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The seafloor spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) was previously believed to take place between ca. 32 and 15 Ma (magnetic anomaly C11 to C5c). New magnetic data acquired in the northernmost SCS however suggests the existence of E–W trending magnetic polarity reversal patterns. Magnetic modeling demonstrates that the oldest SCS oceanic crust could be Late Eocene (as old as 37 Ma, magnetic anomaly C17), with a half-spreading rate of 44 mm/yr. The new identified continent–ocean boundary (COB) in the northern SCS generally follows the base of the continental slope. The COB is also marked by the presence of a relatively low magnetization zone, corresponding to the thinned portion of the continental crust. We suggest that the northern extension of the SCS oceanic crust is terminated by an inactive NW–SE trending trench-trench transform fault, called the Luzon–Ryukyu Transform Plate Boundary (LRTPB). The LRTPB is suggested to be a left-lateral transform fault connecting the former southeast-dipping Manila Trench in the south and the northwest-dipping Ryukyu Trench in the north. The existence of the LRTPB is demonstrated by the different patterns of the magnetic anomalies as well as the different seafloor morphology and basement relief on both sides of the LRTPB. Particularly, the northwestern portion of the LRTPB is marked by a steep northeast-dipping escarpment, along which the Formosa Canyon has developed. The LRTPB probably became inactive at ca. 20 Ma while the former Manila Trench prolonged northeastwards and connected to the former Ryukyu Trench by another transform fault. This reorganization of the plate boundaries might cause the southwestern portion of the former Ryukyu Trench to become extinct and a piece of the Philippine Sea Plate was therefore trapped amongst the LRTPB, the Manila Trench and the continental margin.  相似文献   
本文主要是利用水汽图像和HLAFS数值模式计算方法从定性到定量地研究1998年6月12日 ̄14日江南北部的一次大暴雨过程。通过云系路径的分析和发展的定量研究,我们可清楚看到影响江南北部这次大暴雨过程的天气系统,是从青藏高原东移的。其中,特别是该系统(气旋)东移到暖湿的海而时得到了大量第表面水汽蒸发补充,水汽上升凝结潜热释放,促使气旋迅速发展。  相似文献   
东海西湖凹陷南端砂岩储层特征及其控制因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究区始新统—中新统地层内大套砂质岩储层发育,砂层厚度为2—30m。分析结果表明:具有一定储集和渗透能力的砂层主要分布在井深1900—3200m(C—1井、CH—1井深度可达3600m),即花港组和龙井组,岩性以细砂岩、粉砂岩为主,还有少量中砂岩。其中的细砂岩、粉砂岩具有粒度分选好,胶结物含量低(<10%)、孔隙、渗透条件好(φ为10—28%、k为<1—1800×10 ̄(-3)um ̄2);以次生粒间扩大孔、粒内孔、铸模孔和粘土矿物中的微孔及少量原生孔为其储集空间。胶结物以粘土矿物为主,其次为碳酸盐和氧化硅胶结物。本区砂岩体储层物性除受原始地质条件、储集岩的成份、结构、埋藏深度等控制外,同时受成岩后生作用的影响,压实作用和胶结作用使其物性降低,而骨架颗粒(长石为主)和胶结物的溶蚀改善了其储集条件。  相似文献   
The dynamic importance of the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO) lies in the fact that it connects the three major world oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Modeling study has been used to understand the circulation pattern of this very important region. Simulation of SIO (10°N–60°S and 30°E–120°E) is performed with z-coordinate Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM) viz; MOM3.0 and the results have been compared with observed ship drift data. It is found that except near coastal boundaries and in equatorial region, the simulated current reproduce most well known current pattern such as Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), South Equatorial Current (SEC) etc. and bears a resemblance to that of the observed data; however the magnitude of the surface current is weaker in model than the observed data, which may be due to deficiency in the forcing field and boundary condition and problem with observed data. The annual mean wind stress curl computed over the oceanic domain reveals about ACC and its similar importance. The way in which the ocean responds to the windstress and vertically integrated transport using model output is fascinating and rather good.  相似文献   
海岸带地区景观演变的驱动力研究是区域内在演化规律研究的重要组成部分,对于指导合理利用景观,控制人工景观规模,保护生态环境等都有着不可替代的作用.本文以杭州湾南岸的沿海乡镇区域为研究对象,在利用GIS及相关的数理统计软件分析杭州湾滨海平原区2000~2010年来景观演化时空变化特征的基础上,运用GIS-Logistic的耦合模型从空间角度深入分析了杭州湾沿海乡镇重要景观演化的驱动力.研究结果表明:近10 a来,耕地、海域等自然景观类型呈现出不断减少的趋势,建设用地、养殖用地等景观类型保持持续增长的态势;在以乡镇为单位的中小尺度研究中,纯自然驱动因素(如气候、降水等)较人文驱动因素的影响相对较弱,而县道等区位因素对于景观类型演变的影响相对较为明显,表征经济发展的人口、工业水平、工业产值等对于杭州湾南岸岸段各景观类型的演化具有较强的驱动作用.  相似文献   
通过借助层序地层学理论、构造古地貌分析、古生物资料、沉积速率与可容纳空间关系对比,以及典型地震相识别、地震相与沉积相剖面及平面分析等,结合区域地质资料及前人的研究成果,对白云南洼恩平组烃源岩的叠置关系、影响因素、空间展布规律及发育模式进行了研究,得到如下认识:白云南洼恩平组对应一个完整的二级层序,可细分为3个三级层序,自下至上为SQ1、SQ2、SQ3,海平面总体为上升特征,SQ3的最大海泛面对应了整个恩平组二级层序的最大海泛面;白云南洼恩平组为局限浅海环境,具备发育较好海相烃源岩的条件,稳定半封闭的古构造背景,有利于烃源岩有机质的富集保存;沉积速率小,且小于可容空间增长速率,沉积物向陆退积,沉积水体深度变大,利于海相烃源岩的发育;恩平组烃源岩为大陆边缘半闭塞—欠补偿—湿润海湾模式,优质烃源岩主要发育在受隆起及断层遮挡形成的海湾区。  相似文献   
1999年夏季中国首次北极考察区水团特征   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
依据 1 999年 7月至 9月中国首次北极考察队在白令海、楚科奇海和南加拿大海盆的现场调查资料 ,本文分析了三个海区的水团特征 :( 1 )白令海水团主要由季节变化显著的白令海上层水团和中层水团以及深层水团组成 ;( 2 )楚科奇海水文特征受融结冰过程影响较大 ,1 999年7月和 8月差异较大 ,其水团主要为浅海变性水团 ,包括两个次级水团 ,楚科奇海夏季水和来自北太平洋以及北冰洋变性的外海入侵水 ;( 3)南加拿大海盆的水团主要由受融结冰过程影响的表层水团、源于太平洋水的次表层水、源自北大西洋的中层水团和深层水团组成  相似文献   
在杭州湾交通通道预可行性研究阶段的《通航标准论证报告》及杭州湾交通通道有关专题研究成果的基础上,依据浙江省交通厅文件的精神,结合杭州湾的水文、河势、港口、航道等基本状况、条件以及通航船舶现状与未来对通航发展的要求等,确定了杭州湾跨海大桥南航道的通航净空尺度和桥位航道中心线及通航孔的位置。在杭州湾南航道中心线设了3个通航孔,其中1个为主通航孔,2个为副通航孔。主通航孔可通行总长为97m,宽为14m的3000t级杂货船,净空高度不于31m,净空宽度不小于125m,单向通航;副通航孔可通行总长小于33m,宽为7.2m的小型船舶,净空高度不小于20m,净空宽度不小于50m,单向通航。最高通航水位为5.19m。  相似文献   
依据大量实地测试调查资料和专题研究成果而完成的《南水北调西线工程超前期工作区域工程地质及区域稳定性评价报告》,在全面详细分析论证了调水工程部署区区域工程地质及区域稳定性条件以及现拟调水方案地质条件的适宜性之后,又从西线调水的全局出发,明确提出:(1)西线调水在地质条件上是可行的;(2)西线通雅大的多河一线联合调水开发方案好;(3)西线还可调引澜沧江源区河水;(4)西线调水的优越性与艰难性共存;(5)西线调水开发论证工作要继续;(6)西线调水规划工程的综合性地质调查、试验研究及地质构造可行性论证要提前安排的结论和建议。实现了国家计委和地矿部、水利部希望通过本次区域工程地质及区域稳定性评价,能对西线调水的地质构造可能性有个明确结论的期望。  相似文献   
GeodynamicsofAtionTaghFault¥ZhengJiandong(InstituteofGeology,StateSeiewlogicalBureau,Beijing100029)Abstract:TheAltunTaghfault...  相似文献   
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