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ABSTRACT. The retreat of Nigardsbreen, an outlet glacier from the ice-cap Jostedalsbreen in south-central Norway, from its largest extent during the Little Ice Age, uncovered a proglacial lake during 1936–1967. This lake, Nigardsvatn, has been studied since 1968 in order to obtain data on solid material carried by the meltwater stream from the glacier, both in suspension and as bottom load. Between 70 and 85% of the suspended sediment has been deposited on the lake bottom, forming annual varves. The coarse material has been deposited in a delta, the formation of which started in 1968. Its growth, and hence the volume of total annual bottom load, has been surveyed annually for the past 36 years. In 1969 the entire bottom load was collected by building a fence-like net across the river. Material >3 cm was caught by this net, and formed approximately half the amount of suspended sediment transport during the same three-week period. Annual average deposition on the delta was 11800×103 kg for the period 1968–2003. This is almost the same amount as carried in suspension from the glacier on an annual mean basis for the 36-year period. If conditions remain constant, the lake will be completely filled in about 500 years. The glacier erosion is calculated to be 0.3 mm/a.  相似文献   
Land use and land cover changes have a great impact on the regional hydrological process. Based on three periods of remote sensing data from the 1960s and the long-term observed data of groundwater from the 1980s, the impacts of land use changes on the groundwater system in the middle reach of Heihe River Basin in recent three decades are analyzed by the perspective of groundwater recharge and discharge system. The results indicate that with the different intensities of land use changes, the impacts on the groundwater recharge were 2.602×108 m3/a in the former 15 years (1969-1985) and 0.218×108 m3/a in the latter 15 years (1986-2000), and the impacts on the groundwater discharge were 2.035×108 m3/a and 4.91×108 m3/a respectively. When the groundwater exploitation was in a reasonable range less than 3.0×108 m3/a, the land use changes could control the changes of regional groundwater resources. Influenced by the land use changes and the large-scale exploitation in the recent decade, the groundwater resources present apparently regional differences in Zhangye region. Realizing the impact of land use changes on groundwater system and the characteristics of spatial-temporal variations of regional groundwater resources would be very important for reasonably utilizing and managing water and soil resources.  相似文献   
River flooding is a problem of international interest. In the past few years many countries suffered from severe floods. A large part of the Netherlands is below sea level and river levels. The Dutch flood defences along the river Rhine are designed for water levels with a probability of exceedance of 1/1250 per year. These water levels are computed with a hydrodynamic model using a deterministic bed level and a deterministic design discharge. Traditionally, the safety against flooding in the Netherlands is obtained by building and reinforcing dikes. Recently, a new policy was proposed to cope with increasing design discharges in the Rhine and Meuse rivers. This policy is known as the Room for the River (RfR) policy, in which a reduction of flood levels is achieved by measures creating space for the river, such as dike replacement, side channels and floodplain lowering. As compared with dike reinforcement, these measures may have a stronger impact on flow and sediment transport fields, probably leading to stronger morphological effects. As a result of the latter the flood conveyance capacity may decrease over time. An a priori judgement of safety against flooding on the basis of an increased conveyance capacity of the river can be quite misleading. Therefore, the determination of design water levels using a fixed-bed hydrodynamic model may not be justified and the use of a mobile-bed approach may be more appropriate. This problem is addressed in this paper, using a case study of the river Waal (one of the Rhine branches in the Netherlands). The morphological response of the river Waal to a flood protection measure (floodplain lowering in combination with summer levee removal) is analysed. The effect of this measure is subject to various sources of uncertainty. Monte Carlo simulations are applied to calculate the impact of uncertainties in the river discharge on the bed levels. The impact of the “uncertain” morphological response on design flood level predictions is analysed for three phenomena, viz. the impact of the spatial morphological variation over years, the impact of the seasonal morphological variation and the impact of the morphological variability around bifurcation points. The impact of seasonal morphological variations turns out to be negligible, but the other two phenomena appear to have each an appreciable impact (order of magnitude 0.05–0.1 m) on the computed design water levels. We have to note however, that other sources of uncertainty (e.g. uncertainty in hydraulic roughness predictor), which may be of influence, are not taken into consideration. In fact, the present investigation is limited to the sensitivity of the design water levels to uncertainties in the predicted bed level.  相似文献   
一次大气河背景下华北地区暴雨的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2018年5月15-16日的ERA5再分析资料和观测资料,对大气河背景下一次华北地区暴雨过程的天气形势、大气河在暴雨过程中的作用及其在暴雨前后的演变特征以及结构特征进行了诊断分析.结果 表明此次降水过程的直接影响系统是位于华北地区的高空槽、低空切变线、地面冷锋和高低空急流,这些系统使得华北地区低层辐合高层辐散,带来...  相似文献   
利用江苏省及周边共85个气象站观测资料,筛选出夏季高温强度、持续时间、降水量和日照时数作为高温热害的关键气象因子,构建高温热害综合指数。在此基础上,利用高温热害发生频率和河蟹因灾死亡率加权建立风险评估模型,将河蟹高温热害风险划分为三个等级,结合地形和土壤的适宜性,最终得出江苏河蟹高温热害风险区划图。结果发现,河蟹高温热害的高风险区位于以高淳为中心的江苏西南部,沿淮和淮北东部沿海地区风险值最低,淮北西部—沿江东部的风险值介于二者之间。年代际高风险区面积有逐渐扩大趋势,1991年以来已外扩到沿江和苏南大部分地区,达到历史极值。河蟹高温热害风险增大,需加强防范。  相似文献   
河口作为陆海相互作用的关键带,是河流入海泥沙及污染物的主要归宿地。钦江作为广西第二大河流,在茅尾海资源开发利用和生态环境保护与修复中发挥着重要作用。为进一步认识钦江河口地区的沉积动力过程,2021年10月27日至12月8日在此展开水动力和水体环境要素的连续观测。现场观测与分析结果表明,观测期间钦江河口潮汐类型为正规全日潮,浅水分潮显著,平均潮差为3.07 m,具有落潮优势;潮流以全日分潮流为主导,平均流速为0.12 m/s,运动形式主要为往复流;余流流向主要为西南方向。钦江河口潮汐和潮流性质较外湾和茅尾海中部海域全日潮特征更显著。枯季期间河口表层沉积物随潮汐运动表现为侵蚀-沉降交替的变化规律,垂向上侵蚀通量大于沉降通量,水平方向上悬沙净向海输运。冷空气过境带来的降雨使得钦江河口水体盐度降低、浊度增大,悬沙浓度及输沙量增加,同时冷空气南下时北风增强引起钦江河口减水效应并使潮差略有增加,水动力强度增大,增加表层沉积物的活动性,从而引起底部沉积物再悬浮强度和频率增加。  相似文献   
黑河流域水环境演变及其驱动机制研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
基于近几十年来诸多学者对西北干旱区典型内陆河流域——黑河流域水环境演变诸方面研究成果,综述了上游山区成水环境、中游绿洲用水环境和下游荒漠天然绿洲水成环境在不同时间尺度上的演变过程及其驱动机制。通过对各种古环境代用指标的对比研究表明:在大尺度上,流域上下游表现出阶段性的一致性水环境演变趋势;在小尺度上,则表现水环境演变的时空异质性。驱动机制方面,在空间上,流域上、中、下游水环境演变的气候变化和人类活动影响驱动作用各有侧重;在时间上,表现为不同尺度上气候变化与流域人类活动耦合作用的驱动机制。  相似文献   
近30年来深圳河网变化及其生态效应分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
在地形图、河道普查数据、遥感影像等多源数据支持下, 分析了深圳近30 年河网的时空变化规律及其与城市化水平的关系, 在此基础上通过分析植被盖度、生产有机物质的价值、生态系统服务价值、生态资产等指标的变化规律探讨了深圳观澜河流域河网变化的生态效应。 结果表明: (1) 近30 年深圳市河网结构趋于简单化、主干化, 河流支流发展受到较大限制; 河网总长度减少355.4 km, 总条数减少378 条, 河网密度从0.84 km/km2 降低到0.65 km/km2; 以区/ 街道办驻地为圆心, 半径为1-2 km 的圆环区成为河网萎缩、河网消失的主要 区域; 依据流域城市化水平和河流主干是否直接入海等2 个指标可将深圳市9 大流域/ 水系 分为4 种不同的河网变化类型; (2) 当城市化水平低于30%时, 城镇用地扩展与河网萎缩, 尤其是河网支流的萎缩存在显著相关; 当城市化水平大于30%时, 城镇用地扩展对河网的影响较小; (3) 2000-2005 年观澜河流域生态系统功能显著降低, 以生产有机物质价值降低幅度最 大(41%), 植被盖度次之(24%), 单位面积生态资产从2.79 元/m2 降低到2.34 元/m2, 总生态 资产减少3136 万元; (4) 河网变化和城市化成为影响生态系统功能的主要因素, 其中河网变化因素和城市化因素对植被盖度降低的贡献率分别为23.1%和35.8%, 对生产有机物质价值减少的贡献率分别为25.1%和32.7%, 对生态系统服务价值减少的贡献率分别为7.7%和 56.2%, 对生态资产减少的贡献率分别为10.6%和52.2%。  相似文献   
悬浮泥沙的光学特性是影响内陆湖泊水色遥感的重要因素。利用光谱吸收衰减仪(AC-S)测得水池中悬浮泥沙浓度为2.13~1 442.40 mg/L的水体光谱吸收。在蓝、绿和红光波段,悬浮泥沙水体的平均比吸收系数分别为0.0161±0.0039 m2.g-1、0.0071±0.0020 m2.g-1和0.0025±0.0007 m2.g-1;指数拟合获得的Sm*值为0.0098±0.0011 nm-1,利用其模拟的比吸收光谱与实测光谱吻合效果较好,说明该Sm*取值对悬浮泥沙水体比吸收光谱的曲线斜率变化具有一定的参考价值。此外,建立了悬浮泥沙水体吸收系数a(440)m与其浓度的关系模型,R2达0.947,拟合精度较高;然而比吸收系数a*(440)m与泥沙浓度几乎无相关性。研究结果可为内陆水色遥感分析模型的建立提供重要的参数保障。  相似文献   
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