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陕西商县蔷薇辉石玉石矿床地质、工艺性质及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕西商县蔷薇辉石(粉翠)矿床是陕西省首次发现并评价的玉石矿床。蔷薇辉石产于宽坪群四岔口组中段下部二云石英片岩所夹的含锰石英白云石大理岩、含锰石英岩等含锰岩中。矿体既成层分布又相对集中。粉翠玉料质优且加工工艺性能良好。蔷薇辉石矿床的形成主要经历了沉积期和区域变质期两大阶段。成因类型属变质岩型低温变质相蔷薇辉石矿床。  相似文献   
Because of differential isostatic rebound, many lakes in Canada have continued to change their extent and depth since retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Using GIS techniques, the changing configuration and bathymetry of Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Manitoba, and Minnesota were reconstructed for 12 points in time, beginning at 11,000 cal yr B.P. (9.6 14C ka B.P.), and were also projected 500 years into the future, based on the assumption that Lake of the Woods continued to have a positive hydrological budget throughout the Holocene. This modeling was done by first compiling a bathymetric database and merging that with subaerial data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). This DEM file was then adjusted by: (1) isobase data derived from Lake Agassiz beaches prior to 9000 cal yr B.P. (8.1 14C ka B.P.) and (2) modeled isostatic rebound trend analysis after 9000 cal yr B.P. Just after the end of the Lake Agassiz phase of Lake of the Woods, only the northernmost part of the basin contained water. Differential rebound has resulted in increasing water depth. In the first 3000 years of independence from Lake Agassiz, the lake transgressed >50 km to the south, expanding its area from 858 to 2857 km2, and more than doubling in volume. Continued differential rebound after 6000 cal yr B.P. (5.2 14C ka B.P.) has further expanded the lake, although today it is deepening by only a few cm per century at the southern end. In addition, climate change in the Holocene probably played a role in lake level fluctuations. Based on our calculation of a modern hydrological budget for Lake of the Woods, reducing runoff and precipitation by 65% and increasing evaporation from the lake by 40% would end overflow and cause the level of the lake to fall below the outlets at Kenora. Because this climate change is comparable to that recorded during the mid-Holocene warming across the region, it is likely that the area covered by the lake at this time would have been less than that determined from differential isostatic rebound alone.  相似文献   
Based on the estimation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and carbon sequestration of the total conversion of marshlands (TMC), marshlands conversion to paddy fields (MCPFs) and marshlands conversion to uplands (MCULs), this study revealed the contribution to the global warming mitigation (CGWM) of paddy fields versus uplands converted from marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain (excluding the Muling‐Xingkai Plain on south of Wanda Mountain), Heilongjiang Province, northeast China. The results showed that the total area of MCPFs and MCULs was 504.23 × 103 ha between 1982 and 2005. The CGWM per unit area was 45.53 t CO2eq/ha for MCPFs and that was 23.95 t CO2eq/ha for MCULs, with an obvious 47.40% reduction. The MCPFs and MCULs ecosystems acted as the carbon sink all of the year. As far as CGWM per unit area is concerned, MCPFs mitigated the greenhouse effect which was greater than MCULs. And it was effective that the implementation of the uplands transformed into paddy fields in Northeast China with regard to marshlands protection and croplands (including paddy fields and uplands) reclamation.  相似文献   
澳门海洋空间资源利用研究——澳门的填海造地工程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
澳门原系海中孤岛,由于利用了自然条件,进行填海造地工程,使孤岛相连,土地面积扩大,城市发展,交通改善,经济增长,成为利用海洋空间资源的典型地区。文章论述了澳门有利于填海工程实施的自然条件,海洋空间利用的发展过程,及填海造地工程的巨大作用和深远意义。  相似文献   
Over a large area of the Bengal delta in West Bengal, India, arsenic distribution patterns in groundwater were studied. One hundred and ten boreholes at different target locations were made, subsurface sediments were logged and analysed, and arsenic values in sediments vis-à-vis groundwater were compared. The study elucidates the subsurface geology of the western part of Bengal delta and characterises the sediments that were intersected in different boreholes with contrasting values of arsenic in groundwater. It reveals an existence of multiple aquifers stacked over each other. Depending on the color and nature of aquifer-sands and their overlying clay beds six aquifer types (Type-1 to Type-6) are classified and described. Sediment-arsenic for all the varieties of aquifer sands are near similar but the groundwater-arsenic of these six aquifers varies widely. Type-2 and Type-5 aquifers host arsenic-contaminated groundwater whereas the other four aquifers are arsenic-free. Type-2 and Type-5 aquifers are capped by a grey to dark grey soft organic matter-rich clay unit which makes these aquifers semi-confined to leaky-confined. These contribute in releasing arsenic from the sediments. The results of this study are employed in a proposed georemedial measure against this hazardous toxic element.  相似文献   
Winkler地基梁在温度场中受简谐激励的主共振分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究W inkler地基梁在温度场中受简谐激励作用的主共振问题。应用弹性理论和Galerk in方法建立W inkler地基梁在温度场中受简谐激励作用的非线性动力方程。应用非线性振动的多尺度法,求得系统主共振的近似解。分析不同参数对主共振响应曲线的影响。  相似文献   
A closed-cell marine stratocumulus case during the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) aircraft field campaign is selected to examine the heterogeneities of cloud and drizzle microphysical properties and the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. The spatial and vertical variabilities of cloud and drizzle microphysics are found in two different sets of flight legs: Leg-1 and Leg-2, which are parallel and perpendicular to the cloud propagation, respectively. The cloud along Leg-2 was close to adiabatic, where cloud-droplet effective radius and liquid water content linearly increase from cloud base to cloud top with less drizzle. The cloud along Leg-1 was sub-adiabatic with lower cloud-droplet number concentration and larger cloud-droplet effective, but higher drizzle droplet number concentration, larger drizzle droplet median diameter and drizzle liquid water content. The heavier drizzle frequency and intensity on Leg-1 were enhanced by the collision-coalescence processes within cloud due to strong turbulence. The sub-cloud precipitation rate on Leg-1 was significantly higher than that along Leg-2. As a result, the sub-cloud accumulation mode aerosols and CCN on Leg-1 were depleted, but the coarse model aerosols increased. This further leads to a counter-intuitive phenomenon that the CCN is less than cloud-droplet number concentration for Leg-1. The average CCN loss rates are ?3.89 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} and ?0.77 \begin{document}$\mathrm{c}{\mathrm{m}}^{-3}\;{\mathrm{h}}^{-1}$\end{document} on Leg-1 and Leg-2, respectively. The cloud and drizzle heterogeneities inside the same stratocumulus can significantly alter the sub-cloud aerosols and CCN budget. Hence it should be treated with caution in the aircraft assessment of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions.  相似文献   
R&D投入的区位模式与区域经济发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对中国R&D投入的区位模式的实证检验,从投入一产出绩效的角度认为集中投入的区位模式具有较强的适宜性。利用聚类分析技术,按照R&D的投入强度和及其对经济的带动效应、科技化效应、产业化效应将中国各省区划分为6类地区,具有代表性的是科技化模式和产业化模式。其中前者适合于技术存置较高的少数地区,而后者具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
本文论述近几年国际国内工程地质大会研究的重点主题及其变化以及最近(今年8月在日本东京)召开的29届国际地质大会讨论的环境问题,从而反映了世界工程地质学研究的趋势。  相似文献   
近40年云南省平均总微雨量占年总雨量比例﹑年平均总微雨日占年总雨日比例均呈下降趋势,并有从北向南逐渐减少的分布规律;近40年云南省年平均能见度也呈下降趋势,其趋势分布同微雨降水趋势分布比较一致;微雨降水的变化同干燥晴天能见度存在正的相关关系,其中云南省东部地区相关显著;而温度与微雨降水存在负相关;云南省气溶胶在一定程度上抑制微雨降水,云南东部气溶胶对微雨的影响比较显著。  相似文献   
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