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Understanding the undrained strength of fine-grained soils has been of interest to geotechnical researchers from many practical considerations. In several civil engineering applications, water content of soil is quite high being near or above the liquid limit of soils, and understanding the factors responsible for imparting the strength of soil at high water contents is of great significance. Recently, it has been reported in the literature that the shear strength of soils at these limiting water contents has significant variation. However, the reasons and the factors that probably influence for this variation have not been reported in the literature. This experimental investigation is an attempt in the direction of understanding the reasons for the variation in the undrained strength at higher limiting water content, namely liquid limit considering the various influencing factors like clay mineralogy and fine-sand content present in soil used for determining liquid limit. The results from this study are quite revealing and have been explained based on the mechanisms controlling the undrained strength at liquid limit.  相似文献   
对大洋27航次在西太平洋马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊获取的3个多金属氧化物样品进行了X射线矿物衍射分析、穆斯堡尔谱分析及地球化学元素分析,研究其矿物、地球化学特征差异。结果表明,所取样品处于多金属氧化物发育的初始阶段,具有独特的矿物地球化学特征:(1)相较于太平洋CC区及中太平洋海盆获取的多金属结核样品,本研究样品的矿物组成中含有异常高的石英、斜长石以及黏土矿物,而水羟锰矿和钙锰矿含量较低。(2)样品中铁相矿物主要为正方针铁矿(91.6%),另含少量纤铁矿(8.4%),推测是纤铁矿向更加稳定的正方针铁矿衍变的结果。(3)由于样品中深海黏土组分以及氧化物核心物质的混入,加上吸附金属氧化物时间较短,导致SiO2和Al2O3含量均高于正常结核,而Fe、Mn、Cu、Co、Ni等其余金属元素含量较低。(4)由于形成时间较短,样品中稀土元素含量相对较低,ΣREE仅约为0.4×10-3(一般太平洋CC区及中太平洋结核中稀土含量均大于1.0×10-3);加之海水氧化还原作用的降低以及研究区海底热液活动的影响,Ce元素未表现出多金属结核中常见的正异常。  相似文献   
The thermal evolution of sedimentary basins is usually constrained by maturity data, which is interpreted from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and vitrinite reflectance analytical results on field or boreholes samples. However, some thermal evolution models may be inaccurate due to the use of elevated maturities measured in samples collected within an undetected metamorphic contact aureole surrounding a magmatic intrusion. In this context, we investigate the maturity and magnetic mineralogy of 16 claystone samples from Disko-Svartenhuk Basin, part of the SE Baffin Bay volcanic margin. Samples were collected within thermal contact metamorphic aureoles near magma intrusions, as well as equivalent reference samples not affected by intrusions. Rock-Eval pyrolysis (Tmax), and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) analysis were performed to assess the thermal maturity, which lies in the oil window when 435°C ≤ Tmax ≤ 470°C and 0.6%–0.7% ≤ Ro ≤ 1.3%. In addition, we performed low- (<300K) and high-temperature (>300K) investigations of isothermal remanent magnetization to assess the magnetic mineralogy of the selected samples. The maturity results (0.37% ≤ Ro ≤ 2%, 22°C ≤ Tmax ≤ 604°C) show a predominance of immature to early mature Type III organic matter, but do not reliably identify the contact aureole when compared to the reference samples. The magnetic assemblage of the immature samples consists of iron sulphide (greigite), goethite and oxidized or non-stoichiometric magnetite. The magnetic assemblage of the early mature to mature samples consists of stoichiometric magnetite and fine-grained pyrrhotite (<1 μm). These results document the disappearance of the iron sulphide (greigite) and increase in content of magnetite during normal burial. On the other hand, magnetite is interpreted to be the dominant magnetic mineral inside the contact aureole surrounding dyke/sill intrusions where palaeotemperatures indicate mature to over-mature state. Interestingly, the iron sulphide (greigite) is still detected in the contact aureole where palaeotemperatures exceeded 130°C. Therefore, the magnetic mineralogy is a sensitive method that can characterize normal burial history, as well as identify hidden metamorphic contact aureoles where the iron sulphide greigite is present at temperatures beyond its stability field.  相似文献   
本文从超高压变质作用的矿物学、P-T-t轨迹和超高压地体抬升、保存机制三个方面总结了近年来超高压变质作用研究所取得的重要进展和存在的问题。超高压变质作用的矿物学研究正在向深入发展,其P-T-t轨迹具有三种成因类型。而其超高压地体的抬升、保存机制则是争论的焦点,其中增生楔模式(Platt,1987)和连续俯冲─仰冲机制较好地解释了抬升过程,但也存在一些问题需进一步研究。  相似文献   
Results of the first detailed study of the climate proxy record in the loess-palaeosol sequence at Xining-one of the few palaeoclimate sites in the currently arid western Loess Plateau of China-illustrate the importance of making many types of rock-magnetic measurements other than susceptibility. A multiparameter approach yielded confirmation that here, as elsewhere in the Loess Plateau, the susceptibility enhancement in palaeosols was caused primarily by ultrafine magnetite and maghaemite. Nevertheless, magnetic enhancement was caused not exclusively by changes in relative grain size, but also by variations in concentration and mineralogy of the magnetic fraction.
The effects of concentration variations were removed through normalization of susceptibility and anhysteretic remanence with saturation magnetization and saturation remanence, respectively. the resulting signal was ascribed more confidently to variation in magnetic grain size, which in turn was interpreted as a better proxy of pedogenesis than simple susceptibility. Variations in magnetic mineralogy were also determined to constrain interpretations further. the data were then used to discuss climate history at Xining. Finally, results from Xining were compared with other western sites and contrasted with eastern sites.
In summary: (1) data is presented from a new Loess Plateau site which also appears to yield a global climate signal; (2) a demonstration is made of a more rock-magnetically robust way to separate concentration, composition and grain-size controls on susceptibility and other magnetic parameters; and (3) models are provided for inter-regional comparisons of palaeoclimate proxy records.  相似文献   
基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Web(WordwideWeb万维网 )平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件是按照浏览器 服务器的模式工作 ,即用户以客户端浏览器为计算平台 ,而计算的应用程序及数据库在服务器端运行。本文介绍了当前岩石矿物数据处理软件的发展现状和趋势及成功开发基于Web平台的岩石数据处理程序的范例 ,探讨了开发基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件的实现方法及优越性 ,从而论证了建立基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件的必要性和可行性  相似文献   
陈志强 《湖南地质》1993,12(2):98-101
本文介绍了研究区黄玉产出的地质环境及其颜色、形态、硬度、比重、折射率、多色性、包裹体、红外光谱、重量分布、可用率、加工方法等宝石学特征。  相似文献   
纳米科技与粘土矿物学研究的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
纳米科技已在地学领域取得了重要研究成果。粘土矿物学在材料科学中占有重要的地位,有必要建立“纳米粘土矿物学”这一学科,其研究手段与纳米科技一致,研究内容主要包括:纳米粘土矿物微粒矿物学、纳米粘土矿物体系物理学、纳米粘土矿物化学、纳米粘土矿物材料学和纳米粘土矿物加工学。本文进一步对纳米粘土矿物的检测方法和检测标准、聚合物/纳米粘土矿物复合材料的产业化提出了思考。  相似文献   
大洋富钴结壳普遍发生磷酸盐化,磷酸盐化对富钴结壳的各种属性存在显著影响,而磷酸盐的成因问题一直没有得到很好解决。中太平洋WX海山富钴结壳老壳层中发育着两期磷酸盐化事件所产生的上下两层磷酸盐,本文运用反光显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、电子探针、微量粉晶X衍射等手段分别对其进行了矿物学特征观察和测试,研究了老壳层上下两层磷酸盐特征并探讨其可能成因。上层磷酸盐由大量形态结构清楚的磷酸质有孔虫和超微化石以及非生物碳氟磷灰石(CFA)组成,成分均一,杂质少,表现出生物成因和原生自沉积特点;下层磷酸盐变化复杂,具有特征的交代结构,混杂较高的Si、Al、K、Fe成分,显示以磷酸盐交代碳酸盐成因为主。这表明不同磷酸盐化期形成的磷酸盐有不同的成因类型。  相似文献   
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