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Asphaltenes and NSO fractions from a variety of oils and tar sands have been characterized by pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py---GC) using both flame ionization and flame photometric detectors. Organosulphur compounds were not always produced by pyrolysis of the asphaltenes isolated from the biodegraded tar sand extracts although pyrolysis of the NSO fractions produced a series of thiophenes from all of the samples examined. These observations suggest that under certain conditions, asphaltene fractions may be affected by biodegradation, leading to preferential removal of the sulphur containing compounds. In addition, it was observed that Py---GC of asphaltenes permitted oils to be differentiated on the basis of their source rock lithology. Oils derived from carbonate source rocks produced thiophene/benzothiopene ratios <1 whilst the same ratio was >1 for oils derived from shales. Thiophene/dibenzothiophene ratios could be used in a similar manner.  相似文献   
苏德辰  吕洪波  章雨旭  孙爱萍  朱晓青  贺静  袁效奇 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022082016-2022082016
北京地区中元古界雾迷山组主要由燧石条带白云岩、燧石结核白云岩、叠层石白云岩和少量含陆源粉砂质碎屑的白云岩组成,广泛出露于北京山区,厚度2000~3500 m。以雾迷山组为代表的大量中元古代硅质沉积物的物源和形成原因,一般教科书均认为层状燧石为生物成因,结核状燧石为成岩交代成因。笔者等在北京西山等地多次野外考察发现,剖面上的硅质条带或硅质结核(下一般称燧石席或硅胶席)。 燧石席内部常包裹或胶结有下伏白云岩的砾石并且因混有有机质等,表现为各种暗色或杂色。硅胶席在上覆白云质沉积物堆积之前与其周围的白云质灰泥和粒屑几乎同时形成,燧石透镜体与白云质沉积物之间存在着相互穿插、包裹的关系,但彼此之间边界清晰,无论是白云石粒屑还是硅胶席都没有任何被交代痕迹。因此,笔者等认为:燧石“结核”是硅胶聚集成席,再经压实、固化的结果,其浑圆状边缘是水下硅胶与沉积介质的相变面。硅胶固化作用是雾迷山组中原生燧石的唯一成因。在成岩重力压实过程中,连续分布的原生硅质沉积物会形成布丁或“结核”构造。白云质灰泥和粒屑的胶结速度与硅胶的固化速度之间存在着明显的差异,遇地震等外力作用,软的硅胶席会沿着弱固结的白云岩裂隙向上侵入或向下挤入,形成硅质脉。遇有后期的岩浆侵入或热变质作用的改造,硅质条带和硅质结核的成分和颜色会发生相应的变化,质地变纯,颜色由深变浅,但是仍然保留原生的层理或纹理,容易被误认为是成岩期或成岩后硅质交代碳酸盐矿物而成。  相似文献   
河北兴隆一带的中元古界长城系大红峪组(1 650~1 600 Ma)以潮下坪灰白色厚层块状细粒石英砂岩为主,在砂岩层面上产出丰富的微生物成因构造(MISS).详细描述了MISS的沉积特征,并对其成因进行了初步分析.这些微生物成因构造可能反映了华北中元古代浅海潮坪环境被大面积分布的微生物席所覆盖,微生物席对砂质沉积物表面起到有效的保护作用,在一定程度上降低了沉积物的侵蚀和改造作用,从而影响基本沉积作用过程.大红峪组砂岩层面上发育的MISS为探索元古宙浅海环境微生物-沉积作用关系提供了研究材料,对这些MISS的深入研究可以加深对元古宙碎屑沉积体系的理解,从而促进微生物席沉积学的发展.  相似文献   
Nora Noffke   《Gondwana Research》2007,11(3):336-342
Until now, the most valuable information on the early life on the Archean Earth derived from bacterial fossils and stromatolites preserved in precipitated lithologies such as chert or carbonates. Also, shales contain complex biomarker molecules, and specific isotopes constitute an important evidence for biogeneicity.In contrast, because of their low potential of fossil preservation, sandstones have been less investigated. But recent studies revealed a variety of ‘microbially induced sedimentary structures — MISS’ that differ greatly from any other fossils or sedimentary structures. ‘Wrinkle structures’, ‘multidirected ripple marks’, ‘biolaminites’, and other macrostructures indicate the former presence of photoautotrophic microbial mats in shallow-marine to tidal paleoenvironments. The MISS form by the mechanical interaction of microbial mats with physical sediment dynamics that is the erosion and deposition by water agitation. The structures occur not only in Archean tidal flats, but in equivalent settings throughout Earth history until today.MISS are not identified alone by their macroscopic morphologies. In thin-sections, the structures display the carpet-like fabrics of intertwined filaments of the ancient mat-constructing microorganisms. Geochemical analyses of the filaments proof their composition of iron minerals associated with organic carbon.In conclusion, microbial mats colonize sandy tidal settings at least for 3.2 Ga years. Therefore, Archean sandstones constitute an important archive for the exploration of early life.  相似文献   
苏丹Muglad盆地FN油田沥青垫的确认及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
窦立荣  程顶胜  李志 《地球化学》2004,33(3):309-316
Fula坳陷位于苏丹 Muglad盆地东北部,面积约 5 000 km2,已发现有较大规模的油气储量.FN油田是到目前为止该坳陷发现的最大油田,储量近亿吨,主要储层是上白垩统 Aradeiba组和下白垩统 Bentiu组.油田地质地球化学研究表明,水洗和生物降解作用是稠油形成的主要原因.该油田普遍发育有沥青垫,开发难度较大.对该油田两口井原油和油砂详细的地球化学分析以及对沥青垫成因的探讨,为进一步的油气勘探开发提供了决策依据.  相似文献   
A fortnightly sampling of tar balls on six beaches along the Israeli coastline between 14 April 1975 and 25 June 1976 showed that the mean content of tar during that period was 3625 g m?1 of beach front. The northern and central parts of the coast were significantly more polluted than the southern part. Between July 1975 and February 1976 the mean tar quantity decreased continuously from 5635 to 1344 g m?1.A comparison of tar quantities on the Israeli beaches with those of other beaches in the world showed that the Israeli beaches are more polluted than those of the west Atlantic coast, are as polluted as other beaches on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and are less polluted than the beaches of Alexandria, Egypt, and Paphos, Cyprus. It is suggested that the tar content on the beach is related to the degree of oil pollution in the sea. The closer a beach is to an oil shipping lane or an oil dumping site, the heavier it is polluted.During storms, beach tar balls are pushed by the waves to the back of the beach or, in the case of a cliffed coast, are carried along the shore by the longshore current. When the tar balls reach a gap in the cliff (such as an estuary), they are carried inland by the storm waves. There the tar may become buried or dry, shrink and break into small particles which are then dispersed by the wind.  相似文献   
油气藏中沥青垫的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
沥青垫是油气藏中沥青质相当富集的含油储层带,其沥青质的相对含量为20% ̄60%,而对应的油层中其值不足20%,沥青垫在凝析油气藏和轻质油藏中出现的频率高,常位于非渗透性隔层之上的高孔隙和较高水平渗透率的砂岩储层中,研究表明沥青垫的主要形成机理为:脱沥青作用,重力分离作用,生物降解作用和油-水相互作用,石油运移作用。  相似文献   
河北承德路通沟剖面芙蓉统凤山组中部发育厚层块状叠层石生物丘,构成一个淹没不整合型层序的强迫型海退体系域,指示这些叠层石形成于中高能浅海环境。该生物丘宏观上主要由柱状叠层石组成,叠层石内部纹层较粗糙,在构成叠层石的致密泥晶和微亮晶组构中,还见到球粒、底栖鲕粒及凝聚颗粒等多种生物成因颗粒类型,代表着复杂的微生物活动特征,以此而区别于前寒武纪的叠层石。更为重要的是,叠层石生物丘中的致密泥晶基质中发育一些“石松藻(Lithocodium)”状的钙化蓝细菌菌落残余物,以及一些丝状钙化蓝细菌化石,指示了形成叠层石的微生物席为蓝细菌所主导的微生物席。因此,凤山组叠层石生物丘内复杂而特殊的碳酸盐岩沉积组构为研究叠层石形成过程中复杂的微生物代谢活动所产生的钙化作用机制提供了一个宝贵的地质实例。  相似文献   
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