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青藏高原隆升对亚洲乃至全球气候演化的影响是古气候学热点问题之一。青藏高原的热力和动力效应一直以来受到人们的广泛重视,其中高原对大气环流的阻碍作用被认为在亚洲冬季气候形成中扮演着极其重要的作用。过去的理论及重建研究大都强调青藏高原主体的贡献,忽略了高原边缘中小尺度地形的可能贡献。以青藏高原北边缘蒙古地形为例,现代大气流场显示蒙古地形对冬季对流层低层西风具有明显的阻碍作用。本研究利用一个海气耦合模式评估了蒙古地形对亚洲冬季气候的影响及其同青藏高原主体的相对贡献。结果显示,蒙古高原地形对亚洲西风急流和东亚冬季风具有非常显著的影响。蒙古高原存在时,东亚大槽加深,日本上空的西风急流增强,东亚冬季风环流也增强。该效应主要源自于亚洲大气热力结构的变化,对流层低层西风在蒙古地形的动力强迫下向北绕流,在下游产生强烈的北风异常,有利于极地冷空气南下。该温度冷平流最终导致西风急流和冬季风环流的响应。值得注意的是,青藏高原主体对西风急流和冬季风的贡献要明显弱于蒙古高原。该结果启示我们,传统认识的青藏高原动力效应可能被一定程度高估,亚洲各地形的动力效应不仅同其规模和高度有关,也与其所处位置有关,处于敏感区域的较小尺度地形同样会对亚洲气候形成有不可忽略的影响。  相似文献   

现代夏季风系统导致了南海西南部(越南岸外)上升流的发育,但浮游有孔虫对夏季上升流的响应如何尚缺乏实测资料,这不利于准确地利用有孔虫来重建古上升流的活动进而反演过去夏季风的强度变化。本研究利用2014年4月14日至11月1日布放于南海西南部夏季上升流区的时间序列沉积物捕获器材料,详细鉴定并定量统计了其所含浮游有孔虫类型。通过分析样品中浮游有孔虫各属种的通量和百分含量变化,结合区域气候环境资料,探讨南海西南部夏季上升流区浮游有孔虫对夏季风的响应,为古上升流与夏季风研究提供现代依据。研究结果表明初级生产力是控制上升流区浮游有孔虫通量变化的首要因素,喜营养种在上升流发育期增多而寡营养种含量下降。因此高表层生产力指示种,如Neogloboquadrina dutertrei可能是追溯南海西南部夏季上升流变化最可靠的指标。

黄土属于非饱和土,具有明显的大孔隙、垂直节理发育、湿陷性等特征,使得黄土地区工程地质灾害问题频发。由于黄土具有水敏性,因此水的因素成为诱发地质灾害的主要因素。基质吸力的变化是土体边坡稳定的重要因素。利用滤纸法对非饱和黄土的基质吸力进行试验研究,得出随着含水率的增加基质吸力逐渐减小;在土体含水率较小时基质吸力的变化比较敏感,含水率越高,其变化越小;在含水率达到饱和时基质吸力消失为零;并且随含水率的增加土体的抗剪强度逐渐减小。研究认为,滤纸法对操作过程中空气条件要求相对严格,是一种能够快速、简便测试非饱和土体基质吸力的方法。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model was employed to simulate the seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea (SCS) upper circulation. The results showed that: in summer, an anticyclonic eddy, after its formation between the Bashi Channel and Dongsha Islands in the northeastern SCS, moves southwestward until it disperses slowly. There exists a northward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula in the western SCS and an anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS. But at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, a weak local cyclonic eddy forms in the Nansha Trough, then grows slowly and moves westward till it becomes a cyclonic gyre in the southern SCS in autumn. At the beginning of winter, there exists a cyclonic gyre in the northern and southern SCS, and there is a southward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula. But at the end of winter, an anticyclonic eddy grows and moves toward the western boundary after forming in the Nansha Trough. The eddy‘s movement induces a new opposite sign eddy on its eastern side, while the strength of the southward western boundary current gets weakened. This phenomenon continues till spring and causes eddies in the southern SCS.  相似文献   
印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼的触腕和腕足钓捕断裂强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱿鱼的腕足断裂强度是影响鱿钓脱钩率的重要因素。通过现场实测,分析了印度洋西北部海域鸢乌贼(Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis)的腕足断裂强度对手钓作业脱钩率产生的影响。结果表明,鸢乌贼的每根触腕仅能承受的拉力相当于体重的0.7倍,因此,钓捕过程中,因触腕断裂造成的脱钩率接近100%;而另外的第I-IV腕足的断裂强度分别是其体重的2.30、2.05、2.06和1.87倍;5对腕足整体的平均脱钩率接近10%。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTaoandChen (1 987)werethefirsttopointoutthattheAsiansummermonsooniscomprisedoftwosystems:EastAsiansummermonsoon (EASM )andSouthAsiansummermonsoon (SASM) .Theyaredistinctlydifferentfromeachotherinbothlarge scalestructureandconstituentsubsystems.Ther…  相似文献   
基于统一强度理论的地基临界荷载公式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于统一强度理论,按照临界荷载公式的推导方法,得到地基临界荷载的统一解公式。Mohr-Coulomb强度理论计算的结果为其特例。把计算结果与《建筑地基基础设计规范》中的结果进行了对比分析,认为当不同程度地考虑中间主应力σ2的影响时,可以有效地发挥地基的强度潜能。并通过实例计算了统一强度理论参数b取不同值时地基承载力特征值,并进行了对比分析。  相似文献   
Changes in sea surface temperature(SST), seawater oxygen isotope(δ 18 O sw), and local salinity proxy(δ 18 O sw-ss) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core(MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacifi c Warm Pool(WPWP), within the fl ow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ 18 O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO 2 profi le showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of δ 18 O sw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ 18 O sw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ 18 O sw-ss refl ect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation(SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ 18 O sw-ss and local SI in the WPWP may refl ect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their infl uence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.  相似文献   
A total of 67 samples from the upper and lower sediment traps in the central South China Sea were analyzed, which were collected during 1993~1996. It is indicated that the distribution of stable isotope values, surface primary productivity, fluxes of total particulate matter, carbonate, biogenic opal, organic carbon, planktonic foraminiferal species and their total amount exhibit obviously seasonal and annual fluctuations. High values of the fluxes occurred in the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons, and the low values occurred during the periods between the two monsoons. The fluxes of some planktonic foraminiferal species (Globigerinoides sacculifer, G. ruber, Globigerinita glutinata, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) and their percentages also exhibit two prominent peaks during the prevailing periods of the northeastern and southwestern monsoons respectively, while those of Globigerina bulloides, Globorotalia menardii and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata only exhibit one peak in the prevailing periods of the northeastern monsoon. In addition, fluxes and percentages of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia menardii as well as the fluxes of carbonate and total amount of planktonic foraminifera decrease gradually from 1993 to 1996, and those of Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinita glutinata and biogenic opal increase gradually from 1993 to 1996. The fluxes of carbonate and organic carbon in the upper trap are higher than those in the lower one. The study indicates that the seasonal and annual variations of the sediment fluxes and planktonic foraminiferal species are mainly controlled by the changes of surface primary productivity and hydrological conditions related to the East Asian monsoon. The lower carbonate and organic carbon fluxes in the lower trap are related to the dissolution.  相似文献   
有关东亚季风的形成及其变率的研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
季风是全球气候系统中一种重要的大气环流系统,随着气候学研究及季风动力学研究的深入,国内外学者对季风的形成及其变率问题的研究取得了很大进展.回顾了近年来国内外关于亚洲季风的认识与形成机制的研究,特别是对东亚季风爆发及其过程的影响因子的认识.此外,对于东亚季风的季节性变化、低频振荡、年际和年代际变化及其可能机制也进行了分析、讨论.最后提出了在季风动力学研究方面需要进一步探讨的问题.  相似文献   
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