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Based on the Stokes wave theory, the capillary-gravity wave and the interfacial internal wave in two-layer constant depth''s fluid system are investigated. The fluids are assumed to be incompressible, inviscid and irrotational. The third-order Stokes wave solutions are given by using a perturbation method. The results indicate that the third-order solutions depend on the surface tension, the density and the depth of each layer. As expected, the first-order solutions are the linear theoretical results (the small amplitude wave theoretical results). The second-order and the third-order solutions describe the nonlinear modification and the nonlinear interactions. The nonlinear impact appears not only in the n (n≥2) times'' high frequency components, but also in the low frequency components. It is also noted that the wave velocity depends on the wave number, depth, wave amplitude and surface tension.  相似文献   
钻孔应变仪在地震前的记录及地震预测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
1985年以来,在新疆进行了钻孔应变连续观测,已积累了大量可贵资料,曾多次记录到地震前的应变异常变化。将这些资料用之于地震预测,取得了一定的成效。本给出了其中7个地震前的记录实例,并简要介绍了地震预测的情况。  相似文献   
在低渗、低孔隙率页岩气储层压裂改造过程中,压裂液体系的pH值直接影响地层中的造缝、稳缝效果。pH值对阴离子表面活性剂压裂液的粘度、表面张力和页岩膨胀抑制性影响很大。通过改变阴离子表面活性剂的浓度,测定了在不同pH值条件下压裂液体系基本性能的变化。研究表明:SDBS压裂液体系的粘度随着pH值的增加先增大后减小,在pH值=9时达到最大;体系在pH值=5时降低体系表面张力的能力最好;页岩的膨胀量随着pH值的增大逐渐增大,在pH=7时膨胀量最大,且随着pH值的进一步增大,页岩膨胀量先减小后增大,在pH值=9时膨胀量最小;当体系的pH值一定时,SDBS在临界胶束浓度状态能够最大程度抑制页岩的膨胀。从化学微观角度上分析了pH值对SDBS压裂液性能的影响,有利于SDBS压裂液体系配方优化。  相似文献   
在张力腿平台筋腱与海底桩基连接后,需要筋腱支撑浮筒为筋腱提供足够的浮力,保证筋腱在平台运抵工作海域之前不会发生倾覆。针对南海油田自主研发的张力腿平台筋腱实际尺寸及设计要求,设计了适用于1 061 mm(40英寸)筋腱、500米水深的张力腿平台筋腱支撑浮筒,并对筋腱支撑浮筒主要受力进行了分析计算,根据所计算的载荷情况对关键部件进行了有限元仿真分析,验证了结构强度的可靠性,并得到了结构的应力集中点与最大变形点,为筋腱支撑浮筒的结构设计提供了参考。  相似文献   
小山水电站导流洞出口边坡其地质结构为下部中侏罗世安山岩(αJ2),其上覆盖了第三纪末第四纪初的玄武岩(βN~Q),两者间为不整合接触,不整合面夹有0.1~0.6m厚的粘土状及碎石粘土状夹层,产状倾向河床,倾角±25°。在上覆玄武岩层中见有高倾角的宽张裂隙带,与不整合面一起构成松动岩体,不整合面为底滑面。通过边界条件的分析和稳定计算,松动岩体的抗滑系数K=3.102,边坡是稳定的。在施工过程中采取了相应的安全保护措施,导流洞出口提前28m进洞,节约挖方量60000m3,提前了工期。经三年多的施工到运行,边坡无异常变化,表明该项优化设计是可行的。  相似文献   
实践证明,桩网复合地基同时具备竖向增强体复合地基与水平向增强体复合地基的加固优点,能很好地提高地基土体承载力,减小不均匀沉降,特别是桥头过渡段地基处理中能有效控制“桥头跳车”现象的产生。本文主要对桩网复合地基的加固机理进行分析,并结合自然平衡拱理论和加筋垫层拉膜效应理论推导出路堤下桩网复合地基桩土应力比计算公式,同时分析了各设计参数变化对桩土应力比的变化规律。工程实体试验表明,本文所推导的桩土应力比计算公式具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   
不等高输电塔线体系风致动力响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山区常用输电塔5A-ZBC2为基础,建立了山区的不等高输电塔线体系。考虑到高差的不断变化以及不同方向攻角风荷载的作用,运用随机模拟风振分析方法对其进行了分析。结果表明,位于山顶的输电塔顶位移均值最大;位于山坡的次之;而位于山底的最小。而对不平衡张力来说,位于山坡的塔所受的不平衡张力最大;位于山顶的塔次之;位于山底的塔最小。随着高差的增大,塔顶位移和不平衡张力增大。塔顶位移主要受导线风荷载影响,而塔顶速度和加速度与塔的一阶振型有关,导线振动与荷载激励相关。  相似文献   
为了提高空气扰动技术(air sparging,AS)的效果,做了一系列的实验,研究了表面活性剂强化空气扰动技术(surfactant-enhanced air sparging, SEAS)中表面活性剂的选择方法。结果表明:在气流运行方式以鼓泡为主要机制时,表面活性剂的加入强化了气泡的起泡性和稳泡性,使空气饱和度增加;在气流运行方式以微孔道为主要机制时,表面活性剂的加入因减小了表面张力而减小了空气驱替水所需的毛细压力,使空气饱和度增加。比较Tween-80、TritonX-100、SDS和SDBS在介质上的吸附损失,确定出在中砂中TritonX-100为优,在砾石中SDBS为优。  相似文献   
以三浮筒(Tri-floater)型半潜式风机系统为对象,采用时域方法,考虑垂荡板的黏性阻尼效应,研究系泊缆直径、长度、预张力和布置方式等参数对其在风浪流中动力响应特性的影响规律,提出了一种系泊参数优化方法。在此基础上,根据东海和南海三个不同水深区域百年一遇海洋环境条件,通过调整Tri-floater型浮式基础的吃水和垂荡板等参数,有效地提高了其运动响应周期,减小了其运动响应幅值。同时,根据风机浮式基础运动幅值的设计规范要求,针对三个不同水深区域特点,设计了Tri-floater型浮式基础的系泊系统。计算结果表明,改进后的Tri-floater型半潜式风机系统能满足百年一遇极端环境下的作业要求,适合于东海和南海海洋环境下海上风能资源的开发。  相似文献   
Cap-rock seals can be divided genetically into those that fail by capillary leakage (membrane seals) and those whose capillary entry pressures are so high that seal failure preferentially occurs by fracturing and/or wedging open of faults (hydraulic seals). A given membrane seal can trap a larger oil column than gas column at shallow depths, but below a critical depth (interval), gas is more easily sealed than oil. This critical depth increases with lower API gravity, lower oil GOR and overpressured conditions (for the gas phase). These observations arise from a series of modelling studies of membrane sealing and can be conveniently represented using pressure/ depth (P/D) profiles through sealed hydrocarbon columns. P/D diagrams have been applied to the more complex situation of the membrane sealing of a gas cap underlain by an oil rim; at seal capacity, such a two-phase column will be always greater than if only oil or gas occurs below the seal.These conclusions contrast with those for hydraulic seals where the seal capacity to oil always exceeds that for gas. Moreover, a trapped two-phase column, at hydraulic seal capacity will be less than the maximum-allowed oil-only column, but more than the maximum gas-only column. Unlike membrane seals, hydraulic seal capacity should be directly related to cap-rock thickness, in addition to the magnitude of the minimum effective stress in the sealing layer and the degree of overpressure development in the sequence as a whole.Fault-related seals are effectively analogous to membrane cap-rocks which have been tilted to the angle of the fault plane. Consequently, all of the above conclusions derived for membrane cap-rocks apply to both sealing faults sensu stricto (fault plane itself seals) and juxtaposition faults (hydrocarbon trapped laterally against a juxtaposed sealing unit). The maximum-allowed two-phase column trapped by a sealing fault is greater than for equivalent oil-only and gas-only columns, but less than that predicted for a horizontal membrane cap-rock under similar conditions. Where a two-phase column is present on both sides of a sealing fault (which is at two-phase seal capacity), a deeper oil/water contact (OWC) in one fault block is associated with a deeper gas/oil contact (GOC) compared with the adjacent fault block. If the fault seal is discontinuous in the gas leg, however, the deeper OWC is accompanied by a shallower GOC, whereas a break in the fault seal in the oil leg results in a common OWC in both fault blocks, even though separate GOC's exist. Schematic P/D profiles are provided for each of the above situations from which a series of fundamental equations governing single- and two-phase cap-rock and fault seal capacities can be derived. These relationships may have significant implications for exploration prospect appraisal exercises where more meaningful estimates of differential seal capacities can be made.The membrane sealing theory developed herein assumes that all reservoirs and seals are water-wet and no hydrodynamic flow exists. The conclusions on membrane seal capacity place constraints on the migration efficiency of gas along low-permeabiligy paths at depth where fracturing, wedging open of faults and/or diffusion process may be more important. Contrary to previous assertions, it is speculated that leakage of hydrocarbons through membrane seals occurs in distinct pulses such that the seal is at or near the theoretically calculated seal capacity, once this has been initially attained.Finally, the developed seal theory and P/D profile concepts are applied to a series of development geological problems including the effects of differential depletion, and degree of aquifer support, on sealing fault leakage, and the evaluation of barriers to vertical cross-flow using RFT profiles through depleted reservoirs. It is shown that imbibition processes and dynamic effects related to active cross-flow across such barriers often preclude quantitative analysis and solution of these problems for which simulation studies are usually required.  相似文献   
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