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油气田(井)生产动态预测的灰色预测模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对辽河油田荣37块天然气藏(井)的生产动态预测中,生产数据的离散状态及不均衡的实际,较完整、系统地介绍了所引入的几个使用效果好,拟合精度高的一般灰色系统GM(1,1)模型及为解决油气田(井)生产过程中因关井、生产间断、或因工程上的与地质上的原因生产出现随机性急剧变化而引入两个改进的GM(1,1)模型-非等间距和阶跃模型。通过几种模型特征的分析对比及在辽河油田荣37块全气藏及气井的动态拟合预测  相似文献   
Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) is one of the largest accretionary orogenic belts in the world. The eastern segment of CAOB is dominated by Paleozoic Paleo Asian Ocean tectonic regime, Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific tectonic regime and Mongolian-Okhotsk tectonic regime. The Songliao and Jiamusi blocks are located in the easternmost part of the CAOB and are the key region to solve the problem about overprinting processes of multiple tectonic regimes. It is generally believed that the Mudanjiang Ocean between the two blocks was finally closed in the Mesozoic, but the Paleozoic magmatism also developed along the Mudanjiang suture zone, while on both sides of the suture zone, there were comparable Paleozoic strata, indicating that the two blocks had converged during the Paleozoic, and the evolution history of the two blocks in the Late Paleozoic remains controversial. The Carboniferous-Permian terrestrial strata mainly developed in Binxian, Wuchang and Tieli on Songliao Block, Baoqing and Mishan on Jiamusi Block. Samples from the Songliao and Jiamusi blocks in the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian and Late Permian are collected for comparative analysis. The LAICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results show that the maximum depositional age of Middle Permian Tumenling Formation and Late Permian Hongshan Formation in Songliao Block is ~260 Ma, while that of Tatouhe Formation and Carboniferous strata in Jiamusi Block are ~290 Ma and ~300 Ma, respectively, which supports the previous stratigraphic division scheme. The age peaks of ~290–300 Ma, ~400 Ma, ~500 Ma appeared in the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian strata of Jiamusi Block and the Middle Permian strata of Songliao Block. The age peak of ~500 Ma in the Middle Permian strata of Songliao Block may come from the Cambrian basement, Mashan Complex, of Jiamusi Block, while the age peaks of ~420–440 Ma in the Carboniferous strata of Jiamusi Block may come from the Silurian magmatic arc in Zhangguangcai Range in the eastern margin of Songliao Block, reflects the history that they had been potential sources of each other, indicating that they may have combined in the Paleozoic. The Hongshan Formation of Songliao Block in the Late Permian lacks the age peak of ~500 Ma, which indicate that Jiamusi Block was not the provenance of Songliao Block in the Late Permian, that is, there was a palaeogeographic isolation between the two blocks. Combined with the ~210 Ma bimodal volcanic rocks developed along the Mudanjiang suture zone reported previously, we believe that the oceanic basin between the Songliao and Jiamusi blocks should have been connected in Late Permian and reopened during Late Permian to Late Triassic.  相似文献   
以陕北神木地区1:5万区域地质调查成果资料为基础,运用层序地层学的理论和方法,系统分析与研究了该区中生代含煤岩系的层序地层特征、盆地充填样式,初步建立了该地区区域岩石地层模型。本文反映了该区层序地层学研究的新进展,对应用层序地层学理论进行成煤规律分析及成矿预测进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   
黄海平 《地球科学》2000,25(6):617-623
天然气的同位素组成受源岩有机质类型、热演化程度和成藏后的次生变化等多种因素的影响, 其单体烃同位素分布特征是区分各种因素影响程度的地球化学指纹.天然气单体烃同位素通常有随碳数增加而变重的趋势, 而徐家围子深层天然气单体烃同位素倒转现象却比较普遍, 高地温和细菌氧化对于造成该区同位素倒转的可能性不大, 浅层油型气或无机气的混合作用没有充分的地质证据, 同层有机质中不同类型气的混合和盖层微渗漏造成的蒸发分馏作用可能是导致徐家围子断陷深层天然气同位素倒转的主要原因.   相似文献   
气助正循环水井钻探新技术主要适用于以岩溶地层为特征的严重漏失地层。该技术通过在双壁钻具的内外管之间泵入压缩空气,举升在钻具与孔壁之间的“环空”形成的空气泥浆。“环空”的气举加速作用阻碍了钻井循环液在地层方向的漏失,并且加速了钻屑的上返速度。该技术的优点在北京房山区岩溶漏失地层的600m水井钻探生产试验中得到了证实。试验结果表明,利用该技术可使泥浆正循环中因严重漏失造成的循环液中断得以恢复,“环空气举作用”大幅度提高了上返的泥浆流量。经对比试验证明,气助正循环工艺在岩溶漏失层的钻进速度高于气举反循环和泥浆正循环,是解决岩溶漏失层钻井液循环中断、钻头烧钻、埋钻等钻探事故的有效方法。   相似文献   
本文通过总结多年来桥梁工程勘察的实践经验,针对上海地区的工程地质特点,建造桥梁对勘察的要求,对桥梁墩、台基础型式,基础持力层的选择,地基土特性,勘察方法,土工试验项目的确定,勘察报告的编写等作了分析,论述 。  相似文献   
水下冲积扇是山间谷地被堵截堰塞,山麓堆积进入水盆地的一种特殊“相”,以重力流堆积为主体,间夹湖沼和上迭河流沉积。熔岩流多次堵塞增高,堰塞坝的侵蚀和盆地的沉积充填,这三种因素综合作用的结果,形成了具有一定厚度的不同沉积类型组合。各类沉积因其搬运分选机制不同而形成不同的聚锡能力,决定了对砂锡的控矿作用。  相似文献   
武汉市是华中地区最大的城市,改革开放以来,兴建了许多高层建筑。高层建筑尤其是超高层建筑的主要特点是高度大、重心高、基底压力大及基础埋深大等。而武汉地区的地质条件又比较复杂,就第四纪地层而言,从最新沉积的各类软土如人工填土、淤泥类土、软塑状粘性土等,到全新世(Q4)沉积的各类砂土与卵砾石,直至晚更新世(Q3)及其以前沉积的老粘土均有分布。各类土层的厚度、深度及性质均变化较大。因此武汉地区高层建筑的岩土工程问题就显得复杂与多样,在众多复杂的岩土工程问题中,本文主要分析了比较突出的基础持力层与基础类型的确定,深基坑开挖中的边坡滑移、基坑涌水、流砂、突涌以及基坑防护等。通过对这些问题的分析,从中可以得出一些规律,对今后高层建筑的兴建具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
基岩中存在软弱夹层为岩石的差异性风化的主要特征。在不均匀性地基土上选用该类地层作为钻孔灌注桩持力层时,它的存在将对桩长、单桩承载力、桩体沉降等带来不同程度的影响。以黄石电厂为例,指出在选用差异性风化岩石作为桩基持力层时应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   
张红涛 《探矿工程》2021,48(6):113-117
太原万达广场A2区商住楼基坑工程部分区域为粗砂砾石地层,基坑隔水帷幕中深层搅拌桩无法有效使用。提出了在粗砂砾石地层采用高压旋喷桩隔水帷幕的施工技术方案,采用双套管锚杆钻机引孔、单管高压喷射工艺进行施工,成功实施了这一工程。经检查,喷射注浆体相互咬合良好,有效桩径内水泥含量均匀无夹块现象,隔水帷幕止水效果良好。  相似文献   
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