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Verification of distributed hydrologic models is rare owing to the lack of spatially detailed field measurements and a common mismatch between the scale at which soil hydraulic properties are measured and the scale of a single modelling unit. In this study, two of the most commonly calibrated parameters, i.e. soil depth and the vertical distribution of lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, were eliminated by a spatially detailed soil characterization and results of a hillslope‐scale field experiment. The soil moisture routing (SMR) model, a geographic information system‐based hydrologic model, was modified to represent the dominant hydrologic processes for the Palouse region of northern Idaho. Modifications included Ks as a double exponential function of depth in a single soil layer, a snow accumulation and melt algorithm, and a simple relationship between storage and perched water depth (PWD) using the drainable porosity. The model was applied to a 2 ha catchment without calibration to measured data. Distributed responses were compared with observed PWD over a 3‐year period on a 10 m × 15 m grid. Integrated responses were compared with observed surface runoff at the catchment outlet. The modified SMR model simulated the PWD fluctuations remarkably well, especially considering the shallow soils in this catchment: a 0·20 m error in PWD is equivalent to only a 1·6% error in predicted soil moisture content. Simulations also captured PWD fluctuations during a year with high spatial variability of snow accumulation and snowmelt rates at upslope, mid‐slope, and toe slope positions with errors as low as 0·09 m, 0·12 m, and 0·12 m respectively. Errors in distributed and integrated model simulations were attributed mostly to misrepresentation of rain events and snowmelt timing problems. In one location in the catchment, simulated PWD was consistently greater than observed PWD, indicating a localized recharge zone, which was not identified by the soil morphological survey. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Jason-1 Altimeter Ground Processing Look-Up Correction Tables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poseidon-2 is the dual frequency radar altimeter embarked on the CNES/NASA oceanographic satellite Jason-1 that was launched on 7 December 2001. The primary objective of the Jason-1 mission is to continue the high accuracy time series of altimeter measurements that began with TOPEX in 1992. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to improve each component of the ground processing continually. Among these components are the look-up correction tables that are used to correct the estimations (range, significant waveheight, and sigma naught) issued from the retracking algorithms (on-board and ground). Look-up tables were first computed taking into account the prelaunch characteristics of the altimeter. They have to be updated to take into account better all the in-flight characteristics of the altimeter and all the updated ground algorithms that can impact the estimation process. The aim of this article is to describe the radar altimeter simulator of performances that has been used to compute look-up tables, to display the freshly computed look-up tables, and to discuss the consequences of these new corrections on the products provided to the users. The updated look-up correction tables allow improvement of SWH estimation, in particular with respect to TOPEX SWH data. It is also shown that no range dependency on SWH has to be looked for in these tables, and that the on-board TOPEX and Poseidon-2 tracking systems may contain the differences explaining the relative sea state bias between both altimeters.  相似文献   
The earliest known shaking table, driven by hand‐power, was constructed in Japan at the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century developments had moved to the Stanford University in the U.S. with the introduction of an electric motor to produce a more refined oscillatory motion in one direction, the response of the testpiece being recorded mechanically by pens on a rotating drum. Major earthquakes in the 1920s prompted renewed interest at Stanford resulting in a uni‐directional table moving on rails, activated either by a pendulum striking at one end—the other being resisted by springs—or by a wheel with an eccentric‐mass attached to the table. A valuable feature here was that the size of the eccentric mass could be varied as the harmonic motion continued, thereby providing a method of control. In the 1950s, a similar pendulum input was used on a table constructed at the University of California, but instead of rails, it was supported by a group of vertical bars flexible in one direction only, and the 1939–1945 war had resulted in the availability of electrical devices for measuring response. Also, in Italy at this time the use of pendulums was augmented by contra‐rotating mass input devices giving better frequency control; arrays of several electrodynamic exciters were also used. In Japan, motion was induced by the release of compressed springs. The idea of producing input by an oil‐filled piston was introduced at MIT after the 1933 Long Beach earthquake to a table suspended from above by wires. Two other innovations here were of the greatest significance. First was an analogue device for using an actual earthquake record as input, and the second was control of the motion by an error‐driven electrically controlled feedback loop. The development of these ideas into the shaking tables, which we use today, had to wait upon the general development of control engineering during the 1939–1945 war, followed by progressively greater speeds in digital computation. This history ends (c.1985) after the continuation of these advances made possible full 6‐DOF control using many oil‐filled actuators, but before they became able to give us real‐time control with the attendant abilities of multi‐support input and the experimental study of inelastic behaviour. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
文章针对我国大洋样品管理中遇到的样品类型复杂、形态多样、“身份”精准厘定困难等现实问题,将大洋样品作为编码对象,以分类编码相关国家基础标准为依据,利用面分类法和线分类法相结合的混合分类法,设计了一套由13个代码段组成、包含30个代码位的代码总体结构,以及能够记录样品馆藏信息、状态信息、原始采样信息、分割切割信息的代码表和编码方法,并参照已有国家标准,结合大洋工作实践及大洋领域专家共识,建立了能够适应大洋样品“身份”前置需求,满足大洋样品管理需要的样品管理分级分类体系。大洋样品管理分类代码能够精准表达大洋原始样品与衍生样品之间的逻辑关系,具有很强的适用性、可扩展性,不仅能够满足大洋样品管理的需要,而且可拓展推广至其他任务来源样品管理,为构建全国一体化海洋样品资源共享服务平台,推进海洋强国建设,必将产生积极影响。  相似文献   
In a recent paperCharlock, Herman andZdunkowski (1976) disagree on how best to apply the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) in the construction of Elsasser type radiation tables. The two proposed approximation solutions are analyzed and compared against a quasiexact solution. Infrared fluxes and cooling rates are calculated for part of the 6.3 m water vapor band for two model atmospheres. It is found that the Zdunkowski (Z) approximation yields more accurate downward fluxes, while the Charlock-Herman (CH) approximation, in general, results in more accurate upward fluxes. For the two model atmospheres studied the cooling rates for theZ approximation are usually of better quality than those due to the CH solution, unless the divergence of the net flux is extremely small.  相似文献   
正20141408 Cai Jia(Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing100037,China);Liu Fulai Petrogenesis and Metamorphic P-T Conditions of Garnet-Spinel-Biotitebearing Paragneiss in Danangou Area,Daqingshan-Wulashan Metamorphic Complex Belt(Acta Petrologica Sinica,ISSN1000-0569,CN11-1922/P,29(7),  相似文献   
正20141538 Cao Qing(School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,Xi’an Petroleum University,Xi’an 710065,China);Zhao Jingzhou Characteristics and Significance of Fluid Inclusions from Majiagou Formation,Yichuan Huangling Area,Ordos Basin(Advances in Earth Science,ISSN1001-8166,CN62-1091/P,28(7),2013,p.819-828,7 illus.,3 tables,43 refs.)  相似文献   
正20141605 Jin Peihong(School of Earth Science,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China);Wang Zixi Early Cretaceous Fossil Plant from Qianliannaobao of Guyang,Inner Mongolia and Its Taphonomy Study(Gansu Geology,ISSN1004-4116,CN 62-1191/P,22(3),2013,p.19-27,1illus.,2tables,34refs.) Key words:floral studies,taphonomy,Inner  相似文献   
正20141768 An Shaopeng(Institute of Rock and Soil Mechannics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430071,China);Wei Lide Experimental Study on Mechanical Behavior of Xigeda Formation Siltstone and Structure Interface(Journal of Engineering Geology,ISSN1004-9665,CN11-3249/P,21(5),2013,p.702-708,9illus.,1 table,16 refs.)  相似文献   
正20141362 Chen Juan(Laboratory for High Temperature and High Pressure Study of the Earth’s Interior,Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guiyang 550002,China);Li Heping Progress in Major Element and Trace Element Analysis of Sulfide Minerals(Acta Mineralogica Sinica,ISSN1000-4734,CN52-1045/P,33(3),2013,p.351-362,5 illus.,4 tables,20 refs.)  相似文献   
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