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The aim of this work is to model beam‐column behavior in a computationally effective manner, revealing reliably the overall response of reinforced concrete members subjected to intensive seismic loading. In this respect, plasticity and damage are considered in the predominant longitudinal direction, allowing for fiber finite element modeling, while in addition the effect of inelastic buckling of longitudinal rebars, which becomes essential at later stages of intensive cyclic loading, is incorporated. Α smooth plasticity‐damage model is developed for concrete, accounting for unilateral compressive and tensile behavior, nonlinear unloading and crack closure phenomena. This is used to address concrete core crushing and spalling, which triggers the inelastic buckling of longitudinal rebars. For this reason, a uniaxial local stress‐strain constitutive relation for steel rebars is developed, which is based on a combined nonlinear kinematic and isotropic hardening law. The proposed constitutive model is validated on the basis of existing experimental data and the formulation of the buckling model for a single rebar is developed. The cross section of rebar is discretized into fibers, each one following the derived stress‐strain uniaxial law. The buckling curve is determined analytically, while equilibrium is imposed at the deformed configuration. The proposed models for concrete and rebars are embedded into a properly adjusted fiber beam‐column element of reinforced concrete members and the proposed formulation is verified with existing experimental data under intensive cyclic loading.  相似文献   
基于MATLAB GUI界面,采用天顶距直接法和负荷格林函数法编写一套重力固体潮与海洋潮汐负荷改正软件GTIDE,并将其与国际现有软件进行比较。结果表明,GTIDE软件易于操作、便于维护,能有效揭示重力固体潮与海洋潮汐负荷的变化特征,适用于高精度绝对重力与相对重力测量的潮汐改正。  相似文献   
介绍了复合载体夯扩桩加固机理、技术特点、适用条件及工艺要求。通过介绍邳州地区地层特点,分析了复合载体夯扩桩技术在邳州地区的应用情况并对工程进行了实例分析,得出进一步推广应用具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   
This paper presents a test system for conducting on-line tests in a real time and a series of real-time on-line tests conducted to verify the effectiveness of the system. The proposed system is characterized by (1) use of a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) now readily available, (2) adoption of the C language to ensure easy programming, and (3) separation of response analysis and displacement signal generation to apply the system for tests with complex structures. To create displacement signals successively without being interrupted by the computation of equations of motion, extrapolation and interpolation procedures using present and past target displacements are developed. Base-isolated building models were chosen for the real-time on-line test. The effectiveness of the extrapolation and interpolation procedures was demonstrated through a series of real-time on-line tests applied to the models treated as SDOF structures. A five-storey base-isolated building model (treated as a six DOF structure) was tested for various ground motions, and it was verified that the system is able to simulate earthquake responses involving large displacements and large velocities. The number of DOFs that can be handled in the proposed system was investigated, and it was found that the system is capable of performing the test with reasonable accuracy for up to 10 DOF structures with a range of response frequency not greater than 3·0 Hz, or 12 DOF structures with a range of response frequency not greater than 2·0 Hz. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
李瑞山  袁晓铭  李程程 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3623-3630
以SHAKE2000为代表的频域等效线性化是目前主流的土层地震动计算方法。由于该方法在软土场地计算结果严重不合理,其改进方法成为目前研究热点,主要采用频率相关法,但一直没有取得实效。对频率相关法中土体动剪应变和震动速度成恒定比例关系的基本假定进行研究,从波动方程推导出了均匀全空间单向行波、单一均匀半无限场地、成层场地等3种典型场地中土体剪应变与震动速度关系的精确解答,通过数值试验研究了这一假定的合理性与偏差程度。结果表明:动剪应变和震动速度成恒定比例关系这一假定只有在无边界均匀介质单向行波情形下才成立,对于实际成层土场地,动剪应变与震动速度关系强烈依赖于波的频率和观察点的位置,如果在土层地震反应分析中忽略反射波而采用单向行波恒定比例假定将会使计算结果产生显著偏差;动剪应变与震动速度成恒定比例关系的假定导致的偏差达4个量级,即使对于单一均匀半无限空间模型偏差也十分显著;对实际土层地震动的求解,该假定在理论上定性错误,定量上偏差不可接受,必须放弃而另寻其他途径。  相似文献   
Based on the analytical solutions for wave-induced soil response in an unsaturated anisotropic seabed of finite thickness, an elliptical, i.e., noncircular rotation stress path is proven to be a more common state in a soil element with the cyclic shear stresses due to the traveling linear wave. The influence of an elliptical stress path on the characterization of failure strength is analyzed using three new parameters representing the shape, size, and the orientation of the ellipse. A series of cyclic rotational shear tests on the reconstituted specimens of Chinese Fujian Standard Sand have been performed to investigate the effect of elliptical stress path. A strength function in term of failure cycles is derived to quantify the failure strength of a given sand within a seabed subjected to regular wave loading. The results provide a basis for the evaluation of liquefaction potential of seabed but also point to a unique backbone cycle shear strength curve for soil under principal stress rotation.  相似文献   
李卫超  杨敏  朱碧堂 《岩土力学》2015,36(10):2989-2995
基于Winkler地基模型的p-y曲线法在水平受荷桩的分析与设计中应用非常广泛。该方法最初主要针对海洋石油气平台,基于试桩桩径主要不超过1.2 m、长径比大于20的现场水平荷载试验结果,推导了半经验半理论方法。在过去的十年间,快速发展的风能行业(尤其海洋风机)所采用的桩基础尺寸已经远远超出了当初提出现有p-y模型时的试桩尺寸。目前普遍认为,针对大直径(如桩径 6 m)水平受荷桩的设计,现有p-y模型的可靠性值得商榷和进一步研究。通过两组水平受荷桩基试验实测结果,对当前API规范建议的砂土中p-y模型及其他研究者提出的修正方法进行了案例研究。研究结果表明:不同的p-y模型计算得到的桩身弯矩差异较小,可忽略不计;桩头变形主要受p-y曲线初始刚度值及曲线表达式影响;确定地基刚度常量时,除依据砂土地基的密实度与内摩擦角外,还应考虑地基形成历史。最后,提出了进一步研究方向。  相似文献   
李盛  马莉  王起才  李建新  李善珍  张延杰 《岩土力学》2015,36(11):3229-3234
随着城市建设的迅速发展,既有高填明洞填土顶面将不可避免地出现新增结构物等二期荷载的情况。为了明确明洞回填完成后新增二期荷载对其顶部垂直土压力的影响,在已有明洞减载结构土压力计算公式的基础上,利用土体沉降弹性理论计算公式建立了土工格栅变形与土体沉降变形的关系,并考虑二期荷载作用,进一步完善了高填明洞减载前后的洞顶垂直土压力计算公式。建立数值分析模型,将数值分析结果与文中公式计算结果进行了对比。结果表明:公式计算与数值分析结果较为接近,表现出相同的规律性;有无减载措施对明洞回填土压力影响较大,填土越高,减载越显著,实际作用在明洞顶土压力越小。新增二期荷载作用下的明洞顶垂直土压力计算,应考虑其对土体沉降变形的影响,而非简单叠加。  相似文献   
预应力混凝土薄壁(PTC)管桩复合地基作为常见的基础型式在软土地区具有良好的实用价值和应用前景。在实际工程中,复合地基下卧层附加应力的确定一直是重点和难点,因此对PTC管桩复合地基应力扩散效应的研究具有十分重要的意义。针对天津软土地区进行了3组不同垫层厚度的复合地基现场静载试验,基于现场试验建立并验证了数值模拟方法,对比研究了该型式复合地基的承载特性;通过已建立的数值模拟方法研究了不同工况下PTC管桩复合地基的应力扩散现象,结合复合地基应力扩散理论确定了扩散角的取值范围,分析了土质、加固深度和外荷载对扩散角的影响规律。计算结果可为工程设计提供依据。  相似文献   
何明明  李宁  陈蕴生  朱才辉 《岩土力学》2015,36(10):2907-2913
利用WDT-1500多功能材料试验机,对砂岩、砾岩和砂砾岩进行了分级循环荷载试验,研究了岩石的动弹性模量对应力幅值和应力水平的响应特性,得到了动弹性模量和耗散能随应力幅值、应力水平及含水率的变化规律。试验结果表明,分级循环荷载下岩石的能量耗散越多,动弹性模量越小;应力水平越高,动弹性模量和耗散能越大;含水率和应力幅值越大,动弹性模量越小,耗散能越大。讨论了邓肯-张模型能够描述分级循环荷载作用下岩石的应力-应变关系,构建了动弹性模量随应力水平、应力幅值及含水率变化的演化模型,探讨了模型参数的确定方法。根据能量耗散的经验法则,建立了耗散能演化模型,结果表明,该模型能够描述分级循环荷载过程中能量耗散行为。  相似文献   
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