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王萍  卢演俦  陈杰 《地震地质》2004,26(4):716-726
对流经阿尔金断裂带东段的段家沙河、疏勒河和踏实河的阶地沉积物进行了细颗粒多测片红外释光(IRSL)测年,初步确定了晚第四纪各级阶地的形成年代和构造抬升速率。疏勒河在昌马盆地南缘发育7级阶地,光释光测年结果显示这些总高度超过100m的阶地可能主要形成于数万年以内,抬升速率约为2.5mm/a;照壁山峡谷疏勒河保留有5级阶地,大致形成于20万年前,阶地的抬升速率约为0.7mm/a;段家沙河在红柳峡上形成4级阶地,形成于距今7万年以来,其抬升速率约为06mm/a  相似文献   
A flight of Holocene marine terraces on the southwestern coast of Cape Omaezaki of central Japan provides evidence of recurrent millennium‐scale uplift events. We reconstructed the uplift history of these terraces by using facies analysis of drill core and geoslicer samples, environmental analysis of trace fossils, and 14C age determinations. Coastal uplift can be identified by the displacement of beach deposits such as foreshore deposits, which represent the intertidal swash zone of a wave‐dominated sandy coast. Three levels of former beach deposits facing the Nankai Trough were identified near the coast in the Omaezaki area. The highest of these, dated at about 3020–2880 BC, records a maximum of 2.2–2.7 m of emergence. The middle beach surface, of minimum age 370–190 BC, shows 1.6–2.8 m of emergence. The lowest beach surface, which is older than 1300–1370 AD, records 0.4–1.6 m of emergence. Our analysis of vertical crustal deformation data during the Holocene in this region suggests that rapid and strong uplift was restricted to the southwestern coast of the Omaezaki area and was probably caused by high‐angle thrusting on subsidiary faults branching from the underlying plate boundary megathrust.  相似文献   
Terraces and floodplains are important indicators of near‐channel sediment dynamics, serving as potential sediment sources and sinks. Increasing availability of high resolution topography data over large areas calls for development of semi‐automated techniques for identification and measurement of these features. In this study we introduce a novel tool that accommodates user‐defined parameters including, a local‐relief threshold selected by a variable‐size moving window, minimum area threshold, and maximum distance from the channel to identify and map discrete terrace and floodplain surfaces. Each of the parameters can easily be calibrated for a given watershed or reach. Subsequently, the tool automatically measures planform area, absolute elevation, and height relative to the local river channel for each terrace polygon. We validate the tool in two locations where terrace maps were previously developed via manual digitization from lidar and extensive field mapping campaigns. The tool is also tested on six different types of rivers to provide examples of starting selection parameters, and to test effectiveness of the tool across a wide range of landscapes. Generally, the tool provides a high quality draft map of terrace and floodplain surfaces across the wide range of environmental conditions for which it has been tested. We find that the tool functions best in catchments where the terraces are spatially extensive, with distinct differences between the terrace and floodplain. The most challenging environments for semi‐automated terrace and floodplain mapping include steep catchments with dense riparian vegetation, and very small terraces (~10 m2 in areal extent). We then apply the tool to map terraces and floodplains in the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota and generate exceedance plots for terrace heights. These plots provide a first pass analysis to indicate the tributaries and reaches of the river where terraces constitute a significant source of sediment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
传统研究方法以点、线代表区域地貌面,数据缺乏连续性和系统性,限制了对阶地演化的进一步研究。高分辨率DEM处理方法的发展使广泛精确获取地貌面的定量信息、重建阶地模型、进一步研究阶地演化成为可能。以岷江上游漳腊盆地为研究区域,采用SPOT5高分辨率数据影像构建DEM,将统一标度后的阶地横剖面作为基本研究单元。通过在不同维度使用模糊C均值聚类,得到研究区域内阶地总体形态特征。在提取各级阶地面的过程中,将阶地剖面间的空间相关性与阶地总体形态特征纳入分析,最终建立了一种基于区域总体特征和区域内部自相关的阶地提取方法。对不同级阶地面提取的精度评价表明,其结果与野外实测数据有较高的一致性。文中以实验结果为依据,进一步讨论了漳腊盆地内阶地的形态特征、河流下切速率和区域隆升之间的关系。因此,将模糊聚类分析和空间自相关性结合的区域地貌面提取方法是简捷易行的,适用于阶地等层状地貌面发育区域构造-地貌等相关问题的研究。  相似文献   
位于帕米尔前缘逆冲推覆体(Pamir Front Thrust,PFT)东端的木什滑脱背斜,是帕米尔弧形推覆构造带最前缘和最新的变形带。对地形横剖面、纵剖面和水系发育特征的分析表明,木什背斜总体上具有由西向东扩展生长的特征。在背斜核部及北翼发育数级开阔平坦的沿轴向展布的河流阶地,阶地可划分为4期。利用阶地堆积细颗粒石英光释光测年获得阶地面T2a、T3和T4的形成年龄分别为(15.8±2.40)ka、(55.1±10.3)ka、(131.4±23.9)ka。伴随背斜的生长扩展,河流阶地面发生了横向和纵向掀斜,并形成断层陡坎和褶皱陡坎。木什背斜晚第四纪的缩短和隆升主要是通过褶皱翼旋转机制进行的,估算其最小缩短速率为(1.6±0.3)mm/a,最小隆升速率为(1.9±0.3)mm/a。与此同时,沿轴向背斜发生了向东的侧向迁移和旋转。根据背斜垂直隆升与侧向扩展之间的关系,估算背斜在131~16ka期间向东的侧向迁移扩展速率较快,为 (14.6±3.6)mm/a; 自16ka至今,侧向迁移扩展速率迅速减小至(1.7±0.3)mm/a,背斜向东的迁移扩展可能已基本停止,而以侧向旋转为主。  相似文献   
The availability of high‐resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys has spurred the development of several methods to identify and map fluvial terraces. The post‐glacial landscape of the Sheepscot River watershed, Maine, where land‐use change has produced fill terraces upstream of historic dam sites, was selected to implement a comparison between terrace mapping methodologies. At four study sites within the watershed, terraces were manually mapped on LiDAR‐DEM‐derived hillshade images to facilitate the comparison among fully and semi‐automated DEM‐based procedures, including: (1) spatial relationships between interpreted terraces and surrounding natural topography, (2) feature classification algorithms, and (3) the TerEx terrace mapping toolbox. Each method was evaluated based on its accuracy and ease of implementation. The four study sites have varying longitudinal slope (0.0008–0.006 m/m), channel width (< 5–30 m), surrounding landscape relief (20–80 m), type and density of surrounding land use, and mapped surficial geologic units. All methods generally overestimate terrace areas (average predicted area 210% of manually defined area) with the most accurate results achieved within confined river valleys surrounded by the steep hillslopes. Accuracy generally decreases for study sites surrounded by low‐relief landscapes (predicted areas ranged 4–953% of manual delineations). We conclude with the advantages and drawbacks of each method tested and make recommendations for the scenarios where the use of each method is most appropriate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Field‐based palaeoflood event reconstruction has the potential to contribute to the development of our understanding of long‐term landscape evolution. However, the reconstruction of past flow event histories (magnitude and frequency) over long‐term (Quaternary) timescales is fraught with difficulties. Here we make a preliminary exploration of some of the practicalities of flood reconstruction from fluvial terrace archives using commonly available sedimentological and geomorphological observations from a field perspective. We utilize Manning and palaeostage indicators to reconstruct historic events that can be used as benchmarks for a lesser used competence based approach, which is applied to coarse‐grained strath terrace deposits. We evaluate the results against gauged records for extreme and catastrophic events that affected the same region in 1973 and 2012. The findings suggest that the competence approach is most effectively applied to terrace deposits if the channel geometry is taken into account when sampling both in cross‐section and in longitudinal section and calibrated against the sedimentology for palaeo‐flow depth. Problems can arise where constrictive channel geometries allow boulder jams to develop, acting as sediment traps for the coarsest material and leading to downstream ‘boulder starvation’. Useful sites to target for palaeoflood reconstruction, therefore, would be upstream of such constrictive reaches where the coarsest transportable bedload has been effectively trapped. Sites to avoid would be downflow, where the deposited material would poorly represent palaeoflood competence. Underestimation from maximum boulder preservation and limited section exposure issues would appear to outweigh possible overestimation concerns related to fluid density and unsteady flow characteristics such as instantaneous acceleration forces. Flood data derived from river terrace deposits suggests that basal terrace geometries and coarse boulder lags common to many terrace sequences are likely the result of extreme flow events which are subsequently filled by lesser magnitude flood events, in this environmental setting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
雅砻江锦屏一级水电站普斯罗沟坝址左岸山体内存在大量深部裂缝,它们不仅发育于坡向与岩层倾向相反的左岸,而且发育在卸荷带以内数十米至上百米处,远远超出常规意义的边坡岩体卸荷带分布范围。通过深入分析发育在深部裂缝内部纤维状方解石脉所反映的动力学、运动学意义,断层充填物的年代学特征,并结合区内河谷阶地演化,首次提出并论证了深部裂缝不是地震的产物,也不是边坡卸荷的结果,而是构造运动长时间脉动拉张作用下形成的。  相似文献   
川西高原岷江上游河流阶地初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于岷江上游干流阶地地貌的野外观察和阶地沉积物的ESR年代测定,结合前人阶地测年数据,阐述了岷江上游干流晚第四纪阶地的形成过程和河谷下切历史,探讨了阶地演化对岷山和龙门山构造带隆升的响应过程。   相似文献   
The Somme Valley, Northern France, is famous for its archaeological sequence, where numerous rich Palaeolithic sites, such as Saint-Acheul, the type site of the Acheulian, have been discovered. The archaeological levels are often directly associated with fossil alluvial sediments of the River Somme or with slope deposits, including loess and palaeosols. In the middle reaches of the valley, near Amiens, the system of fossil-stepped fluvial terraces is particularly well developed and preserved, and occurs on 10 alluvial formations. These terraces, from +5 to +55 m above the present-day valley bedrock, allow the study of the environmental changes and the human settlement of this area through the Pleistocene.

Since 1988, ESR dating was systematically applied on bleached quartz extracted from the fossil fluvial deposits, in order to better describe the geological evolution of the stepped system. More recently, U-series/ESR dating has also been performed on teeth collected from the different terrace deposits. Here we present a synthetic review of the main ESR results, and propose an ESR chronology for the geological evolution of the Somme fluvial system and for the Middle Pleistocene human settlement of northern France.  相似文献   

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