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中国大陆及邻区、川滇成组强震活动特征初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将中国大陆及其邻区1902年以来MS≥7地震的成组活动划分出7组,其首发大震分别为1902年阿图什8.2级,1911年阿拉木图8.2级,1920年海原8.5级,1931年富蕴8.0级,1946年缅甸7.8级,1966年邢台7.2级,1988年缅甸7.2级。川滇MS≥6.7地震成组活动划分出5组,其首发强震为1913年峨山7.0级,1933年茂县7.5级,1948年理塘7.3级,1966年东川6.5级、6.2级,1988年澜沧7.4级。其中,川滇MS≥7的首发大震滞后中国大陆首发大震几个月至4年不等。按成组大震的界定,目前中国大陆处于1998~2007年(估计)的大震少发时段。川滇未来1~2年的大震形势为川滇西部存在发生大震的可能性。中国大陆新一轮强震成组活动中的大地震将可能在2007~2009年前后发生,主体危险区可能为天山地震带中段及川滇东部。2007~2008年可能出现5~6级地震的增强过程。巧家—东川一带可能最先发生6级地震。  相似文献   
为精细解剖西非油气富集的 Rio Muni 盆地复杂盐拱构造带上的油藏特征,为其他相似地区油藏评价提供一定参考,以位于复杂盐拱构造带上的 H 油藏为例,利用地震、测井、录井、钻井和 MDT 测试等资料分析 H 油藏的构造、沉积、储层和油层分布特征及成藏主控因素等。研究得出,H 油藏属于典型的构造岩性复合油藏,为构造背景下的岩性边水油藏,具有多套油水系统,构造高部位发育盐刺穿,储层既有浊积砂岩储层又有滑脱灰岩储层,主要分布于构造的翼部低部位,滑脱断层和盐拱是油气成藏的主控因素。  相似文献   
地台活化与层控铅锌矿床   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍大多数层控铅锌矿床是产在半封闭沉积盆地碳酸盐岩中,属同生沉积成因。在地台活化时期,由于扬子地台西南缘从稳定地块转向活化。在构造-岩浆作用时期,火山喷气导致了金属聚积。因此,所有的矿床均表现出受超壳大断裂控制,这些矿床可认为是同生沉积-火山喷气成因。  相似文献   
The pharyngeal dental formula of Mylopharyngodon piceus is 4-5 as a rule, and the dentition isasymmetrical. It is difficult to identify each tooth in the larval dentition. In this paper the appearancepattem of tooth germ with developmental process in this fish is described in detail. The formationpattern of the left dentition is contrasted with that of the right one. In the developmental process,the left pharyngeal dentition lacks teeth at position An3. Thus the left dentition is D-type as designatedby Nakajima(1984), while the right one is A-type.  相似文献   
Distance is a key variable in explicating environmental, social, and economic conditions and in defining spatial and temporal patterns. Prior research has primarily focused on using simple to complex algorithms for calculating distances along road networks. In contrast, few algorithms are available for distance calculations along fluvial networks which are often more erratic, divergent and transient than road networks. Fluvial transportation is relied upon worldwide, particularly in developing regions, where communities use river networks for transportation, access to natural resources and for trade and commerce. This paper presents a methodology developed for mapping complex fluvial networks for travel distance analysis. The methodology was applied in four major river basins in western Amazonia over some 35,000 km of river length and incorporating 919 communities as origins/destinations. A cost path and network analysis methodology was created using vector and raster datasets in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to assess interactions among communities and the distances traveled by river to reach district capitals, major urban centres and marketplaces. An accuracy assessment using distance values calculated from a previous study using a different methodological approach in the region as well as Google Earth Pro, found a high degree of concordance for distance calculations. Our methodology creates a very flexible approach for complex river systems that can be use to calculate river distances in an adaptive and efficient manner and that can be use in other regions of the world where rural communities must rely on rivers for transportation.  相似文献   
将DBM(Data Based Mechanistic)模型应用到辽东森林小流域——大湖沟,分别以其2006年6月和2007年7月数据构建研究区丰水期和枯水期的DBM模型,拟合效率系数分别为0.952 8和0.837 8,模型拟合效果在验证期的不同时段表现出明显的差异性。对丰水期模型参数用固定时间间隔法(FIS)进行时变性分析,发现参数b的取值随时间产生变化。对枯水期的二阶DBM模型进行快、慢流分解,得出了连续时间当量的快、慢流的平均滞后时间分别为5.3h和243.3h。  相似文献   
This study applies a TuPu analysis to investigate ecological and environmental aspects of an Antarctic ice-free area, using Fildes Peninsula as an example. The TuPu unit was determined using a vector-grid mixed data model. Information from the eco-environment elements was effectively extracted, and was generalized into different classes by means of data mining technol- ogy. A series of single-factor thematic information TuPu models, such as topography, soil, animal and vegetation, and human activities for Fildes Peninsula were built in this study. The topography TuPu model contained information on elevation and slope. The soil TuPu model involved soil development stages and soil thickness information. The animal and vegetation TuPu model contained the distribution of animals, plant types, lichen cover and lichen height. The human activities TuPu model included popu- lation density and human disturbance index information. The landscape comprehensive information TuPu model of Fildes Penin- sula also was established, and contains twenty-nine landscape units and twelve types of combined environments. The study quan- titatively revealed the spatial morphology and correlation of the regional eco-environment based on the analysis of these TuPu models. From these models, we can draw the conclusion that there is a regular differentiation of eco-environment from the coastal bands to the central hills in Fildes Peninsula, and that the eco-environment condition of the eastern coasts is different from that of the western coasts. The eco-environmental spatial variation also differs greatly from north to south. Based on analysis of spatial correlation, the vegetation in Fildes Peninsula has the greatest correlation with human activity, and has a certain correlation with topography and soil. This research may provide a new technical approach and scientific basis for the in-depth study of Antarctic eco-environments.  相似文献   
Although fossils of Orsten-type preservation represented by Skaracarida and Phosphatocopina were first reported from the Middle and Upper Cambrian in western Hunan, South China in 2005, diversified phosphatocopine species have never been appropriately described and elucidated in terms of their evolutionary relationships. Here, we described two new species of Phosphatocopina, Vestrogothia anterispinata sp. nov. and V. bispinata sp. nov. The evolutionary relationship among all the valid species of Phosphatoco...  相似文献   
The authors processed the seismic refraction Pg-wave travel time data with finite difference tomography method and revealed velocity structure of the upper crust on active block boundaries and deep features of the active faults in western Sichuan Province. The following are the results of our investigation. The upper crust of Yanyuan basin and the Houlong Mountains consists of the superficial low-velocity layer and the deep uniform high-velocity layer, and between the two layers, there is a distinct, and gently west-dipping structural plane. Between model coordinates 180-240 km, P-wave velocity distribution features steeply inclined strip-like structure with strongly non-uniform high and low velocities alternately. Xichang Mesozoic basin between 240 and 300 km consists of a thick low-velocity upper layer and a high-velocity lower layer, where lateral and vertical velocity variations are very strong and the interface between the two layers fluctuates a lot. The Daliang Mountains to the east of the 300 km coordinate is a non-uniform high-velocity zone, with a superficial velocity of approximately 5 km/s. From 130 to 150 km and from 280 to 310 km, there are extremely distinct deep anomalous high-velocity bodies, which are supposed to be related with Permian magmatic activity. The Yanyuan nappe structure is composed of the superficial low-velocity nappe, the gently west-dipping detachment surface and the deep high-velocity basement, with Jinhe-Qinghe fault zone as the nappe front. Mopanshan fault is a west-dipping low-velocity zone, which extends to the top surface of the basement. Anninghe fault and Zemuhe fault are east-dipping, tabular-like, and low-velocity zones, which extend deep into the base-ment. At a great depth, Daliangshan fault separates into two segments, which are represented by drastic variation of velocity structures in a narrow strip: the west segment dips westward and the east segment dips eastward, both stretching into the basement. The east margin fault of Xichang Mesozoic basin features a strong velocity gradient zone, dipping southwestward and stretching to the top surface of the basement. The west-dipping, tabular-like, and low-velocity zone at the easternmost segment of the profile is a branch of Mabian fault, but the reliability of the supposition still needs to be confirmed by further study. Anninghe, Zemuhe and Daliangshan faults are large active faults stretching deep into the basement, which dominate strong seismic activities of the area.  相似文献   
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