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在双向压缩条件下,研究了一种非均匀断层模型标本在变形过程中的声发射(AE)时空特征.结果表明,随侧向应力sigma;2的增大,断层破裂强度提高,自加载至破坏的时间延长,破坏形式由突发失稳逐渐转变为渐进式破坏.预制断层及其非均匀性对标本变形过程中AE空间分布图象起明显的控制作用.预制断层,特别是预制断层上的强度不均匀部位及高强度段落,控制着微破裂空间分布的总体格局.破裂局部化均起始于断层上强度不均匀部位,随侧向应力sigma;2的增大,微破裂密集区域从预制断层强度不均匀部位逐渐扩展到整个高强度区段.侧向应力sigma;2的大小对AE时序特征具有显著影响.较低sigma;2条件下,断层表现为突发失稳,失稳发生在微破裂活动ldquo;增强-平静rdquo;的背景之上;而较高sigma;2条件下,断层表现为渐进式破坏,破坏前后AE频次持续增加,AER呈指数增长.sigma;2对b值变化也具有一定影响.当断层破坏表现为突发失稳时,b值在弹性阶段后期至弱化阶段显示出ldquo;前兆rdquo;性降低;而当断层表现为渐进式破坏时,b值变化平稳.   相似文献   
青藏高原东南部的地貌结构是高原隆升深部动力过程与高原扩展的重要指标之一,存在受下地壳流驱动的渐变模型和受宽约50~200km的雅砻-玉龙断裂系控制的陡变模型2种不同认识。文中基于30m分辨率的SRTM数据进行数字高程分析,利用高程和水系参数对研究区地貌加以提取和分析,结合野外地貌和构造调研的结果以及前人的相关研究,对高原东南缘川滇地块中部构造地貌细结构进行了详细的解析。研究认为,青藏高原东南边界具有明显的台阶式构造地貌结构,不同台阶梯度带受不同时期发育的NE-SW向断裂控制。其中一级边界位于木里-玉龙断裂,控制了平均海拔4 200m的高原面的东南边界,是渐新世—中新世早期构造抬升的结果;二级边界受中新世中期逆冲活动的金河-箐河断裂控制,其构成丽江—盐源一带海拔中等(约3 000m)、相对低起伏区域的东南边界。高原东南边界的台阶式构造地貌结构反映了高原向SE的前展式逆冲扩展。这种扩展模式并不支持下地壳管道流连续变形模型。  相似文献   
Longmenshan fault zone is a famous orogenic belt and seismic zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau of China. The Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 and the Ya'an MS7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013 occurred in the central-southern part of Longmenshan fault zone. Because of its complex geological structures, frequent earthquakes and special geographical locations, it has attracted the attention of many scholars around the world. Satellite gravity field has advantages in studying gravity field and gravity anomaly changes before and after earthquake. It covers wide range, can be updated regularly, without difficulty in terms of geographical restrictions, and is not affected by environmental factors such as weather, terrain and traffic. Therefore, the use of high-precision Earth satellite gravity field data inversion and interpretation of seismic phenomena has become a hot topic in earth science research. In order to understand satellite gravity field characteristics of the Longmenshan earthquake zone in the southeastern Tibetan plateau and its seismogenic mechanism of earthquake disasters, the satellite gravity data was used to present the terrain information of the study area. Then, by solving the regional gravity anomaly of the Moho surface, the crustal thickness of the study area was inverted, and the GPS velocity field data was used to detect the crustal deformation rate and direction of the study area. Combining the tectonic setting of the Longmenshan fault zone and the existing deep seismic sounding results of the previous researchers, the dynamic characteristics of the gravity time-varying field after the earthquake in the Longmenshan earthquake zone was analyzed and the mechanism of the earthquake was explored. The results show that the eastward flow of deep materials in the eastern Tibetan plateau is strongly blocked at the Longmenshan fault zone. The continuous collision and extrusion process result in a "deep drop zone" in the Moho surface, and the long-term stress effect is conducive to the formation of thrust-nappe and strike-slip structures. The Longmenshan earthquake zone was in the large-scale gradient zone of gravity change before the earthquake, the deep plastic fluid material transport velocity differed greatly, the fluid pressure was enhanced, and the rock mechanical strength in the seismic source region was weakened, which contributed to the intrusion of crustal fluid and the upwelling of the asthenosphere. As a result, the continuous accumulation of material and energy eventually led to continuous stress imbalance in the deep part and shear rupture of the deep weak structure, causing the occurrence of the thrust-nappe and strike-slip earthquake.  相似文献   
北安地区位于松辽盆地内的东北部,共有姚家组顶界、泉头组顶界、营城组顶界、基岩顶界四个主要地震反射层位,缺失登娄库组反射层.北安断陷期地层反射能量均较弱,且基本为中低频反射.北安断陷是北安地区最重要的一个断陷,北安断陷西侧发育有北安西断裂,走向北北东,在平面展布上近"S"型,主要发育于侏罗系地层;北安断陷东侧发育有北安东断裂,走向北北东,其特点是上逆下正,从姚家组断至侏罗系地层.北安地区发育有较大的正向反转构造.北安地区反转构造对油气成藏的影响较大,主要表现在:(1)反转构造为油气聚集提供了圈闭;(2)反转构造作用促进了油气再次运移;(3)反转构造作用使地层拱张,产生了许多断裂,改善了储集性能.  相似文献   
喜马拉雅造山带中段定结地区拆离断层   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
定结地区位于喜马拉雅造山带中段,发育大量的低角度伸展拆离断层,这些拆离断层中部分构成了藏南拆离系的主体。它们基本上垂直于造山带走向伸展,各拆离断层特征显著,普遍发育糜棱岩,糜棱岩类型复杂,主要有硅质糜棱岩、长英质糜棱岩、花岗质糜棱岩。在研究区的北部,拆离断层呈环状产出,构成变质核杂岩三层结构中的中间层,规模一般较大;同时拆离断层使变质核杂岩体盖层中的部分地层拆离减薄;在研究区南部拆离断层呈线状延伸很远,总体上平行造山带延伸,构成了藏南拆离系重要组成部分。部分拆离断层同韧性剪切带平行产出,形成拆离剪切的脆韧性体系。  相似文献   
红河断裂北段土壤中断层气含量变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了作者在滇西地震预报实验场区进行的土壤中断层气研究结果.沿红河断裂带断层气组分H2,CO2,Hg和Rn含量很高.沿该断裂洱源测线断层气H2,CO2和Rn含量最低,向南H2,CO2含量逐渐升高,其中以定西岭测线的H2,CO2含量最高.表明在该段断裂活动强烈,而洱源一带断裂活动较弱.  相似文献   
安宁河-则木河断裂带位于川滇地块、巴颜喀拉地块和华南地块的交接部位,是川滇菱形块体的东部重要边界。利用布设在安宁河-则木河断裂带周边区域的西昌台阵和川西台阵均历时两年、共187个宽频带地震台站的垂直分量的背景噪声数据,采用噪声层析成像方法获得了这一区域4~20s的Rayleigh波群速度分布图像。与前人研究相比,本文结果的横向分辨率有明显改进,在安宁河-则木河断裂带可达20km左右,在其它区域可以达到20~40km。成像结果表明,安宁河-则木河断裂地区上地壳的速度结构存在明显横向不均匀性,速度分布特征与地表地质构造基本一致,不同周期的速度分布变化较小。盐源盆地、西昌盆地和四川盆地西南缘表现为低速异常。九龙附近和南部的德昌-盐边-巧家附近表现为高速异常,分别与出露的花岗岩体和峨眉山玄武岩有关。在安宁河断裂南段和则木河断裂北段能观测到断裂两侧的速度存在明显差异,其余断裂带两侧的速度对比不明显。贡嘎山附近的中上地壳表现为明显的低速异常,其东侧和西南侧高速体的阻挡,以及鲜水河-安宁河断裂带走向的变化,在贡嘎山区形成一个挤压弯曲段,使得川滇菱形块体的东南向水平运动转换为垂直于断裂的挤压作用和垂直隆升,导致了贡嘎山的快速隆起。  相似文献   
徐贵忠  郝杰 《地质科学》1988,(2):97-109
佛子岭群主要由一套绿片岩相的变质岩组成,分布在安徽境内的大别山北麓。其上部为一套变质的复理石建造,下部为变质的火山-沉积岩建造。佛子岭群的变质火山岩的岩石化学特征及佛子岭群的岩石组合特征表明,佛子岭群是发育在一断陷盆地中,该断陷盆地可能在晚元古代早期开始拉张,在晚元古代末期闭合。在此期间,郯-庐断裂带在华北断块和大别山古老断块之间的拉张与闭合过程中可能起着类似于转换断层的作用。  相似文献   
The northern Fossa Magna (NFM) basin is a Miocene rift system produced in the final stages of the opening of the Sea of Japan. It divides the major structure of Japan into two regions, with north-trending geological structures to the NE of the basin and EW trending structures to the west of the basin. The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) bounds the western part of the northern Fossa Magna and forms an active fault system that displays one of the largest slip rates (4–9 mm/year) in the Japanese islands. Deep seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling were undertaken in 2002 across the northern part of ISTL in order to delineate structures in the crust, and the deep geometry of the active fault systems. The seismic images are interpreted based on the pattern of reflectors, the surface geology and velocities derived from refraction analysis. The 68-km-long seismic section suggests that the Miocene NFM basin was formed by an east dipping normal fault with a shallow flat segment to 6 km depth and a deeper ramp penetrating to 15 km depth. This low-angle normal fault originated as a comparatively shallow brittle/ductile detachment in a high thermal regime present in the Miocene. The NFM basin was filled by a thick (>6 km) accumulation of sediments. Shortening since the late Neogene is accommodated along NS to NE–SE trending thrust faults that previously accommodated extension and produce fault-related folds on their hanging wall. Based on our balanced geologic cross-section, the total amount of Miocene extension is ca. 42 km and the total amount of late Neogene to Quaternary shortening is ca. 23 km.  相似文献   
西昆仑接收函数反演与构造解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
钱辉  许志琴  姜枚  宿和平 《中国地质》2006,33(2):309-316
中法合作布设的青藏高原西昆仑叶城-噶尔(狮泉河)天然地震探测剖面穿越了西昆仑构造的主要构造单元, 通过对36个台站128个远震P波事件的接收函数分析,取得了各台站的接收函数随方位角和震中距变化的趋势, 分析了变化趋势与地壳构造的关系。通过台站平均接收函数的反演拟合,取得了120km深度范围以上的横波速度分布,综合地质构造解释,发现康西瓦断裂地表倾斜渐变为直立并略向南拖曳的现象,塔里木前陆盆地沉积与逆冲构造有比较明显的显示,同时推测了盆地下的滑脱构造。班公湖-怒江断裂也有向北俯冲的显示,得出了印藏碰撞远距离效应在西昆仑受阻,应力通过地表次级断裂释放,同时形成盆地沉积的前陆构造模式。  相似文献   
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