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江苏东海榴辉岩向斜长角闪岩转化的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
东海榴辉岩曾被俯冲到上地幔,而后又折返回地表,经历了宽广的温度、压力、应力、流体条件等变化范围,形成了大量矿物反应结构,为研究岩石矿物反应提供了很好的素材。本文选取东海地区一个保留从初始榴辉岩到斜长角闪岩完整退变质序列的榴辉岩体作为研究对象,通过详细的显微结构观察、矿物成分分析、成分空间分析、成分迁移估算,揭示了东海榴辉岩向斜长角闪岩的转化过程。该过程可划分为两个阶段:早期为替代绿辉石的后成合晶形成阶段,通过绿辉石内部端元组分间的反应实现,反应产物之一的Fe^2 与金红石结合形成钛铁矿,Ca、Mg被排出到绿辉石体系之外。晚期退变为流体的渗滤交代作用,表现为石榴子石被角闪石部分取代、后成合晶的角闪石化,以及黝帘石、白云母的形成。退变质的最后阶段为石榴子石被绿帘石 角闪石 赤铁矿完全替代。榴辉岩转化成含帘石的斜长角闪岩。  相似文献   
Metapelitic rocks from the Marble Hall Fragment, enclosed in the granites of the magmatic Bushveld Complex, record a two‐stage, low‐pressure, high‐temperature metamorphism. An early paragenesis containing chiastolitic andalusite, cordierite, biotite and quartz ± garnet crystallized in most rocks and equilibrated at 550–600 °C, 0.2 GPa. It was transformed during the second, peak event into various parageneses that commonly coexist within a single thin section. These include garnet–cordierite–biotite–K‐feldspar–quartz, sillimanite–cordierite–K‐feldspar–quartz and spectacular quartz‐undersaturated cordierite–spinel symplectites replacing the chiastolite porphyroblasts. Based on a detailed phase diagram analysis, we argue that these parageneses result from rapid heating at an approximately constant pressure to temperatures of more than about 720 °C. At these temperatures, the internally buffered activity of water was reduced by incipient water‐saturated partial melting, while only minor quantities of melt were produced. Subsequent dry conditions inhibited large‐scale equilibration and, together with local inhomogeneities in mineral distribution, led to the development of contrasting parageneses and symplectite textures. No signs of widespread fluid‐absent melting of biotite were found, and so the temperature probably did not exceed 760 °C. The peak metamorphic event is attributed to the emplacement of the hot Nebo granite, whereas the early metamorphism was probably caused by the intrusion of one of the phases of the Rustenburg Layered Suite. We infer the conditions of development of the cordierite–spinel intergrowths and we show that, although symplectites are commonly associated with retrograde processes (cooling and/or decompression), they can record a prograde metamorphic evolution. Furthermore, our contribution emphasizes the importance of the concept of reduced equilibration volume for the understanding and interpretation of some particular textures and parageneses in common rocks.  相似文献   
This study describes the microstructural and chemical development of symplectites, obtained in fluid‐mediated mineral replacement experiments. During the experiments polymineralic feldspar‐rich samples were exposed to aqueous Na–SiO2 solution at 600 °C and 2 kbar confining pressures for durations of 12 h to 20 days. The resulting reaction rims display high mineralogical and structural complexity and contain two varieties of symplectites, represented by nanometre‐scale intergrowths of gehlenite–zeolite and grossular–zeolite grains. The experimental fluid was enriched in 18O isotope in order to trace oxygen redistribution during the reaction. The elevated 18O concentration in the reaction products and the heterogeneity in its distribution suggest that symplectite formation was controlled by dissolution–precipitation mechanisms rather than volume‐diffusion processes. Microstructural and chemical observations suggest that symplectite formation occurred in multiple stages in response to spatially heterogeneous and temporarily evolving fluid composition at the reaction interfaces. Hence, our results shed light on the fundamental processes involved in symplectite formation improving our ability to interpret symplectite microstructures.  相似文献   
The El Arenal metagabbros preserve coronitic shells of orthopyroxene ± Fe‐oxide around olivine, as well as three different types of symplectite consisting of amphibole + spinel, clinopyroxene + spinel and, more rarely, orthopyroxene + spinel. The textural features of the metagabbros can be explained by the breakdown of the olivine + plagioclase pair, producing orthopyroxene coronas and clinopyroxene + spinel symplectites, followed by the formation of amphibole + spinel symplectites, reflecting a decrease in temperature and, possibly, an increase in water activity with respect to the previous stage. The metagabbros underwent a complex P–T history consisting of an igneous stage followed by cooling in granulite, amphibolite and greenschist facies conditions. Although the P–T conditions of emplacement of the igneous protolith are still doubtful, the magmatic assemblage suggests that igneous crystallization occurred at a pressure lower than 6 kbar and at 900–1100 °C. Granulitic P–T conditions have been estimated at about 900 °C and 7–8 kbar combining conventional thermobarometry and pseudosection analysis. Pseudosection calculation has also shown that the formation of the amphibole + spinel symplectite could have been favoured by an increase in water activity during the amphibolite stage, as the temperature of formation of this symplectite strongly depends on aH2O (<740 °C for aH2O = 0.5; <790 °C for aH2O = 1). Furthermore, but not pervasive, re‐equilibration under greenschist facies P–T conditions is documented by retrograde epidote and chlorite. The resulting counterclockwise P–T path consists of progressive, nearly isobaric cooling from the igneous stage down to the granulite, amphibolite and greenschist stage.  相似文献   
Corona textures around kyanite, involving for example zoned plagioclase separating kyanite from the matrix, reflect the instability of kyanite with the matrix on changing P–T conditions, commonly related to decompression. The chemical potential gradients set up between the kyanite and the matrix as a consequence of slow Al diffusion drive corona development, with the zoning of the plagioclase reflecting the gradients. Calculated mineral equilibria are used to account for corona textures involving plagioclase ± garnet around kyanite, and replacement of kyanite by plagioclase + spinel symplectite, in quartz + plagioclase + K‐feldspar + garnet + kyanite granulite facies gneiss from the Blanský les massif in the Bohemian massif, Czech Republic. In the garnet‐bearing coronas, a commonly discontinuous garnet layer lies between the kyanite and the continuous plagioclase layer in the corona, with both the garnet and the plagioclase appearing mainly to replace matrix rather than kyanite. The garnet layer commonly extends around kyanite from original matrix garnet adjacent to the kyanite. Where garnet is missing in the corona, the kyanite itself may be replaced by a spinelplagioclase corona. In a local equilibrium model, the mineral and mineral compositional spatial relationships are shown to correspond to paths in μ(Na2O)–μ(CaO)–μ(K2O)–μ(FeO)–μ(MgO)–μ(SiO2) in the model chemical system, Na2OCaOK2OFeOMgOAl2O3SiO2 (NCKFMAS). The discontinuous nature of the garnet layer in coronas is accounted for by the effect of the adjacent original garnet on the chemical potential relationships. The replacement of kyanite by spinel + plagioclase appears to be metastable with respect to replacement by corundum + plagioclase, possibly reflecting the difficulty of nucleating corundum.  相似文献   
杨天南 《地质学报》2001,75(1):91-96
在苏北东海地区出露一种由富石榴子石基质与绿辉石脉组成的榴辉岩。这种榴辉岩有些经历过很强的后榴辉岩阶段变形作用,有些则没有。不论变形与否,其早期退变质均表现为绿辉石脉中沿绿辉石边界发育的细脉状透辉石+钠长石后成合晶。后成合晶的形态及成分变化特点显示:弱变形榴辉岩的退变质作用是在榴辉岩折返到一定深度后,绿辉石颗粒间产生微裂隙,富SiO2流体进入并与绿辉石反应,形成后成合晶;而在强变形榴辉岩中,伸展性构造变形使绿辉石颗粒间形成微裂隙,富SiO2流体沿此进入,与绿辉石反应形成后成合晶。不同原因引起的变形为流体进入榴辉岩内部提供通道。榴辉岩的早期退变质发生在绿辉石脆-塑性变形发生转换的温压条件下,反映了榴辉岩折返过程中榴辉岩体与花岗质围岩间的物质交换。  相似文献   
顾连兴  张文兰 《矿物学报》1998,18(2):126-129
在安徽省马山矿区的硫化物矿石中,黄铁矿与磁铁矿呈后成合晶交代磁黄铁矿的结构,是成矿系统物理化学条件向磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿-磁铁矿三相点演化的产物。系统经过三相点的几率甚小,因而这种结构在矿石中十分少见。  相似文献   
This paper reports the first evidence of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism from the Sør Rondane Mountains, eastern Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, which is evident as orthopyroxene + spinel symplectite in an amphibolitized mafic granulite. The granulite consists of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, pargasitic amphibole, plagioclase, and ilmenite, and it possesses a within-plate alkali basalt signature. The local bulk chemical composition of symplectite, major and trace element compositions, and thermodynamic calculations for the symplectite, suggest the presence of garnet at the high-pressure stage and that the symplectite formed from garnet, olivine, and primary orthopyroxene by decompression from more than 12 kbar at 1000 °C. The granulite records a subsequent amphibolite-facies overprint (<700 °C at <6 kbar) that involved the chemical re-equilibration of several phases. The obtained pressure–temperature (PT) conditions and PT path are different from the UHT metamorphism from the Schirmacher Hills, central Dronning Maud Land, which is considered to have occurred in a back-arc tectonic setting. The relatively high-P conditions and the decompression path reconstructed in the present study are similar to those reported for southern India, Sri Lanka, and part of northeastern Mozambique, possibly reflecting continental thickening and exhumation during the main collision event between East and West Gondwana.  相似文献   
Sapphirine occurs in a 3-5 m wide zone between amphibole-lherzolite and garnetiferous metagabbro at Finero in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italian Alps. Layers consisting of plag + hb + sa + cpx + opx + sp + gt are interbanded with spinel pyroxenites, which may contain sapphirine replacing spinel. All minerals are very magnesian, with XMg between 0.78 and 0.92. Bulk rock analyses suggest that precursors to the sapphirine-bearing rocks were igneous cumulates of plagioclase + olivine + hornblende + spinel. Up to 16wt% CaO does not inhibit sapphirine formation and it is the unusually Mg-rich nature of the host rocks which allows sapphirine development. The early igneous assemblage was replaced by one of cpx + sa + hb +± plag at a pressure of 9 ± 1 kbar and temperatures of 900 ± 50°C. Subsequent rapid uplift caused the instability of gt, gt + hb, hb and sa + cpx to form opx + plag ± sp ± sa symplectites.  相似文献   
Two types of aluminous paragneiss from the Loosdorf complex (Bohemian Massif, NE Austria) contain coarse-grained granulite assemblages and retrograde reaction textures that are investigated to constrain the post-peak history of the Gföhl unit in the southern Bohemian Massif. Both types have a peak assemblage garnet–biotite–sillimanite–plagioclase–K-feldspar–quartz–granitic melt ± kyanite ± ilmenite ± rutile, recording peak metamorphic conditions of 0.9–1.1 GPa and 780–820°C estimated by isochemical phase equilibrium modelling. The first sample type (Ysper paragneiss) developed (i) cordierite coronae around garnet and (ii) cordierite–spinel and cordierite–quartz reaction textures at former garnet–sillimanite interfaces. Calculated chemical potential relationships indicate that the textures formed in the course of a post-peak near-isothermal decompression path reaching 0.4 GPa. Texture formation follows a two-step process. Initially, cordierite coronae grow between garnet and sillimanite. As these coronae thicken, they facilitate the development of local compositional domains, leading to the formation of cordierite–spinel and cordierite–quartz symplectites. The second sample type (Pielach paragneiss) exhibits only discontinuous cordierite coronae around garnet porphyroblasts but lacks symplectites. The formation of cordierite there also indicates near-isothermal decompression to 0.4–0.5 GPa and 750–800°C. This relatively hot decompression path is explained by the contemporaneous exhumation of a large HP–UHT granulite body now underlying the Loosdorf complex. The timing of regional metamorphism in the granulites and the southern Bohemian Massif in general is well constrained and has its peak at 340 Ma. Monazite from Loosdorf paragneiss samples yield a slightly younger age of 335 Ma. Although the ages overlap within error, they are interpreted to reflect near-isothermal decompression and exhumation resulting in the formation of the observed reaction textures.  相似文献   
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