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针对中国河流与海岸交界处感潮河段航运工程水文标准存在的问题,特别是设计水位的确定及其衔接和水流、泥沙分析方法的差异,进行区段划分和标准衔接关系的研究.通过阐述感潮河段区段及基本特征,分析了各类航运工程的水文指标,提出以"月平均潮位年变幅多年平均值" 和"多年平均潮差"两特征值的比值作为感潮河段不同区段划分的依据指标,并通过实例计算,论证了航运工程水文标准分界及其衔接关系.结果表明,该指标反映了感潮河段不同区段水文条件受径流和潮汐的影响程度,依据其不同取值,可对航运工程水文标准予以分界,形成较好的衔接.  相似文献   
国内阻尼器工程应用越来越多,阻尼器生产和应用时需要进行型式检验和出厂检验。中国和欧盟均制定了阻尼器产品检验标准,但在检测参数、检测方法和数据处理等方面存在一些差异,有些参数的检测还存在一些困难和争议,通过比较研究,指出中欧阻尼器检测标准的异同点,并分析各自的特点。以应用量较大的位移型软钢阻尼器和速度型黏滞流体阻尼器为例,比较中国和欧盟检测标准的异同点,内容包括检测方法、检测设备和数据处理方法等,提出一些对现有检测标准的改进建议,供同行参考。  相似文献   
温晓清  沙奕卓  雷勇 《气象科技》2008,36(2):240-243
二等标准水银温度计(简称温度计)检定结果的不确定度,直接影响温度量值传递的检定结果.针对我国省级气象计量单位现用的温度计量标准,从温度计的测温原理、检定方法、测量不确定度分量人手,根据JJFl059-1999<测量不确定度评定与表示>规范的分析方法,利用2007年检定数据,对一套温度计的检定结果进行不确定度评定.通过对检定结果的不确定度评定,梳理出一套清晰的分析步骤和科学方法,同时也为省级气象计量部门定期接受技术监督局的计量标准考核,提供误差分析范例.  相似文献   
中国防洪若干重大问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为配合中国水利部组织编制全国主要江河防洪规划工作,对与编制防洪规划有关的若干重大问题进行了研究。提出用20世纪发生过的大洪水淹没范围作为界定防洪区的基础;风险管理最重要的是规避风险和应对风险,而规避风险的核心是约束人类不合理的经济社会活动,降低洪水灾害造成的风险;当防洪区受到两种洪水风险威胁时,应当采用二维概率分布核查防洪区的标准;合理提高城市防洪标准,是城市防洪的首要任务;要协调城市防洪与城市建设的关系,充分发挥城市拦蓄雨洪的作用(如保留必要的水面率、雨水利用等),蓄排兼顾,而不宜过分强调城市排水;建议根据淹没水深、淹没历时和洪水频率组成的洪水风险度因子划分蓄滞洪区风险区,并结合蓄滞洪区自然地理条件比选安全建设模式。  相似文献   
A procedure for determining a wide range of chalcophile and siderophile elements in typical crustal rocks using standard addition and ICP‐SFMS (inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry) is presented. New results for Ga, Ge, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, W, Tl and Bi abundances in USGS whole‐rock reference materials AGV‐2, BHVO‐1, BIR‐1, G‐2, GSP‐1 and W‐2 are reported using this analytical procedure. Intermediate precision of means based on multiple dissolved aliquots of each USGS reference material was 10% RSD or better for Ga, Ge, In and Sn in all, and similarly good for Ag, Cd, Sb, Tl and Bi in most reference materials. Poorer intermediate precision of Mo and W measurements in several reference materials is probably due to higher analytical blanks on these elements and powder heterogeneity due to a sulfide‐related nugget effect in the specific case of Mo in GSP‐1. Results for all elements fell within the range of available published data with the exception of Ag, which yielded systematically higher concentrations than found in the literature for five of the six reference materials, likely reflecting interference from unresolved polyatomic species.  相似文献   
水库洪水标准的风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王本德  徐玉英 《水文》2001,21(6):8-10
将标准风险评估方法应用到水库洪水标准的风险分析中,并以柴河水库为例,说明水库洪水标准的风险分析方法是可行的,具有推广价值。  相似文献   
南黄海盆地钻遇二叠系的井仅有4口,对大面积无井区(如崂山隆起)的地层特征认识不统一。从二叠系岩性特征和海陆钻井地层对比为出发点,结合二叠系内部及其上下地层的地震波组和速度特征,认为南黄海盆地二叠系分上下2段。上段为大隆—龙潭组含煤碎屑岩地层,煤系地层较薄且分布不稳定,存在相变特征,使得该组地层在地震反射特征上的规律性变差,地震上表现为较连续、中—高频反射和低速特征;下段为栖霞组灰岩夹泥页岩地层,地震上表现为较连续、中—低频反射和高速特征。在无井区识别二叠系时,抓住二叠系地层界面极性为"2负+1正"的强反射特征。下二叠统—中、上石炭统地震波组特征相似,由4~5个同相轴组成,厚度稳定(时间约为200 ms),地震波极性表现为"上正下负"的地层界面反射特征,可作为全区追踪的标准层。  相似文献   
本文提出了用ICP-AES法直接同时测定高纯氧化钇中14个稀土和16个非稀土杂质元素的分析方法,对被测元素的 谱线、氧化钇基本及背景影响进行了研究,用标准加入法测出氧化钇基准中的微量杂质元素,消除了由于忽略基准中的杂质元素含量给高纯氧化钇分析测定带来的误差,同时对工作条件进行了优化。方法中各被测元素的检出限为0.003~1.31ug/g,能够满足生产过程中的质量控制及进出口商品检验  相似文献   
液闪法测量水中氚放射性活度的淬灭效应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用液体闪烁计数法进行放射性同位素测量时存在淬灭效应,而且几乎每个样品的淬灭程度都不同,并影响测量精度。采用液体闪烁计数法测量水中氚的放射性活度,淬灭是难以避免的,因此要进行淬灭校正,才能使不同淬灭程度的样品的测量结果具有可比性。淬灭校正的方法有很多,外标准校正法是一种比较可靠的方法。文章采用氚外标准校正法进行实验,得出淬灭校正曲线即探测效率E与淬灭参数SQP(E)的关系式为E=0.001 3SQP(E)-0.707 6,经过样品验证,该曲线是可靠的。采用外标准校正法适合于大批样品的测量。  相似文献   
The Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group (CSDG) occurs in five separate complexes in central Sweden and SW Finland. U–Pb baddeleyite ages of dolerite dikes and sills fall into three age intervals: 1264–1271 (the Dalarna complex), 1256–1259 (the Västerbotten-Ulvö-Satakunta complexes) and 1247 Ma (the Jämtland complex). Timing and spatial distribution of CSDG are unlike expressions of the voluminous and short-lived magmatism which characterises plume-associated large igneous provinces (LIPs). Protracted mafic magmatism in association with mantle plume tail (hotspot) activity beneath the Fennoscandian lithosphere or discrete events of extension behind an active margin (subduction) are considered more plausible tectonic settings. Both settings are consistent with timing, relative magma volumes between complexes and vertical ascent of individual magma pulses through the crust, as inferred from seismic sections [Korja, A., Heikkinen, P., Aaro, S., 2001. Crustal structure of the northern Baltic Sea palaeorift. Teconophysics 331, 341–358]. In the hotspot model, the lack of a linear track of intrusions can be explained by an almost stationary position of Fennoscandia relative to the hotspot, in agreement with palaeomagnetic data [Elming, S.-Å., Mattsson, H., 2001. Post Jotnian basic intrusion in the Fennoscandian Shield, and the break up of Baltica from Laurentia: a palaeomagnetic and AMS study. Precambrian Res. 108, 215–236]). Together with geological evidence, dolerite sill complexes and dike swarms in Labrador (Canada), S Greenland and central Scandinavia in the range 1234–1284 Ma are best explained by long-lived subduction along a continuous Laurentia-Baltica margin preceding Rodinia formation. There is no support for the hypothesis that CSDG was fed by magma derived from a distal mantle plume located between Baltica and Greenland and, hence, for rifting between the cratons at 1.26 Ga.The epsilon-Hf in various members of the CSDG varies between 4.7 and 10.3, which are overall higher than both older and younger Mesoproterozoic mafic intrusions in central Fennoscandia. Magma generated from a hotspot mantle source that was mixed to highly variable degrees with an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle could account for the wide range in Hf isotope composition. In the course of Hf isotope development work during this project we have analysed four fragments of the Geostandard 91500 reference zircon and after evaluating the existing ICPMS and TIMS data we calculate a mean 176Hf/177Hf value of 0.282303 ± 0.000003 (2σ).  相似文献   
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