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动力作用下砂土的残余体变及其时域连续模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文化  门福录 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):947-951
通过对砂土动力剪切荷载作用过程中的土骨架的弹性和塑性分析,研究了土骨架接触面部分可能发生的弹性恢复和永久变形以及破碎引起的最剧烈的塑性变形;并且,提出了可以通过液化前后颗粒粒径的质量百分含量的对比试验,来验证破碎模型的合理性;为进行砂土动力非线性变形和液化的数值模拟,结合砂土的剪切非线性的本构,总结了更为简化的时域连续的函数经验公式,使得在时域内进行土壤动力特性和动力非线性反应分析,以及用剪胀性理论解释动力液化和变形问题易于进行。  相似文献   
SWDC数码航摄区域网控制点布设的精度试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了SWDC数码航摄影像的技术基础和其应用于航空摄影测量的优越性,鉴于SWDC像幅的特殊性,在保证量测精度的前提下,为减少外业作业的工作量,通过以不同基线的区域网像片控制点布设方案的精度试验,证明了控制点按照8条基线布设可满足内业生产及大比例尺地形图的需要。  相似文献   
本文利用模糊数学综合评价方法,对地下空间设施进行安全性和耐久性水平进行评价。建立反映地下设施安全性和耐久性水平的指标体系,并选定各基本评价因子,按照评价等级给各指标建立打分表,通过技术人员的打分建立评价矩阵以代替隶属函数,再用AHP法建立权重向量,用二级综合评价模型对目标系统进行评价,为地下设施的安全性和耐久性能提供有效的参考信息。  相似文献   
模糊综合评判方法在灌溉用水水质评价中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
马平  朱珊  郑毅 《世界地质》2002,21(4):353-357
松源市地处干旱半干旱地区,农业灌溉是粮食增产非常重要的措施。在灌溉中水质是保证粮食和土地质量的非常关键的问题。在分析灌溉用水水质评价方法的基础上,采用模糊综合评判的方法,选择酸度、碱度和矿化度为评价因子的计算方法,同时简述了模糊综合评价方法的原理及四种评价模型。用实例说明了评价步骤,最后对松源市地下水灌溉水质进行评价,其结果合理、可信。  相似文献   
深部资源开发中地下洞室围岩稳定控制必须面对峰后碎裂岩体的变形和破坏问题,目前深部多裂隙岩体开挖强卸荷引起的围岩变形破坏规律尚不清楚,常导致大体积塌方、大变形等重大工程事故。采用大尺度三维模型相似试验系统,分析具有不同倾角的多层节理的岩体在高地应力下开挖变形破坏规律。试验结果表明:裂隙倾角较小时,隧道上、下侧围岩主要发生大变形,左、右侧围岩呈现分层破裂现象,随着裂隙倾角增大,破裂区从洞室左、右两侧逐渐扩展到洞室全周,顶部岩体越容易发生大体积滑塌;隧道围岩由内向外应力和位移值呈波动状分布;洞周塑性区范围随裂隙倾角增大而增大,裂隙倾角越大,洞周塑性区越容易与洞室上、下侧裂隙面连通。该研究为保障深部工程的安全修建与运营提供了试验基础。  相似文献   
汪德根  徐银凤  赵美风 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1997-2015
作为长江经济带综合立体交通走廊建设的关键环节,交通枢纽是推动长江经济带发展的基础保障。高铁枢纽承载着“时空压缩最后一公里”效应,是构筑高效便捷的现代化综合交通体系的关键。首先诠释了高铁枢纽“时空压缩最后一公里”效应原理,其次构建高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效指标体系,进而对长江经济带37个城市高铁枢纽的接驳—集疏运绩效进行测度,并分析绩效空间分异特征,最后揭示高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效的影响机理。结果显示:① 长江经济带高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效等级分异呈“橄榄型”结构,即优质绩效和一般绩效的高铁站数量较少,良好绩效和中等绩效的高铁站数量较多;② 地带分异呈“东高西低、北高南低”格局,而城市群分异则呈“核心高、边缘低”格局,且9个评价指标值空间差异明显;③ GDP、城镇化率、城市等级、车站客流量和发送班车次数是影响高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效的关键驱动因子;同时,优质、良好、中等和一般等不同等级绩效的关键驱动因子存在显著差异。  相似文献   
中国草原牧区和半牧区草畜平衡状况监测与评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
草原超载过牧是造成我国草原大面积退化、沙化的主要原因之一,草畜平衡监测、评价和管理是实现我国草原植被恢复和重建的关键,也是研究的热点和难点。本文采用遥感和地面调查相结合的方法从宏观上监测和评价了农业部认定的264个牧区和半牧区县的草畜平衡状况,主要结论如下:(1)2008年监测区平均草畜平衡指数为33.58%,总体处于超载状态;(2)120个牧区县草畜平衡指数为27.37%,144个半牧业县为42.07%,半牧区县是我国实行草畜平衡管理的重点和难点;(3)六大牧区中牧区县2008年超载程度排序为:甘肃>四川>新疆>青海>西藏>内蒙古,半牧区县超载程度排序为青海>西藏>内蒙古>新疆>四川>甘肃。本文所得结论可为我国草原资源管理和保护提供参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Based on the daily precipitation data of 27 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2009 in the Huaihe River Basin, spatio-temporal trend and statistical distribution of extreme precipitation events in this area are analyzed. Annual maximum series (AM) and peak over threshold series (POT) are selected to simulate the probability distribution of extreme precipitation. The results show that positive trend of annual maximum precipitation is detected at most of used stations, only a small number of stations are found to depict a negative trend during the past five decades, and none of the positive or negative trend is significant. The maximum precipitation event almost occurred in the flooding period during the 1960s and 1970s. By the L-moments method, the parameters of three extreme distributions, i.e., Generalized extreme value distribution (GEV), Generalized Pareto distribution (GP) and Gamma distribution are estimated. From the results of goodness of fit test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test, AM series can be better fitted by GEV model and POT series can be better fitted by GP model. By the comparison of the precipitation amounts under different return levels, it can be found that the values obtained from POT series are a little larger than the values from AM series, and they can better simulate the observed values in the Huaihe River Basin.  相似文献   
近百年来长江口启东嘴潮滩沉积物质来源及定量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张云峰  张振克  任航  高磊  丁海燕 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2105-2116
河流入海输沙是海岸稳定的重要物质基础。启东嘴潮滩位于长江北支口门,与江苏海岸线交汇,陆海相互作用强烈。利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定了岩芯沉积物QDZ-1的地球化学元素。根据地球化学元素的分布特征和富集系数,分析了物源指示意义,表明启东嘴潮滩沉积物受到长江物质和南黄海物质的共同影响。基于地球化学元素的沉积物端元定量判识方法,对不同物质来源的贡献率进行了定量估算。在1930年前启东嘴潮滩沉积物主要来自长江的入海输沙,贡献率为68.1%,随着长江北支河槽的衰退,贡献率逐渐减少,在1930-1972年间为38.5%,到1972年后减少到17.5%。苏北沿岸流携带向南输运的南黄海物质,贡献率逐渐增加,在1930年前为27.1%,在1930-1972年间为55.6%,到1972年后增加到75.9%,成为启东嘴潮滩主要物质来源。沉积物来源的阶段性变化,在时间上与北支水动力的阶段性变化基本吻合。  相似文献   
A variant type of tuned mass damper (TMD) termed as ‘non‐traditional TMD (NTTMD)’ is recently proposed. Mainly focusing on the employment of TMD for seismic response control, especially for base‐isolated or high‐rise structures, this paper aims to derive design formulae of NTTMDs based on two methodologies with different targets. One is the fixed points theory with the performance index set as the maximum magnitude of the frequency response function of the relative displacement of the primary structure with respect to the ground acceleration, and the other is the stability maximization criterion (SMC) to make the free vibration of the primary structure decay in the minimum duration. Such optimally designed NTTMDs are compared with traditional TMDs by conducting both numerical simulations and experiments. The optimum‐designed NTTMDs are demonstrated to be more effective than the optimum‐designed traditional TMDs, with smaller stroke length required. In particular, the effectiveness of the TMDs combined with a base‐isolated structure is investigated by small‐scale model experimental tests subjected to a time scaled long period impulsive excitation, and it is demonstrated that the SMC‐based NTTMD can suppress structural free vibration responses in the minimum duration and requires much smaller accommodation space. Additionally, a small‐scale shaking table experiment on a high‐rise bending model attached with a SMC‐based NTTMD is conducted. This study indicates that NTTMD has a high potential to apply to seismic response control or retrofit of structures such as base‐isolated or central column‐integrated high‐rise structures even if only a limited space is available for accommodating TMDs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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