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鳌江站台风增水特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱业  王晶  卢美 《海洋预报》2007,24(3):99-104
温州地区是浙江省受风暴潮灾害最严重的地区之一,鳌江站位于温州南部,是该地区的主要验潮站之一。本文统计了1949年~2006年登陆浙江的台风,通过对鳌江站的风暴增水特征的分析,探讨该站台风增水的预报方法和预报着眼点。  相似文献   
Inviscid three-dimensional free surface wave motions are simulated using a novel quadratic higher order boundary element model (HOBEM) based on potential theory for irrotational, incompressible fluid flow in an infinite water-depth. The free surface boundary conditions are fully non-linear. Based on the use of images, a channel Green function is developed and applied to the present model so that two lateral surfaces of an infinite-depth wave tank can be excluded from the calculation domain. In order to generate incident waves and dissipate outgoing waves, a non-reflective wave generator, composed of a series of vertically aligned point sources in the computational domain, is used in conjunction with upstream and downstream damping layers. Numerical experiments are carried out, with linear and fully non-linear, regular and focused waves. It can be seen from the results that the present approach is effective in generating a specified wave profile in an infinite water-depth without reflection at the open boundaries, and fully non-linear numerical simulations compare well with theoretical solutions. The present numerical technique is aimed at efficient modelling of the non-linear wave interactions with ocean structures in deep water.  相似文献   
冬季风期(11月—翌年3月)南海显著的气候特点是盛行东北季风并频繁地发生冷涌天气过程。使用2008年10月到2009年4月在西沙群岛永兴岛近海进行的海-气通量观测试验资料,分析了西沙海域冬季风期,尤其是冷涌时段的海-气通量交换和热量收支特征。结果表明:冬季风前期由于海-气温差增大,感热通量比西南季风期稍增加;潜热通量平均值与西南季风期接近;太阳总辐射明显降低,大气长波辐射减小,海洋热量净收入成为负值,使得秋季之后海面温度不断降低。冷涌期间海-气之间的感热通量高于冬季风期平均值,潜热通量大部分(1月份之前)也高于冬季风期平均值;由于潜热通量增大和太阳短波辐射减小,1月份之前的冷涌过程海洋热量净收支普遍出现较大负值,海洋失热量强于冬季风期,甚至强于2008年台风过程平均值。到了冬季后期太阳总辐射增强,海洋热量净收入转为正值,海水温度又逐渐升高。季节之间比较,观测区感热通量以冬季风期间最大,秋季次之,春季最小;而潜热通量夏季风期出现最大值,冬季次之,秋季最小。  相似文献   
电气系统中电涌保护器的雷电流能量配合设计   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
陈军 《气象科技》2007,35(5):723-726
分析了电涌保护器(SPD)使用中所涉及到的雷电流能量配合设计。首先分析了单级SPD与被保护设备之间的配合,使用最大振荡距离和耦合距离的计算公式来测算配合的成功性;其次分析了多级SPD之间的配合,着重分析了两级SPD(开关型和限压型组合)的配合,并采用瞬态级间电压降微分方程作为能量配合中所必须遵循的关系式,以及用不同雷电流波形来计算解耦合器的大小,最后提出一个可行的SPD能量配合设计基本步骤。  相似文献   
Phreatomagmatic deposits at Narbona Pass, a mid-Tertiary maar in the Navajo volcanic field (NVF), New Mexico (USA), were characterized in order to reconstruct the evolution and dynamic conditions of the eruption. Our findings shed light on the temporal evolution of the eruption, dominant depositional mechanisms, influence of liquid water on deposit characteristics, geometry and evolution of the vent, efficiency of fragmentation, and the relative importance of magmatic and external volatiles. The basal deposits form a thick (5–20 m), massive lapilli tuff to tuff-breccia deposit. This is overlain by alternating bedded sequences of symmetrical to antidune cross-stratified tuff and lapilli tuff; and diffusely-stratified, clast-supported, reversely-graded lapilli tuffs that pinch and swell laterally. This sequence is interpreted to reflect an initial vent-clearing phase that produced concentrated pyroclastic density currents, followed by a pulsating eruption that produced multiple density currents with varying particle concentrations and flow conditions to yield the well-stratified deposits. Only minor localized soft-sediment deformation was observed, no accretionary lapilli were found, and grain accretion occurs on the lee side of dunes. This suggests that little to no liquid water existed in the density currents during deposition. Juvenile material is dominantly present as blocky fine ash and finely vesiculated fine to coarse lapilli pumice. This indicates that phreatomagmatic fragmentation was predominant, but also that the magma was volatile-rich and vesiculating at the time of eruption. This is the first study to document a significant magmatic volatile component in an NVF maar-diatreme eruption. The top of the phreatomagmatic sequence abruptly contacts the overlying minette lava flows, indicating no gradual drying-out period between the explosive and effusive phases. The lithology of the accidental clasts is consistent throughout the vertical pyroclastic stratigraphy, suggesting that the diatreme eruption did not penetrate below the base of the uppermost country rock unit, a sandstone aquifer ∼360 m thick. By comparison, other NVF diatremes several tens of kilometers away were excavated to depths of ∼1,000 m beneath the paleosurface (e.g., Delaney PT. Ship Rock, New Mexico: the vent of a violent volcanic eruption. In: Beus SS (ed) Geological society of America Centennial Field Guide, Rocky Mountain Section 2:411–415 (1987)). This can be accounted for by structurally controlled variations in aquifer thickness beneath different regions of the volcanic field. Variations in accidental clast composition and bedding style around the edifice are indicative of a laterally migrating or widening vent that encountered lateral variations in subsurface geology. We offer reasonable evidence that this subsurface lithology controlled the availability of external water to the magma, which in turn controlled characteristics of deposits and their distribution around the vent. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
对一次温带气旋引发的渤海风暴潮过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用三维非静力中尺度大气模式—MM5(Version 3.7)输出的黄渤海海面风场和气压场预报资料,用三维斜压陆架海模式—HAMSOM对2008年8月22日温带气旋造成的渤海风暴潮过程进行了模拟,得到逐时的渤海增水场、渤海风暴潮流场,与验潮站的观测数据进行比较。结果表明:在渤海西部已经转西北风的情况下,塘沽出现了121 cm的高增水,造成这种现象的原因很复杂,其中远距离的气旋作用产生的北黄海海域偏东大风导致北黄海水体大量涌入渤海应该是一个主要原因。这也是今后预报业务中必须特别关注的产生风暴潮的重要因素。数值模拟的塘沽测站的风暴潮增水极值及增水过程都和实测值符合较好,本次过程中数值预报能够很好地模拟出这种特殊的风暴潮。在离岸风的情况下产生风暴潮,这仅靠预报员凭经验主观分析判断是很难的,数值预报可以弥补预报员主观分析的不足。  相似文献   
The flow of groundwater beneath barrier islands has been cited as a possible pathway for salt water and chemical exchange between a protected embayment and the open sea. Evidence is presented that identifies an exchange of groundwater through a highly permeable paleoinlet along the barrier beach of Cavallino, which separates the northern Venice Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. We utilized both point measurements of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and a geophysical investigation of the subsurface resistivity to analyze the movement of saline groundwater. Discharge of groundwater and associated nutrients, was higher at the site of a former inlet than at a similar site along the barrier and modulated by the difference in tidal water level between the lagoon and Adriatic Sea. If the measured conditions are typical, storm surge barriers could potentially result in a saline groundwater flow of up to 1.5×106 m3 d−1 into the lagoon.  相似文献   
贝壳堤的形成与风暴沉积——以广东台山长湾贝壳堤为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王为  谭惠忠 《热带地理》2003,23(3):209-213
台山市西南部沿海有一条由典型风暴潮沉积堆积形成,出露高度远高于现代风暴潮增水面的贝壳堤.根据贝壳堤出露的横向与纵向剖面以及横剖面上的3个钻孔的形成年代、沉积特征的分析表明风暴潮在贝壳堤发育过程中的不同阶段具有不同的侵蚀与堆积作用;贝壳堤风暴沉积也具有丘状层理、切割充填结构等典型的风暴沉积特征,但贝壳堤风暴沉积与浅海陆架上的风暴沉积在沉积过程、堆积层位、保存条件等方面具有明显的差异.长湾贝壳堤是由多次风暴加积而成,形成贝壳堤的风暴增水高度接近或高于历史最高记录.形成贝壳堤的风暴沉积堆积于平均海面之上,所以增  相似文献   
张爱玲 《海洋预报》2005,22(4):60-65
设计基准洪水位是滨海核电厂选址中的重要参数之一,而风暴潮评价又是设计基准洪水位的主要组成因素.本文还结合目前核电厂的工程实例,就风暴潮评价中存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了一些建议.  相似文献   
Water tanks as traditional rainwater harvesting systems for agriculture are widely distributed in South India. They have a strong impact on hydrological processes, affecting streamflow in rivers as well as evapotranspiration. This study aims at an accurate representation of water harvesting systems in a hydrologic model to improve model performance and assessment of the catchment water balance. To this end, spatio-temporal variations of water bodies between the years 2016 and 2018 and the months of January and May 2017 were derived from Sentinel-2 satellite data to parameterize the water tanks (reservoir) parameters in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+) model of the Adyar basin, Chennai, India. Approximately 16% of the basin is covered by water tanks. The initial model performance was evaluated for two model setups, with and without water tanks. The best model run was selected with a multi-metric approach comparing observed and modelled monthly streamflow for 5000 model runs. The final model evaluation was carried out by comparing estimated water body areas by the model and remote sensing observations for January to May 2017. The results showed that representing water tanks in the hydrologic model led to an improvement in the representation of the seasonal variations of streamflow for the whole simulation period (2004–2018). The model performance was classified as good and very good for the calibration (2004–2011) and validation (2012–2018) periods as NSE varies between 0.67 and 0.85, KGE varies between 0.65 and 0.72, PBIAS varies between −24.1 and −23.6, and RSR varies between 0.57 and 0.39. The best fit was shown for the high and middle flow segments of the hydrograph where the coefficient of determination (R2) ranges from 0.81 to 0.97 and 0.75 to 0.81, respectively. The monthly variation of water body areas in 2017 estimated by the hydrologic model was consistent with changes observed in remote sensing surveys. In summary, the water tank parametrization using remote sensing techniques enhanced the hydrologic model's efficiency and applicability for future studies.  相似文献   
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