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In 1902, the Florida red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle L., was introduced to the island of Molokai, Hawaii, and has since colonized nearly 25% of the south coast shoreline. By classifying three kinds of remote sensing imagery, we compared abilities to detect invasive mangrove distributions and to discriminate mangroves from surrounding terrestrial vegetation. Using three analytical techniques, we compared mangrove mapping accuracy for various sensor-technique combinations. ANOVA of accuracy assessments demonstrated significant differences among techniques, but no significant differences among the three sensors. We summarize advantages and disadvantages of each sensor and technique for mapping mangrove distributions in tropical coastal environments.  相似文献   
中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)是广泛分布于西北太平洋大陆架水域的浮游桡足类,在海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中具有重要作用。根据2006年7月至2007年10月4个季节使用网目孔径为0.505mm的浮游生物网采集的样品,分析了南海西北部陆架区中华哲水蚤的水平、季节和昼夜垂直分布以及与季风、海流和温度的关系。中华哲水蚤丰度季节变化显著,整个调查海域春季的平均达(22.30±77.78)个/m3,夏季的降低,平均为(13.74±45.10)个/m3,秋季消失,冬季调查期间仍未出现。中华哲水蚤的区域分布差异十分显著,将调查海域划分为粤西近海、琼东近海、粤西-琼东外海三个亚区,在粤西近海亚区春、夏季中华哲水蚤的平均丰度分别为(115.63±145.93),(68.12±84.00)个/m3,远高于另外两个亚区。夏季琼东沿岸上升流区的中华哲水蚤没有昼夜垂直移动行为,呈底层分布,以躲避表层高温的伤害。南海西北部陆架区是中华哲水蚤的季节分布区,冬春季东北季风期间由广东沿岸流从东海沿岸携带而来,出现的时间从北往南逐渐推迟;夏季西南季风期间雷州半岛东部近海的冷涡和琼东沿岸上升流区成为中华哲水蚤度夏的避难所;秋季季风转换时期上升流减弱或消失,中华哲水蚤因耐受不了高温(>27℃)死亡而消失。因此,中华哲水蚤对东北季风时期的沿岸流和西南季风时期的上升流均具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   
通过对我国沿海多次野外实地考查以及文献报道,采用统计学的分析方法,研究了马尾藻属海藻资源的物种构成和区系分布特征.结果表明,马尾藻属种数在我国海域的水平分布呈现出北少南多的趋势,黄、东海仅17种,南海达到124种、占世界马尾藻总数的36.47%.其中,黄海西区、东海西区、南海北区和南海南区种数及小区单一分布种类数分别为10、13、82和61种及2、3、52和42种.我国特有种类为64种、占世界尾藻总数的18.82%.在我国沿海马尾藻的垂直分布特征为:高潮带2种,低潮带91种,潮下带78种.  相似文献   
Planktonic bacteria are abundant in the Chukchi Borderland region. However, little is known about their diversity and the roles of various bacteria in the ocean. Seawater samples were collected from two stations K2S and K4S where sea ice was melting obviously. The analysis of water samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that DMSP-degrading bacteria accounted for 13% of the total bacteria at the station K2S. No aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria were detected in both samples. The bacterial communities were characterized by two 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Sequences fell into four major lineages of the domain Bacteria, including Proteobacteria (Alpha, Beta and Gamma subclasses), Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. No significant difference was found between the two clone libraries. SAR11 and Rhodobacteraceae clades of Alphaproteobacteria and Pseudoalteromonas of Gammapro-teobacteria constituted three dominant fractions in the clone libraries. A total of 191 heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated and 76% showed extracellular proteolytic activity. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the isolates fell into Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The most common genus in both the bacterial isolates and protease-producing bacteria was Pseudoalteromonas. UniFrac data showed suggestive differences in bacterial communities between the Chukchi Borderland and the northern Bering Sea.  相似文献   
应用AFLP分子标记技术对我国沿海大竹蛏(Solen grandis)群体的遗传多样性进行了分析,利用筛选出的7对AFLP引物,对丹东、烟台、莱州、日照和南通5个地理群体的141只大竹蛏个体进行了扩增,共得到了403个位点,片段大小在100—700bp之间。其中丹东、烟台、莱州、南通4个群体的大竹蛏遗传多样性水平接近,日照群体的多态位点比例高于其它4个群体,结合Shannon’s信息指数(I)和Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)看,日照群体的遗传多样性水平最高,而南通群体的遗传多样性水平最低。AMOVA分析得到群体间遗传分化系数Φst=0.2250(P<0.001),群体间的变异百分率为22.5%,群体内为77.5%,说明群体的遗传变异主要来源于群体内个体间的遗传差异,但群体间也存在一定程度的基因渗透。  相似文献   
Artificially introduced cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, rapidly colonized the intertidal flats of the Jiangsu coast, eastern China. The epibenthos on an intertidal flat invaded by S. alterniflora were studied, to identify how local epibenthos species react to an altered environment. Epibenthic samples and surficial sediment samples were collected along a shore-normal profile in 50 quadrats at ten stations across the Spartina salt marsh; and five control quadrats for a station located on the barren sandy-mud flat. The grain size parameters of the surficial sediments show that S. alterniflora altered the grain size gradient along the profile of the intertidal zone by trapping fine-grained sediments. Spartina alterniflora could inhabit lower elevations than indigenous salt marsh vegetation, thus creating larger areas of finer surficial sediments, which was suitable for not only native epibenthic species but also species which do not exist on the barren sandy-mud flat. Correlation analyses show that the epibenthos were sensitive to sediment grain size and type, on the invaded S. alterniflora salt marsh. Further, there was an interspecific relationship affecting the distribution of epibenthos. The results show that epibenthos preferred ecological niches, within the Spartina salt marsh, even in the same sampling station.  相似文献   
为研究鲐鱼(Pneumatophorus japonicus)在不同冻藏时期的优势微生物,并且得到一个较全面的细菌群落组成结构,采用16SrDNA基因克隆文库及克隆子分析等方法,分别对冻藏1d、8d和20d条件下鲐鱼鳃体系中的细菌种群多样性、优势微生物及其中产组胺菌的变化进行分析。结果表明,不同时期鲐鱼鳃内的细菌多样性均较强;冻藏1天的鳃体系中不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)占优势为总数的77.5%,产组胺细菌如泛菌属(Pantoea)和肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)较少;第8天优势细菌种群是梭杆菌属(Fusobacteria bacterium)和希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella),而产组胺菌如发光杆菌属(Photobacterium)和弧菌属(Vibrio)较前期数量有所增加;冻藏到第20天的优势种群为哈夫尼菌属(Hafnia)和沙雷菌属(Serratia),它们均是产组胺的菌群。鲐鱼中细菌多样性及其优势微生物的变化等全面信息可为了解鲐鱼水产品组胺发生的微生物机制及其控制方法提供重要依据。  相似文献   
The invasive green alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea represents an important threat to the diversity of Mediterranean benthic coastal ecosystems by interfering with native species and modifying benthic assemblages. The present study deals, for the first time, with the temporal and spatial variability of the biomass and phenology of C. racemosa considering both deep- and shallow-water populations. Two sampling depths (30 and 10 m) were sampled at three different rocky bottom sites every 3 months in the Archipelago of Cabrera National Park (Western Mediterranean). All morphometric variables analysed showed a spatial variation and temporal patterns depending on depth. Between depths, C. racemosa biomass, stolon length, number of fronds and frond length were usually significantly higher at deep-water populations, suggesting that C. racemosa grows better in deep-waters. Deep- and shallow-water populations displayed a high temporal variation although no evidence of seasonal patterns was found, in contrast with what has been reported by other authors. The sources of this variability are still unknown but probably both physical factors and differential herbivory pressures display a key role.  相似文献   
Mapping ecologically relevant zones in the marine environment has become increasingly important. Biological data are however often scarce and alternatives are being sought in optimal classifications of abiotic variables. The concept of ‘marine landscapes’ is based on a hierarchical classification of geological, hydrographic and other physical data. This approach is however subject to many assumptions and subjective decisions.  相似文献   
2004年秋季南海北部浮游植物组成及其数量分布特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据2004年9月18日—10月2日南海北部航次所获得的表层浮游植物群数据, 对其组成及数量分布进行了探讨分析。该次调查鉴定浮游植物共53属152种(含变种和变型), 分别属于硅藻门35属88种、甲藻门15属60种、蓝藻门1属2种及金藻门1属1种等; 优势种中分布较广泛的有柔弱伪菱形藻Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima、反曲原甲藻Prorocentrum sigmoides、微小原甲藻P. mininum、锥状施克里普藻Scrippsiella trochoidea和红海束毛藻Trichodesmium erythraeum等; 浮游植物细胞丰度的数量范围为(0.11—23.61)×106cells•m-3, 呈现近岸区域高于远岸区域的平面分布格局, 最大值和最小值分别出现在海南岛东北部海域的E506站和海南岛东南部海域的B3站; 浮游植物物种丰富度也是近岸的站点较高, 以靠近珠江口E708站的51种为最多。硅藻类细胞丰度范围为(0.02—8.13)×106cells•m-3, 主要分布在高盐的外海水域, 其中产二甲基磺酸丙酯(DMSP)的小环藻Cyclotella spp.在多个站点出现; 甲藻类以近岸水域居多, 细胞丰度最高达15.67×106cells•m-3(E506站), 其中数量较多的赤潮种类主要有锥状施克里普藻、反曲原甲藻、微小原甲藻、环沟藻Gyrodinium spp.等; 固氮的红海束毛藻在调查海域广泛分布, 但主要集中于东部, 以E206站最多, 高达1.8×107cells•m-3。结合水文资料和其他层次的浮游植物资料进行对比分析, 结果表明, 红海束毛藻的分布与黑潮水的入侵存在一定关系, 其分布受水团和海流的影响。  相似文献   
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