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Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are the most common type of refractory inclusions in CM, CR, CH, CV, CO, and ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites Acfer 094 and Adelaide; only one AOA was found in the CBb chondrite Hammadah al Hamra 237 and none were observed in the CBa chondrites Bencubbin, Gujba, and Weatherford. In primitive (unaltered and unmetamorphosed) carbonaceous chondrites, AOAs consist of forsterite (Fa<2), Fe, Ni-metal (5-12 wt% Ni), and Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) composed of Al-diopside, spinel, anorthite, and very rare melilite. Melilite is typically replaced by a fine-grained mixture of spinel, Al-diopside, and ±anorthite; spinel is replaced by anorthite. About 10% of AOAs contain low-Ca pyroxene replacing forsterite. Forsterite and spinel are always 16O-rich (δ17,18O∼−40‰ to −50‰), whereas melilite, anorthite, and diopside could be either similarly 16O-rich or 16O-depleted to varying degrees; the latter is common in AOAs from altered and metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites such as some CVs and COs. Low-Ca pyroxene is either 16O-rich (δ17,18O∼−40‰) or 16O-poor (δ17,18O∼0‰). Most AOAs in CV chondrites have unfractionated (∼2-10×CI) rare-earth element patterns. AOAs have similar textures, mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions to those of forsterite-rich accretionary rims surrounding different types of CAIs (compact and fluffy Type A, Type B, and fine-grained, spinel-rich) in CV and CR chondrites. AOAs in primitive carbonaceous chondrites show no evidence for alteration and thermal metamorphism. Secondary minerals in AOAs from CR, CM, and CO, and CV chondrites are similar to those in chondrules, CAIs, and matrices of their host meteorites and include phyllosilicates, magnetite, carbonates, nepheline, sodalite, grossular, wollastonite, hedenbergite, andradite, and ferrous olivine.Our observations and a thermodynamic analysis suggest that AOAs and forsterite-rich accretionary rims formed in 16O-rich gaseous reservoirs, probably in the CAI-forming region(s), as aggregates of solar nebular condensates originally composed of forsterite, Fe, Ni-metal, and CAIs. Some of the CAIs were melted prior to aggregation into AOAs and experienced formation of Wark-Lovering rims. Before and possibly after the aggregation, melilite and spinel in CAIs reacted with SiO and Mg of the solar nebula gas enriched in 16O to form Al-diopside and anorthite. Forsterite in some AOAs reacted with 16O-enriched SiO gas to form low-Ca pyroxene. Some other AOAs were either reheated in 16O-poor gaseous reservoirs or coated by 16O-depleted pyroxene-rich dust and melted to varying degrees, possibly during chondrule formation. The most extensively melted AOAs experienced oxygen isotope exchange with 16O-poor nebular gas and may have been transformed into magnesian (Type I) chondrules. Secondary mineralization and at least some of the oxygen isotope exchange in AOAs from altered and metamorphosed chondrites must have resulted from alteration in the presence of aqueous solutions after aggregation and lithification of the chondrite parent asteroids.  相似文献   
劳动力跨地区流动与地区差距   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
严浩坤 《地理科学》2008,28(2):179-184
中国区域间的劳动力流动对地区差距有着重要的影响。但是,劳动力流动对地区差距究竟是起了扩大作用,还是缩小作用,已有的研究并没能形成一致的结论。基于中国的转型背景,认为中国特有的户籍制度及其相应的配套政策构成了劳动力区际流动的制度约束,这种制度约束使不同类型的劳动力流动方式不同。进而分析了劳动力流动方式对地区差距的影响。研究结论表明:转型期中国区域之间劳动力流动,尽管流动方式不同,但都在一定程度上扩大了中国地区差距和城乡差距。  相似文献   
锡林浩特国家气候观象台是全区乃至全国观测项目最多、重要性最强的气象台站之一,但在近几年的发展过程中遇到了一些问题。文章重点分析了锡林浩特国家气候观象台观测系统的组成和存在的问题,探讨了推进锡林浩特国家气候观象台观测系统发展的思路。  相似文献   
公用微机硬盘信息保护的一种有效方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种保护公用微机硬盘信息的有效方法.不仅可以预防各种计算机病毒,更重要的是可以防止人为操作对硬盘信息的破坏。适用于学校等开放性微机实验室的信息安全与保护.  相似文献   
土钉支护体系抗拔力机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
丁振明  秦四清  刘军  夏柏如 《岩土力学》2005,26(11):1799-1802
对基坑土钉支护体系中抗拔力机理作用的分析与研究,提出了关于抗拔力的新观点。研究认为,土钉支护体系的抗拔力应由钉土作用抗拔力和土体自承作用抗拔力两部分来组成;土钉在支护体系中首先是作为传力构件传递土体自承作用抗拔力,而后是通过钉土作用提供抗拔力。进一步分别对两部份的抗拔力进行理论求解,确定了土钉支护体系总抗拔力。最后通过工程实例证明了所提出抗拔力机理作用及其求解的正确性。  相似文献   
以往GPS建立的平面坐标系属法线系统,而选线设计均在垂线和水准面为基准的坐标系统下进行,其数据未做两化改正而直接用于施工放样。为了消除因GPS引入线路勘测而引发的法线系统坐标系与垂线系统坐标系之间的矛盾,本文采用逆向两化改正的方法,从理论上提出了直接用GPS建立垂线和水准面系统下平面坐标系的技术路线,并推导出逆向两化改正及其精度评定公式。  相似文献   
理塘第四纪盆地以河湖相沉积为主,其形成于747ka,消亡于179~180ka。盆地内不同地点的沉积物的时空分布,揭示出古湖泊演化属于一种不连续的扩展型,在其演化过程中存在着多次的消失或萎缩时期;盆地内孢粉组合表明,其形成于一种温热湿润的气候环境,当时的海拔高度在2000m左右,以后高原气候由热变温;冰川发育加剧了古无量河的溯源侵蚀作用,最终切穿盆地,致使湖水外泄,湖泊消亡。理塘盆地的演化历程为研究青藏高原的古气候变化提供了重要证据。  相似文献   
双塔连体高层混合结构抗震性能研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
外钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构体系被认为是适合我国国情的高层建筑结构体系之一,我国已有多个采用这种结构体系的单塔楼工程实例,但对双塔连体高层混合结构的研究较少。本文针对上海国际设计中心不等高双塔连体混合结构,进行了7度多遇地震、基本烈度、罕遇地震和8度罕遇地震阶段的模拟地震振动台试验研究,得到了结构的破坏模式,并对模型结构和原型结构的动力反应进行了详细的分析,最后提出了此类结构设计的一些建议。研究表明,高位连体的竖向地震反应比较明显,设计中应适当考虑动力放大效应;在各水准地震作用下结构整体变形均呈现弯曲型;主塔楼核心筒在中震下可以保证"不坏",但结构小震下的层间位移略超过规范限值。  相似文献   
王波  冯晨  杨庆峰 《江苏地质》2010,34(1):46-51
针对目前矿业权监督管理的现状,梳理矿业权监督管理流程,建立矿业权监督管理的业务数据库与基础数据库,建立江苏省矿业权监督管理系统,使矿业权监督管理的全过程实现计算机化管理,达到规范管理工作、提高工作效率的目的。  相似文献   
A multiproxy approach (textural characteristics, heavy metal concentrations and benthic foraminifera data) was adopted to study the OMEX core KSGX 40, collected at the Galicia Mud Deposit (NW Iberian outer continental shelf) and recording the last ca. 4.8 ka cal BP. Geochemical profiles of Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Al and Ca show significant temporal variations. Benthic foraminifera productivity proxy suggests that the recorded muddy events were contemporaneous of a higher Corg flux to the marine benthic environment. The higher flux of organic matter, following a long-term intensification of the upwelling and coinciding with a finer sedimentation, led to depressed levels of oxygen beneath the water-sediments interface and to early diagenetic processes of several redox-sensitive elements.  相似文献   
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