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对兴凯湖长269 cm的沉积岩心的研究结果显示:沉积物的色度和磁化率特征可以较好地反映区域气候环境变化。沉积物明度分别与红度、磁化率、黏土和有机质含量之间及磁化率与黏土之间有很好的相关性;红度高值与明度低值对应暖湿气候环境,磁化率低值反映沉积物较粗的较低湖面,对应冷干气候。28480~26160 cal.aBP,湖区处于温湿气候时期;22880~18170 cal.aBP,岩心孢粉浓度很低,流域处于末次盛冰期疏桦林草原环境;18170~12650 cal.aBP处于Bφlling/Older Dryas/Allerφd暖期。岩心深度90~78 cm段,对应于新仙女木期;11500~4570 cal.aBP,进入全新世暖期,其中8000~5000 cal.aBP,本区处于全新世大暖期(气候适宜期);4570~1470 cal.aBP气候变为凉干;1470 cal.aBP以来,流域又变为暖湿气候环境,同时,人类活动逐渐增强造成水土流失加剧。  相似文献   
Volcanic rocks forming sills, dykes or lava flows may display a magnetic anisotropy derived from the viscous flow during their emplacement. We model a sill as a steady-state flow of a Bingham fluid, driven by a pressure gradient in a horizontal conduit. The magma velocity as a function of depth is calculated from the motion and constitutive equations. Vorticity and strain rate are determined for a reference system moving with the fluid. The angular velocity and the orientation of an ellipsoidal magnetic grain immersed in the fluid are calculated as functions of time or strain. Magnetic susceptibility is then calculated for a large number of grains with a uniform distribution of initial orientations. It is shown that the magnetic lineation oscillates in the vertical plane through the magma flow direction, and that the magnetic foliation plane changes periodically from horizontal to vertical. The results are compared with the magnetic fabric of Ferrar dolerite sills (Victoria Land, East Antarctica) derived from low-field susceptibility measurements.  相似文献   
张家界市复杂的地质构造背景造就了独特的地貌景观,同时存在众多地质灾害隐患。通过分析张家界市永定区2014年至2022年详细的地质灾害调查资料,对区内地质灾害发育规律及易发性进行研究。结果表明: 区内地质灾害类型以滑坡为主,地质灾害空间分布以中部断层发育区与东北部页岩地层区最多,时间分布相对集中在5、6、7月雨季; 区内地质灾害与地形地貌、岩土体类型、构造活动密切相关,并受降雨及人类工程活动影响; 在碎屑岩丘陵地貌中灾害点密度最高; 在志留系砂质页岩岩组中地质灾害最易发; 受构造影响明显,断褶构造带处灾害点密集; 灾害高发期与雨季耦合,诱发因素主要是降雨; 不合理地切坡建房、道路建设等工程活动加剧地质灾害的发生。采用易发程度指数法,基于ArcGIS信息统计分析,将全区地质灾害易发程度划分为高易发区、中易发区与低易发区。研究可为永定区国土空间规划、地质灾害防治、旅游路线及重大工程建设规划提供指导。  相似文献   
中巴经济走廊是"一带一路"建设的旗舰项目,对中巴经济走廊地质灾害进行敏感性分析与区划,可为中巴经济走廊地质灾害的防治提供参考。基于此,文章选取高程、坡度、地形起伏度、地震密度、多年平均降雨量、距断裂带的距离、地层岩性、距河流的距离和距公路的距离等9个指标,采用加权信息量模型和证据权法,综合分析中巴经济走廊地质灾害敏感性。并运用ROC曲线验证对比两种模型分析的敏感性结果,选取精度较高的模型分析的地质灾害敏感性进行研究区区划,最后对区划结果进行相关验证。研究结果表明:1)中巴经济走廊容易诱发地质灾害的条件为:高程在2660~3470 m之间,坡度为29°~35°,地形起伏度在45~70 m之间,地震密度在2~4个/102 km2之间,多年平均降雨量在430~530 mm之间,距断裂带距离小于5 km,地层岩性为软岩和极软岩,距河流距离小于2 km,距公路距离小于2 km。2)基于加权信息量模型和证据权法分析的中巴经济走廊地质灾害敏感性精度分别为0.821和0.795,表明本研究选取的地质灾害敏感性分析模型具有较高的准确性,但是运用加权信息量模型分析的敏感性更符合实际情况。因此,运用加权信息量模型分析的结果进行研究区地质灾害敏感性区划。3)研究区地质灾害不敏感区、低敏感区、中等敏感区、高度敏感区和极高敏感区所占面积比分别为26.3%、23.1%、21.6%、18.8%和10.2%,以中、低敏感性为主;且敏感性呈现出南低北高的空间分布特征。4)运用实地调研的地质灾害点对本文区划的中巴经济走廊地质灾害敏感性结果验证,表明区划的结果具有一定的科学、可信性,可以为中巴经济走廊重大工程建设、交通线路选线、城市规划、资源开发等方面提供科学依据。  相似文献   
In moderately to highly strained sandstones, both the long axis of the bedding-parallel finite-strain ellipse, as calculated by the normalized Fry method, and the projection of the long axis of the AMS ellipsoid on the plane of bedding, align well with local “structural grain” (trends of cleavage, folds, and faults). This relationship implies that results of both 2D Fry and AMS analyses represent the local layer-parallel tectonic strain component. Do both methods provide comparable results for very low-strain sandstone (e.g., <5%)? To address this question, Fry and AMS analyses were conducted in very low-strain sandstone from two localities in the Appalachian foreland fold–thrust belt: near Rosendale in New York and the Lackawanna synclinorium of Pennsylvania. We compared the map projections of both bedding-parallel Fry ellipses and AMS ellipsoids to the local structural grain. In both study areas, projections of the long axis of Fry strain ellipses do not cluster in a direction parallel to structural grain, whereas the projection of the long axes of AMS ellipsoids do cluster closely to structural grain. This observation implies that in very low-strain sandstone, AMS analysis provides a more sensitive “quick” indicator of tectonic fabric than does normalized Fry analysis.  相似文献   
中华鳖气单胞菌疖疮病的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
气单胞菌疖疮病是中华鳖的主要病害之一,其发病对象主要是稚鳖。将病鳖进行细菌分离,获得的菌株经人工感染、毒力测试和细菌学鉴定,确定致病菌为嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonashydrophila与豚鼠气单胞菌A.caviae。此两种致病菌不仅对健康鳖表现出较强的致病力,出现与自然病鳖相同的症状,且对健康小鼠亦有较强的致死力,半致死量LD50分别为4.5×106个菌/只和1.58×106个菌/只。此外,测定了病原菌对抗生素的敏感性,为科学防治提供依据。  相似文献   
对于黄土-古土壤序列,磁化率增强机制已经被大家认可,并且磁化率被广泛作为古夏季风强弱变化的代用指标。红黏土伏于第四纪黄土之下,同为风成沉积物,对红黏土磁化率增强机制的研究程度不高,且对强发育红黏土获得比较低的磁化率值的原因不清楚。本文通过对佳县红黏土进行系统岩石磁学分析得出:(1) 红黏土磁性矿物种类以磁铁矿为主,同时含有一定量磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿;磁性矿物平均粒径为PSD颗粒;强发育层含有较多的软磁性矿物,弱发育层含有较多的硬磁性矿物。(2) χ、χfd和χARM两两之间表现出很好线性正相关关系,说明红黏土中含有大量SP和SD颗粒亚铁磁性矿物,这些细小磁颗粒是在成壤过程中产生,成壤作用导致古土壤层磁化率升高。(3) 红黏土χfd、χfd%值较高,说明经历较强的成壤过程,成壤环境与黄土高原黄土-古土壤序列类似,与阿拉斯加、西伯利亚黄土-古土壤明显不同。  相似文献   
The Mangshan Yuan is a loess platform on the southern bank of the Yellow River, which is located in northwestern Zhengzhou of Henan Province, China. The typical Zhaoxiayu section of the Mangshan Yuan preserves stratigraphical loess units above S10 with a total thickness of 172.1 m, which includes 15.7 m of the last interglacial paleosol S1, 77.3 m of the last glacial loess L1 that consist of 41.6 m of the late stade L1LL1, 13.2 m of the interstade L1SS1 and 22.5 m of the early stade L1LL2. Based on the age marking points by correlating magnetic susceptibility of the section with the SPECMAP curve, the timescale of the section was constructed, and the average accumulation rate and the resolution of each loess strata over the S2 were subsequently calculated using the  相似文献   
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