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Two new species, Cretolimonia excelsa sp. nov. and Mesotipula gloriosa sp. nov., in Limoniidae of Diptera are described and illustrated, based on three fossil specimens with bodies and complete wings. These specimens were collected from the latest Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation at Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. These are the first fossil records of these two genera from China.  相似文献   
匹配系数聚类分析在Pseudozaphrentis属分类中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王训练 《现代地质》1995,9(1):27-36
摘要:Pseudozaphrentis属分布广泛,有重要的地层意义,但关于其分类位置、范围及种的划分争论较大.本文在匹配系数统计分析的基础上,对Pseudozaphrentis属的下列3个方面予以讨论:1.探讨属之间的亲缘关系,确定属的分类位迂.Pseudozaphreatis与相近属的对比表明其与Charactophyllum-属的匹配系数最高,它们之间的关系可能最为相近.因此把二者归入属以上的同一最低分类单元—Charactophyllinae亚科.2.确定属的范围.根据统计结果得到的代表性特征组简单而准确地定义属.3.合理地划分种.Pseudozaphreatis-属可分为4个种:PseudozaphrentisdifficileSun,19581;NeostringophyllumproniniSoshkina,1951;Pseudozaphrentiscf.wangchenpoensisYuetLiaoinJinetal.,1982;PseudozaphnytisxipingshanensisX.L.Wang,1987.  相似文献   
Cretaceous bakevelliids in Argentina are restricted to the Lower Cretaceous. They are recorded in shallow marine deposits in two Mesozoic basins located in the Andes foothills in Patagonia. In the Austral Basin (44°–55°S) there is only one genus, Gervillella, represented by a single specimen from the Barremian. In the Neuquén Basin (30°–40°S) two genera, Gervillaria and Gervillella, occur, ranging from the Berriasian to the Lower Barremian. In the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation two species are identified: Gervillaria alatior (Imlay) and Gervillella aviculoides (J. Sowerby). The former is also recorded in Mexico while the latter is more widespread, occurring in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the Bajada del Agrio section they come from eight tabular shell beds located near and on top of shallowing-upwards cycles. They were abundant only in four of these levels. These shell beds are interpreted as having been deposited in the mid-ramp (middle of cycles), and upper mid-ramp (top of cycles). A functional analysis of shells revealed two life habits: epibyssate and endobyssate.  相似文献   
Abstract. The twaite shad, Alosa agone , is still quite common in Italy and the western Balkans, but locally is endangered or extinct. Two eco-phenotypes are recognized: the migratory'Cheppia'or'Laccia'and the landlocked'Agone'. The two forms have never been in contact, at least in Italy. The migratory form is more endangered since barriers and dams prevent it from reaching upstream spawning grounds. A few reproductive communities are documented, e. g. in the Po River in Italy and Neretva River in Croatia. Resident stocks have increased to substantial populations in the large lakes of Italy, especially in the last ten years, probably as a result of improved water quality. The landlocked form from northern Italy was successfully introduced into lakes of central Italy about 75 years ago. In Sardinia a population derived from the migratory form was established about 80 years ago in the artificial Lake Omodeo. In Croatia the'Cheppia'seems to live only in the lower course of the Neretva River. In Montenegro,'Cheppia'and'Agone'live in sympatry in Lake Skadar, but a dam built in 1960 caused a strong decline of both forms. The twaite shad is a very variable species, able to modify its morphology and biology according to its adaptation to freshwater or marine biotopes. In the Mediterranean area, only one taxon should be then recognized, Alosa agone (Scopoli, 1786). This will replace Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803), a taxon described from the Atlantic drainage area which seems to be distinct from Mediterranean populations. A survey of the distribution of reproductive communities of the migrating form in the Mediterranean area must be carried out.  相似文献   
瑞典藻类学家Kyin(1940)在研究索藻目Chordariales的过程中建立了球毛藻属Sphaerotrichia Kylin,模式种为Sphaerotrichia divaricata (Agardh) Kylin。Kylin(1940)在该属中建立了两个种,即S.divaricata(Ag.)Kyin和S.japonica Kylin,前一种分布于大西洋,原名为Chordaria divaricata A.,后一种分布于西太平洋。 日本藻类学家Inagaki(1954)在《Contributions to the Knowledge of the Chordariales from Japan Ⅰ)一文中,报道了日本的叉状球毛藻S.divaricata(Ag.) Kylin及其变型。前苏联藻类学家研究了部分大西洋和太平洋的球毛藻属Sphaerotrichia标本后将其划分为三种,即S.divaricata(Ag.) Kylin、S.firma(Gepp.)A. Zinova、S.dissessa(S.et G.)A.Zinova,她认为S.divaricata是大西洋的种,而S.firma和S.dissessa为太平洋的种。其中,中国有S.firma和S.dissessa。 Lu Bao ren等(1983)(C.K. Tseng edit.)在《Common Seaweeds of China》中报道了产于中国的硬球毛藻S.firma。 球毛藻属Spherotrichia是 Kylin(1940)从索藻属Chordaria中分离出来的一个新属。其与索藻属Chordaria的主要区别在于前者的中央轴单管状且同化丝顶细胞膨大。目前,世界上球毛藻属 Sphaerotrichia Kylin有6个种。而中国的球毛藻属经过本文作者的研究后确定为三个种,即硬球毛藻Sphaerotrichia firma(Gepp.)A. Zinova、黄海球毛藻S.huanghaiensis Ding et Lu和日本球毛藻S.japonica Kylin。其中,日本球毛藻S.japonica Kylin为中国的新记录。  相似文献   
利用冷冻切片技术,通过形态学和解剖学方法,对采自我国东海沿岸浙江南麂列岛的大型海洋红藻珊瑚藻目(Corallinales)的有节类群进行了分类学研究。经鉴定,共发现珊瑚藻目有节类群2属5种,分别为珊瑚藻科Corallinaceae叉节藻亚科Amphiroideae叉节藻属Amphiroa的带形叉节藻A.beauvoisii;珊瑚藻亚科Corallinoideae珊瑚藻属Corallina的鳞形珊瑚藻C.confusa、粗枝珊瑚藻C.crassisima、珊瑚藻C.officinalis和小珊瑚藻C.pilulifera。通过较为清晰的解剖学特征图片,对该5种有节珊瑚藻外部形态和内部特征进行了详细的比较与描述。结合近年来国际上有关上述部分物种的分类地位变化,对我国现存的带形叉节藻A.zanata、粗扁节藻Bossiella cretacea和大边孢藻Marginisporum crassissimum的归并问题展开了详细分析与讨论,以期促进对珊瑚藻目海藻分类学有更加深入的理解。  相似文献   
海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)附着基异养细菌区系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从海湾扇贝附着基上分离出61株异养细菌,对其进行80项生理生化特征测定,以数值分类法进行分析。鉴定结果表明,海湾扇贝附着基上异养菌属于假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)、气单胞菌(Aeromonas)、弧菌(Vibrio)、芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)和产碱杆菌(Alcaligenes)。扇贝幼虫附着前附着的细菌主要为芽孢杆菌与假单胞菌,扇贝幼虫附着后气单胞菌成为优势,弧菌数量明显增加,与假单胞菌数量相当。  相似文献   
According to the morphology, wall structure, color, ornamentation, etc. , 25 speciesbelonging to 9 genera are identified and described from 144 sediment samples of the Xiamen Harbor, the mouth of the Minjiang River and the Sansha Bay. Among them there are 2 toxic species: Alexandrium minutun, A. tamarenes, 4 harmful species: Alexandrium affine, Lingulodinium polyedrum , Scrippsiella trochoide, Gonyaulax spinifera. It shows that 11 species of dinoflagellate cysts (Alexandrium affine, A. minutum , Diplopelta cf. parva , Polykrikos cf. schwartzii, protoceratium reticulatum ,Protoperidinium minutum ,P. cf. minutum,P. cf americanum and Alexandrium sp. , Protoperidinium sp. 1, P . sp. 2) are first recorded along the coast of Fujian Province, China. These newly discovered species might be transported to the coastal sea of Fujian Province by ballast water of international trade vessels.  相似文献   
Laurencia nanhaiense sp.nov.(Rhodomelaceae,Rhodophyta) is described from Hainan and Guangdong Provinces,China.The new species clearly displays one of the defining features of the genus,viz.four periaxial cells per vegetative axial segment.It differs from other closely related species in having a combination of features such as terete axes from a basal system composed of a primary discoid holdfast and a secondary attachment to give rise to many short rhizoids,branching oppositely and alternately,irregularly tristichous or subverticillately polystichous,having more curve branches with very sparse,adventitious ultimate branchlets,non-projecting superficial cortical cells at the apices of ultimate branchlets,presence of longitudinally oriented secondary pit-connections between contiguous superficial cortical cells,absence of lenticular thickenings in the walls of medullary cells,parallel arrangement of tetrasporangia along the axis of stichidia,and presence of intercellular spaces between medullary cells.  相似文献   
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