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The active rock glacier “Innere Ölgrube” and its catchment area (Ötztal Alps, Austria) are assessed using various hydro(geo)logical tools to provide a thorough catchment characterization and to quantify temporal variations in recharge and discharge components. During the period from June 2014 to July 2018, an average contribution derived from snowmelt, ice melt and rainfall of 35.8%, 27.6% and 36.6%, respectively, is modelled for the catchment using a rainfall-runoff model. Discharge components of the rock glacier springs are distinguished using isotopic data as well as other natural and artificial tracer data, when considering the potential sources rainfall, snowmelt, ice melt and longer stored groundwater. Seasonal as well as diurnal variations in runoff are quantified and the importance of shallow groundwater within this rock glacier-influenced catchment is emphasized. Water derived from ice melt is suggested to be provided mainly by melting of two small cirque glaciers within the catchment and subordinately by melting of permafrost ice of the rock glacier. The active rock glacier is characterized by a layered internal structure with an unfrozen base layer responsible for groundwater storage and retarded runoff, a main permafrost body contributing little to the discharge (at the moment) by permafrost thaw and an active layer responsible for fast lateral flow on top of the permafrost body. Snowmelt contributes at least 1/3rd of the annual recharge. During droughts, meltwater derived from two cirque glaciers provides runoff with diurnal runoff variations; however, this discharge pattern will change as these cirque glaciers will ultimately disappear in the future. The storage-discharge characteristics of the investigated active rock glacier catchment are an example of a shallow groundwater aquifer in alpine catchments that ought to be considered when analysing (future) river runoff characteristics in alpine catchments as these provide retarded runoff during periods with little or no recharge.  相似文献   
Rock-magnetic measurements along with grain size, acid-insoluble residue (AIR), organic carbon (OC), CaCO3 and δ18O of the planktonic foraminifers of the sediments were determined for 15 gravity cores recovered from the western continental margin of India. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) values in the surficial sediments reflect the land-derived input and, in general, are the highest in terrigenous sediment-dominated sections of the cores off Saurashtra–Ratnagiri, followed by the sediments off Indus–Gulf of Kachchh and then Mangalore–Cape Comorin.

The down-core variations in mineral magnetic parameters reveal that the glacial sediments off the Indus are characterized by low MS values/S-ratios associated with high AIR-content, low OC/CaCO3 contents and relatively high δ18O values, while those off SW India are characterized by low MS values/high S-ratio% associated with low AIR content, and relatively high OC, CaCO3 and δ18O values. Conversely, the Early Holocene sediments of all cores are characterized by high MS values/S-ratio% associated with high AIR content, low OC, CaCO3 contents and gradually decreased δ18O values. These results imply that during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the cores off northwestern India received abundant continental supply leading to the predominance of eolian/fluvial sedimentation. In the SW region the influence of hinterland flux is less evident during this period, but convective mixing associated with the NE monsoon resulted in increased productivity. During the early Holocene intense SW monsoon conditions resulted in high precipitation on land, which in turn contributed increased AIR content/MS values in the continental margin sediments. A shallow water core off Kochi further suggests that the intense SW monsoon conditions prevailed until about 5 ka. The late Holocene organic-rich sediments of the SW margin of India were, however, subjected to early diagenesis at different intervals in the cores. Therefore, caution is needed when interpreting regional climatic change from down-core changes in sediment magnetic properties.  相似文献   

结合黏弹性人工边界的时域波动输入方法和显式有限元法,设计了含垂直断层三维场地的SH波输入方法。基于建立的输入方法,研究了垂直断层对隧道地震响应的影响,并通过自由场算例验证了该方法具有较好精度。数值模拟结果表明:对于断层迎波侧的隧道结构,断层会对其地震动响应产生显著的放大作用,对于断层逆波侧的隧道结构,断层会对其产生隔离地震动的作用;相对周围围岩,断层介质的剪切波速越小,其产生的放大效应和隔震效果也会越显著;断层宽度越小,其对隧道地震动响应的影响范围也就越小,但是断层宽度的变化对于断层两侧隧道的地震动响应的影响并不明显。  相似文献   
本文将岩石视为颗粒体材料,采用两种模型对巷道围岩的应力、应变及破坏区的分布规律进行了数值模拟。第一种模型是连续介质模型,其中考虑了颗粒、界面及基体。第二种模型是将第一种模型中的基体去掉。研究结果表明:当基体强度参数降低较少时,巷道围岩中的环向和径向应力在传统结果附近波动;当基体强度参数降低较多时,两种应力的波动幅度提高,而且,基体位置的应力向其周围的颗粒或界面转移。第二种模型结果的波动幅度更大。随着基体强度参数的降低,巷道围岩中的应变集中区向深部转移,形成相互交织的滑移线网,滑移线网的位置主要位于基体和界面中,这与第二种模型的结果有明显的差异(多个环向的应变集中区)。  相似文献   
小湾电站高边坡系统锚固与排水的优化设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据小湾电站地下厂房进水口开挖高边坡的岩体结构与工程地质特征,采用基于结构面网络模拟的随机楔体稳定分析方法对边坡的稳定性进行了三维分析。进一步运用风险分析理论对边坡系统锚杆与预应力锚索的布置进行了优化设计,最后运用结构面网络模拟理论对排水方案进行了优化设计。  相似文献   
龙王嘴边坡系坡高达70 m、坡角达70 °的高陡岩质边坡。分析了宜-秭公路石峡段龙王嘴高边坡变形的地质条件,在定量评价龙王嘴高边坡稳定性的基础上,进行了该高边坡的施工图加固设计。根据其特点将350 m长的坡段分为A,B,C三个区,分别采取预应力锚索与锚杆加固、挂网喷射混凝土支护和喷射混凝土支护等措施,实践证明,工程治理效果良好。  相似文献   
东昆仑西段祁漫塔格群的重新厘定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过区域地质调查和研究,认为前人所建立的的祁漫塔格群或滩间山群包括了不同时代的浅变质碎屑岩、中酸性火山岩及基性-超基性岩。根据在东昆仑原划奥陶系祁漫塔格群第一亚群(下部碎屑浊积岩)中采集到早志留世笔石化石组合(这是首次证实东昆仑地区存在志留系地层)及同位素测年资料(鸭子大板火山岩年龄),其时代包含了奥陶纪、志留纪和三叠纪等,根据中国地层指南及中国地层指南说明书和地层清理,对祁漫塔格群进行了解体,将其重新厘定为奥陶纪滩间山群(OT)、志留纪白干湖岩组(Sb)弧后盆地复理石沉积和鸭子泉组(Sy)岛弧火山岩、石炭纪鸭子大坂硅质岩(Si)、三叠纪鄂拉山组(T3e)、蓟县纪狼牙山岩组(Jxl)和南华—奥陶纪阿牙克库木湖蛇绿混杂岩[(Nh—O)aΣ]。该成果对于祁漫塔格地区早古生代地层划分对比、构造演化提供了重要新证据。  相似文献   
通过荧光特征研究了柴达木盆地东部侏罗系源岩生油组分,指出了不同生油组分对生烃的贡献、意义及其热演化特征。侏罗系源岩有暗色泥岩、油页岩、煤和炭质泥岩四种类型,主要生油组分为壳质组和矿物—沥青基质,不同生油组分荧光特征的差异又是生烃潜力大小、热演化程度和降解情况的综合反映。  相似文献   
通过滕县煤田(南部)泉上煤矿井下实际揭露及钻孔资料,分析研究了十下灰岩、奥灰富水性特征及石炭二叠纪月门沟群对太原组16,17煤层开采的影响,认为在开采16煤层时,必须遵循“深部疏水降压,浅部采煤”的方针;在开采17煤层时,正常情况下不会受到奥灰水的威协;在井巷开拓过程中必须慎重对待十二灰,应先查明十二灰与奥灰的关系,防止奥灰底鼓水危害。  相似文献   
通化县迎门岔一带1:20万水系沉积物测量,圈定出通通84 HS 10号异常,异常区内出露的岩性主要为白垩系下统林子头组灰绿色、紫色流纹质凝灰岩、角砾凝灰岩、流纹质晶屑岩屑凝灰岩、灰紫色流纹岩、安山岩等火山碎屑岩.在1:20万异常区内开展了1:5万水系沉积物测量工作,圈出重点找矿前景区,并在该区内开展1:1万土壤测量...  相似文献   
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