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卓资孔兹岩系成因矿物学研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
内蒙古卓资一带孔兹岩系中的辉石、角闪石、石榴石、黑云母均形成于麻粒岩相条件。二辉石地质温度计和石榴石—黑云母地质温度计和压力计计算结果表明,孔兹岩系岩石的变质温度为750—850℃,变质压力为800—920 MPa,变质地温梯度为26.2—28.5℃/km,属中压麻粒岩相。 相似文献
新疆阿尔泰钾长石矿物学特征及开发利用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
阿尔泰钾长石是新疆优势非金属矿产资源之一,主要赋存在花岗伟晶岩矿脉、钾长花岗岩和碱性花岗岩中,钾长石资源储量大、品位高,易采易选,但尚未很好开发利用。通过阿尔泰钾长石矿物的物理特征、光学性质、化学成分以及工艺矿物学特征的研究,阐述了钾长石资源在工农业中的应用状况和应用范围,经与国内同类型矿种对比,指出新疆阿尔泰钾长石开发利用有着广阔的前景。 相似文献
红色粘土型金矿成因矿物学特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
红色粘土型金矿是表生湿热气候条件下含金基岩经不彻底的红土化作用而形成的一种新类型金矿床。以云南上芒岗、贵州老万场和湖北蛇屋山金矿为例 ,对红色粘土型金矿的成因矿物学特征进行了研究。结果表明 ,表生成因的高岭石 +伊利石 +针铁矿 +自然金组合可作为该类型金矿的标型矿物组合 ;高岭石的 ( 0 0 1 ) X射线衍射峰半高宽可作为标型特征反映介质的酸性程度和硅、铝的饱和程度 ,进而指示金的富集部位 ;针铁矿中的铝置换率可反映红土化程度和粘土中的含水量 ,进而指示古潜水面的位置 ;金的粒度、形态和赋存状态可反映金的迁移富集程度和富集机制。 相似文献
详细地研究了亳县陨石中的主要标型特征。亳县陨石是一块不平衡的普通球粒陨石 ,球粒结构齐全 ,保持原始信息多。对球粒中出现的 2 6种结构类型进行了合理的解释 ,为讨论球粒成因提供了科学依据。对亳县陨石中的几种特殊的标型矿物——指示强还原环境生成的标型矿物张衡矿、指示高压的标型矿物 Wadsleyite和指示高温凝聚产物的标型矿物亚铁尖晶石及 CAI包体的发现均作了详细的研究与讨论。 相似文献
不同成因伟晶岩绿柱石、海蓝宝石矿物学及物理化学特征研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近期我们对我国不同成因伟晶岩进行了地质地球化学研究[1~3],证明湖南幕阜山伟晶岩属岩浆分异成因,云南哀牢山伟晶岩属变质深熔成因。本文就两地伟晶岩中绿柱石及海蓝宝石矿物学、形成物理化学条件作对比研究,以探讨不同成因伟晶岩特性。1 地质背景幕阜山位于江南古陆中段,区内出露中元古界冷家溪群变质岩,岩浆活动强烈,广泛出露燕山期花岗岩岩类。冷家溪群地层强烈褶皱,普遍发生浅—中深变质作用,形成板岩、云母片岩,是幕阜山花岗岩体的主要围岩[4]。含铍花岗伟晶岩在二长花岗岩中广泛分布,部分在冷家溪群变质岩中产出… 相似文献
Primary dolostones occur in the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation. Based on mineralogical study the indicators for correlation
between the primary dolomites which are not influenced by the diagenesis and the replacement dolomites of different periods
have been obtained. It is shown that the primary dolomites are characterized by crystal forms precipitated and deposited directly
from sea water, stable and homogeneous distribution of Mg and Ca, ideal chemical composition, regular modulated microstructures,
low positive δ13C and low negative δ18O.
Project supported by the “85–102” Chinese National Key Science and Technology Project. 相似文献
本文对采自东太平洋CC区的2块不同类型的铁锰结核及中太平洋麦哲伦海山的1块富Co结壳,采用XRD和ICP-MS(AES)等分析研究方法,进行了矿物地球化学的比较研究。结果表明:铁锰结核主要由水羟锰矿及钡镁锰矿组成,富Co结壳主要以水羟锰矿为主。与2块铁锰结核相比,富Co结壳总体上Cu、Al、Na含量较低而Co含量较高;两块不同类型的结核相比较,水成型铁锰结核的P、Ti含量较高,而成岩型铁锰结核的Cu、Ni含量较高。3块样品的稀土元素含量均较高,为(521.8~1 424.15)×10-6。REE分布型式总体呈平缓型,(La/Yb)N为0.72~1.01,并具程度不同的Ce、Eu正异常。经估算,富Co结壳的生长速率为1.92~4.24mm/Ma,水成型铁锰结核的生长速率为1.31~14.29 mm/Ma,成岩型铁锰结核的生长速率为11.24~76.32mm/Ma。并根据铁锰结核的化学成分变化推测了其生长环境的变化。 相似文献
The Geochemical and Zircon Trace Elements Characteristics of A-type Granitoids in Boziguoer,Baicheng County,Xinjiang 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
LIU Chunhu YIN Jingwu WU Cailai SHAO Xingkun YANG Haitao XU Haiming WANG Jun 《《地质学报》英文版》2013,87(6):1585-1603
The Boziguoer A-type granitoids in Baicheng County,Xinjiang,belong to the northern margin of the Tarim platform as well as the neighboring EW-oriented alkaline intrusive rocks.The rocks comprise an aegirine or arfvedsonite quartz alkali feldspar syenite,an aegirine or arfvedsonite alkali feldspar granite,and a biotite alkali feldspar syenite.The major rock-forming minerals are albite,K-feldspar,quartz,arfvedsonite,aegirine,and siderophyllite.The accessory minerals are mainly zircon,pyrochlore,thorite,fluorite,monazite,bastnaesite,xenotime,and astrophyllite.The chemical composition of the alkaline granitoids show that SiO2 varies from 64.55% to 72.29% with a mean value of 67.32%,Na2O+K2O is high (9.85%-11.87%) with a mean of 11.14%,K2O is 2.39%-5.47% (mean =4.73%),the K2O/Na2O ratios are 0.31-0.96,Al2O3 ranges from 12.58% to 15.44%,and total FeOT is between 2.35% and 5.65%.CaO,MgO,MnO,and TiO2 are low.The REE content is high and the total SREE is (263-1219) ppm (mean =776 ppm),showing LREE enrichment and HREE depletion with strong negative Eu anomalies.In addition,the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the alkaline granitoids belong to the "seagull" pattern of the right-type.The Zr content is (113-1246) ppm (mean =594 ppm),Zr+Nb+Ce+Y is between (478-2203) ppm with a mean of 1362 ppm.Furthermore,the alkaline granitoids have high HFSE (Ga,Nb,Ta,Zr,and Hf) content and low LILE (Ba,K,and Sr) content.The Nb/Ta ratio varies from 7.23 to 32.59 (mean =16.59) and the Zr/Hf ratio is 16.69-58.04 (mean =36.80).The zircons are depleted in LREE and enriched in HREE.The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the zircons are of the "seagull" pattern of the left-inclined type with strong negative Eu anomaly and without a Ce anomaly.The Boziguoer A-type granitoids share similar features with A1-type granites.The average temperature of the granitic magma was estimated at 832-839℃.The Boziguoer A-type granitoids show crust-mantle mixing and may have formed in an anorogenic intraplate tectonic setting under high-temperature,anhydrous,and low oxygen fugacity conditions. 相似文献
Th. Leipe A. Loeffler K. -C. Emeis S. Jaehmlich R. Bahlo K. Ziervogel 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2000,51(6):789
Suspended particulate matter samples were collected from the water column, the bottom nepheloid layer and the ‘ fluffy layer ’ from four stations along a coastal-basin transect in the Pomeranian Bight, western Baltic Sea. Sampling was performed nine times between October 1996 and December 1998 for various analyses, including electron probe x-ray micro analysis for detailed mineralogical investigations.Specific vertical patterns of clay mineral distributions were found. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the bottom nepheloid layer and the ‘ fluffy layer ’ overlying sediments was enriched in organic carbon and hydrated three layer clay minerals, whereas the non-aggregated SPM was dominated by quartz and biogenic opal. It appears that separation effects operate during aggregation of mineral particles and organic matter in repeated cycles of resuspension and settling. No clear seasonal variations in the composition of the SPM were found, in spite of high spatial and temporal variability of biological and physical variables. The results suggest that preferential incorporation, possibly aided by microbiological colonization, of hydrated three layer silicates into the organic flocs is a process that occurs under a wide range of conditions. Because aggregates sink faster than individual particles, aggregate formation led to a relative enrichment of illite and smectite in the near-bottom layers. Considering the affinity of organic contaminants and heavy metals to organic matter, the selective removal of aggregated organic matter and hydrated three-layer clay minerals from the water column and enhanced transport in the near-bottom fluffy layer may be a natural cleansing mechanism operating in the shallow waters of the bight. 相似文献
Weathering, mineralogical evolution and soil organic matter along a Holocene soil toposequence developed on carbonate-rich materials 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Markus Egli Christian Merkli Giacomo Sartori Aldo Mirabella Michael Pltze 《Geomorphology》2008,97(3-4):675-696
A toposequence of Holocene soils located between 1100–2400 m asl in the Italian Alps served as the basis for the following analyses: the weathering of limestone and dolomite, the calculation of mass balances, understanding the formation of pedogenic Fe and Al, the determination of soil mineral and clay mineral reactions and transformation and the measurement of accumulation and stabilisation mechanisms of soil organic matter. Leaching of carbonates is most intense at the lower elevations, although calcite and dolomite have a higher solubility at low temperatures. The pCO2 in the soil is higher at lower elevations and weathering is driven mainly by carbonic acids. At higher elevations, organic acids appear to determine the mineral transformations and weathering reactions to a greater extent. This suggests that two very different weathering regimes (carbonic and organic acid weathering) exist along the toposequence. The transformation of mica into vermiculite is the main process in both the clay and fine-earth fraction. Weathering of silicate minerals started even before the carbonates had been completely removed from the soils. The transformation mechanisms of silicate minerals in the A and O horizon at higher elevations was at least as intensive as that at the climatically warmer sites. The neoformation of pedogenetic clays at climatically cooler sites was slightly greater than that at the warmer sites. However, the formation rate of secondary Fe and Al phases was more pronounced at lower elevation, which means that this process seemed to be driven dominantly by carbonic acid (weathering of primary minerals). Soil organic matter (SOM) abundance in the mineral soil is nearly 15 kg/m2 at all sites and, surprisingly, no climate-driven effect could be detected. In general, the preservation and stabilisation of SOM was due to poorly crystalline Al and Fe phases and vermiculite, regardless of some variations in the composition of the parent material (varying calcite/dolomite ratio). 相似文献