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Submarine pyroclastic eruptions at depths greater than a few hundred meters are generally considered to be rare or absent because the pressure of the overlying water column is sufficient to suppress juvenile gas exsolution so that magmatic disruption and pyroclastic activity do not occur. Consideration of detailed models of the ascent and eruption of magma in a range of sea floor environments shows, however, that significant pyroclastic activity can occur even at depths in excess of 3000 m. In order to document and illustrate the full range of submarine eruption styles, we model several possible scenarios for the ascent and eruption of magma feeding submarine eruptions: (1) no gas exsolution; (2) gas exsolution but no magma disruption; (3) gas exsolution, magma disruption, and hawaiian-style fountaining; (4) volatile content builds up in the magma reservoir leading to hawaiian eruptions resulting from foam collapse; (5) magma volatile content insufficient to cause fragmentation normally but low rise speed results in strombolian activity; and (6) volatile content builds up in the top of a dike leading to vulcanian eruptions. We also examine the role of bulk-interaction steam explosivity and contact-surface steam explosivity as processes contributing to volcaniclastic formation in these environments. We concur with most earlier workers that for magma compositions typical of spreading centers and their vicinities, the most likely circumstance is the quiet effusion of magma with minor gas exsolution, and the production of somewhat vesicular pillow lavas or sheet flows, depending on effusion rate. The amounts by which magma would overshoot the vent in these types of eruptions would be insufficient to cause any magma disruption. The most likely mechanism of production of pyroclastic deposits in this environment is strombolian activity, due to the localized concentration of volatiles in magma that has a low rise rate; magmatic gas collects by bubble coalescence, and ascends in large isolated bubbles which disrupt the magma surface in the vent, producing localized blocks, bombs, and pyroclastic deposits. Another possible mode of occurrence of pyroclastic deposits results from vulcanian eruptions; these deposits, being characterized by the dominance of angular blocks of country rocks deposited in the vicinity of a crater, should be easily distinguishable from strombolian and hawaiian eruptions. However, we stress that a special case of the hawaiian eruption style is likely to occur in the submarine environment if magmatic gas buildup occurs in a magma reservoir by the upward drift of gas bubbles. In this case, a layer of foam will build up at the top of the reservoir in a sufficient concentration to exceed the volatile content necessary for disruption and hawaiian-style activity; the deposits and landforms are predicted to be somewhat different from those of a typical primary magmatic volatile-induced hawaiian eruption. Specifically, typical pyroclast sizes might be smaller; fountain heights may exceed those expected for the purely magmatic hawaiian case; cooling of descending pyroclasts would be more efficient, leading to different types of proximal deposits; and runout distances for density flows would be greater, potentially leading to submarine pyroclastic deposits surrounding vents out to distances of tens of meters to a kilometer. In addition, flows emerging after the evacuation of the foam layer would tend to be very depleted in volatiles, and thus extremely poor in vesicles relative to typical flows associated with hawaiian-style eruptions in the primary magmatic gas case. We examine several cases of reported submarine volcaniclastic deposits found at depths as great as 3000 m and conclude that submarine hawaiian and strombolian eruptions are much more common than previously suspected at mid-ocean ridges. Furthermore, the latter stages of development of volcanic edifices (seamounts) formed in submarine environments are excellent candidates for a wide range of submarine pyroclastic activity due not just to the effects of decreasing water depth, but also to: (1) the presence of a summit magma reservoir, which favors the buildup of magmatic foams (enhancing hawaiian-style activity) and episodic dike emplacement (which favors strombolian-style eruptions); and (2) the common occurrence of alkalic basalts, the CO2 contents of which favor submarine explosive eruptions at depths greater than tholeiitic basalts. These models and predictions can be tested with future sampling and analysis programs and we provide a checklist of key observations to help distinguish among the eruption styles.  相似文献   
铜陵矿集区与铜-金(多金属)矿床有关的热液活动主要有两大体系。即与海西期海底喷流沉积有关的热液体系和与矽卡岩矿化有关的燕山期岩浆热液体系。查明这两类热液体系的流体包裹体特征对区域找矿和矿床成因研究都有实际意义。在包裹体岩相学研究基础上,应用ICP-MS技术和热爆提取方法,研究了新桥、冬瓜山、峙门口、铜官山、朝山等矿床具代表性的热液石英中流体包裹体的微量元素、稀土元素特征。结果表明,两类热液体系在流体包裹体特征上有较大的区别,在流体的微量元素和稀土元素特征方面也很不相同。海底喷流沉积体系的热液石英中流体包裹体与岩浆热液体系的相比。稀土总量较高,LREE/HREE比值较大,δEu不明显。且Mo/(W Sn)比值较高,反映流体中成矿物质的深源特征;Ga/T1、Rb/Cs大。Zr/Hf低,也不同于岩浆热液体系。  相似文献   
F. 《Earth》2005,70(3-4):167-202
Sand-rich submarine fans are radial or curved in plan view depending on the slope of the basin floor. They occur isolated or in coalescing systems. The fans' average lateral extent measures close to 25 km and their thickness usually less than 300 m. The thickness of outer fan sequences averages around 120 m and that of middle fan successions around 160 m. Rarely reported inner fan sequences have a maximum thickness of 80 m.

The formation of sand-rich fans is closely related to tectonic activity. Their sediment is coarse-grained and compositionally immature as indicated by significant feldspar content due to close provenance and rapid transport by short rivers with a steep gradient controlled by tectonism. Tectonic activity also provides for narrow shelves making the fans relatively insensitive to sealevel changes. Formation of sand-rich fans typically occurs in restricted continental basins. The tectonic settings are highly variable. Sand-rich fans typically receive their sediment through submarine canyons which intercept sand from longshore drift and/or are fed more or less directly by regional rivers.

The type of ancient fan system (radial, curved, isolated, coalescing) may be identified through paleocurrent map plots, facies map sketches, recognition of lateral thickness variations and sediment influx centers, as well as lateral bed correlations defining the minimum fan extent.

Important in distinguishing different environments of ancient fans are detailed measured sections, their comparison and correlation. Channelized inner fan and middle fan deposits may be distinguished from the unchannelized outer fan successions through bed correlation tests which reflect their different stratigraphic architectures and bedding patterns. Bedding in outer fan deposits (lobes) is relatively simple, parallel, and regular. The lateral bed continuity is relatively high. Channel fills, especially those of middle fan distributary channels, display a complicated bedding pattern with vertical and lateral random distribution of channel fills, axial erosion, and bed convergence towards the channel margins. Channel fills exhibit only linear bed continuity. Thus, the probability in carrying out local to regional scale lateral bed correlations is almost exclusively limited to outer fan deposits.

The measured sections will help further distinguish fan environments by revealing: (1) different facies associations in outer fan sequences (mainly B, C and D) and middle fan successions (mainly A, B, C, D, and channel margin facies); (2) greater average bed and layer thicknesses in middle fan as opposed to outer fan successions (“bed” and “layer” as used herein); (3) more frequent amalgamation surfaces in channel fills than in unchannelized outer fan deposits; (4) more frequent tabular amalgamation surfaces in outer fan sections; (5) more frequent nontabular amalgamation surfaces in channel fills; and (6) more frequent dish structures in middle fan than outer fan successions.

Rarely exposed fan valley fills may be identified by coarse conglomerates. Moreover, in proximity to fan valley fills, relatively mud-rich sediments may be observed that derive from the depositional system of the basin slope.  相似文献   

贾国东  黄国伦 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):29-35
沿海地区海底地下水排放在北美和欧洲等发达地区受到了越来越多的重视,被认为是一个重要的海岸带陆海相互作用过程。但这一过程在我国尚未引起足够认识,有关研究极少见。海底地下水排放的研究历史不长,只是近十多年才有了快速的发展,有了越来越多的定量研究成果。其研究方法主要有水文计算法、现场实测法和地球化学示踪法,各种方法之间的对比实验是目前的热点问题。沿海地下水排放具有重要的环境意义,它可以是陆地营养物质和污染物质的一个重要排放通道,可以对海岸带环境产生一定影响。我国沿海地区应该加强有关的研究工作,为海岸带环境管理作出贡献。  相似文献   
BTEX异常对海域油气藏指示作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常规的油气化探方法一般是应用烷烃类作为油气勘探的基本指标,但是烷烃类易受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,使常规的化探技术在油气勘探中一直受到限制。人们开始考虑采用直接的生物标记化合物来预测油气藏,如芳烃系列中的苯系化合物苯(benzene)、甲苯(toluene)、乙苯(ethylbenzene)、二甲苯(xylem),简称BTEX。国内外研究表明,BTEX基本不受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,对油气藏具有良好的指示作用。依据南海某区的实测资料,采用自主研发的油气化探可视化评价软件进行数据处理,剥离背景异常,圈出有效的BTEX异常,并与靶区地层剖面进行了对比,结果证实了BTEX对海域油气藏具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   
根据区域地震资料研究塔里木盆地塔东凸起西部中上奥陶统层序地层格架及沉积演化, 在中上奥陶统识别出了2个地震层序, 发现了叠置的丘状前积反射地震单元, 综合岩心观察、岩屑录井和薄片资料, 确认为海底扇沉积体.海底扇沉积主要由块状砂、砾岩, 递变层理砂岩, 平行层理砂岩, 砂纹层理粉砂岩, 变形或包卷层理粉砂岩, 水平层理泥质粉砂岩或粉砂质泥岩, 块状或递变的粉砂质泥岩和泥岩等岩相组成, 形成于中扇和外扇环境, 物源来自研究区南部的岛弧带.海底扇的发现对于塔东凸起乃至整个塔里木盆地中上奥陶统油气勘探具有重要意义.   相似文献   
关于热水沉积物稀土配分模式的讨论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海底热水沉积物的稀土配分模式取决于流体的密度和流方式,低密度热流体的沉积物稀配合模式类似于海水模式,高密度热流体的沉积物没有固定的稀土配分模式,在判别热水沉积物时不宜单独使用稀土配分模式。  相似文献   
湘西北寒武系沉积型镍钼矿成矿物质来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫友谊 《江苏地质》2016,40(4):560-566
湘西北寒武系含矿丰富,在寒武系下统牛蹄塘组黑色岩系中赋存有磷矿、石煤、钒矿、铀矿,并有有色金属钼、镍矿及铂族元素矿物聚集。通过分析总结前人成果资料,探究镍钼矿成矿地质环境条件是在低温环境、有微生物参与及强还原环境中同生沉积,对寒武系沉积型镍钼矿成矿物质来源提出了明确的看法,即成矿物质来源于海底喷流-热水。  相似文献   
南海北部陆坡古地貌特征与13.8Ma以来珠江深水扇   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
综合利用层序地层学和地球物理方法对珠江口盆地白云凹陷13.8 M a以来沉积古地貌进行了分析。通过对南海珠江深水扇系统分布及其独特的沉积特征和层序充填演化规律的分析,得出在13.8 M a以来层序发育过程中,凹陷位于宽阔陆架向海盆变迁的陆坡区,北部发育两种类型的峡谷水道,向南海盆方向逐渐变得宽缓;盆地的古地貌背景、物源和气候变化为其主控因素的结论。同时,13.8 M a以来南海北部陆坡深水区的沉积具有明显的继承性特点,现今的海底峡谷发育特点基本反映了整体的沉积背景。结果表明,白云凹陷13.8 M a以来的深水沉积受海平面相对变化的影响相对较弱,主要受古地貌背景及其变迁的控制,沉积具有继承性,与现今的沉积面貌非常相似。  相似文献   
The shelf-break acts as a separator between the coastal ocean and the open ocean. Circulation (particularly deep near-bottom flow) is restricted from crossing the bathymetry. Eddies become elongated in the region of the shelf-break restricting exchange. An estimate of the horizontal eddy diffusivity over the shelf-break of less than 10m2s-1 is found from a numerical model. Various mechanisms are responsible for the weak cross-isobath flow that does occur. One is the increase of the Rossby number over small-scale topography such as submarine canyons. Along-shore flow (in the direction opposite to Kelvin wave propagation) generates upwelling through submarine canyons. A review of upwelling through submarine canyons is given. The deep cross-shelf flow generated by the canyons is shown to be as significant as the wind-driven upwelling in some regions. Examples for the reduction of flow across the shelf-break and for upwelling through canyons are taken from the West Coast of Vancouver Island.  相似文献   
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