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Development of a high modulus paste fill using fine gold mill tailings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary In the mining industry today there is some caution about using fine tailings as a backfill material. Traditionally, hydraulic backfill has only used the coarse fraction of tailings, excluding the fines by a classification process. With the development of paste fill, the percentage of fine tailings being sent underground has increased, but still remains low due to the high percentages of sand and gravel which usually make up these fills. Sand and gravel have been added to paste fills to aid pumpability and to increase fill strength and stiffness. This leaves the remainder of fine tailings destined for surface disposal. The main focus of this paper is to evaluate what effect the addition of fine gold mill tailings in the form of agglomerated tailings pellets has on the strength and stiffness characteristics of a total tailings paste fill. The purpose is to create a high modulus fill which is made up entirely of fine tailings. A constant slump design of 20 cm (8 in) was used for each mix. Various binder dosages, curing periods and combinations of pellet to tailings ratio were studied. Raw fill slump and density, and cured fill compressive strength and modulus of elasticity were also examined. Results from the above study indicate that agglomerated tailings paste fill (ATPF) has superior strength and stiffness characteristics. Compressive strengths were enhanced while the modulus of elasticity values was tripled when compared to total tailings paste fills of the same binder content and consistency. ATPF minimizes the surface disposal of tailings and maximizes the utilization of fine tailings underground as a useful backfill material.  相似文献   
Globally arsenic (As) is a ubiquitous trace element derived from the natural weathering of As-bearing rock. With the onset of reducing conditions, the prevalence of aqueous As(III) may be intensified through biotic and abiotic processes. Here we evaluate the stability of arsenic bearing Ca–Fe hydroxide phases collected from exposed tailings at Ketza River mine, Yukon, Canada, during the reductive dissolution of both acid treated and untreated samples by Shewanella putrefaciens 200R and Shewanella sp. ANA-3. Samples were acid treated in order to remove Ca–Fe oxide coatings and evaluate the influence of these coatings on the rates of microbial Fe(III) and As(V) reduction. Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) micrographs of the solid phase show significant differences in the chemistry and physical morphology of the material by the bacteria over time and are especially evident in the acid treated samples. Moreover, while solution chemistry showed similar As(III) respiration rates of the inoculated acid treated samples for both ANA3 and 200R at ~ 1.1 × 10−6 μM·s− 1·m− 2, the Fe(II) respiration rates differed at 1.4 × 10− 7 and 9.5 × 10− 8 μM·s− 1·m−2 respectively, thus suggesting strain specific metal reduction metabolic pathways Additionally, the enhanced metal reduction observed in the acid treated inoculated samples suggests that the presence of the Ca–Fe hydroxide phase in the untreated samples acted as a barrier, inhibiting the bacteria from accessing the metals. This has implications for increased mobilization of metals by metal reducing bacteria within areas of increased acidity, such as acid mine drainage sites and industrial tailings ponds that can come into contact with surface and ground water sources.  相似文献   
李强  高松  牛红凯  尚艳亮 《岩土力学》2020,41(11):3714-3721
目前求解尾矿库浸润线大多采用数值模拟和模型试验的方法,尚没有建立起完善的尾矿库浸润线的解析解。鉴于此,建立了尾矿库浸润线的理论模型,采用能量方程和达西渗透定律推导了尾矿库浸润线的微分方程,并建立了上下游边界条件方程。在此基础上,求解了尾矿库浸润线的解析解(由于在解析解的推导过程中引入了杜比假定,该解析解更适应于库底底坡较缓的尾矿库浸润线的预测),并与数值模拟结果进行了对比分析,验证了解析解的正确性。考虑到尾矿库的复杂性,分析了尾矿砂各向异性、尾矿库地质分层和底坡地形对尾矿库浸润线分布的影响,探讨了所提出的解析解对复杂尾矿库浸润线求解的适应性,通过尾矿库实例验证了文中浸润线解析解的有效性。  相似文献   
何秋生 《陕西地质》2009,27(1):95-100
陕西凤县八卦庙金矿床,由建矿初期日处理选矿量100t到2003年日处理2600t,年处理选矿量90~100万t,随着选厂处理矿石量的加大,矿山地下开拓采矿系统集中在矿体富集区长400m宽200m范围内,形成多中段同时开采。在处理1390m中段采空区中上中段形成两条断裂分别为70°、45°,随后沿70°断裂缝地表凹陷,并波及到其它采空区,形成大面积地压险陷,大量废石涌入。原矿地质品位逐年减少,矿山抗风险能力降弱。南坡治理及深部开拓迫在眉睫。采空区处理方案将是今后矿山发展的重要措施之一。建议深部开拓采矿系统采用空场采矿法对采空区以废石、尾砂、水泥进行固结空区充填处理。  相似文献   
通过综合分析张马屯铁矿尾矿基本特性,对张马屯铁矿尾矿进行了铁尾矿砖生产试验研究。结果表明,利用张马屯铁矿尾矿,采用压制成型法,可以制备出MU10等级以上的建筑用砖,颜色一致性好,铁尾矿砖为灰色,抗冻性良好。认为利用尾矿制备建筑用砖是一条很好的尾矿利用途径,具有明显的经济效益和广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
布筋尾砂胶结充填体顶板力学性状试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胶结充填体顶板的稳定性是决定下向分层胶结充填回采断面尺寸的主要因素,结合武山铜矿工程实际,采用相似模拟与现场监测手段,研究了下向分层胶结充填法充填体顶板的破坏模式、变形特征、充填体内钢筋受力特征等。相似模拟试验结果表明,钢筋布置方式不影响顶板的最终破坏形式,竖直布置钢筋与水平布置钢筋相比,更有利于提高顶板整体稳定性。应变监测结果表明,充填体顶板应变状态十分复杂,与通常将下向胶结充填体顶板简化为梁的计算结果有较大不同,垂直方向上应变表现为拉伸应变,而沿分条和垂直分条方向应变均呈现拉、压交错变化。在竖直布置的8根钢筋上布置了24个钢筋测力计,得到了钢筋受力与开采时间的关系曲线,据此将钢筋受力划分为4个阶段,即起始受拉阶段、相对稳定阶段、拉压变化阶段、承载阶段,其中承载阶段钢筋首先承受最大压力,充填体暴露为顶板后,钢筋由受压状态变为受拉状态,并急剧上升到最大拉力,即表现出悬吊作用,并且,进路与分条连接处钢筋承受拉力最大。  相似文献   
金绍祥 《岩矿测试》2011,30(3):357-360
用化学物相分析法测定瓮福磷尾矿中钙、镁、磷元素形态含量。结果表明,磷尾矿中钙主要以白云石的形式赋存,并有少量以方解石、磷酸盐形式存在;镁主要以白云石的形式赋存,并有少量以磷酸盐、硅酸盐形式存在;磷主要以磷灰石的形式赋存,并有少量以铁氧化物、独居石、磷钇矿形式存在。各元素形态加标回收率为97.6%~107.2%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=12)为0.77%~4.85%。各元素形态分析结果表现出较好的稳定性,表明采用化学物相分析法测定瓮福磷尾矿中钙、镁、磷元素形态含量结果准确可靠。  相似文献   
      利用铁镁质尾矿与CO2 反应,形成稳定的碳酸盐矿物,是一种新型的、有前途的固定二氧化碳方法,而对于这些尾 矿固碳潜力的评价则是正确利用尾矿的前提。该文通过我国东部两个典型超基性岩带(东海-日照岩带和赤城-朝阳岩带) 10 个矿床尾矿的矿物组分、粒度分布以及相关元素的测定分析,评估不同矿床尾矿的潜在固碳能力。分析结果显示 :在东海- 日照岩带,尾矿中MgO 的含量较高(36.81%~41.39%),且多以蛇纹石为主,粗粒物质相对较多;而在赤城-朝阳岩带,尾 矿中MgO 含量中等(5.84%~15.60%),而CaO 含量偏高(5.68%~19.28%),矿物组分以各种角闪石为主,尾矿颗粒较细。结 合野外调研和计算,估计赤城-朝阳岩带可以用于封存CO2 的尾矿潜力为4.0×108 t,远远高于东海-日照岩带。综合化学 成分、比表面积、尾矿储量等各方面因素,赤城-朝阳超基性岩带具有很大CO2 封存潜力  相似文献   
矿山尾砂表生地球化学过程实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对石菉铜锡矿和河台金矿层砂矿物物相及化学组成研究基础上,利用自行设计的大口径淋滤柱开展了淋滤实验和静置浸泡(溶解)实验。研究结果表明,矿山层矿排放水不一定是酸性,它取决于矿床脉石矿物、赋矿的岩石及其次生蚀变矿物的酸缓冲能力。矿山排放水的组成是地表或地下水与矿山层砂中矿物和氢氧化物及非品态物质相互作用的结果,元素的赋存状态对其被淋滤的程度有很大影响。优先流能使重金属大量带出,因此要尽量防止优先流的形成。研究结果可为矿山综合整治和修复提供重要依据。  相似文献   
尾矿料的动力特性试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对某铜矿的尾矿料进行动三轴和共振柱试验,研究了尾矿材料动力变形特性,提出了简单实用的孔隙水压力模型,给出了能更加准确地预测尾矿材料的动孔隙水压力的公式,并将其与Seed提出的预测公式进行了比较。在不同密度尾矿料的动三轴试验基础上,分析了相对密度对液化特性的影响,得出了相对密度小于70 %时抗液化强度随相对密度的增加而明显增加的结论。在不同围压下进行动三轴试验,结果表明:在相同的液化振次条件下,围压越高,动剪应力比越低。由共振柱试验可知,尾矿料的阻尼比随着动剪应变幅的增大而增大,而动剪模量随动剪应变幅的增大而减小,动剪模量和阻尼比与动剪应变幅的关系受围压影响不太敏感。  相似文献   
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