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乡村人居环境是一复杂巨系统,其可持续发展力是各子系统间物质、信息与能量相互流通与交换的结果,本文从经济发展、生产生活、生态环境3个子系统入手构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力的评价指标体系,以1997—2015年重庆市37个区县的面板数据为数据源,运用发展水平(衡量乡村人居环境可持续发展态势)、发展效率(反映乡村人居环境发展趋向可持续的快慢程度)和协调指数(反映各子系统发展水平均衡程度)构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力测度模型,分析了乡村人居环境可持续力并探究其时空分异特征,为因地制宜践行《农村人居环境整治三年行动方案》提供策略支持。结果表明:1997—2015年,乡村人居环境可持续发展力时序上总体态势向好,其中发展水平逐步上升,发展效率波动剧烈,协调性稳步提高,各子系统间可持续发展力差异性较大;乡村人居环境可持续发展力在空间上总体呈现西高东低、“中心-边缘”的分异格局,区县间差异性明显,其中经济发展子系统呈“多级核心-外围”辐射圈层式差异化增长格局、生产生活子系统呈自西向东扩散式增长格局,生态环境子系统总体上先降后升,呈波浪式不均衡增长格局;从政府“制导引导”、城乡“双轮”联动、“点-极-核”整治模式等方面提出了相关整治策略。  相似文献   
李军  赵玉竹  邓梅 《山地学报》2019,(2):284-294
为了建立合理、准确且便于估算和应用的山地地理可照时数空间分布模型,本文以重庆为例,首先利用分布式模型估算了30 a平均年和各月可照时数,并利用基于气象行业标准得到的理论值进行了验证;其次,以栅格单元为统计样本,建立了基于地形尺度的可照时数估算的统计模型。结果表明:(1)基于分布式模型的模拟结果具有较高可信度,除10月外,其他各月和年的相对误差均小于10%,且东北和东南部的相对误差较中西部高。(2)西部方山丘陵区的可照时数高,中部平行岭谷区次之,东北和东南部低。冬季可照时数的空间异质性最大,夏季次之,春秋季接近,均较小。(3)各月和年可照时数与主要地理和地形因子之间的相关关系均表现为极显著性,各月复相关系数在0.7929~0.8277,年复相关系数为0.8522。(4)重庆可照时数估算统计模型在一定程度上简化了分布式模型的计算步骤和计算量,便于其应用,并可为其他地区估算可照时数提供方法参考。  相似文献   
由于传统二维景观格局指数未考虑地形特征对景观格局指数的影响,为进一步研究地形结构对景观格局指数的影响,以重庆主城区为研究对象,利用ENVI5.2、ArcGIS10.5、Fragstats4.2平台,对重庆主城区不同城市化阶段的Landsat影像数据进行土地利用变化和三维景观格局分析.结果表明,2008-2018年研究区...  相似文献   
青藏高原东南缘是研究构造、地貌演化和气候变化相互作用的理想场所,前人研究主要揭示了晚始新世—早中新世和晚中新世以来的快速剥蚀事件,缺乏晚白垩世—早新生代时期地貌演化过程的研究。次林错花岗岩已有的低温热年代学数据覆盖了整个新生代时期,为探索该区域新生代早期的剥露演化历史提供了重要资料。该岩体新生代早期冷却事件是岩浆冷却单一作用的结果,还是受快速剥蚀作用的影响,目前仍然存疑,需要定量研究。因此,本文结合已有的岩石地化和年代学数据,对次林错花岗岩开展了锆石饱和温度和一维岩浆冷却模拟研究。锆石饱和温度计算结果表明次林错花岗岩的岩浆结晶温度介于647~705℃之间,属低温花岗岩。一维岩浆冷却模拟结果显示岩体侵位时的最小围岩温度为160~120℃,对应深度约为3.7~5.0 km。结合锆石和磷灰石(U-Th)/He年代学数据,本文认为该岩体在晚白垩世—早新生代时期(67~40 Ma)经历了一期剥蚀量至少为2 km的快速剥蚀事件。已发表成果的综合分析表明,此次快速剥露事件可能是整个青藏高原地区广泛存在的构造剥蚀事件,新特提斯洋的俯冲闭合与印亚板块的初始碰撞可能是触发此次大规模区域剥蚀的主要原因。  相似文献   
Trophic interactions in commercially exploited demersal finfishes in the southeastern Arabian Sea of India were studied to understand trophic organization with emphasis on ontogenic diet shifts within the marine food web. In total, the contents of 4716 stomachs were examined from which 78 prey items were identified. Crustaceans and fishes were the major prey groups to most of the fishes. Based on cluster analysis of predator feeding similarities and ontogenic diet shift within each predator, four major trophic guilds and many sub-guilds were identified. The first guild ‘detritus feeders’ included all size groups of Cynoglossus macrostomus, Pampus argenteus, Leiognathus bindus and Priacanthus hamrur. Guild two, named ‘Shrimp feeders’, was the largest guild identified and included all size groups of Rhynchobatus djiddensis and Nemipterus mesoprion, medium and large Nemipterus japonicus, P. hamrur and Grammoplites suppositus, small and medium Otolithes cuvieri and small Lactarius lactarius. Guild three, named ‘crab and squilla feeders’, consisted of few predators. The fourth trophic guild, ‘piscivores’, was mainly made up of larger size groups of all predators and all size groups of Pseudorhombus arsius and Carcharhinus limbatus. The mean diet breadth and mean trophic level showed strong correlation with ontogenic diet shift. The mean trophic level varied from 2.2 ± 0.1 in large L. bindus to 4.6 ± 0.2 in large Epinephelus diacanthus and the diet breadth from 1.4 ± 0.3 in medium P. argenteus to 8.3 ± 0.2 in medium N. japonicus. Overall, the present study showed that predators in the ecosystem have a strong feeding preference for the sergestid shrimp Acetes indicus, penaeid shrimps, epibenthic crabs and detritus.  相似文献   
以国家统筹城乡教育发展试验区的重庆市乡村地区为例,采用Densi-Graph城乡识别法进行行政区划内部格网尺度的精准识别,在此基础上探究义务教育资源可得性水平的空间差异及影响因素。结果表明:1)基于Densi-Graph城乡识别法的重庆市城乡差异显著,乡村区域面积达79 752 km2,占区域总面积的96.82%。城市部分面积为2 616 km2,占区域总面积的3.18%。2)重庆市义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著的空间集聚与关联特征,并呈现由中心城区向外递减的格局。3)政府重视程度、社会经济发展水平、交通设施水平、自然地理环境均与义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著相关性。4)交通站点密度与教育投入是影响义务教育资源可得性水平的主导因子,二者与各项因子的交互叠加作用增强效果显著;影响机制上,地形起伏度与坡度是乡村义务教育资源可得性水平的限制条件,社会经济是基础,交通是关键,教育投入是核心。  相似文献   
This paper provides an incisive review of paleoclimate science and its relevance to natural-resource management within the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The drought of 1997–2010 focussed scientific, public and media attention on intrinsic climate variability and the confounding effect of human activity, especially in terms of water-resource management. Many policy and research reviews make statements about future planning with little consideration of climate change and without useful actionable knowledge. In order to understand future climate changes, modellers need, and demand, better paleoclimate data to constrain their model projections. Here, we present an insight into a number of existing long-term paleoclimate studies relevant to the MDB. Past records of climate, in response to orbital forcing (glacial–interglacial cycles) are found within, and immediately outside, the MDB. High-resolution temperature records, spanning the last 105 years, exist from floodplains and cave speleothems, as well as evidence from lakes and their associated lunettes. More recently, historical climate records show major changes in relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles and decadal shifts in rainfall regimes. A considerable body of research currently exists on the past climates of southeastern Australia but, this has not been collated and validated over large spatial scales. It is clear that a number of knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a pressing need for the establishment of new paleoclimatic research within the MDB catchment and within adjacent, sensitive catchments if past climate science is to fulfil its potential to provide policy-relevant information to natural-resource management into the future.  相似文献   
青藏高原东南部现代雪线和林线及其关系的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴锡浩 《冰川冻土》1989,11(2):113-124
Slushflows are rare phenomena in southeastern Canada. Here we report for the first time the occurrence of slushflows in a subalpine environment in eastern Canada (Mt. Albert, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec). Because nothing is known of their frequency- magnitude in the area, we reconstructed the chronology of slushflow events over the past century using dendrogeomorphic techniques based on impact scars, reaction wood and traumatic resin ducts. Slushflows contributed to the formation of a tongue-shaped accumulation of 17900 m2 at the outlet of a firstorder drainage basin. The slushflow boulder tongue was composed of heterogeneous-sized, angular and unoriented clasts, which are markedly different from the sediments of an adjacent alluvial fan. Although movements were initiated above the subalpine forest limit, slushflows induced forest fragmentation along the treed slope. Three slushflow events were identified over the past century, in 1925, 1964 and 1988, respectively, which indicate exceptional initiation conditions and considerable geomorphic activity of individual events.  相似文献   
Hailstorm Loss Modelling and Risk Assessment in the Sydney Region,Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Leigh  R.  Kuhnel  I. 《Natural Hazards》2001,24(2):171-185
This paper summarises work undertaken at the Natural Hazards ResearchCentre with regard to the compilation, climatological analysis and lossmodelling application of hailstorm data for the greater Sydney region. Itdiscusses the results from two associated research areas: ENSO-relatedclimatological analysis of hailstorm data, and insurance sector orientedrisk assessment of hail losses in the Sydney basin. The two complementaryprojects led to the development of HailAUS, the first hail loss model for amajor urban area in Australia. The hazard occurrence module of the hailloss model is based on a comprehensive, good quality hail data set, whoseinterannual variability has previously been analysed with regard to the ENSOsignal. The paper presents the major results of the local hail data climatology,and outlines the structure of the hail loss model. The important practicalapplications that result from the collection and analysis of good qualityclimatological data are noted.  相似文献   
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