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Ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs) provide important information on the composition and dynamics of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). However, their global distribution and characteristics are not well constrained, especially near African large low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs). Here, we used ScS precursor (SdS) and postcursor (ScscS) phases recorded by various seismic networks in Africa and South America to investigate the ULVZ characteristics underlying the South Atlantic Ocean. We found no evidence of ULVZs near the SE boundary of South America, but an ULVZ was found within the SW boundary of the African LLSVP, with thicknesses ranging from 11–18 km and reductions in S-wave velocities of 18%–34%. Our results, combined with the global distribution of ULVZs, suggest that thermal activity may be essential to ULVZ formation. Moreover, subducted slab and mantle flow may also play a key role, depending on the location of the ULVZs.  相似文献   
The D″ layer, located at the bottom of the mantle, is an active thermochemical boundary layer. The upwelling of mantle plumes, as well as possible plate subduction in the D″ layer, could lead to large-scale material transformation and mineral deformation, which could result in significant seismic anisotropy. However, owing to limited observations and immense computational cost, the anisotropic structures and geodynamic mechanisms in the D″ layer remain poorly understood. In this study, we proposed a new inversion method for the seismic anisotropy in the D″ layer quantitatively with shear wave splitting intensities. We first proved the linearity of the splitting intensities under the ray-theory assumption. The synthetic tests showed that, with horizontal axes of symmetry and ray incidences lower than 30º in the D″ layer (typical SKS phase), the anisotropy is well resolved. We applied the method to the measured dataset in Africa and Western Europe, and obtained strong D″ anisotropy in the margins of the large low shear-wave velocity provinces and subducting slabs. The new method makes it possible to obtain D″ anisotropy, which provides essential constraints on the geodynamical processes at the base of the mantle.  相似文献   
提出了一种新型减震结构体系——楼板隔震消能结构体系。该结构体系的特点是:竖向荷载传递途径与传统结构相同,但在楼板与主体结构水平承重构件之间设置高阻尼隔震层,在楼板与主体结构竖向承重构件之间留出空隙,并在其中安装消能阻尼器,使结构在发生水平振动时楼板与主体结构之间能够发生一定的相对运动,产生隔震和消能作用,减小结构的地震反应。本文给出了单层楼板隔震消能结构的运动微分方程,以及基底输入谐和振动时的结构传递函数,并分析了结构参数对传递函数的影响。  相似文献   
在环境条件和使用荷载作用下,高桩码头结构损伤和承载力降低是普遍存在的问题。在役梁板式高桩码头结构安全评估,是保证港口设施安全运行的必要措施。结构整体可靠度是结构安全评估的核心指标,但目前尚未建立结构整体可靠度计算的有效方法。基于非线性有限元数值模型,采用蒙特卡罗模拟技术确定了典型梁板式高桩码头结构整体极限承载力概率分布模型及其统计参数,研究了损伤位置、损伤程度和损伤数量等对极限承载力概率分布及其统计参数的影响,明确了无损结构整体极限承载力概率分布模型及其统计参数可用于损伤结构分析。将结构整体极限承载力作为结构抗力随机变量,采用一次二阶矩法计算结构的可靠指标,建立了一种在役梁板式高桩码头结构整体可靠度计算的有效方法。  相似文献   
通过横穿青藏高原近 80 0 0km长的 4条天然地震层析剖面 ,获得 4 0 0km深度以上的地壳和地幔速度图像及地震波各向异性 ,揭示了青藏高原 4 0 0km深度范围内的地壳和地幔结构特征。地幔速度图像显示 ,青藏高原腹地的深地幔中存在以大型低速异常体为特征的地幔羽 ,其可能通过热通道与大面积分布的可可西里新生代高钾碱性火山作用有成因联系 ;阿尔金、康西瓦、金沙江、嘉黎及雅鲁藏布江等走滑断裂可下延至 30 0~ 4 0 0km深度 ,显示了低速高热物质组成的垂向低速异常带特征及大型超岩石圈或地幔剪切带的产出 ;发现康西瓦、东昆仑—金沙江、班公湖—怒江和雅鲁藏布缝合带下部存在不连续的高速异常带 ,可以解释为青藏高原地体拼合及碰撞过程中可能保留的加里东、古特提斯和中特提斯大洋岩石圈“化石”残片 ,是“拆沉”的地球物理证据。印度大陆岩石圈的巨厚俯冲板片以 15~ 2 0°倾角向北插入唐古拉山下 30 0km深处 ,并被高热物质组成的地幔剪切带分开。结合新的横穿喜马拉雅及青藏高原的地幔层析资料 ,提出青藏高原碰撞动力学新模式 :青藏高原南部印度岩石圈板片的翻卷式陆内超深俯冲 ,北缘克拉通向南的陆内俯冲 ,腹地深部的地幔羽上涌 ,以及地幔范围内的高原“右旋隆升”及物质向东及北东方向运动及挤出。  相似文献   
We present whole-rock major- and trace-element and Nd–Sr–Pbradiogenic isotope data for Cretaceous igneous suites from easternCuba. These rocks are related to the Greater Antilles paleo-islandarc magmatism and have three different igneous styles. Group1 consists of tholeiitic basalts and rare basaltic andesitesthat have normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-like compositionssimilar to those found in back-arc basin basalts (TiO2 = 1·2–2·9wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·7–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·08,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·65–37·74).Group 2 comprises basaltic and rare basaltic andesitic subvolcanicdykes with major- and trace-element and isotopic compositionssimilar to those of island arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0·7–1·4wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·6–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·68,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·74–38·25).Group 3 is composed of low-Ti (TiO2 = 0·3–0·9wt%) calcalkaline igneous rocks that have an unambiguous subduction-relatedcharacter (La/Yb(N) = 1·1–5·0, Th/Nb = 0·35–1·55,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·94–38·39).The parental magmas of the three groups formed by variable meltingdegrees (< 5–25%) of spinel lherzolite, with more depletedmantle sources for Groups 2 and 3 than Group 1. The trace-elementand radiogenic isotope compositions of primitive Group 3 samplesare strongly bimodal. One subgroup of samples is characterizedby low Ta/Yb (0·02–0·03) and Th/La (0·10–0·13),slightly subchondritic Nb/Ta (13·3–17·3),and relatively high initial 206Pb/204Pb (18·57–18·62)and Nd (7·6–9·4). The remaining primitiveGroup 3 samples have higher Ta/Yb (0·06–0·11)and Th/La (0·24–0·32), and highly subchondriticNb/Ta (7·6–9·1), coupled with lower initial206Pb/204Pb (18·24–18·29) and Nd (3·4–5·5).These signatures were induced by two distinct slab componentsthat mainly reflect the contributions of Cretaceous Atlanticmarine and North American continental sediments, respectively.Nb/Ta in the first subgroup was influenced by melting of rutile-bearingsubducted crust, whereas in the second it was inherited fromrecycled continental sediments. The involvement of Atlanticand North American sediments in Cuban Cretaceous magmatism indicatesthat the Proto-Caribbean (North American-Proto Atlantic) lithospheresubducted beneath the Greater Antilles arc during the Late Cretaceous(pre-Campanian), consistent with geotectonic models involvingonset of SW-dipping subduction beneath the Greater Antillespaleo-arc during the Aptian. The variable mantle source depletionand magnitude of the subduction component probably reflect differentsettings across the arc, from the arc front to a back-arc spreadingridge. KEY WORDS: eastern Cuba; Greater Antilles paleo-island arc; mantle source depletion; Nb/Ta fractionation; slab component  相似文献   
西准噶尔哈拉阿拉特山一带广泛分布晚石炭世玄武安山岩、辉石安山岩,属钙碱性系列,岩石具有较高的SiO_2(52.88%~56.89%)、MgO(3.47%~6.88%,Mg#为48.5~63.7)、Sr(442×10~(-6)~970×10~(-6))、Ba(199×10~(-6)~796×10~(-6))含量,K/Na为0.22~0.70,P_2O_5变化范围较大(0.18%~0.52%),富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素((La/Yb)N为1.88~15.9),亏损Nb、Ta、Hf等高场强元素和重稀土元素,弱负Eu异常(δEu=0.77~0.94),(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70366~0.70409,(~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd)i=0.51247~0.512564,εNd(t)=4.41~6.19,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=18.220~18.405,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb=15.482~15.522,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb=37.991~38.296,与典型赞岐岩地球化学特征一致。该赞岐岩的厘定,为研究西准噶尔构造演化提供了新的思路,约束了本区残余洋盆的闭合时限并非前人确立的早石炭世,而应延迟至晚石炭世末期。  相似文献   
Quaternary lavas from the NE Japan arc show geochemical evidenceof mixing between mantle-derived basalts and crustal melts atthe magmatic front, whereas significant crustal signals arenot detected in the rear-arc lavas. The along-arc chemical variationsin lavas from the magmatic front are attributable almost entirelyto geochemical variations in the crustal melts that were mixedwith a common mantle-derived basalt. The mantle-derived basaltshave slightly enriched Sr–Pb and depleted Nd isotopiccompositions relative to the rear-arc lavas, but the variationis less pronounced if crustal contributions are eliminated.Therefore, the source mantle compositions and slab-derived fluxesare relatively uniform, both across and along the arc. Despitethis, incompatible element concentrations are significantlyhigher in the rear-arc basalts. We examine an open-system, fluid-fluxedmelting model, assuming that depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt(MORB)-source mantle melted by the addition of fluids derivedfrom subducted oceanic crust (MORB) and sediment (SED) hybridsat mixing proportions of 7% and 3% SED in the frontal- and rear-arcsources, respectively. The results reproduce the chemical variationsfound across the NE Japan arc with the conditions: 0·2%fluid flux with degree of melting F = 3% at 2 GPa in the garnetperidotite field for the rear arc, and 0·7% fluid fluxwith F = 20% at 1 GPa in the spinel peridotite field beneaththe magmatic front. The chemical process operating in the mantlewedge requires: (1) various SED–MORB hybrid slab fluidsources; (2) variable amounts of fluid; (3) a common depletedmantle source; (4) different melting parameters to explain across-arcchemical variations. KEY WORDS: arc magma; crustal melt; depleted mantle; NE Japan; Quaternary; slab fluid  相似文献   
Ionospheric electron content (IEC) and slab thickness () data for the period 1977 to 1980 from Lunping (23.03°N; 121.90°E subionospheric) have been examined for their solar activity dependence. Local noontime monthly means as well as values for the 5 QQ days in a month have been examined separately with different solar indices, namely: solar EUV flux (170–190 Å),S 10.7 cm flux and sun spot number (SSN) on a seasonal basis. Both IEC and parameters exhibit better correlation with solar EUV andS 10.7 cm fluxes than with SSN for all seasons. IEC increases linearly with both EUV andS 10.7 cm flux whereas with SSN it shows a distinct nonlinear relationship during all seasons in both monthly mean and 5 QQ days' values. This study indicates that for correlating and predicting the variations (especially the medium term) in the ionospheric parameters, both EUV andS 10.7 cm fluxes have an advantage over SSN.  相似文献   
印度地壳与岩石圈地幔的俯冲前缘和俯冲形态,对认识高原构造变形、隆升机制有重要意义.本文基于青藏高原西缘分布的流动宽频带地震台站(TW-80测线和Y2台网)记录的远震波形数据,通过接收函数H-κ网格搜索与CCP叠加方法,对研究区地壳结构进行成像.结果显示:(1)研究区西侧北西—南东向剖面(剖面1,2),狮泉河逆冲断裂带以南,深度67~80 km范围内均观测到连续的Moho界面;40~55 km范围内存在另一组横向上可连续追踪的界面,其形态与之下Moho面横向变化趋势近乎平行;(2)研究区东侧剖面3下方,Moho面从南端喀喇昆仑断裂带下方向北逐渐加深,在雅鲁藏布江缝合带附近增至大约67 km,进入拉萨块体至台站WT20和WT03下方至最深75~80 km,然后向北有所抬升.基于成像结果和岩石学研究成果推测藏南块体下方,自西向东均存在俯冲印度板块下地壳的榴辉岩化现象,可以用来指示印度板块地壳尺度的俯冲前缘,其在青藏高原西部(约80°E)位于班公湖—怒江缝合带附近,向东逐步递减至拉萨块体中部.  相似文献   
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