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温庄尾矿库堆坝模型试验及坝体稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓涛  万玲  魏作安 《岩土力学》2011,32(12):3647-3652
以温庄尾矿库为工程背景,通过室内堆坝模型试验,获得到了在坝体堆积过程中尾矿颗粒在库内沉积分布特征、浸润线的变化规律等基础资料。在此基础上,以多孔介质有效应力理论为依据,建立了多孔介质流-固耦合数学模型,利用有限元软件ABAQUS对该库尾矿坝的应力场与渗流场进行了分析,获得了坝体内的应力场及孔隙压力的分布规律,研究成果可为尾矿库的设计、施工和安全生产提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
It has been found that stream waters were severely contaminated with wastes from a long-time smelting factory in Hezhang, Guizhou, China. The main sources of contamination are the smelting wastes stored in the open air and abandoned in the vicinity of stream. A method of lead isotope was adopted in order to identify relations between tailings and water contamination. Representative samples of tailings and stream sediments were collected. Mineralogical characterizations were conducted using XRD and TEM/SEM, while acid digestion was carried out for determining metal contents. BCR sequential leaching tests were performed in order to assess metal mobility. The tremendous ‘actual' and ‘potential' mobility of heavy metals indicates that the smelting waste and stream sediments present a considerable threat to the environment. Besides the chemical remobilization of heavy metals from the sediments and the reworking of riverbed sediments act as a secondary source of pollution. Also groundwater and stream water were sampled in specific locations and were measured.  相似文献   
尾矿库是我国重大危险源之一,而尾矿库内的浸润线又是坝体安全的重要指标之一,为有效排出尾矿中的水,降低尾矿库内浸润线,本文通过辐射井技术在尾矿库降排水工程中应用的多个成功工程实例,归纳、总结并提出该技术在尾矿库应用过程中的设计思路、施工要点及工艺方法等。  相似文献   
尾矿坝稳定性的可靠度分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
张超  杨春和  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1706-1711
以极限平衡理论和传统的安全系数方法为基础,将可靠度理论引入尾矿坝稳定性分析中。通过敏感性分析和可靠度计算分析发现,尾矿材料的内摩擦角的变异性将显著地影响尾矿坝稳定性分析的可靠指标,重度的变异性对可靠指标的影响大于粘聚力的变异性的影响。简述了尾矿坝稳定性分析中利用可靠度理论的重要性,并建议在尾矿坝的可靠度分析中,将尾矿材料的抗剪强度指标c, 和重度 作为基本随机变量。  相似文献   
基于灰色算子的尾矿坝浸润线混沌研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于尾矿坝浸润线时间序列,通过建立一个灰色算子,来弱化坝体高度、库内水位等因素所带来的确定性影响,突出混沌特性,形成新的时间序列,对该序列进行相空间重构后,求取关联维。德兴铜矿2#尾矿坝浸润线观测数据的分析结果表明,灰色算子能较好地处理混沌问题,浸润线时间序列存在着非整数维,是一个混沌系统:对于尾矿坝安全不能进行长期预测,而需要长期监测。  相似文献   
Multi-isotope (H, O, S, Sr, Pb) systems coupled with conventional (major and trace element) hydrogeochemical analysis were applied to determine the origin of water, to model water-rock-tailings interactions and for source apportionment of sulfur and associated toxic metals in the mining region of Taxco, Guerrero in southern Mexico. Oxygen and H isotopes indicate that meteoric water in the zone is rainwater undergoing varying degrees of isotopic fractionation by atmospheric evaporation whereas Sr isotopes trace the interaction of pristine water from volcanics of the regional recharge zone and subsequently flowing through sandstone and shale to spring points. Leachates form from two distinctive sources (spring water and surface water) having differential interactions with bedrocks prior to entering the tailings. Compared to pristine water, leachates are enriched in sulfate, metals (e.g. Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) and metalloids (e.g. As). The sulfur isotopic composition of ore-sulfides, leachates, secondary precipitates, regional surface water and hypogenic sulfates is described in terms of a two-component mixing model with shale of Mexcala and limestone of Morelos formations representing the light and heavy end-members, respectively, whereas Sr isotopic composition is bracketed combining three lithogenic (Mexcala/Morelos, Tilzapotla and Taxco Schist) sources. Finally, leachates have a mixture of lead from ore-sulfides and Taxco Schist Formation (Family I) or from ore-sulfides alone (Family II). The application of multiple environmental isotopic techniques is an outstanding tool for elucidating complex interactions of water with bedrocks and tailings and for determining the source of sulfur and toxic metal from mining and other metal polluted environments.  相似文献   
文中阐述了尾矿库选址中的工程地质和水文地质测绘、浅层地震和勘察工程、水文地质试验等对库区渗漏性进行评价的基本方法,并结合工程实例介绍实际工作中如何进行渗漏性评价及重点关注的问题。  相似文献   
我国每年产生的铜尾渣超过1 500万吨,持续堆存会造成严重的环境危害,而资源化处理则通常能够充分利用铜渣当中的资源并一定程度上降低环境危害。通过生命周期评价方法,对铜尾渣资源化利用制取蒸压砖并副产铜精矿、铁精矿和重介质的工艺过程的环境影响进行了分析。结果表明,该技术方案最主要的环境影响为人体毒性(33 886 kg 1,4-二氯苯当量 /资源化1 000吨铜尾渣);水泥生产阶段环境负荷最高,在7种环境影响类别中均有最高的贡献;贡献最明显的关键物质为氮氧化物,其对富营养化、酸化、光化学污染贡献占比分别为94.1%、42.0%和24.3%。将生产蒸压砖和副产的铜精矿、铁精矿、重介质所避免的环境影响纳入考虑范围之后,发现该铜尾渣资源化方案能够取得明显的环境效益。  相似文献   
Hematite is a thermodynamically stable iron oxide under the aerobic conditions present in most natural surface soils and sediments. Most studies to date have focused on the capacity of hematite to adsorb trace metals and metalloids, but structural incorporation of trace metals within hematite is less recognized. This study assessed the incorporation of molybdenum within the structure of hematite during the phase transformation of 2-line ferrihydrite under alkaline conditions (pH ∼10). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analyses show molybdenum incorporated into hematite, with two Mo-O shells having a coordination number (CN) of 3 and average bond distances of 1.78 ± 0.01 and 2.08 ± 0.02 Å, respectively, as well as two Mo-Fe shells with a CN of 3 and average bond distances of 3.10 ± 0.02 Å and 3.44 ± 0.02 Å, respectively. This observation suggests the tetrahedrally-coordinated Mo in the molybdate that adsorbs onto the 2-line ferrihydrite changes to an octahedrally-coordinated Mo within the hematite with Mo possibly substituting for Fe in the hematite structure. Our findings suggest that molybdenum partitioning (low concentrations) to iron oxides in the environment can occur due to structural incorporation as well as adsorption.  相似文献   
任鸿飞  杨家林  马彤真 《探矿工程》2018,45(10):115-118
通过对典型尾矿库土壤样品分析,利用重金属超标率、植物体BCF、污染因子的权重值筛选等通进行典型污染物识别,为开展尾矿库污染治理工作提供依据。  相似文献   
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