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In order to determine whether slip during an earthquake on the 26th September 1997 propagated to the surface, structural data have been collected along a bedrock fault scarp in Umbria, Italy. These collected data are used to investigate the relationship between the throw associated with a debated surface rupture (observed as a pale unweathered stripe at the base of the bedrock fault scarp) and the strike, dip and slip-vector. Previous studies have suggested that the surface rupture was produced either by primary surface slip or secondary compaction of hangingwall sediments. Some authors favour the latter because sparse surface fault dip measurements do not match nodal plane dips at depth. It is demonstrated herein that the strike, dip and height of the surface rupture, represented by a pale unweathered stripe at the base of the bedrock scarp, shows a systematic relationship with respect to the geometry and kinematics of faulting in the bedrock. The strike and dip co-vary and the throw is greatest where the strike is oblique to the slip-vector azimuth where the highest dip values are recorded. This implies that the throw values vary to accommodate spatial variation in the strike and dip of the fault across fault plane corrugations, a feature that is predicted by theory describing conservation of strain along faults, but not by compaction. Furthermore, published earthquake locations and reported fault dips are consistent with the analysed surface scarps when natural variation for surface dips and uncertainty for nodal plane dips at depth are taken into account. This implies that the fresh stripe is indeed a primary coseismic surface rupture whose slip is connected to the seismogenic fault at depth. We discuss how this knowledge of the locations and geometry of the active faults can be used as an input for seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   
对南冲绳海槽进行反射地震调查 ,结果表明 :(1 )海槽盖层主要由反射层组 (时代相当于第四纪 )和反射层组 (时代相当于上新世 )组成 ,推测槽底局部存在中新统。槽底沉积物主要源自中国大陆。轴部目前仍处在裂陷作用阶段 ;(2 )断裂极为发育 ,可分 NE— SW向(西南端转为近 E— W向 )和 NW— SE向两组 ,分别属张性及张扭性断裂 ,后者切割前者 ;(3)岩浆活动十分强烈 ,东南缘岩浆活动尤甚 ,推测其岩性以中、基性岩为主  相似文献   
Understanding continental-slope morphological evolution is essential for predicting basin deposition. However, separating the imprints and chronology of different seafloor shaping processes is difficult. This study explores the utility of bathymetric spectral decomposition for separating and characterizing the variety of interleaved seafloor imprints of mass wasting, and clarifying their role in the morphological evolution of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea passive-margin slope. Bathymetric spectral decomposition, integrated with interpretation of seismic profiles, highlights the long-term shape of the slope and separates the observed mass transport elements into several genetic groups: (1) a series of ~25 km wide, now-buried slide scars and lobes; (2) slope-parallel bathymetric scarps representing shallow faults; (3) slope-perpendicular, open slope slide scars; (4) bathymetric roughness representing debris lobes; (5) slope-confined gullies. Our results provide a multi-scale view of the interplay between sediment transport, mass transport and shallow faulting in the evolution of the slope morphology. The base of the slope and focused disturbances are controlled by ~1 km deep salt retreat, and mimic the Messinian base of slope. The top of the open-slope is delimited by faults, accommodating internal collapse of the margin. The now-buried slides were slope-confined and presumably cohesive, and mostly nucleated along the upper-slope faults. Sediment accumulations, infilling the now-buried scars, generated more recent open-slope slides. These latter slides transported ~10 km3 of sediments, depositing a significant fraction (~3 m in average) of the sediments along the base of the studied slope during the past < 50 ka. South to north decrease in the volume of the open-slope slides highlight their role in counterbalancing the northwards diminishing sediment supply and helping to maintain a long-term steady-state bathymetric profile. The latest phase slope-confined gullies were presumably created by channelling of bottom currents into slide-scar depressions, possibly establishing incipient canyon headword erosion.  相似文献   
鲍店井田的层滑构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
层滑构造是影响矿井采掘生产的主要因素之一。笔者根据鲍店煤矿实际揭露资料,系统分析了鲍店井田层滑构造的类型、特征、发育规律和对生产的影响,并对未采区进行了预测。研究成果对掌握煤层赋存规律,地质异常判断和处理都很有帮助  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西部的新生代断裂活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区以塔里木盆地西部的巴楚隆起为核心,包括其南侧的麦盖提斜坡和北侧的北部坳陷(阿瓦提凹陷)。这里新生代断裂异常发育。以鸟山-古董山地区为重点,通过精细的地震剖面解释,在塔里木盆地西部识别出5期新生代断裂活动,分别发生于:白垩纪末-古近纪初(ca.65Ma)、中新世末-上新世初(ca.5Ma)、上新世末-更新世中期(ca.3~1.5Ma)、更新世中-晚期(ca.1~0.1Ma)和全新世(ca.0.01Ma)。中寒武统和古近系膏盐层构成了研究区的2个主滑脱面。ca.65Ma的冲断受控于基墨里中间大陆与亚洲大陆碰撞的远程效应;ca.5Ma、ca.3~1.5Ma、ca.1~0.1Ma和ca.0.01Ma的断裂活动(包括滑脱断层、冲断层、走滑断层和正断层)均受控于印度-亚洲碰撞的远程效应。晚新生代(中新世以来)的断裂活动以脉动式冲断为特征,两次相邻脉动式冲断之间为时间不等的短暂的构造间歇期;间歇期构造平静,甚至可以形成正断层。  相似文献   
Underground lifeline engineering(ULE for short)in modern city demands the ap-preciation of an active fault in buried bedrock.Generally speaking,a large numberof urban geological textures of a basement may all be simplified into a dual geologicaltexture model,i.e.,the upper part of the basement consists of loose covering layerand the lower part consists of bedrock.The study of an active fault should includethree parts of contents,i.e.,to determine the lower time limit of activity of thefault,and the time limit must be recognized by both of designing engineers and geolo-gists;on the basis of the studies of repetition periods of earthquake occurrence to deter-mine whether the fault moves or not during the allowed time of efficacy of buildingsand constructions;for the sake of engineering practice,the active rate of the faultmust be given.The fault with different active mechanism has different effects on theULE.The authors studied the effect of lateral non-uniform overburden site on theULE by means of the su  相似文献   
哈广浩  吴中海  何林 《地质学报》2018,92(10):2051-2067
邛多江地堑构成了藏南近南北向裂谷带最东侧的错那-沃卡裂谷中段,是由地堑西缘高角度正断层主控的半地堑式断陷盆地。详细的地质、地貌调查表明,该地堑内主要充填有晚新生代以来的多套河湖相、冰碛及冰水沉积地层。河湖相地层底部以黏土和粉砂为主,上部以砾石层为主,向上砾石砾径逐渐变大,顶部为早更新世冲积砾石层;冰碛主要发育于地堑中部山前地带,构成宽缓的冰碛台地或者终碛垄、侧碛堤。地层的测年结果表明,该区主要发育两套晚新生代河湖相地层,早期沉积时代早于5Ma,晚期为晚第四纪;而冰碛及冰水沉积的时代主要为中更新世。综合该区地质地貌、沉积和构造等分析结果表明,早期的河湖相沉积与盆地发生初始裂陷后的主边界正断层发生强烈垂直活动有关,而晚期的河湖相沉积主要形成于盆地后期萎缩过程中,成因可能与中更新世以来的冰川堰塞湖有关。由于邛多江地堑受控于西侧主边界正断层,早期沉积应晚于其初始裂陷时代。因此,进一步综合现有年龄数据资料认为,藏南近南北裂谷的初始裂陷时代应早于5~10Ma,但晚于约15Ma。  相似文献   
The Lefroy Goldfield in eastern Tasmania is anomalous in southeastern Australia because mineralised fault reefs (i.e. reefs that are also faults) strike in an easterly direction at a high angle to the predominantly northwest strike of bedding and folds. Gold mineralisation is of Early to Middle Devonian age, with reef formation coinciding with a third regionally compressive deformation event (D3), and a second phase of Tabberabberan orogenesis. Mineralised reefs are hosted by Mathinna Supergroup turbidites of Cambrian to Ordovician age and extend for up to 2 km across the boundary between the sandstone‐dominated Stony Head Sandstone and the shale‐dominated Turquoise Bluff Slate. Ore shoots in the reefs plunge moderately west and, in the Volunteer Mine, coincide with the intersection of the reef and a D1/D2 thrust contact. The subvertical orientation and discordant relationship of the mineralised reefs to bedding, as well as the lack of gold mineralisation along bedding and pre‐D3 structures, indicate that the reefs formed during a period of wrench faulting. In contrast to lode‐style deposits in Victoria, the far‐field minimum compressive stress at Lefroy during reef formation was not vertical but, rather, occupied a subhorizontal orientation.  相似文献   
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