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Fine-grained fluvial residual channel infillings are likely to reflect systematic compositional changes in response to climate change, owing to changing weathering and geomorphological conditions in the upstream drainage basin. Our research focuses on the bulk sediment and clay geochemistry, laser granulometry and clay mineralogy of Late-glacial and Early Holocene River Meuse (Maas) unexposed residual channel infillings in northern Limburg (The Netherlands). We demonstrate that residual channel infillings register a systematic bulk and clay compositional change related to climate change on a 1–10 k-yr time-scale. Late-glacial and Holocene climatic amelioration stabilised the landscape and facilitated prolonged and intense chemical weathering of phyllosilicates and clay minerals due to soil formation. Clay translocation and subsequent erosion of topsoils on Palaeozoic bedrock and loess deposits increased the supply of smectite and vermiculite within River Meuse sediments. Smectite plus vermiculite contents rose from 30–40% in the Pleniglacial to 60% in the Late Allerød and to 70–80% in the Holocene. Younger Dryas cooling and landscape instability caused almost immediate return to low smectite and vermiculite contents. Following an Early Holocene rise, within about 5000 yr, a steady state supply is reached before 5 ka (Mid-Holocene). Holocene sediments therefore contain higher amounts of clay that are richer in high-Al, low-K and low-Mg vermiculites and smectites compared with Late (Pleni-)glacial sediments. The importance of clay mineral provenance and loess admixture in the River Meuse fluvial sediments is discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
流体包裹体的合成方法及其对矿床学研究的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流体包囊体的合成方法是一种采集高温高压条件下流体代表性样品的技术。它已经用于在较宽的压力-温度-成分范围内确定流体的体积平衡、相平衡性质和温度校正。详细介绍了国内外(包括作者)几种合成流体包囊体的实验方法,给出了实验结果,并简要叙述了它在矿床学研究方面的一些意义。  相似文献   
Summary Chemical analytical and pyrolytical methods have been used to study the Fe+2/Fe+3 ratios and dehydroxylation reactions in synthetic biotites. It has been found for the biotites with Fe/(Fe + Mg) of 20 to 70 mole % that the oxidation degree decreases from 26 to 16% with increasing iron. Based on the measured amounts of water and hydrogen released during pyrolysis it is inferred that the deprotonization is a dominant reaction at low temperatures (T 600°C), accompanied by dehydration as the temperature increases. Depending on the composition, a complete dehydroxylation takes place at T 900 °C, and the measured amount of water corresponds to the iron oxidation degree in the starting samples. The results of this study have important implications with respect to determination of the formation conditions of biotite-bearing rocks, and also for improvement of the techniques for determination of different valence of iron and water.
Le degré d'oxidation du fer en biotites synthétiques contenants le fer et le magnésium
Résumé Des méthodes chimiques et pyrolitiques ont été utilisées pour l'étude des rapports Fe+2/Fe+3 et de la réaction de la déhydroxilation en biotites synthétiques. On a trouvé pour les biotites avec Fe/(Fe + Mg) de 20-70 mole % que le degré d'oxidation décroît à partir de 26 jusqu'à 16% pendent que le contenu du fer s'accroît. Sur la base de la quantité d'eau et hydrogène liberée pendant la pyrolyse, on infère que la déprotonisation est une réaction dominante à températures basses (T = 600°C), mais quand la température s'accroît, la déprotonisation est accopagnée de la déhydratation. Dépendant de la composition il y a une déhydroxilation complète à T = 900°C, et la quantité de l'eau mesurée correspond au degré d'oxidation du fer dans les specimens initials. Les résultats de cette étude infuencent la détermination des conditions de formation des roches contenantes biotite et aussi l'amélioration des techniques de la détermination du fer de valences différentes et de l'eau.
MIL090036是一块在南极新发现的月球陨石,属于斜长岩质月球角砾岩。本文对这块陨石开展了详细的岩石学、矿物学特征观察与研究。MIL090036月球陨石具有典型的碎屑结构。碎屑包括岩屑、矿屑和玻屑。岩屑类型有斜长岩岩屑、辉长质斜长岩岩屑、辉长岩岩屑、风化角砾岩岩屑、橄长岩岩屑、微斑熔融角砾岩岩屑、复合角砾岩岩屑等;矿屑有辉石、斜长石、橄榄石、钛铁矿等;玻屑主要为长石质。基质由玻璃质、重结晶的细粒矿物和矿屑胶结组成。辉长岩岩屑中的斜长石(An81-83)和斜长岩中的斜长石(An88-93)较其他碎屑中的斜长石(An90-98)贫钙。岩屑、矿屑和长石质玻屑中的辉石相对贫铁(Fs 12-35Wo3-44 En22-79),而含玻璃质的辉长岩岩屑中的辉石(Fs37-65Wo10-29 En21-49)与基质中的辉石(Fs18-69Wo3-45 En14-50)相对富铁。辉长岩质斜长岩中辉石成分变化范围最小(Fs24-27Wo7-14 En59-69)。矿屑橄榄石和分布于基质中的橄榄石铁镁含量(Fo57-79)相对岩屑中的橄榄石(Fo67-77) 变化范围大。橄榄石Fe/Mn比值为47-83(平均76)、辉石Fe/Mn比值为76-112(平均73),都与月球橄榄石和月球辉石一致。岩石结构、矿物模式组合和化学成分等特征表明MIL090036是来自Apollo和Luna采样范围外的样品。对MIL090036的矿物学、岩石学和化学成分的进一步研究将能够丰富我们对月表物质组成和演化的认识。  相似文献   
MININGHISTORYGeographicalytheJiaodonggoldprovincecoversalmostthewholeShandongorJiaodongPeninsula,theeasternhalfoftheShandongP...  相似文献   
Abstract A multidisciplinary study was conducted on the section of the Siwalik Group sediments, approximately 5000 m thick, exposed along the Karnali River. Analysis of facies, clay mineralogy and neodymium isotope compositions revealed significant changes in the sedimentary record, allowing discussion of their tectonic or climatic origin. Two major changes within the sedimentary fill were detected: the change from a meandering to a braided river system at ca 9.5 Ma and the change from a deep sandy braided to a shallow sandy braided river system at ca 6.5 Ma. The 9.5‐Ma change in fluvial style is contemporaneous with an abrupt increase of ?Nd(0) values following a ?Nd(0) minimum. This evolution indicates a change in source material and erosion of Lesser Himalayan rocks within the Karnali catchment basin between 13 and 10 Ma. The tectonic activity along the Ramgarh thrust caused this local exhumation. By changing the proximity and morphology of relief, the forward propagation of the basal detachment to the main boundary thrust was responsible for the high gradient and sediment load required for the development of the braided river system. The change from a deep sandy braided to a shallow sandy braided river system at approximately 6.5 Ma was contemporaneous with a change in clay mineralogy towards smectite‐/kaolinite‐dominant assemblages. As no source rock change and no burial effect are detected at that time, the change in clay mineralogy is interpreted as resulting from differences in environmental conditions. The facies analysis shows abruptly and frequently increasing discharges by 6.5 Ma, and could be linked to an increase in seasonality, induced by intensification of the monsoon climate. The major fluvial changes deciphered along the Karnali section have been recognized from central to western Nepal, although they are diachronous. The change in clay mineralogy towards smectite‐/kaolinite‐rich assemblages and the slight decrease of ?Nd(0) have also been detected in the Bengal Fan sedimentary record, showing the extent and importance of the two major events recorded along the Karnali section.  相似文献   
Magnetic properties of two apparently unrelated lava suites (one tholeiitic and the other alkalic) coexisting in the central parts of the Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico, were measured in this study. Macroscopic indicators and measurements of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) were combined to infer the flow direction on those lavas. These measurements were used to investigate the likelihood of the existence of an abnormally long tholeiitic lava flow in this part of the Peninsula. The obtained results indicate that the tholeiitic flows in the region constitute regular length flows, and are likely to have been issued through vents located within the area of study. Additionally, comparison of the magnetic signature of tholeiitic and alkalic lavas reveals a systematic difference in some of the magnetic parameters (bulk susceptibility and Curie temperatures). In particular, it is proposed that the narrow range of Curie temperatures characteristic of each lava type can be used as a reliable proxy for the identification of each lava type in the region. All of these findings show that the alkalic and tholeiitic lavas of the region are more closely related to each other than previously suspected.Editorial responsibility: R. Cioni  相似文献   
This paper reports specific mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of deposits from the local depressions of the Derugin Basin. They were formed in an environment with periodic changes from oxic to anoxic conditions and show evidence for the presence of hydrogen sulfide in bottom waters. The deposits of this type can be considered as a modern model for ancient ore-bearing black shale associations. Compared with typical metalliferous black shale sequences, which are characterized by high contents of organic matter, the sediments described here are depleted in the elements of the organophilic association (Mo, Ni, Cu, Zn, V, and U) but have higher Mn contents.  相似文献   
A toposequence of Holocene soils located between 1100–2400 m asl in the Italian Alps served as the basis for the following analyses: the weathering of limestone and dolomite, the calculation of mass balances, understanding the formation of pedogenic Fe and Al, the determination of soil mineral and clay mineral reactions and transformation and the measurement of accumulation and stabilisation mechanisms of soil organic matter. Leaching of carbonates is most intense at the lower elevations, although calcite and dolomite have a higher solubility at low temperatures. The pCO2 in the soil is higher at lower elevations and weathering is driven mainly by carbonic acids. At higher elevations, organic acids appear to determine the mineral transformations and weathering reactions to a greater extent. This suggests that two very different weathering regimes (carbonic and organic acid weathering) exist along the toposequence. The transformation of mica into vermiculite is the main process in both the clay and fine-earth fraction. Weathering of silicate minerals started even before the carbonates had been completely removed from the soils. The transformation mechanisms of silicate minerals in the A and O horizon at higher elevations was at least as intensive as that at the climatically warmer sites. The neoformation of pedogenetic clays at climatically cooler sites was slightly greater than that at the warmer sites. However, the formation rate of secondary Fe and Al phases was more pronounced at lower elevation, which means that this process seemed to be driven dominantly by carbonic acid (weathering of primary minerals). Soil organic matter (SOM) abundance in the mineral soil is nearly 15 kg/m2 at all sites and, surprisingly, no climate-driven effect could be detected. In general, the preservation and stabilisation of SOM was due to poorly crystalline Al and Fe phases and vermiculite, regardless of some variations in the composition of the parent material (varying calcite/dolomite ratio).  相似文献   
下地幔矿物研究及其进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中综述了20世纪90年代以来对下地幔矿物高温高压研究的进展,详细评论了下地幔温压下(Mg,Fe)SiO3钙钛矿的稳定性、(Mg, Fe)SiO3 钙钛矿和(Mg, Fe)O镁方铁矿的高压状态方程和热弹性及高压熔化、核幔边界温压下铁和硅酸盐的化学反应等几个热点问题;探讨了下地幔的矿物学组成,对下地幔的地震波速异常给出了可能的矿物学解释;介绍了国内同领域的研究工作;展望了下地幔矿物研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
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