity anomalies in the upper mantle,which are believed to result mainly from the eastward migration of materials beneath the NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau.(3) Combined with previous tomography results,the depression of the'660'discontinuity and the thickened MTZ are somewhat consistent with the big mantle wedge (BMW) model.However,due to data limitations,more studies are required to explore the BMW in the future.  相似文献   
The transformation of a weakly nonlinear interfacial solitary wave in an ideal two-layer flow over a step is studied. In the vicinity of the step the wave transformation is described in the framework of the linear theory of long interfacial waves, and the coefficients of wave reflection and transmission are calculated. A strong transformation arises for propagation into shallower water, but a weak transformation for propagation into deeper water. Far from the step, the wave dynamics is described by the Korteweg-de Vries equation which is fully integrable. In the vicinity of the step, the reflected and transmitted waves have soliton-like shapes, but their parameters do not satisfy the steady-state soliton solutions. Using the inverse scattering technique it is shown that the reflected wave evolves into a single soliton and dispersing radiation if the wave propagates from deep to shallow water, and only dispersing radiation if the wave propagates from shallow to deep water. The dynamics of the transmitted wave is more complicated. In particular, if the coefficient of the nonlinear quadratic term in the Korteweg-de Vries equation is not changed in sign in the region after the step, the transmitted wave evolves into a group of solitons and radiation, a process similar to soliton fission for surface gravity waves at a step. But if the coefficient of the nonlinear term changes sign, the soliton is destroyed completely and transforms into radiation. The effects of cubic nonlinearity are studied in the framework of the extended Korteweg-de Vries (Gardner) equation which is also integrable. The higher-order nonlinear effects influence the amplitudes of the generated solitons if the amplitude of the transformed wave is comparable with the thickness of lower layer, but otherwise the process of soliton fission is qualitatively the same as in the framework of the Korteweg-de Vries equation.  相似文献   
中国的快速工业化发展和经济腾飞必须有大量金属矿产资源的支撑,在共享世界资源的同时,其根本出路在于立足本土.因此提出第二深度空间(500~2000 m)金属矿产资源的找矿勘探新理念.通过对国内外金属矿产资源地球物理勘探发展的概况分析和研究提出:①金属矿产资源的集聚和分布受控于地壳内部物质与能量的交换和其深层动力过程;②在地壳内部第二深度空间存在着丰富的矿产资源,包括大型和超大型矿床;③必须充分发挥高精度地球物理探测方法的效能,并进行综合技术集成.  相似文献   
我国南方夏季低频雨型的季节内水汽输送特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1962~2006年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用对历史个例进行合成分析的方法,研究了异常降水中心分别位于长江以南区域的江南型和长江-淮河流域的江淮型低频雨型的季节内水汽输送特征.研究表明,江南型的总水汽输送主要来源于孟加拉湾,并经中南半岛和南海输入江南区域;江淮型的总水汽输送主要直接来源于南海,但水汽源地主要为印度季风区.对于水汽输送异常,江南型和江淮型具有明显不同的特征.江南型的水汽输送异常主要来源于热带西太平洋-南海,中纬度西风带和中高纬度南下的水汽输送异常的贡献次之;而江淮型的水汽输送异常主要来源于热带和副热带西太平洋,中纬度西风带水汽输送异常的贡献次之.另外,水汽输送异常对江南型的区域总水汽收支的贡献约为50%,而对江淮型的区域总水汽收支的贡献高达70%左右.因此,虽然总水汽输送主要取决于气候平均水汽输送,但是,水汽输送异常与气候平均水汽输送对江南型和江淮型的水汽供应具有相同甚至更为重要的贡献.特别是对于江淮型,区域总水汽收支主要取决于水汽输送异常的贡献,而水汽输送异常的变化较平均水汽输送更为复杂,这有可能是江淮流域汛期降水预报较为困难的原因之一.  相似文献   
汪德根  徐银凤  赵美风 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1997-2015
作为长江经济带综合立体交通走廊建设的关键环节,交通枢纽是推动长江经济带发展的基础保障。高铁枢纽承载着“时空压缩最后一公里”效应,是构筑高效便捷的现代化综合交通体系的关键。首先诠释了高铁枢纽“时空压缩最后一公里”效应原理,其次构建高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效指标体系,进而对长江经济带37个城市高铁枢纽的接驳—集疏运绩效进行测度,并分析绩效空间分异特征,最后揭示高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效的影响机理。结果显示:① 长江经济带高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效等级分异呈“橄榄型”结构,即优质绩效和一般绩效的高铁站数量较少,良好绩效和中等绩效的高铁站数量较多;② 地带分异呈“东高西低、北高南低”格局,而城市群分异则呈“核心高、边缘低”格局,且9个评价指标值空间差异明显;③ GDP、城镇化率、城市等级、车站客流量和发送班车次数是影响高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效的关键驱动因子;同时,优质、良好、中等和一般等不同等级绩效的关键驱动因子存在显著差异。  相似文献   
中国湖泊营养物水平和富营养化效应存在显著区域分异特征,开展湖泊营养物生态分区研究,是实现湖泊分区控制的前提和基础。本文以云贵高原亚热带湿润区为案例区,通过遥感反演得到研究区域湖泊水体的叶绿素a(Chl-a)、总氮(TP)和总磷(TN)含量,从自然地理要素、生态系统和人类活动3 方面建立指标体系;根据研究区域 DEM数据划分小流域,将各指标因子投影到小流域;在小流域尺度上,采用数理统计方法定量分析各指标分别对 Chl-a/P 与Chl-a/N 的作用,计算两种湖泊营养物生态分区评价分值;采用双约束空间聚类算法对小流域尺度上两种湖泊营养物生态分区评价分值共同进行聚类,形成湖泊营养物生态分区结果。研究发现:①通过遥感反演模型可以将少数呈点状分布的监测数据推演到面上,这在一定程度上弥补了有限的野外监测数据量难以支撑湖泊营养物生态分区的不足;②通过构建各指标因子分别与湖泊水体中Chl-a/P、Chl-a/N 的定量关系,实现了湖泊营养物生态分区中湖泊水体微观指标与湖泊流域宏观指标的有机结合;③采用双约束空间聚类进行湖泊营养物生态分区,保证了分区结果在空间上的连续性和评价分值上的接近性;④根据自然地理条件、土地利用和人类活动强度的不同,将云贵高原亚热带湿润区分为4 个区:北云南高原湖区、滇南河谷山原湖区、桂西-滇东-黔南岩溶湖区、贵州高原东北部湖区。本文提出的基于双约束空间聚类的湖泊营养物生态分区方法也可以作为其它地区乃至国家尺度湖泊营养物生态分区的借鉴。  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产产业化的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融危机后,转变经济发展方式成为中国经济发展的新主题,因而文化产业化也开始备受关注。非物质文化遗产作为文化遗产的一部分,在一定的理论指导下,通过合理的路径选择和结合相应的分类开发、产业链扩展开发、区域开发等模式可以促进中国文化产业化发展进程。  相似文献   
According to climate features and river runoff conditions, Xinjiang could be divided into three research areas: The Altay-Tacheng region, the Tianshan Mountain region and the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. Utilizing daily observations from 12 sounding stations and the annual runoff dataset from 34 hydrographical stations in Xinjiang for the period 1960-2002, the variance of the summertime 0℃ level height and the changing trends of river runoff are analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively, through trend contrast of curves processed by a 5-point smoothing procedure and linear correlation. The variance of the summertime 0℃ level height in Xinjiang correlates well with that of the annual river runoff,especially since the early 1990s, but it differs from region to region, with both the average height of the 0℃ level and runoff quantity significantly increasing over time in the Altay-Tacheng and Tianshan Mountain regions but decreasing on the northern slope of the Kunlun Mountains. The correlation holds for the whole of Xinjiang as well as the three individual regions, with a 0.01 significance level. This indicates that in recent years, climate change in Xinjiang has affected not only the surface layer but also the upper levels of the atmosphere, and this raising and lowering of the summertime 0℃ level has a direct impact on the warming and wetting process in Xinjiang and the amount of river runoff. Warming due to climate change increases the height of the 0℃ level, but also speeds up, ice-snow melting in mountain regions, which in turn increases river runoff, leading to a season of plentiful water instead of the more normal low flow period.  相似文献   
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