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本文在总结分析攀钢、攀矿昔格达层滑坡基本特征的基础上,对区内滑坡进行了地震稳定性计算,给出了经不同方法治理后的滑坡的地震稳定系数;同时采用“因子迭加”方法对究研区进行边坡稳定性区划,划分出相对的稳定区、欠稳定区和不稳定区,为抗震减灾和土地的开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
云南保山金鸡剖面丁家寨组及其古水温问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保山金鸡剖面丁家寨组下部含砾层的双层结构特征与不同的地质作用有关:下部砾岩层为滨海相砾岩;上部角砾状灰岩由碎屑流产生。所产遗迹化石指示滨海相环境。根据保山地区丁家寨组的颗粒成分、胶结物及地球化学特征,对丁家寨组冷温水成因的观点提出了质疑  相似文献   
阜康典型荒漠C3植物稳定碳同位素值的环境分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
通过对阜康典型荒漠C3植物稳定碳同位素值的分析。叶片炭同位素值在-23‰和-29‰之间变化,其中主要在-27‰附近波动。这与前人报道的世界上其他地区荒漠植物碳同位素值的变化非常一致。降水可以改变叶片碳同位素值的大小,降水越多,叶片碳同位素值越负,它们的变化幅度有物种的依赖性。叶片碳同位素值也受植物生长形式或期望寿命的影响,木本植物或寿命长的植物叶片碳同位素值要高。分析表明,利用该区土壤或陆相沉积中有机质碳同位素值可以判断气候的干湿变化:土壤或陆相沉积中有机质碳同位素值越高,气候则越干燥。  相似文献   
Stable Isotope Ratios: Hurricane Olivia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of rains from HurricaneOlivia (1994) in the eastern Pacific were measured. The rains werecollected on 24 and 25 September during airplane flights conducted at anelevation of 3 km. Hurricane Olivia peaked in intensity to a category-4storm between the two dates. Isotope ratios of rains from HurricaneOlivia were markedly lower ( 18O = –13.9to –28.8) than that of rain collected from a thunderstormat an elevation of 2.3 km outside the influence of Olivia (18O = –3.8). A distinct decrease in isotoperatios from the first day to the next ( 18O =–18.4 to –21.9) in Hurricane Olivia wasattributed to decreased updraft velocities and outflow aloft. Thisshifted the isotopic water mass balance so that fewer hydrometeors werelifted and more ice descended to flight level. A decrease in the averagedeuterium excess from the first day to the next (d = 15.5 to 7.1)was attributed to an increase in the relative humidity of the watervapor `source' area. We hypothesize that the `source' region for therain was in the boundary layer near the storm center and that becausethe hurricane was at peak intensity prior to the second day the relative humidity was higher.  相似文献   
云南巍山—永平矿集区位于兰坪走滑拉分盆地南段,有铜金多金属中、小型矿床及矿化点140余处,盆地发育和成矿作用与印度—亚洲板块碰撞密切相关。为了探索该矿集区成矿热液的来源,研究了该区成矿流体的稳定同位素特征。区内成矿流体系统可分为紫金山子系统与公郎弧子系统。公郎弧子系统内铜钴矿床成矿流体的δD为-83.8‰~-69‰,δ18O为4.17‰~10.45‰,δ13C为-13.6‰~3.7‰,成矿流体主要来源于岩浆水及地层水。紫金山子系统内金、铅锌、铁矿床成矿流体的δD为-117.4‰~-76‰,δ18O为5.32‰~9.56‰,δ13C为-10.07‰~-1.5‰;锑矿成矿流体的δD为-95‰~-78‰,δ18O为4.5‰~32.3‰,δ13C为-26.4‰~-1.9‰,成矿流体来源于地层水以及岩浆水。受印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞造山作用的影响,在该盆地内,成矿流体自南西向北东大规模迁移过程中,先形成温度、盐度较高的公郎弧子系统,随着流体向北东推进,温度、盐度逐渐降低,流体成分发生变化,演变为紫金山子系统。  相似文献   
Satoshi  Hirano  Yoshiaki  Araki  Koji  Kameo  Hiroshi  Kitazato  Hideki  Wada 《Island Arc》2006,15(3):313-327
Abstract   A drilling and coring investigation of the Sagara oil field, central Honshu, Japan, was conducted to contribute to the understanding of hydrocarbon migration processes in a forearc basin. Core samples were analyzed to determine lithology, physical properties (specifically gas permeability) and the characteristics of oil occurrence. Gas permeability values greater than approximately 10−11 m2 constitute the basic precondition for any lithology to serve as a potential fluid conduit or reservoir in the Sagara oil field. Cores recovered from the 200.6-m-deep borehole were primarily composed of alternating siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate, all of which are correlated to the late Miocene Sagara Group. Both sandstone and conglomerate can be classified into two types, carbonate-cemented and poorly to non-cemented, based on matrix material characteristics. Oil stains are generally absent in the former lithology and more common in the latter. Variations in physical properties with respect to gas permeability values are directly related to the presence and character of carbonate cement, with higher permeabilities common in poorly to non-cemented rocks. The relationships between lithology, oil-staining, cementation and permeability indicate that cementation preceded oil infiltration and that cementation processes exerted significant control on the evolution of the reservoir.  相似文献   
扎龙湿地包气带土壤水分垂直运移的稳定同位素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实测了扎龙湿地包气带土壤水以及芦苇的稳定同位素变化,通过建立模型和分析数据展开了湿地包气带土壤垂向水流运动情况的同位素示踪研究,分层计算了土壤水垂直运移量,建立起时段内通过土壤某一水平断面的土壤水垂直运移量与时段降雨量、时段土壤含水量变化的关系,分析结果对确定湿地垂向水流补给有重要意义。  相似文献   
内蒙古赛乌素金矿是产于中-新元古代白云鄂博群变质碎屑岩中的石英脉型金矿,矿床稳定同位素地球化学特征表明,成矿热液来源复杂,可能有岩浆水和大气降水的混合作用;成矿早期的硫来自花岗岩浆,成矿晚期的硫有一部分可能来自地层,铅同位素特征表明铅来自地幔,因此推断成矿物质主要来自于岩浆活动.  相似文献   
A continuous-coring borehole recently drilled at Camaldoli dellaTorre on the southern slopes of Somma–Vesuvius providesconstraints on the volcanic and magmatic history of the Vesuvianvolcanic area since c. 126 ka BP. The cored sequence includesvolcanic units, defined on stratigraphical, sedimentological,petrological and geochemical grounds, emitted from both localand distal vents. Some of these units are of known age, suchas one Phlegraean pre-Campanian Ignimbrite, Campanian Ignimbrite(39 ka), Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14· 9 ka) and VesuvianPlinian deposits, which helps to constrain the relative ageof the other units. The main rock types encountered are shoshonite,phonotephrite, latite, trachyte and phonolite. The sequenceincludes, from the base upwards: a thick succession of pyroclasticunits emplaced between 126 and 39 ka, most of them attributedto eruptions that occurred in the Phlegraean area; the CampanianIgnimbrite; the products of a local tuff cone formed between39 ka and the deposition of the products of the earliest activityof the Mt. Somma volcano; the products of the Somma–Vesuviusvolcano, which include from the base upwards a thick sequenceof lavas, pyroclastic rocks and the products of a local spattercone dated between 3· 7 ka and AD 79. The data obtainedfrom the study of the borehole show that, before the CampanianIgnimbrite eruption, low-energy explosive volcanism took placein the Vesuvian area, whereas mostly high-energy explosive eruptionscharacterized the Campi Flegrei activity. In the Vesuvian area,Campanian Ignimbrite deposition was followed by the eruptionof a local tuff cone and a long repose time, which predatedthe formation of the Mt. Somma edifice. Since 18· 3 ka(Pomici di Base eruption) the activity of Somma–Vesuviusbecame mostly explosive with rare lava effusions. The shallowestcored deposits belong to the Camaldoli della Torre cone, formedbetween the Pomici di Avellino and Pomici di Pompei eruptions(3· 7 ka–AD 79). New geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb–B-isotopicdata on samples from the drilled core, together with those availablefrom the literature, allow us to further distinguish the volcanicrocks as a function of both their provenance (i.e. Phlegraeanor Vesuvian areas) and age, and to identify different magmaticprocesses acting through time in the Vesuvian mantle source(s)and during magma ascent towards the surface. Isotopically distinctmagmas, rising from a mantle source variably contaminated byslab-derived components, stagnated at mid-crustal depths (8–10km below sea level) where magmas differentiated and were probablycontaminated. Contamination occurred either with Hercynian continentalcrust, mostly during the oldest stages of Vesuvian activity(from 39 to 16 ka), or with Mesozoic limestone, mostly duringrecent Vesuvian activity. Energy constrained assimilation andfractional crystallization (EC-AFC) modelling results show thatcontamination with Hercynian crust probably occurred duringdifferentiation from shoshonite to latite. Contamination withlimestone, which is not well constrained with the availabledata, might have occurred only during the transition from shoshoniteto tephrite. From the ‘deep’ reservoir, magmas rosetowards a series of shallow reservoirs, in which they differentiatedfurther, mixed, and fed volcanic activity. KEY WORDS: Somma–Vesuvius; crustal contamination; source heterogeneity; radiogenic and stable isotopes; magmatic system  相似文献   
The Sawayaerdun gold deposit, located in Wuqia County, Southwest Tianshan, China, occurs in Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian low‐grade metamorphic carbonaceous turbidites. The orebodies are controlled by a series of NE‐NNE‐trending, brittle–ductile shear zones. Twenty‐four gold mineralized zones have been recognized in the Sawayaerdun ore deposit. Among these, the up to 4‐km‐long and 200‐m wide No. IV mineralized zone is economically the most important. The average gold grade is 1–6 g/t. Gold reserves of the Sawayaerdun deposit have been identified at approximately 37 tonnes and an inferred resource of 123 tonnes. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by silicification, pyritization, arsenopyritization, sericitization, carbonatization and chloritization. On the basis of field evidence and petrographic analysis, five stages of vein emplacement and hydrothermal mineralization can be distinguished: stage 1, early quartz stage, characterized by the occurrence of quartz veins; stage 2, arsenopyrite–pyrite–quartz stage, characterized by the formation of auriferous quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 3, polymetallic sulfide quartz stage, characterized by the presence of auriferous polymetallic sulfide quartz veinlets and stockworks; stage 4, antimony–quartz stage, characterized by the formation of stibnite–jamesonite quartz veins; and stage 5, quartz–carbonate vein stage. Stages 2 and 3 represent the main gold mineralization, with stage 4 representing a major antimony mineralization episode in the Sawayaerdun deposit. Two types of fluid inclusion, namely H2O–NaCl and H2O–CO2–NaCl types, have been recognized in quartz and calcite. Aqueous inclusions show a wide range of homogenization temperatures from 125 to 340°C, and can be correlated with the mineralization stage during which the inclusions formed. Similarly, salinities and densities of these fluids range for each stage of mineralization from 2.57 to 22 equivalent wt% NaCl and 0.76 to 1.05 g/cm3, respectively. The ore‐forming fluids thus are representative of a medium‐ to low‐temperature, low‐ to medium‐salinity H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4–N2 system. The δ34SCDT values of sulfides associated with mineralization fall into a narrow range of ?3.0 to +2.6‰ with a mean of +0.1‰. The δ13CPDB values of dolomite and siderite from the Sawayaerdun gold deposit range from ?5.4 to ?0.6‰, possibly reflecting derivation of the carbonate carbon from a mixed magmatic/sedimentary source. Changes in physico‐chemical conditions and composition of the hydrothermal fluids, water–rock exchange and immiscibility of hydrothermal fluids are inferred to have played important roles in the ore‐forming process of the Sawayaerdun gold–antimony deposit.  相似文献   
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