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井间断层分析的研究,是油气储层地质研究的一项重要基础性工作,对油气的运移和聚集其中重要的控制作用。它是利用测井资料,以地层分层为基础,采用计算机技术实现井间断层分析的一种井间断层自动分析方法。动态波形匹配算法是本次研究采用的主要算法,它能够很好地建立井间地层之间的对比关系,通过曲线拟合、特征提取、匹配代价计算等步骤,自动绘制井间地层对比的路径图解。本文在对各种构造的路径图分析的基础上,总结出正断层、逆断层、不整合、同沉积断层、犁式断层和地层尖灭等30种情况下的路径图模式,提出路径图模式及相关概念。在大港油田的实例分析中取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
An earthquake with magnitude of 5.7 took place on Aug. 18, 2003 in the Nyingchi Region, Tibet. The macroseismic epicenter was located in the unpopniated high mountain area, 13 km south of Zhamo town, Bond County. The seismic intensity in the meizoseismal region was Ⅶ degree. The Ⅶ and Ⅵ areas were 2000 km^2 and 11000 km^2 , respectively. This seismic event is related to the movements of the Lhari fault trending in the NW direction and the ZhamoManiweng fault trending in the NE direction. As a result of this earthquakes, the buildings in the areas were badly damaged.  相似文献   
A paleoseismological study of the medieval Kamenka fortress in the northern part of the Issyk-Kul Lake depression, northern Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, revealed an oblique slip thrust fault scarp offsetting the fortification walls. This 700 m long scarp is not related to the 1911 Kebin Earthquake (Ms 8.2) fault scarps which are widespread in the region. As analysis of stratigraphy in a paleoseismic trench and archaeological evidence reveal, it can be assigned to a major twelfth century a.d. earthquake which produced up to 4 m of oblique slip thrusting antithetic to that of the nearby dominant faults. The inferred surface rupturing earthquake apparently caused the fortress destruction and was likely the primary reason for its abandonment, not the Mongolian–Tatar invasions as previously thought.  相似文献   
利用卫星光谱分析技术进行断层逸出气体监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不少震例中,临震前地壳出现气体异常,震前地下岩石受力产生裂隙,隐藏在地层中的CO2、CH4等温室气体逸出地表或水面。利用卫星光谱分析技术对断层逸出气体组分含量和总量进行监测,筛选出能够反应地震孕育过程中地下逸出气体异常演化特征的参数,建立地震短期预测的动态演化方法。对于认识震前地表气体异常机理,了解流体震兆的演变规律与这些气体异常的动态关系,改善卫星遥感地震预测,是很必要的。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAs registered by the seismic network of the China Earthquake Administration and the regionalnetworkof Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region,anMS5·7 earthquaketook place between Bomi countyand Medog county, Tibet on August 18 , 2003·The China Earthquake Administration sent anearthquake site investigation team to the stricken region immediately after the earthquake . Theinvestigationteamconsistedjointly of personnel fromthe Earthquake Administration of Xizang (Tibet)Autonomo…  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe east Kunlun active fault is an important NWWtrending boundary fault on the northeasternmargin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau.The fault extends fromthe northside of the Qiangtangmassif in the west,runs eastward through the Kusai Lake,Dongdatan,Xidatan,Tuosuo Lake andMaqu to the north of Zoig毢(Van Der Woerd,et al.,2002;Ma Yinsheng,et al.,2005;Seismological Bureau of Qinghai Province,et al.,1999;Li Chunfeng,et al.2004).The intenseleft-lateral strike-slip move…  相似文献   
通过对五轮山井田水文地质条件、地表水及地下水动态特征及井巷开拓过程中反映的水文地质资料的研究与分析,认为正常情况下,五轮山井田各含水层对煤层开采不构成直接威胁,浅部煤层开采时局部与第四系孔隙水会有直接的水力联系,矿井田初期开采防范的重点是老窑积水和断层导水,其造成的灾害可能是毁灭性的。  相似文献   
龙门-锦屏山的东缘发育一系列逆冲断裂和飞来峰构造,逆冲作用使山体向东叠置在四川盆地之上。新的野外调查、显微构造分析和糜棱岩石英组构的EBSD测量表明,在龙门-锦屏山的前震旦纪变质杂岩体西缘(即青藏高原东缘)发育一条近NS向的大型韧性拆离断裂,被20Ma以来形成的NW—SE向鲜水河韧性走滑剪切带[1]左行错位80km。青藏高原东缘韧性拆离断裂中黑云母40Ar-39Ar测年获得112~120Ma的年龄,表明龙门-锦屏山的崛起可能与白垩纪开始的垂向挤出机制密切关联。结合四川前陆盆地的沉积及演化特征,认为晚三叠世时期羌塘/东昆仑/扬子陆块的碰撞形成松潘-甘孜造山带,晚三叠世—侏罗纪在其东南缘形成四川前陆盆地沉积;早白垩世龙门-锦屏山开始抬升,晚白垩世快速崛起,在四川前陆盆地沉积之上叠置白垩纪—第四纪再生前陆盆地的沉积。龙门-锦屏山的崛起与白垩纪以来扬子板块岩石圈对于松潘-甘孜地体的陆内俯冲作用有关,使位于中下地壳的变质基底岩石在挤出机制下隆起。  相似文献   
青海麦秀山滑坡形成机理分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文气象条件等方面,对青海麦秀山滑坡的产生机理进行分析,重点阐明地质构造对地质灾害的控制作用。3个滑坡形成的基本机理:滑坡均在断层带,所处地层岩体均因受构造作用,节理裂隙发育,岩体多呈破碎状,风化强烈,表层泥质砂砾岩已全风化成土状,加之岩体破碎,裂隙发育,地表水、地下水补给充分,加速了岩石的风化、泥化,长期在丰富饱和的地下水的浸泡下形成可塑、软塑泥状物,其滑动带主要依附于硬塑-软塑的过渡层,滑床为较硬的砂砾岩。由此建议,对修建山区公路时所遇到的舒缓坡地,应慎重判识是否存在滑坡灾害,并采用合理的绕避或工程措施,将地质灾害在公路建设中产生的损失及不良影响降到最低点。  相似文献   
通过区域地质调查、大比例尺平面图测绘、滑坡微地貌和变形破坏特征测量、地球物理勘探等手段,对国道212线石阏子滑坡特征和形成演化机制进行了系统研究。研究成果表明,它并非是在洪积扇或泥石流基础上发育的滑坡,而是在区域性断裂带基础上,多次滑动形成的"立交桥"式特大型滑坡。研究结果为G212线石阏子滑坡稳定性评价和治理,以及为拟建的兰州-重庆-海口高速公路和兰渝铁路的选线和设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   
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