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VPN技术在浙江省气象网络中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着浙江省气象业务的不断发展,网络数据交换日益增多,同时更多基于网络的气象业务的增加,如网络视频会商、自动站数据传输等,使目前浙江省气象系统专线网络运行已达到极限,所以需要建立VPN网以对现有的网络作链路上的备份,而VPN的建立同时还可以实现移动办公,领导能在远程调用内网的资料进行远程决策服务和汇报工作。主要介绍VPN技术并叙述VPN技术在浙江省气象系统网络中的具体应用。  相似文献   
苏芳  郑亚萍 《干旱区地理》2018,41(4):826-832
劳动力转移的行为和经历对贫困农(牧)户的生计产生了并继续产生着复杂而深远的影响,并构成了留守家庭成员进行新的生计选择的背景和前提条件。在资本变动和要素约束下,西部民族地区农(牧)户进行着不同的生产决策,并形成不同类型的生计策略。以甘南牧区为例,通过解析劳动力转移的特征变量,总结典型的劳动力转移农(牧)户家庭主要的生计策略模式,揭示了甘南牧区劳动力转移对留守农(牧)户生计策略选择的作用关系,并得出相应的结论。结果表明:转移劳动力文化水平、劳动力转移的外出时间、务工去向与转移劳动力工种类型在一定程度上影响了留守农(牧)户生计策略的选择。这可为西部民族地区政府部门制定科学、合理、可持续的劳动力资源利用政策,促进当地农(牧)户生计的可持续发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   
This paper examines the spatial characteristics of farmer/household behaviors in regional rice cropping systems (RCS), and the results provide necessary information for developing strategies that will maintain regional food security. Through field study and statistical analysis based on 402 households questionnaires finished in 2014-2015 in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) of China, we arrived at two main conclusions. First, single- and double cropping rice were found across the study area, but showed a general distribution trend, with double cropping rice in the southeast part (especially in Jinxian county) and single cropping rice in the northwest (particularly in De’an county). Second, the household decisions concerning RCS varied in different parts of the PLR, but double cropping was the dominant type, with about 63.57% of the respondent households in the PLR cultivating double cropping rice. However, the multiple-cropping index of paddy rice was only 1.55. About 3% of interviewed households had altered their RCS during this period. Based on these findings, the local governments should guide farmers’ paddy field cultivation behaviors by increasing the comparative efficiency of rice production, promoting appropriate scale operations and land conversion, as well as optimizing rice growing conditions to improve the multiple cropping index and enhance food provision. Finally, land-use efficiency and more sustainable use of land resources should be improved.  相似文献   
肖光明 《热带地理》2004,24(4):381-386
运用点轴渐进式扩散理论、旅游地生命周期理论、阴影区理论对首批中国优秀旅游城市肇庆开发"千里旅游走廊"的行动进行了探讨,认为这是肇庆区域旅游发展的必然要求和有效手段,具有战略意义;分析了其旅游空间总体布局和旅游资源的主要特色,并提出若干开发策略.  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):211-212

This article advocates that geography teachers undertake field studies of human systems with their students. A field trip process is described that helps teachers to guide students to explore and analyze a real human system with the expressed goal of building skills that can transfer to and complement a wide range of geographic learning tasks identified in Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994. Students are taken to a human system, such as a supermarket or a hotel. In groups, students interview as well as tour with a representative of a key department of the human system. Using teacher-supplied materials, groups create models or visual schematics of the whole human system they studied. The model must show the complex as a collection of interdependent elements with distinct functions. The learning outcomes achieved by students are a collection of geographic skills ideal for transfer to subsequent geographic investigations of urban places and or regions.  相似文献   
基于2015-2020年北京35个环境空气站和20个气象站观测资料,应用机器学习方法(随机森林算法)分离了气象条件和源排放对大气污染物浓度的影响.结果发现,为应对疫情采取的隔离措施使北京2020年春节期间大气污染物浓度降低了35.1%-51.8%;其中,背景站氮氧化物和一氧化碳浓度的降幅最大,超过了以往报道较多的交通站...  相似文献   
21世纪中国地理学综合研究的主要领域   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
宋长青  冷疏影 《地理学报》2005,60(4):546-552
面对越来越综合和复杂的研究对象,各国地理学研究正在逐步从单一要素和过程的研究向多要素、复杂过程综合集成方向发展。中国地理学研究在地表自然过程刻画和人文过程的认识方面取得了突出成就,但仍然存在着诸多需要完善的方面,综合集成研究能力有待进一步提高。新世纪我国地理学研究需要在地表过程深入研究的基础上有针对性地探讨综合集成研究的理论和方法,加快与当代国际地理学的全面融合。  相似文献   
城市用地与人口的异速增长和相关经验研究   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
梁进社  王旻 《地理科学》2002,22(6):649-654
由于城市土地利用变化涉及的因素多,使获取动态研究研究所需的资料十分困难,所以,用少数几个主要因素定量地表达其变化就显得十分重要。从前人的成果,即以人口表示的城市位序-规模法则和建成区面积表示的位序-规模法则出发,绽绎出城市的用地规模和人口数量呈异速增长。这意味着,如果把整个城市看成是一个生命有机体,那么作为反映城市特征的城市用地规模和城市人口这两个重要变量,就是城市这个有机体的两个器官,他们的增长率是成比例的。还通过这个关系建立了城市建成区面积与市场人口和经济发展水平的数学模式。对我国部分城市的经验研究在一定程度上分别证明了这两经验关系。  相似文献   
从区域发展战略和城镇空间结构规划的基本概念和内涵入手,剖析两者的关系及主要差异,分析了山东省区域发展战略和城镇空间结构。结果表明:区域发展战略在空间上表现为政策区概念,面向封闭的均质区域,区内具有普适性,其实施是自上而下的政府主导过程,不同发展战略在空间上不具有排他性;城镇空间结构规划则表现为开放性特征,以"点、线、网络"等结构化语言为基本要素,是一种自下而上的自组织过程,更多地体现了发展的规律性,且同一尺度的不同城镇群体在空间上一般不应交叉。当前山东省城镇空间结构表述中存在过于依赖区域发展战略和重叠过多的问题,并对省域城镇空间结构进一步发育提出了建议。  相似文献   
 Dioctahedral 2:1 phyllosilicates with different interlayer charge have been studied theoretically by using transferable empirical interatomic potentials. The crystal structures of pyrophyllite, muscovite, margarite, beidellite, montmorillonite, and different smectites and illites have been simulated. The interatomic potentials were able to reproduce the experimental structure of phyllosilicates with high, medium and low interlayer charge. The calculated structures are in agreement with experiment for the main structural features of the crystal lattice. The effect of the cation substitution in the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets on the structural features has been also studied. Good linear relationships have been found, and the calculated effects are consistent with experimental results. Some unknown structural features of the crystal structures of clays are predicted in this work. Received: 8 March 2000 / Accepted: 19 September 2000  相似文献   
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