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梁锦涛;陈超;孙伟伟;杨刚;刘志松;张自力 《遥感学报》2023,27(6):1480-1495
海湾处于水陆交互的区域,生态系统较为脆弱,资源环境极易受损。大尺度、长时序和高精度的土地利用/覆被变化LUCC(LandUse/CoverChange)制图是海湾区域国土空间规划和环境保护的基础。现有的制图方法多是针对原始遥感影像,难以充分挖掘和联合利用特征空间和变换空间蕴含的信息潜力,导致传统方法在地表异质性较高的海湾区域应用效果较差。本文面向杭州湾区域,基于Landsat长时间序列卫星影像和谷歌地球引擎GEE(GoogleEarthEngine),提出了融合遥感指数和主成分分量的随机森林遥感影像分类方法,实现了1985年—2020年(5年时间间隔)的LUCC制图及时空格局分析。结果表明:(1)融合遥感指数和主成分分量的随机森林算法能够准确提取杭州湾LUCC信息,8个时相的平均总体精度OA(OverallAccuracy)和Kappa系数分别为92.83%和0.9108。(2)研究期间内,建设用地(278.26km2至2984.76km2,年均增加77.33km2)、水体(509.32km2至680.21km2,年均增加4.88km2)、裸地(768.99km2增长至1078.13km2,年均增加8.83km2)的面积呈现增加趋势,而林地(2159.49km2至1881.52km2,年均减少7.94km2)、耕地(6998.45km2至4800.59km2,年均减少62.80km2)、滩涂(181.65km2至161.50km2,年均减少0.58km2)的面积呈现减少趋势。(3)研究期间内,耕地是最主要的转出源,总面积占比由64.23%减少至41.43%,耕地面积转出以建设用地(2268.05km2)与裸地(630.20km2)为主;耕地面积转入以水体(376.22km2)与林地(352.22km2)为主。本研究能够为杭州湾区域土地资源的科学管理提供数据支持,所得LUCC数据集对区域可持续发展具有重要意义。 相似文献
姚依欣;李贵才;唐世浩;江飞 《遥感学报》2023,27(8):1782-1791
本文基于2010年—2020年GOSAT卫星二氧化碳柱总量产品,从全球空间分布、纬向分布、区域分布、年际与季相变化特征等方面,分析了大气CO2的时空变化特征。结果表明,2010年—2020年全球陆地区域大气CO2浓度持续上升,年均值从387.42ppm上升至410.32ppm,年均增长率约为2.33ppm/a,其中2016年全球陆地区域平均大气CO2浓度首次超过400ppm,年增长量超过3ppm,为近10年最高。季相变化方面,北半球春季最高、夏末秋初最低,南半球波动相位相反,波动幅度北半球远高于南半球,且纬度越高波动越大。纬向分布特征明显,从南向北总体呈现先升高后降低,受到云及数据质量控制等因素影响,在赤道附近,存在较为明显的下降,峰值出现在0°—10°N和30°N—40°N。区域分布差异较大,多年均值的最大值出现在南美热带,最小值出现在北美北部,差异将近30ppm;年均增长率方面亚洲温带最高,亚洲北部最低,分别为2.36ppm/a和2.27ppm/a。 相似文献
Predicting the failure time of a landslide is considered as challenging work in the field of landslide research, and inverse velocity is proved to be an effective and convenient method. The onset of acceleration (OOA) has a crucial effect on the prediction failure time from the inverse velocity method. However, a simple method to identify OOA points is lacked, and most of the identifications rely on expert experience. Therefore, this study presents an application of a simple framework developed to identify the OOA by analyzing monitoring velocity data in three steps, including selection of the absolute value of velocity, reliable area identification and OOA identification. A new parameter based on exponential moving average (EMA) is developed to identify the landslide OOA. The framework is applied to three historical case studies to test its practicability and effectiveness. The forecasting results show a good correspondence between the accuracy rate and the coefficient of determination (R2). The predicted failure time according to the linear extrapolation starting from the identified OOA points is acceptable with a high R2 and high accuracy. 相似文献
Gentle slopes with large amounts of granite blocks are widespread in granitic areas with warm and humid climate. These blocks pose a potential risk to the existing and planned infrastructure. The instability type and geometry of these blocks will influence their motility and destructive power to some extent. This study aims at creating a classification system that can indicate both the shape and the instability type of these blocks and then developing a block removal scheme. The classification system was constructed based on the mechanical stability analysis of blocks on an inclined surface. This analysis identified key factors affecting stability, including block shape, block weathering roundness, the existing state of a block on a slope, and the friction between the block and the slope. The achieved work allowed the establishment of a direct correlation between block geometry and their instability types. The availability of this classification system was validated by field data and experimental data in the literature. The proposal to remove blocks identified as the toppling types, such as cylindrical-toppling types, cuboid-toppling types, cube-toppling types, was put forward to avoid the uneconomical problem of a complete clearance. Meanwhile, this classification provides a foundation for further research on the instability probability of each type of block and the development of a more refined blocks' removal scheme. The classification approach adopted in this paper can provide a reference for the classification of other lithological blocks under similar engineering geological conditions. 相似文献
Ke Wang;Shikui Zhai;Zenghui Yu;Huaijing Zhang 《海洋学报(英文版)》2023,42(5):117-129
Making full use of modern analytical and testing techniques to explore and establish new indexes or methods for extracting paleoseawater geochemical information from sediments will help to reconstruct the sedimentary paleoenvironment in different research areas. The connection between the subsidence of the South China Sea basin and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau has been a scientific concern in recent decades. To explore the information on the sedimentary paleoenvironment, provenance changes and uplift of Tibetan Plateau contained in core sediments (debris), we selected core samples from Well LS33 in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea, and analyzed the contents of typical elements (Al, Th, and rare earth elements) that can indicate changes in provenance and the Sr isotopic compositions, which can reveal the geochemical characteristics of the paleoseawater depending on the type of material (authigenic carbonate and terrigenous detritus). The results show the following: (1) during the late Miocene, the Red River transported a large amount of detrital sediments from the ancient continental block (South China) to the Qiongdongnan Basin. (2) The authigenic carbonates accurately record changes in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the South China Sea since the Oligocene. These ratios reflect the semi-closed marginal sea environment of the South China Sea (relative to the ocean) and the sedimentary paleoenvironment evolution process of the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin from continental to transitional and then to bathyal. (3) Since the Neogene, the variations in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the authigenic carbonates have been consistent with the variations in the uplift rate of the Tibetan Plateau and the sediment accumulation rate in the Qiongdongnan Basin. These consistent changes indicate the complex geological process of the change in the rock weathering intensity and terrigenous Sr flux caused by changes in the uplift rate of the Tibetan Plateau, which influence the Sr isotope composition of seawater. 相似文献
本文报道了内蒙古狼山成矿带内两个最大的铅锌多金属硫化物矿床——东升庙矿床和炭窑口矿床中黄铁矿、黄铜矿单矿物的铁同位素研究结果。东升庙矿床绢云石墨片岩中不规则状黄铁矿的铁同位素组成δ56Fe-IRMM值在+0.04‰+1.11‰之间,呈现铁的重同位素富集,指示了海水中的铁以氧化态沉淀并在成岩期转化成黄铁矿的矿化过程。东升庙和炭窑口矿床富硫化物矿石中黄铁矿和黄铜矿的铁同位素组成δ56Fe-IRMM值的变化范围为-1.33‰+0.08‰,具有热液成矿特征,指示金属成矿物质来源于热液流体。另外,绢云石墨片岩中脉状黄铁矿的铁同位素组成δ56Fe-IRMM值的变化范围为-0.39‰-0.04‰,处于矿石黄铁矿和围岩不规则状黄铁矿之间,指示脉状黄铁矿是热液矿化的产物,并在成矿过程中混入了围岩中早先形成的富集铁的重同位素的黄铁矿。绢云石墨片岩中广泛发育的不规则状黄铁矿与赋存在绢云石墨片岩中的富硫化物矿体具有完全不同的铁同位素组成,指示热液活动对不规则状黄铁矿没有明显成矿物质贡献,因此同沉积热液活动成矿的可能性不大。结合赋存在白云石大理岩中硫化物矿体的顶、底部常见硅化的白云石大理岩角砾,本文提出后生矿化是东升庙多金属硫化物矿体的主要成矿方式。另外,东升庙矿床和炭窑口矿床的矿石硫化物具有相似的铁同位素组成特征,指示两者的成矿物质来源具有相似性。 相似文献
阿尔泰-准噶尔北缘铬铁矿-Cu-Ni-Au-Pb-Zn-Ni成矿带是全国重点部署找矿勘查工作的16个重点成矿区带之一,是全球阿尔泰巨型成矿带位于中国境内的一部分。文章根据全国矿产资源潜力评价成果,结合新的成矿理论和找矿进展,对该成矿带的边界进行了新的修定;从大地构造演化历史出发,分析总结了该带区域成矿地质背景和有利成矿地质条件,进一步修订了成矿带的成矿谱系;总结了成矿带内次级成矿单元的成矿特征;对带内矿床的主要成因类型和相应的典型矿床的成矿特征进行了总结;分析了成矿带的资源潜力,并在此基础上,确定了Cr、Mo、Cu、Au、Ni、Pb、Zn、Ag为本带下一步勘查部署的主攻矿种,划分了9个远景区,其中3个为重点远景区,6个为一般远景区。此项工作对本成矿区带内下一步矿产勘查工作部署有着重要指导意义和参考价值。 相似文献
新祁连成矿带由原祁连成矿带及柴达木主要的钾盐产地合并而成,横跨甘肃、青海、内蒙三省区,面积达11.4×104km2。成矿带大地构造位置处于华北陆块南缘与特提斯构造带交界部位,地质演化历史复杂,岩浆活动强烈。因此,该成矿带的成矿地质条件优越,所涵盖矿种齐全,是我国重要的黑色金属、有色金属及钾盐产地。本文在前人工作的基础上,对祁连成矿带的区域地质背景、重要矿产、典型矿产成因进行了系统分析,对主攻矿种成矿特征进行了研究,划分了成矿系列,建立了成矿谱系,并对资源潜力进行了评价。设定主攻矿种为钾盐、镍、钨,划分出7个主要成矿系列。在此基础上,部署了2个重点远景区:柴达木盆地西部重点远景区;金昌一般远景区。3个一般调查区:大道尔吉一般远景区;锡铁山重点远景区;下柳沟一般远景区,为指导本区勘查工作提供了依据。 相似文献
钦杭成矿带(东段)是我国重要的成矿带之一。随着地质大调查的开展,新的找矿进展和预测成果不断涌现,需要对其开展系统的成矿区划和部署研究工作。本文以新的研究成果和找矿突破为基础,结合区域成矿地质背景的综合研究,在区内划分了3个Ⅲ级成矿带及8个Ⅳ级成矿带,并论述了8个Ⅳ级成矿单元的成矿地质特征。钦杭成矿带(东段)的成矿作用具有多期成矿的时间分布特征,主要有晋宁、加里东、海西、燕山等4个成矿期,其中燕山期最为重要。区内矿床类型以斑岩-矽卡岩型、海底火山-热水喷流沉积型铜金多金属矿、石英脉型钨锡多金属、火山热液型铅锌金银多金属矿最为重要,还产出有韧性剪切带型(金山金矿)、石英脉型、构造蚀变岩型金矿,海相沉积型铁锰矿等众多矿床类型。结合区域找矿进展和潜力评价最新成果,认为Cu、Au、Ag、W、Mo、Pb、Zn等矿种资源量潜力优势显著。为下一步勘查部署的主攻矿种,同时在本区划分了9个远景区,对研究区下一步矿产勘查部署工作有一定指导意义。 相似文献
大陆科学钻探是“入地”的重要手段,是“深入地球内部的望远镜”。中国大陆科学钻探事业开展15周年以来,取得重要进展,获得全球地学界的高度关注,特别是2001年实施的中国第一口大陆科学深钻(5158m),成果辉煌,影响巨大。继后,又开展了青海湖环境科学钻探、松辽盆地白垩纪科学钻探、柴达木盐湖环境资源科学钻探,汶川地震断裂带科学钻探以及中国大陆科钻资源集成计划,总共钻进约35km,显示了中国科学钻探方兴未艾的景象。为纪念国际大陆科学钻探20周年(1996~2016)和中国大陆科学钻探实施15周年(2001~2016),本文回顾中国大陆科学钻探实施15年来的艰辛和奋斗的历程,展望中国大陆科学钻探的未来。 相似文献