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构造置换应分成形体置换和方位置换两类。形体置换是在一定尺度内新的透入性构造要素代替了旧的透入性构造要素,使后者不易识别或无法识别的置换作用;方位置换是在一定尺度内旧的透入性构造要素残存着,但其方位被改变,与新的透入性构造要素平行或近于平行的置换作用。片层理是受到不明显的形体置换和强的方位置换的层理,它具有片理的方位,层理的形体,是与片理产状一致的那一部分层理。  相似文献   
埋藏环境下碳酸盐岩建设性成岩作用类型、特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈荣坤 《现代地质》1993,7(1):40-49
本文通过对南方中扬子地区和北方鄂尔多斯盆地西缘的寒武系、奥陶系埋藏成岩作用的详细研究,认为:(1)埋藏破裂、裂隙作用虽然能使岩石孔隙度有所增加。但更重要的是连通原已存在的孔隙。从而提高岩石的孔隙度和渗透率:(2)埋藏白云化作用形成的晶间孔、缝、晶内孔、晶间溶孔等是油气储集的一种最有利的空间;(3)与构造作用相关的埋藏溶解作用和深部埋藏作用能形成有意义的油气储集场所。上述3冲作用相互叠加时。岩石的孔隙度和渗透率将急剧提高。本文提出鄂尔多斯北缘和东缘奥陶系是油气勘探的战略远景区。同时首次提出了识别埋藏白云石化作用和埋藏溶解作用的标志和际准。  相似文献   
Summary A large scalein situ compression test of a laminated coal cube is described. The cube was uniformly loaded by a system of hydraulic jacks supplied simultaneously from one pump. At the same time both load and deformations were controlled. Deformations were measured by 60 longitudinal gauges located at the side surface of the cube in the regular net. Due to the heterogeneity of the rock the readings showed scatter. As a first approximation, the scattered data were fitted to the plane using the least square method. Orientations of the planes were analysed and show permanent relative movement between adjacent lamina indicating complex behaviour of the cube under loading. Detailed analysis of this behaviour indicated that the cube was subjected to both bending and twisting.  相似文献   
The Bonnifield district hosts 26 tmmined volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) occurrences. Environmental geochemical samples of water and stream sediment were collected at several occurrences, concentrating on the two best-exposed and largest deposits, Red Mountain (RM) and Sheep Creek (SC). Limited samples were also collected at the poorly exposed WTF deposit. The deposits are Late Devonian to Early Mississippian, and are hosted by felsic metavolcanic and carbonaceous schist members of the Totatlanika Schist or Keevy Peak Fm. Spring and stream waters at RM and SC have pH values commonly 〈3.5 (as low as 2.4 at RM and 2.5 at SC), high conductivity (up to 11000 μS/cm), and very high (Is to 100s mg/L) dissolved contents of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb. Waters at RM are characterized by extremely high REE contents (summed REE median 3200 μg/L, n=33). At both RM and SC, pyrite oxidation and dissolution produce low pH waters that interact with and dissolve bedrock minerals, resulting in acidic, metal-laden, naturally degraded streams that are mostly devoid of aquatic life. Ferricrete is common. In contrast, WTF barely produces a surficial environmental footprint, mostly due to topography and relief. RM and SC are well exposed in the areas of relatively high relief, and both exhibit extensive areas of quartz-sericite-pyrite-alteration. While WTF shares many of the same deposit-and alteration characteristics, it is concealed by tundra in a large, nearly flat area. Surface water at WTF is absent and outcrops are sparse. Even though WTF is roughly the same size as Red Mountain (both around 3 million tonnes) and has similar base- and precious-metal grades, the surficial geochemical manifestation of WTF is minimal. However, exposure through mining of the altered, mineralized rock at WTF potentially could initiate the same processes of pyrite oxidation, acid generation, and mineral dissolution that are observed naturally at RM and SC.  相似文献   
李强 《地质与勘探》2009,45(4):409-416
针对危机矿山深边部资源勘探的特殊性和国内外相关研究与应用,以新疆鄯善县石英潍金矿为例,分析了区域成矿地质背景,结合对已开采矿床的详细的地球化学原生晕研究资料,采用相似类比原则,对其外围有利异常区资源前景进行评价与预测,研究表明东北夼异常区Au3异常的组合特征具有与石英滩金矿床原生晕相同的前缘组合,尾部组合,且各指示元素含量变化规律也极为相似,初步的验证钻孔也证实了这一结论,此次化探工作证明利用岩石地球化学方法在危机矿山评价和寻找隐伏矿是非常有效的.  相似文献   
根据文献[1]优化反演得到隧址处强风化围岩应变硬化弹塑性本构模型的计算参数,通过数值仿真研究CRD法、双侧壁法和台阶法3种工法时围岩与支护结构的受力变形情况,结果表明,CRD法为最优工法。在此基础上,根据翔安隧道左线ZK8+257~ZK8+307段的现场实际施工情况,建立三维模型动态模拟隧道CRD法开挖支护全过程,并将计算的变形位移与现场实测数据进行对比分析。研究表明:提出的弹塑性硬化本构模型及其数值仿真技术可较好地反映强风化花岗岩隧道开挖过程中的变形和破坏规律。其研究成果可为衬砌结构设计以及国内同类型隧道的施工和衬砌支护技术设计提供可靠指导。  相似文献   
Rock fracturing by explosive energy: review of state-of-the-art   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of the dynamic rock fracture initiation and propagation due to explosive energy is presented through a detailed state-of-the-art review. Explosive energy dissipation in crushing and fracturing is examined and the various means to enhance the explosive energy utilization for dynamic rock fracturing are reviewed. The study highlights the need for a better understanding of the dynamic fracturing process particularly in the presence of in situ stresses in the rock mass.  相似文献   
应用层序地层学的概念和方法,从沉积特征研究入手,对该区的含磷岩系——洋水组划分出5个沉积层序(旋回),结合层序界面及层序的归纳描述,确定了层序类型,并认为洋水组是一套海进体系域中由一系列低级别退积型沉积层序(旋回)组成的高级层序(Ⅰ级))。  相似文献   
青藏铁路块石气冷结构路堤下冻土温度场变化分析   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
马巍  吴青柏  程国栋 《冰川冻土》2006,28(4):586-595
基于青藏铁路沿线多年冻土区温度监测断面,选取了不同冻土分区中的8个块石路堤结构(块石路基、块石护坡、块石路基加块石护坡)断面,对其下温度场的变化分析研究.结果表明:经过2~3个冻融循环后,块石结构路堤下冻土上限已抬升了1.4~5.3 m,说明块石路堤结构已起到了积极调节下伏冻土温度的作用.结果也显示,在上限抬升的同时,其下部的冻土地温也在升高,但是这种过程已逐渐被块石路堤结构的降温所抑制,而这种抑制程度受控于不同的冻土区域.在不同的冻土分区中,无论是何种形式的块石路堤结构,其降温趋势是不同的.Ⅳ和Ⅲ冻土区块石路堤基底的负温积累比较明显,而I和Ⅱ区的较弱.  相似文献   
陈宝双 《地质与资源》1993,2(4):326-331
该矿床产于尚义-赤城深断裂南侧之水泉沟正长岩外接触带中。区内主要地层为桑于群第二岩段,原岩为一套中基一中酸性火山熔岩,含金量平均为46×10-9。矿体主要受控于东西向断裂带中,该带既为导矿构又是容矿构造。矿体具垂直分带特点。即地表为石英脉型,往深部渐变为蚀变岩型。区内赵家沟正长岩属于印支期水泉沟碱性杂岩体东延部分,含金量平均为22.2×10-9;赵家沟金矿床形成与该岩体密切相关,岩体外接触带是本区找矿的有利地段。  相似文献   
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