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Micaceous soil is believed to be detrimental for civil engineering constructions due to the effect of high compressibility, low compacted density and low shear strength. Individual mica particle has numerous intact mica flakes foliated over each other making it flexible upon loading and rebound upon unloading due to its low hardness and resilient nature. Hence, micaceous soils with mica content more than 10% are considered undesirable for highway pavements, embankments and railway track constructions. When platy mica particles are sufficiently numerous to interact with spherical sand particles, bridging and ordering phenomena are augmented within the soil mass creating unique sand-mica particle orientation (MS microstructure) unlike sand-sand particle orientation (PS microstructure). The current experimental research was conducted to evaluate the variation in stress–strain, pore pressure and effective stress path response of Sabarmati sand under the influence of mica (sand with 30% mica and pure sand) with MS and PS microstructure respectively. Effect of particle crushing on stress–strain and pore pressure response was also studied on Sabarmati sand with MS and PS microstructure. Distinctive macroscopic response was observed in Sabarmati sand with MS microstructure under the influence of mica as well as mica particle crushing.  相似文献   
Flow fields and water and bed surface topography were measured at two different stages as flow shoals over a submerged mid-channel bar in a straight reach downstream of a bend in Solfatara Creek, Wyoming. The data allow calculation and comparison of the magnitude of the component terms in the downstream and cross-stream force balance at the different stages. At the lower stage, corresponding to a discharge that is 30 per cent of the bankfull discharge, the convective acceleration terms in the equations describing the force balance are important, particularly the terms associated with the cross-stream transport of momentum. These terms are large because of the large accelerations and cross-stream flow forced by the shallow flow over the bar. At the higher stage, corresponding to a discharge that is 45 per cent of the bankfull discharge, flow is more directly downstream and cross-stream velocity is generally less in most of the channel. Downstream flow velocities at the higher stage are larger, but the acceleration is more gradual. Consequently, the convective accelerations at the higher stage tend to be less important than at the lower stage. Results from the two different stages suggest that some of the difference in conclusions reached by various workers on the significance of the various terms in the governing equations may be associated with the relative depth of flow. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
采用间接边界元法(IBEM)结合"分区契合"技术,研究qP波入射下横观各向同性(TI)场地中衬砌隧道的动力响应问题。方法充分利用半空间和全空间动力格林函数在分别构造含孔半无限空间域和闭合域内散射波场方面的优势,将含有衬砌隧道的层状弹性半空间分解为含孔半无限空间域和一个环形衬砌闭合域来分别进行波场构造,有效地降低了求解时间和存储量。文中验证方法的正确性,并以均匀TI半空间和基岩上单一TI土层为例,计算分析弹性半空间场地中隧道衬砌内表面动应力放大问题。结果表明qP波入射下,TI介质与各向同性介质场地中埋置衬砌隧道的动力响应差异显著,TI介质参数的变化导致场地动力特性的改变,进而改变场地与衬砌隧道的动力相互作用机制,显著影响着衬砌内表面动应力的大小及其空间分布。  相似文献   
倪红玉  刘泽民  洪德全  赵朋  汪小厉 《地震》2019,39(3):138-148
本文首先通过Snoke发展的利用P波、 SV波和SH波的初动和振幅比方法计算秦岭—大别东段2008年以来83次ML≥2.5地震的震源机制解, 然后通过FMSI方法反演得到平均应力场的方向特征: 近东西向的水平挤压和近南北向的水平拉张作用, 与参数统计结果一致; 进而通过震源机制的一致性参数分析应力场方向的变化信息。 分析表明震源机制解呈现了由变化紊乱、 偏离平均应力场到变化一致、 趋于平均应力场再到变化紊乱、 偏离平均应力场的变化过程, 在显著地震前, 研究区整体的震源机制一致性参数处于持续低值状态; 计算了2008年以来93次ML≥2.5地震的视应力, 拟合视应力与震级的关系, 分析扣除震级影响的差视应力随时间变化特征, 近似反映研究区应力大小的变化。 分析表明显著地震前研究区的差视应力值呈现出明显的先上升后下降的变化过程, 在下降过程中发生地震; 最后利用震源机制一致性参数和差视应力综合分析研究区的应力状态, 均表明显著地震前震源区的构造应力场增强。 目前研究区的震源机制一致性参数较高、 差视应力较低, 研究区的应力水平较低。  相似文献   
武安绪  陈学忠  李艳娥 《地震》2019,39(1):146-154
强震的发生与地壳中应力增加有关。库仑破裂应力被用于研究由于某次强震发生所产生的应力变化。2010年智利莫尔M_W8.8地震发生之后,其破裂区以南地区没有发生M≥6.0地震,而在其以北地区于2015年在智利发生了伊亚佩尔M_W8.3级地震。在这两个地区地震活动性悬殊。本文利用库仑破裂应力研究了2010年智利莫尔M_W8.8地震在这两个地区产生的应力变化。结果表明,2010年智利莫尔M_W8.8地震在其破裂区以北地区产生的应力变化为正值,有利于断层错动发震,而在其破裂区以南地区产生的应力变化为负值,具有抑制断层错动发震的作用。  相似文献   
2015年1月14日乐山金口河M5.0地震发生在历史地震强度较低的川南山区与四川盆地交界一带。基于四川区域地震台网的震相报告与波形资料,采用双差定位法对地震序列进行重新定位,同时,采用CAP波形反演方法及HASH方法反演了主震及序列中8次ML≥2.0地震的震源机制解。另外,利用Coulomb3计算了主震发生后库仑应力改变量,得到的结果如下:①重新定位结果显示,金口河M5.0地震位于(103.18°E,29.32°N),震源深度16.6km,略深于波形反演结果(12km)。序列分布在NNW向天全-荥经断裂和NE向西河-美姑断裂的交汇部位,余震序列在空间上呈NE向展布。②M5.0主震的机制解为节面Ⅰ:走向350°/倾角46°/滑动角107°,节面Ⅱ:走向146°/倾角47°/滑动角73°,表现为走向NW(NNW)、中等倾角的逆冲型运动方式。序列中其余8次ML≥2.0余震大多以走向NE的逆冲型地震为主,个别为走滑或正断层类型。主震和大部分余震的节面方向不一致,主震节面方向与余震长轴方向也不一致。③主震后库仑应力改变量显示,余震主要发生在主震引起的库仑破裂应力增加的区域。综合分析推测,NNW向天全-荥经断裂为本次地震主震的发震构造,倾向NE的机制解节面Ⅰ指出了该断裂的几何产状;M5.0主震发生后,立即触发了其旁侧的NE向西河-美姑断裂,并激发了多次余震。  相似文献   
Many models of incision by bedrock rivers predict water depth and shear stress from discharge; conversely, palaeoflood discharge is sometimes reconstructed from flow depth markers in rock gorges. In both cases, assumptions are made about flow resistance. The depth–discharge relation in a bedrock river must depend on at least two roughness length scales (exposed rock and sediment cover) and possibly a third (sidewalls). A conceptually attractive way to model the depth–discharge relation in such situations is to partition the total shear stress and friction factor, but it is not obvious how to quantify the friction factor for rough walls in a way that can be used in incision process models. We show that a single flow resistance calculation using a spatially averaged roughness length scale closely approximates the partitioning of stress between sediment and rock, and between bed and walls, in idealized scenarios. Both approaches give closer fits to the measured depth–discharge relations in two small bedrock reaches than can be achieved using a fixed value of Manning's n or the Chézy friction factor. Sidewalls that are substantially rougher or smoother than the bed have a significant effect on the partitioning of shear stress between bed and sidewalls. More research is needed on how best to estimate roughness length scales from observable or measurable channel characteristics. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
循环荷载作用下红黏土累积变形研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谢栎  吴建奇 《地震工程学报》2019,41(6):1623-1629
通过GDS动三轴设备对赣南红黏土进行了一系列排水条件下的大次数循环试验,研究不同循环应力比、固结应力比及围压对赣南红黏土累积变形特性的影响。结果表明:在不同固结应力比、固结压力和循环应力比条件下,红黏土的累积应变都呈现出先迅速累积,后增长变缓,最终稳定的趋势;在一定的循环次数之后,不同初始固结应力和不同初始应力比条件下累积应变与循环次数之间的变形规律呈现为线性关系,且初始固结应力和初始固结应力比越小,其线性相关性越好;不同循环应力比下赣南红黏土的平均累积应变速率与循环次数之间也呈现出明显的线性关系。此外,基于以上关系建立了赣南红黏土在长期循环荷载作用下的累积变形预测模型,并通过对比验证了该模型的可行性。  相似文献   
HUANG Hao  FU Hong 《地震地质》2019,41(6):1413-1428
Using the seismic waveform data of Xiaowan seismic network and Yunnan seismic network, we determined the focal mechanisms of 36 earthquakes(ML ≥ 3.0)from Jun. 2005 to Dec. 2008 and 51 earthquakes(ML ≥ 2.5)from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2015 by generalized polarity and amplitude technique. We inverted tectonic stress field of the Xiaowan reservoir before impounding, using the focal mechanisms of 36 earthquakes(ML ≥ 3.0)from Jun. 2005 to Dec. 2008 and CAP solutions of 58 earthquakes(ML ≥ 4.0)collected and the solutions in the Global Centroid Moment Tensor(GCMT)catalog; We inverted local stress field of the reservoir-triggered earthquake clustering area, using 51 earthquakes(ML ≥ 2.5)from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2015. Focal mechanisms statistics show that, the Weixi-Qiaohou Fault is the seismic fault. Focal mechanisms were strike-slip type in initial stage, but normal fault type in later stage. Focal depths statistics of 51 earthquakes(ML ≥ 2.5)show that, the average value of focal depths in period Ⅰ, period Ⅱ and period Ⅲ are 8.2km, 7.3km and 7.8km respectively and the standard deviations are 4.3km, 3.5km and 6.0km respectively. The average value of focal depths is basically stable in different period, only the standard deviation is slightly different. Therefore, there is not positive connection between focal depth and deviation of focal mechanisms. What's more, there are 2 earthquakes(number 46 and number 47 in Fig.5 and Table 3)with almost the same magnitude, epicenter and focal depth, but they have different faulting types as normal and strike-slip. The focal mechanism of event No.46 is strike:302°, dip:40° and rake:-97° for plane Ⅰ, however, the focal mechanism of event No.47 is strike:292°, dip:82° and rake:140° for plane Ⅰ. Likewise, earthquake of number 3 and number 18 have similar characteristic. Therefore, the obvious focal mechanism difference of similar earthquake pair indicates the complexity of Weixi-Qiaohou Fault. Considering the quiet-active character of reservoir-triggered earthquakes, we discussed the change of local stress field in different period. The σ1 of tectonic stress field was in the near-south direction, with a dip angle of 14° before the impoundment, however, the direction of σ1 of local stress field changed continuously, with the dip angle getting larger after the impoundment. The direction of σ1 of local stress field of reservoir-triggered earthquake clustering area is close to the strike of Weixi-Qiaohou Fault, and reservoir impoundment increased the shear stress in the fault, so the weakening of fault was beneficial to trigger earthquakes. Comprehensive analysis suggests that fluid permeation and pore pressure diffusion caused by the water impounding, and the weakening of fault caused by local stress field are the key factors to trigger earthquake in the Xiaowan reservoir.  相似文献   
This article presents a computer simulation of stress distribution around tunnels and interaction between tunnels using an elasto-plastic model. A finite element method using ANSYS software has been used for the analyses of one and two tunnels at different overburden depths with different separating distances between the tunnels. The results of numerical analyses indicate that stress distribution and stress concentration around the tunnels vary with the overburden depths. It is found that the coefficients of stress concentration for elasto-plastic medium are smaller than those for elastic one by 1.9%. Furthermore, the interaction between the two tunnels rapidly decreases with the increase of separation distance between them. In addition, for quantitatively describing the interaction between the two tunnels, a critical separation distance is introduced. The critical separation distances between the two tunnels at different overburden depths are 8 m, 12 m, and 14 m respectively. This fact is very important and essential for the design of mining tunnels and to ensure safety in tunnel engineering.  相似文献   
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