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以天然粉石英为基本原料,通过氢氟酸与盐酸混合酸溶蚀技术和机械强力搅拌处理,制备了高纯球形-准球形亚微米晶质SiO2材料。XRD,SEM表征结果表明,制备的高纯球形亚微米晶质SiO2材料为纯结晶SiO2相,粒子呈球形-准球形,球化-准球化率达80%~90%,粒径一般为300 nm~800 nm;其化学组成为:w(SiO2)99.90%,w(Al2O3)192×10-6,w(Fe2O3)33×10-6,w(Mg)1×10-6,w(Ca)2×10-6,w(Cl-)20×10-6。  相似文献   
纳米级微粒测量是寻找隐伏矿的新方法,选取实地模拟实验和在已知隐伏矿区,利用液态捕集剂和等离子体质谱分析测试样品,进行重复测量试验,研究结果表明,不同成矿元素,在地表形成异常的运移富集速率不同,其运移速率主要取决于纳米级微粒本身的地球化学性质,地下上升气流、断裂等裂隙有利于微粒的上升运移富集;纳米级微粒地球化学重复测量时,异常可具有良好的重现性,但异常重现较常规气体缓慢,通常需要2~3个月。  相似文献   
降水粒子特性是大气运动和云内微物理过程的综合结果,在云降水物理及人工影响天气领域有着重要的意义。传统的测量方法不适合对大量数据分析寻找规律,德国OTT公司的Parsivel激光降水粒子谱测量系统可以较好解决自动测量难题。该仪器是以激光测量为基础的粒子测量传感器,采用平行激光束和光电管阵列结合,当有降水粒子穿越采样空间时,自动记录遮挡物的宽度,通过穿越时间计算降水粒子的尺度和速度,根据各种参数的综合信息对降水粒子进行分类,并能够以数字形式显示瞬时降水强度、降水粒子总数、累积降水量、降水时的能见度和雷达反射因子,以图形方式显示降水粒子尺度谱、速度谱、降水粒子分类且自动生成天气现象代码,实现天气现象的自动识别。激光降水粒子谱仪主要用于气象水文观测。在雷达气象学领域可用于Z/R关系的拟合修正,比传统的用雨量筒观测数据拟合效果好得多;由降水粒子谱仪测量雨滴的降落速度,可以对天气雷达垂直向上测量的粒子径向速度谱进行校正。人工影响天气的效果检验一直是一个难题,自然降水粒子谱分布形式与人工催化以后的降水粒子谱型理论上应当具有较大的差别,人工增雨作业降水滴谱变化物理响应和降水强度时间变化响应都有明显的区别。如果能够实时检测到这些差别,就能够充分说明人工催化的有效性。未来如果能够进行联网观测记录区域性降水、降雹,就有充分证据表明人影作业的有效性,在定量化作业效果评估以及灾害损失评估等方面应用潜力巨大。利用该仪器已经对一年的自然降水过程进行了连续观测,并将所获得的降水粒子谱、雨滴浓度值随时间变化状况与卫星反演的云顶有效粒子半径时间变化趋势进行了对比,发现有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
广义球谐函数及其在梯度边值问题中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先指出球谐函数不是球面上唯一的正交函数系,接着证明了体谐函数的一阶、二阶水平导数(称之为广义球函数)也是球面上的正交函数系,最后利用球面上的正交函数系研究了物理大地测量中的一阶、二阶梯度边值问题。  相似文献   
Part 1 of this study assessed the effectiveness of dispersion models based around random particle tracking (RPT) applied an overbank flow in the Flood Channel Facility at HR Wallingford. Several of the RPT models that were used predicted the mixing behaviour of the tracer in the complex channel flow to within an acceptable accuracy. If there is no uniqueness in the model structure which can be used to represent the true system to within the limitations of the available observations, then this implies an inherent degree of ambiguity in our knowledge of the physically based model structure. This suggests that we should be less forthright in the optimisation of each individual model structure, and perhaps investigate more of the parameter combinations for each model which yield feasible simulations of the system. An alternative fuzzy calibration technique is introduced which avoids the optimisation process and takes account of uncertainties in the model structure, parameter sets and observed data in prediction.  相似文献   
EISCAT observations of the interplanetary scintillation of a single source were made over an extended period of time, during which the orientation of the baselines between the two observing sites changed significantly. Assuming that maximum correlation between the scintillations observed at the two sites occurs when the projected baseline is parallel to the direction of plasma flow, this technique can be used to make a unique determination of the direction of the solar wind. In the past it has usually been assumed that the plasma flow is radial, but measurements of eleven sources using this technique have indicated conclusively that in at least six cases observed at mid or high heliocentric latitude there is a significant non-radial component directed in four cases towards the heliocentric equator and in two cases towards the pole.  相似文献   
半拉格朗日方法在全球原始方程模式中的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈起英  庄世宇  金之雁 《气象》1998,24(10):20-25
简单介绍了半拉格朗日平流方案的基本概念,并详细总结了基估全球原始方程模式,特别是在IFS的具体实现过程,拉格朗日平流的观点是着流体质点看流体运动,基贩关键是流体轨迹的计算。轨迹中点和起始点水平坐标的示得可以利用球面三角,直接在球极坐标中进行,并采用一些较高的近似。为了充分获得半拉格朗日方案析益处,在起始点的内插能工巧匠春阶数至少应在四阶以上,为避免昂贵的三维三次内插,可以采用三维“准三次”内插 。  相似文献   
Simulation of large deformation and post‐failure of geomaterial in the framework of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) are presented in this study. The Drucker–Prager model with associated and non‐associated plastic flow rules is implemented into the SPH code to describe elastic–plastic soil behavior. In contrast to previous work on SPH for solids, where the hydrostatic pressure is often estimated from density by an equation of state, this study proposes to calculate the hydrostatic pressure of soil directly from constitutive models. Results obtained in this paper show that the original SPH method, which has been successfully applied to a vast range of problems, is unable to directly solve elastic–plastic flows of soil because of the so‐called SPH tensile instability. This numerical instability may result in unrealistic fracture and particles clustering in SPH simulation. For non‐cohesive soil, the instability is not serious and can be completely removed by using a tension cracking treatment from soil constitutive model and thereby give realistic soil behavior. However, the serious tensile instability that is found in SPH application for cohesive soil requires a special treatment to overcome this problem. In this paper, an artificial stress method is applied to remove the SPH numerical instability in cohesive soil. A number of numerical tests are carried out to check the capability of SPH in the current application. Numerical results are then compared with experimental and finite element method solutions. The good agreement obtained from these comparisons suggests that SPH can be extended to general geotechnical problems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We formulate the problem of an infinitesimal particle moving in the space under the influence of the gravitational force induced by a homogeneous annulus disk fixed on a plane. We compute using different coordinates and in terms of an elliptic integral the potential associated to this problem. Also we study the symmetries of the associated potential. After that, we look at the dynamics in some particular cases, namely: in the line perpendicular to the plane that contains the annulus disk and passes through the center of the ring and on the plane that contains the massive annulus.   相似文献   
Despite the long history of the continuum equation approach in hydrology, it is not a necessary approach to the formulation of a physically based representation of hillslope hydrology. The Multiple Interacting Pathways (MIPs) model is a discrete realization that allows hillslope response and transport to be simultaneously explored in a way that reflects the potential occurrence of preferential flows and lengths of pathways. The MIPs model uses random particle tracking methods to represent the flow of water within the subsurface alongside velocity distributions that acknowledge preferential flows and transition probability matrices, which control flow pathways. An initial realization of this model is presented here in application to a tracer experiment carried out in Gårdsjön, Sweden. The model is used as an exploratory tool, testing several hypotheses in relation to this experiment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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