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We study the transfer process from the scattered disk (SD) to the high-perihelion scattered disk (HPSD) (defined as the population with perihelion distances q > 40 AU and semimajor axes a>50 AU) by means of two different models. One model (Model 1) assumes that SD objects (SDOs) were formed closer to the Sun and driven outwards by resonant coupling with the accreting Neptune during the stage of outward migration (Gomes 2003b, Earth, Moon, Planets 92, 29–42.). The other model (Model 2) considers the observed population of SDOs plus clones that try to compensate for observational discovery bias (Fernández et al. 2004, Icarus , in press). We find that the Kozai mechanism (coupling between the argument of perihelion, eccentricity, and inclination), associated with a mean motion resonance (MMR), is the main responsible for raising both the perihelion distance and the inclination of SDOs. The highest perihelion distance for a body of our samples was found to be q = 69.2 AU. This shows that bodies can be temporarily detached from the planetary region by dynamical interactions with the planets. This phenomenon is temporary since the same coupling of Kozai with a MMR will at some point bring the bodies back to states of lower-q values. However, the dynamical time scale in high-q states may be very long, up to several Gyr. For Model 1, about 10% of the bodies driven away by Neptune get trapped into the HPSD when the resonant coupling Kozai-MMR is disrupted by Neptune’s migration. Therefore, Model 1 also supplies a fossil HPSD, whose bodies remain in non-resonant orbits and thus stable for the age of the solar system, in addition to the HPSD formed by temporary captures of SDOs after the giant planets reached their current orbits. We find that about 12 – 15% of the surviving bodies of our samples are incorporated into the HPSD after about 4 – 5 Gyr, and that a large fraction of the captures occur for up to the 1:8 MMR (a ⋍ 120 AU), although we record captures up to the 1:24 MMR (a ≃ 260 AU). Because of the Kozai mechanism, HPSD objects have on average inclinations about 25°–50°, which are higher than those of the classical Edgeworth–Kuiper (EK) belt or the SD. Our results suggest that Sedna belongs to a dynamically distinct population from the HPSD, possibly being a member of the inner core of the Oort cloud. As regards to 2000 CR105 , it is marginally within the region occupied by HPSD objects in the parametric planes (q,a) and (a,i), so it is not ruled out that it might be a member of the HPSD, though it might as well belong to the inner core.  相似文献   
Abstract Syn-metamorphic re-imbrication of the internal part of thrust belts can result in distinct pressure–temperature–time–deformation ( P–T–t–d ) pathways for different structural–metamorphic domains. In the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt (Canada), an external (piggyback-sequence thrusting) domain is characterized by thermal peak metamorphism occurring after deformation. In contrast, thermal peak metamorphism in an internal domain occurred during re-imbrication by out-of-sequence thrusting. The interactions of tectonic and thermal processes have been studied using three methods: (i) qualitative evaluation of the timing between mineral growth and deformation; (ii) analytical P–T paths from growth-zoned garnet porphyroblasts; and (iii) numerical modelling of vertical heat conduction. Derived P–T–t–d pathways suggest that uplift in the external domain resulted in part from erosion and isostatic unloading. In contrast, paths for the internal domain indicate that the out-of-sequence portion of the thrust belt may have experienced faster unroofing relative to the external domain. This is attributed to thickening by out-of-sequence thrusting and possibly to extensional faulting at (now eroded) higher structural levels. Observations on the timing of metamorphism, coupled with numerical modelling, suggest that the thermal peak metamorphism documented in the external domain is a consequence of the emplacement of the out-of-sequence thrusts stack in the internal portion of the thrust belt.  相似文献   
Abstract A detailed field and petrological study of rocks from nappes cut by the Valle dell'Orco (Italian Western Alps), in particular the Sesia–Lanzo composite unit, has revealed geological and metamorphic histories which started in pre-alpine times and lasted up to the alpine subduction-collisional processes. During these processes the nappes sustained an early high P–low T stage and a later low P greenschist facies stage, but followed partly distinctive P–T–time trajectories. This paper discusses the kinematic evolution and the thermal history of the alpine belt from the early subduction/underthrust to the later exhumation stage. The metamorphic crystallization is often governed by incomplete and/or local equilibrium, and the pervasive syn-metamorphic deformation and the composition of the syn-metamorphic fluid phase (if present) have exerted an effective local control on reaction kinetics.  相似文献   
The metamorphic history of mafic exotic blocks from a tectonic melange zone within an allochthonous ophiolitic terrane (Marmora Terrane) of the Pan-African Gariep orogenic belt in south-western Namibia was studied, based on mineral parageneses and amphibole composition. Glaucophane described previously from these rocks could not be verified. Instead, two types of blue amphiboles were distinguished: (i) rims of (ferro-) edenitic to pargasitic to barroisitic hornblende composition around brownish amphibole phenocrysts replacing magmatic clinopyroxene, and (ii) deep blue porphyroblasts of magnesio-riebeckite with little ferro-glaucophane component in a highly metasomatized albite-rich rock. Textural and mineralogical evidence, particularly the existence of up to three different amphibole generations in metagabbro samples, supports a multiphase metamorphic history experienced by these exotic blocks. The first metamorphic event, M1, is interpreted as very low- P hydrothermal oceanic metamorphism that affected the igneous protoliths at up to amphibolite facies temperatures. Subsequent M2 metamorphism was syntectonic and is characterized by temperatures similar to those attained during M1 but higher pressures indicating burial to 15–20 km. This event is related to a subduction process. The third metamorphic event, M3, was low grade and of regional nature. It is the only one recorded in the sedimentary envelope of the exotic blocks. The formation of magnesio-riebeckite is considered a retrograde reaction at greenschist facies during M2. The results indicate that in the Gariep belt subduction and subsequent obduction have occurred, although blueschist facies metamorphism has not been reached.  相似文献   
A suite of metapelites, charnockites, calc-silicate rocks, quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and mafic granulites is exposed at Garbham, a part of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt of India. Reaction textures and mineral compositional data have been used to determine the P–T–X evolutionary history of the granulites. In metapelites and charnockites, dehydration melting reactions involving biotite produced quartzofeldspathic segregations during peak metamorphism. However, migration of melt from the site of generation was limited. Subsequent to peak metamorphism at c . 860° C and 8 kbar, the complex evolved through nearly isothermal decompression to 530–650° C and 4–5 kbar. During this phase, coronal garnet grew in the calc-silicates, while garnet in the presence of quartz broke down in charnockite and mafic granulite. Fluid activities during metamorphism were internally buffered in different lithologies in the presence of a melt phase. The P–T path of the granulites at Garbham contrasts sharply with the other parts of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt where the rocks show dominantly near-isobaric cooling subsequent to peak metamorphism.  相似文献   
通过对尼泊尔MS8.1地震前后附近区域GPS台站记录到的观测数据进行处理,获得了震区以及中国青藏高原地区地震前后GPS站点速度场以及震后形变场。震前速度场显示,喜马拉雅构造带整体呈现出约16 mm/a的压缩特征。同时,震前喜马拉雅构造带根据形变特征可分为东、中、西3段,其地震发生在中段,主要以北向挤压为主,而东西两段分别具有逆时针旋转和顺时针旋转的特征。震后GPS站点形变场显示,此次地震对中国新疆、青海、西藏等地区的影响较大,其最大震后位移达20 mm左右。震后速度场显示,本次地震对尼泊尔地区以及中国藏南地区的构造形变影响较大,主要表现为喜马拉雅构造带的年推挤速度减小,藏南地区的南北向运动速率减小,而东西向速度有增大的现象。这一现象可能对藏南地区的走滑断层有较大影响。  相似文献   
1990年以来黄河第一湾齐哈玛河段砾质网状河的演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高超  王随继 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1352-1364
黄河第一湾的网状河型因其砾石质的河床质而与砂床质网状河明显不同,但是其具体的冲淤特性、河道与河间地的稳定性等是否与砂质网状河具有相似之处,尚待揭示。以齐哈玛乡主河道长约为12 km的砾石质网状河段为研究对象,利用1990年、2001年、2013年和2016年共4期Landsat遥感影像数据和2011年与2013年两期Google Earth高分辨率图像数据,结合野外采样观测分析其1990-2016年间的平面形态变化与沉积特征。结果表明:砾石质网状河整体具有很高的稳定性,众多分支河道与河间地无明显冲淤现象。网状带面积仅增加2.43%,陆地与水体面积比例接近1∶1;网状带部分小型河间湿地及河间岛屿呈现碎片化现象,导致河间湿地个数逐渐增加,最大增加率为62.16%。河道主流线长期左右迁移交替变化,且变化率相对稳定,受主流线迁移的影响,主河道内部河间岛屿形态变化较大,其河岸变化率为5 m/a。网状河众多支河道非常稳定,平均河宽变化率仅为1 m/a左右。河岸沉积物以细砂或粉砂为主,黏土含量较高,粒度分布曲线呈现多峰,这与砂质网状河流河岸以泥质沉积物为主略有不同,但河岸及河间湿地茂密的植被保护了众多分支河道免受侵蚀、维持了河道的稳定性,这也是砾石质网状河流体系具有高稳定性的重要原因。  相似文献   
通过对新泰地区花岗绿岩带基本地质特征、金的初始丰度及其后生变化、花岗质岩石金含量的研究 ,探讨了火山喷发沉积作用、变质作用、岩浆作用及构造作用对金的活化与迁移的影响。结合对区域地质背景及演化史的分析 ,认为该区绿岩型金矿具糜棱岩型和石英脉型两种类型 ,属多源多期热液充填型成因  相似文献   
沉积物源组成及其演化是研究沉积盆地及盆山系统演化的关键。对济源地区中-下三叠统3个组进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素分析,结果显示,下三叠统刘家沟组碎屑锆石具有6个年龄峰值:270,329,385,450,1885,2511Ma,其中晚古生代碎屑锆石应来自内蒙古隆起,早古生代碎屑锆石来自秦岭造山带,而新太古代-古元古代碎屑锆石则来自华北克拉通基底。下三叠统和尚沟组碎屑锆石年龄主峰值为420Ma,次峰值为745Ma和952Ma,均来自秦岭造山带。中三叠统二马营组碎屑锆石年龄主峰值为254Ma,可能来自华北板块南缘再旋回的沉积物,次峰值为1690Ma和2524Ma,应来自华北克拉通基底,其中1690Ma的碎屑锆石对应了华北板块南缘广泛出露的熊耳群。新元古界碎屑锆石由刘家沟组至和尚沟组增多,说明秦岭造山带基底逐渐剥露,是造山作用增强的体现。中三叠世末,秦岭造山带进入全面碰撞造山阶段,从地质演化过程来看,秦岭造山带在中三叠世也应处于持续隆升状态,然而二马营组中却没有来自秦岭造山带的碎屑锆石记录,而是以华北板块南缘盖层和基底为主,推测秦岭造山带的造山作用影响到了华北板块南缘,使华北板块南缘不断抬升,阻挡了秦岭造山带为济源地区提供沉积物。  相似文献   
进一步了解王古1潜山的构造特征及成藏条件,利用渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷东营凹陷王家岗地区的大量三维地震剖面和一些钻井资料,并结合东营凹陷南坡缓坡带区域构造背景及成藏条件分析认为,王古1潜山初始发育于印支期,后经燕山期拉张断陷,切割为断块并抬升,最后于燕山期定型,为典型的缓坡盆倾残丘潜山。该潜山被NW向和NE向断裂切割,潜山高部位侵蚀风化严重,上覆孔店组盖层及沙河街组烃源岩,油气通过断层和不整合面运移至潜山顶部形成侵蚀残丘型油气藏。  相似文献   
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