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青藏高原东缘地壳上地幔结构及其动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张忠杰  陈赘  田小波 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1136-1150
本文综述了我们在青藏高原东缘实施的垂直切过龙门山断裂带宽频带地震探测的研究成果,揭示了研究区复杂的地壳上地幔结构,结果表明松潘-甘孜地块与四川盆地西缘莫霍面深度为58 km与40 km±,在龙门山断裂带下方存在约15 km的莫霍面错断; 松潘-甘孜与龙门山断裂带域地壳纵横波速度比Vp/Vs比值远大于173,预示着粘性下地壳流或基性/超基性物质的存在。探讨了研究区强烈的盆山之间以及深部不同层圈之间的相互作用,推断四川盆地对青藏高原东缘软流圈驱动的物质东向逃逸阻挡作用可能深达整个上地幔。  相似文献   
冀西石湖金矿成矿物质来源及成矿作用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
石湖金矿101、116矿脉深部延伸稳定,品位有所提高,产状变化不大,南于深部探矿进展较好,而使其成为太行山中段大型金矿.石湖金矿的矿脉明显受断裂构造控制,总体属岩浆期后热液石英脉-断裂构造蚀变岩型矿床.本文采用幔枝构造新视角开展研究,通过对地质背景研究及铅、硫、硅、碳、氢、氧同位素的分析表明:石湖金矿成矿物质主要来源于地球深部,成矿溶液主要为岩浆水,混有部分大气水.进而探讨了其成矿作用,建立了成矿模式,提出了具体找矿建议.  相似文献   
Upper mantle shear wave anisotropy under stations in southern Mexico was measured using records of SKS phases. Fast polarization directions where the Cocos plate subducts subhorizontally are oriented in the direction of the relative motion between the Cocos and North American plates, and are trench-perpendicular. This pattern is interpreted as subslab entrained flow, and is similar to that observed at the Cascadia subduction zone. Earlier studies have pointed out that both regions have in common the young age of the subducting lithosphere. Changes in the orientation of the fast axes are observed where the subducting plates change dip and/or are torn, and are thus indicative of 3-D flow around the slab edges. They are consistent with slab rollback, as previously shown by other authors. Some stations located away from the plate boundaries have their fast directions controlled by the absolute motion of the North American plate. The fast axis for station ZAIG, located in the Mesa Central, is oriented WNW-ESE and is different from all the other measurements in this study.  相似文献   
The Lower Pliocene volcanic rocks occurring in the Gölcük area of SW Turkey exhibit alkaline major element trends with a general potassic character. The development of volcanism can be divided into 2 major stages such as trachytic ancient lavas/domes and tephriphonolitic, trachyandesitic to trachytic Gölcük eruptions (ignimbrites, lava/dome extrusions, phreatomagmatic deposits, and finally, young domes). Volcanic rocks consist primarily of plagioclase, clinopyroxene (which ranges in composition from diopside to augite and are commonly zoned), biotite, and phlogopite. Amphibole phenocrysts are restricted to the pyroclastic deposits. Pseudoleucites are also seen only in the lava/dome extrusions. Oxides and apatites are common accessory phenocryst phases. As would be expected from their potassic–alkaline nature, the volcanic rocks of the Gölcük area contain high amounts of LILE (Ba, Sr, Rb and K), LREE, and Zr. Concentrations of compatible elements such as Cr, Ni and V are very low, possibly indicating fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene. Correlation of SiO2, Rb/Sr and MgO with 87Sr/86Sr (0.703506–0.704142) exhibit an increasing trend in the direction of crustal contamination. However, the isotopic compositions of Sr are not as high to indicate a high level of crustal contamination. Geochemical data are consistent with the derivation of Gölcük volcanic rocks from a metasomatized and/or enriched lithospheric mantle source during crustal extension in the area. This metasomatism was probably occurred by fluids released from the northward subduction between African and Eurasian plates during Tertiary, as the Gölcük volcanic rocks display features of island-arc magmas with having high Ba/Nb (>28) ratios, and Nb and Ti depletions. Lower Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük was response to extensional tectonics.  相似文献   
The peridotite xenoliths from Wangqing display a downward-concave PGE pattern with Pt at maximum due to Pt-Pd fractionation, which is different from the flat or negatively sloped patterns commonly observed for worldwide peridotite xenoliths and massifs. Taking into account the difference in partition coefficients of Pt and Pd between alloy and sulfide melt, it is suggested that some of the Wangqing peridotites must have been equilibrated with a melt in which alloy and sulfide coexisted. Segregation of Pt-rich alloy from Pd-sulfide melts due to density contrast and extraction of residual melts without sulfide saturation resulted in the fractionation of Pt from Pd. Project supported by the Ministry of Human Affairs and a part of an international collaboration program between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France), and Australian Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (AINSE) grant to SJR.  相似文献   
对在地理位置上具有一定代表性的鄂尔多斯块体西缘及西南缘的3 条大地电磁剖面进行了分析。盐池—阿拉善左旗剖面:整条剖面上均有壳内低阻层和上地幔低阻层分布,低阻层在银川断陷盆地上隆。定边—景泰剖面:壳内低阻层仅出现在弧形断裂带区,但上地幔低阻层在整个剖面上都有分布。在弧形断裂带区上地幔低阻层埋藏深度加大,但并不上隆,这与北面银川断陷盆地的上地幔上隆形成反照。分析认为,银川断陷盆地属于拉张性质,而弧形断裂带区属于挤压性质,由于均衡调整作用,造成了两者上地幔结构的反差。成县—西吉剖面:以天水太京测点为界,其南、北两段的电性结构差异较大,这为划分南、北两个地质单元提供了深部结构上的依据  相似文献   
Picrites from the 61 million year old Vaigat Formation of the Nuussuaq Peninsula in West Greenland have 3He/4He ratios trapped in olivine phenocrysts which range up to 30 times the atmospheric ratio. These high values, measured during gas extraction by crushing in vacuum, are similar to the highest magmatic 3He/4He ratios found in young terrestrial volcanic rocks. By analogy with young basalts, in which crushing selectively extracts magmatic helium, any significant cosmogenic 3He appears to be absent in these picrites. Additional evidence for the absence of cosmogenic helium is provided by fusion results on the crushed olivine powders and by a single stepwise crushing experiment, in which only magmatic and radiogenic helium components are resolvable. The West Greenland picrites have Pb, Nd and Sr isotope compositions which overlap those found in picrites from Iceland and in basalts from Loihi Seamount, localities which today also have high 3He/4He ratios. Isotopic variations in He, Pb, Nd and Sr for the West Greenland picrites are interpreted to largely result from interaction of the early Iceland mantle plume with the upper mantle during plume ascent and dispersion beneath the continental lithosphere. The presence of high 3He/4He ratios in West Greenland, and the onset of magmatism across the North Atlantic Volcanic Province near 62 Ma, supports the hypothesis for very rapid dispersion (>1 m/year) of mantle plume head material during the earliest stages of plume impact, as predicted in recent numerical simulations of plume behavior during thermal mantle convection with non-Newtonian rheology.  相似文献   
Edge-driven convection   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
We consider a series of simple calculations with a step-function change in thickness of the lithosphere and imposed, far-field boundary conditions to illustrate the influence of the lithosphere on mantle flow. We consider the effect of aspect ratio and far-field boundary conditions on the small-scale flow driven by a discontinuity in the thickness of the lithosphere. In an isothermal mantle, with no other outside influences, the basic small-scale flow aligns with the lithosphere such that there is a downwelling at the lithospheric discontinuity (edge-driven flow); however, the pattern of the small-scale flow is strongly dependent on the large-scale thermal structure of a much broader area of the upper mantle. Long-wavelength temperature anomalies in the upper mantle can overwhelm edge-driven flow on a short timescale; however, convective motions work to homogenize these anomalies on the order of 100 million years while cratonic roots can remain stable for longer time periods. A systematic study of the effect of the boundary conditions and aspect ratio of the domain shows that small-scale, and large-scale flows are driven by the lithosphere. Edge-driven flow produces velocities on the order of 20 mm/yr. This is comparable to calculations by others and we can expect an increase in this rate as the mantle viscosity is decreased.  相似文献   
We apply ambient noise tomography to continuous vertical component broadband seismic data between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011from the regional networks of 190 stations deployed by China Earthquake Administration in Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mengolia. Ambient noise cross-correlations were performed to produce the Green's functions of each station-pair. Firstly, we used the multiple-filter analysis method to extract surface wave group and phase velocity dispersion curves from inter-station paths at periods from 7 to 40s. Then the study area was discretized into a 0.2°×0.2° grid to obtain the group and phase velocity distributions using O'ccam inversion method. After that, three dimensional (3-D) S-wave velocity structures from the surface down to 50km are inverted from group and phase velocities dispersion results. the results of S wave velocity distribution maps generally demonstrate good correlations with surface geological and tectonic features, and they also clearly revealed the lateral velocity variation in the crust. In the mid-upper crust, the basins are clearly resolved with low S wave velocity due to its thick sedimentary layer, and the Taihang and Yanshan uplifts show relative higher S wave velocity distribution. With the increase of depth (>30km), the S wave velocity distribution presents a contrary characteristic compared to that of the shallow layer, and the S wave velocity beneath the Taihang and Yanshan uplifts are much lower than basin areas, which is possibly correlated with the thickness of the crust. 3-D S wave velocity shows a low-velocity zone at~10~20km depth observed beneath the Tanshan-Hejian-Xintai-Cixian belt and Bohai Bay. the low-velocity zone at~20~30km depth beneath the Datong area may be associated with the thermal material in the crust-mantle. Our S wave velocity distribution maps clearly show that Taihang Mountains is not only the boundary of topography and tectonic zone, but also the transition zone of high and low S wave velocity.  相似文献   
环渤海地区Pn波速度结构与各向异性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
环渤海地区位于华北克拉通的中东部,是岩石圈破坏和减薄的主要地区,同时也是我国大陆东部强震的多发区和油气田产区,一直是国内外学者研究的重点区域.本研究利用环渤海地区1980—2015年期间中国地震台网高质量Pn波到时数据,反演得到环渤海地区Pn波速度结构及各向异性.结果显示,环渤海地区上地幔顶部的Pn波速度结构存在明显的横向不均匀性,且与区域地质构造有一定相关性.在地形隆起区,如太行山隆起、燕山隆起、鲁西隆起、胶辽隆起及苏鲁褶皱带地区,呈现为低波速异常,说明这些隆起区下方的上地幔存在热物质上涌,而凹陷地区,如华北盆地、南黄海北部盆地和南黄海南部盆地,则表现为高波速异常,说明这些凹陷地区上地幔顶部岩石圈强度较大.地壳内强震主要发生于低波速异常区和高低波速异常过渡带上,说明华北地区地壳强震的发生有可能受到上地幔深部构造的影响.太行山造山带地区Pn波各向异性快波方向为近NNE向,苏鲁褶皱带区域的Pn波各向异性快波方向为近NE向,与断裂带的走向基本一致,表明在地壳形变剧烈的地区,可能受上地幔顶部的深部动力学影响较大.华北盆地的北部和南部各向异性方向存在差异,可能与岩石圈的厚度及热状态的不均匀性有关.  相似文献   
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