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Stable carbon isotope ratios have been used to study the sources of particulate organic carbon (POC) and total dissolved inorganic carbon in the Orinoco Basin. The isotopic composition of total dissolved inorganic carbon shows a range of from -8·1 to -23·0 ppt, an indication of dominance of biological processes. The isotopic composition of POC exhibits a range of from -24·1 to -34·6 ppt with little seasonal variation. The isotopic evidence indicates that the POC is predominantly of terrestrial origin rather than a result of in situ planktonic production. The similarity of isotopic composition of POC and coastal sediments suggests that riverine organic detritus has been transported 30-50 km offshore in a direction parallel to the Orinoco river channel.  相似文献   
建立了由预过滤装置、蠕动泵、中空纤维超滤膜(AmiconH10P10-20,标称截留分子量10KDa)和连接管组成的错流超滤系统,利用荧光标记的40KDa葡聚糖和已知放射性活度的234Th示踪剂评估了超滤膜的截留和吸附性质,探讨了234Th在超滤过程中的渗透行为,考查了该系统用于实际海水样品时铀、钍、镭同位素和有机碳的质量平衡状况.结果表明,10Kda中空纤维超滤膜对40Kda葡聚糖具有良好的截留效率(85%),而吸附损失率为18%.铀、钍、镭同位素和有机碳在超滤过程中均达到极佳的质量平衡,回收率R=95%~98%,优于大多数文献报道的值.234Th在超滤过程中的渗透行为可以很好地用渗透模型加以描述.研究组分胶体态含量占“溶解”态含量的份额大小顺序如下:钍同位素、有机碳、镭同位素约等于铀同位素,这与钍为强颗粒活性元素、铀和镭为水溶性元素的地球化学性质相吻合.  相似文献   
Marine colloidal material (1 kDa–0.2 μm) was isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration followed by diafiltration and freeze-drying from surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB), as well as from estuarine waters of Galveston Bay. Elemental characterization of isolated colloidal material included organic carbon (OC) and selected trace metal (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Be, Fe, Al, Mn, V, Ba, and Ti) determinations. It was found that levels of these metals in marine colloids ranged from <0.1 to 50 μg/g colloidal matter, except for Fe which generally had a concentration >120 μg/g. Most metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Al, Mn, V, and Ti) had an average concentration >1 μg/g while concentrations of Cd, Co and Be were usually <1 μg/g. Metal concentrations (μg/g) in isolated colloids were, in general, higher in Galveston Bay than in the Gulf of Mexico, suggesting either high abundance of trace metals in estuarine waters or differences in organic matter composition. Higher colloidal metal concentrations in the MAB than in the Gulf of Mexico might be due to higher terrestrial inputs in the MAB. Colloidal metal concentrations (μg/g) were generally lower than those in average soils, continental crust and suspended particles. However, metal/aluminum ratios (Me/Al) in isolated marine colloids were significantly higher than those for average soils and continental crust. Most importantly, colloids had a metal composition and metal/OC ratio (Me/C) similar to humic substances and marine plankton, suggesting that marine colloids largely originate from planktonic sources and are composed of predominately organic components. The Me/C ratios of Galveston Bay colloids followed the sequence of Cu>Ni, Cr, Zn>Mn>Co>Pb, Cd, which is similar to the Irving–Williams order except for Mn, suggesting that the interaction of metals with marine colloids is determined by the affinity of metals for specific organic ligands.  相似文献   
大河影响下的边缘海是陆源输入物质的主要储库,也是有机碳埋藏和再矿化的主要场所,在全球碳的生物地球化学循环中有着重要作用。从有机碳的输运、埋藏和再矿化等方面综述了大河影响下的边缘海沉积有机碳生物地球化学研究的最新进展。研究表明,有机碳的来源、组成、粒径和密度分布等显著影响着有机碳的分布特征和归宿,大河影响下的边缘海中移动泥等特殊沉积环境在有机碳的输运、埋藏和再矿化分解等方面发挥了独特的作用;微生物分解作用则是边缘海沉积有机碳,特别是难降解陆源有机碳发生分解的重要因素。综合运用分子生物学、有机地球化学、生物地球化学等多学科研究手段,深入研究特定微生物、浮游生物功能类群等在大河影响下的边缘海沉积有机碳生物地球化学过程中的作用,将极大地丰富对河口和陆架边缘海生源要素生物地球化学循环的认识。  相似文献   
北极孔斯峡湾表层沉积物中溶解有机质的来源与转化历史   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在北极地区孔斯峡湾采集28个表层沉积物样品,测定了其中水溶性有机质(也称溶解有机质,DOM)的分子量分布、紫外/可见吸收光谱和三维荧光光谱特征,并利用平行因子分析(PARAFAC)模型对DOM的荧光组分和来源进行了解析。结果表明:孔斯峡湾表层沉积物中有色溶解有机质(CDOM)及其中的荧光溶解有机质(FDOM)含量均从内湾向外湾方向呈逐渐累积的趋势,但CDOM中的FDOM所占比例逐渐减小,与DOM趋于老龄化密切相关。沉积作用减弱以及长期的光化学降解和微生物降解作用对此起主要贡献,并导致腐殖质和小分子组分在沉积物DOM中所占的比例呈逐渐递增的趋势。沉积物DOM包含陆源类腐殖质、自生源类腐殖质和类蛋白等三个荧光组分,但是其组成比例空间差异很大。吸收光谱斜率比(SR)随自生源所占百分比增加而减小,随DOM腐殖质组分中陆源与自生源的比值增加而增加;腐殖化指数(HIX)随类腐殖质与类蛋白质比值和水深的增加而增加,生物源指数(BIX)随自生源比例增加而增加。峡湾沉积物DOM的组成和来源存在着高度的空间差异,在冰川湾区由水体颗粒有机质(POM)的近期转化和迁移而来,而在峡湾中央及口门附近以较老的腐殖质为优势,主要源于水体DOM长期迁移和转化。研究表明,FDOM/CDOM,SR,HIX和BIX等构成的CDOM光谱指纹信息可以作为揭露沉积物溶解有机质来源及迁移转化历史的工具,对探索海洋与冰川相互作用影响下的峡湾环境演变有着重要意义。  相似文献   
1991年4~12月,在大连湾鲍鱼(HaliotisdiscushannaiIno)养殖场的养殖区进行了底栖生物调查研究。应用生物丰度、生物量比较(ABC)法与种内个体对数正态分布(对数-正态)法,分析研究了底栖动物群落结构的变化,对网箱养鲍诱发的有机污染进行了监测。结果表明,该水域已受到中等程度污染。该项研究还对两种生物监测方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   
九龙江口水体中1995年有机物的转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995年3个航次调查研究结果表明,九龙江口水体总有机物的含量受悬浮物含量控制。在S<5的低盐度区,悬浮泥沙和有机物产生明显的絮凝沉降;在S>5的广阔海域,它们的迁移接近于理想混合。估算得出九龙江河流的入海通量约:悬浮泥沙为9.8×105t/a;总COD为3.2×104t/a,其中溶解态COD为2.1×104t/a,约占2/3,为水体有机物的主要形态,如换算为溶解有机碳,则DOC的平均通量为3.2×104t/a。  相似文献   
Taxonomic composition, size composition, standing stock, and chemical composition of mesozooplankton were determined to examine the contribution of their fecal pellets to the vertical flux of organic carbon at the outside, the edge, and the center of the warm core ring. The warm core ring significantly affects not only their taxonomic composition and size composition but also their standing stock and chemical composition. The zooplankton at the center of the warm core ring was characterized by the absence of carnivores at the top of the size-trophic relation and filter feeding planktonic tunicates at the bottom. Zooplankton carbon biomass at the outside of the ring was one-third less than that at the center of the ring. The vertical flux of fecal pellets obtained from the pellet volume (12.3 mgC m−2d−1) contributed 19 to 96% of the flux (13 to 64 mgC m−2 d−1) estimated from the body carbon and the fecal pellet production rate. The estimated flux of fecal pellets was 6 to 27% of vertical carbon flux (236 mgC m−2d−1) determined by the sediment traps. Microscopic determination of fecal pellets and plankton in the sediment trap samples indicated high grazing activity during the sinking process. Those observations might suggest that particles other than fecal pellets contributed significantly to the vertical carbon flux and fecal pellets were settled directly without loss or being recycled within the surface mixed layer.  相似文献   
利用气相色谱法对南海北部和海南岛附近海域表层沉积物中正构烷烃(n-alkanes)和脂肪酸进行测定和分析,结合粒径、比表面积(specific surface area,SSA)、有机碳(OC%)、碳稳定同位素(δ~(13)C)等参数研究有机物来源和降解状态,并对其影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明:沉积物主要以粉砂为主,平均粒径分布范围在10.97—517.21μm之间,选取的16个站位的比表面积平均值为8.05m~2/g,最大值是S23站位的24.46m~2/g,最小值是S29站位的1.73m~2/g,OC%含量在0.15—1.18之间,δ~(13)C值为–23.05‰—–21.24‰。沉积物中正构烷烃碳链的分布范围是nC_(14)—nC_(33),低碳数峰群以nC_(16)、nC_(18)为主峰碳且具有偶碳数优势,高碳数峰群以nC_(29)为主峰碳。脂肪酸的碳数分布范围是nC_(14)—nC_(30),低碳数单峰型分布,短链饱和脂肪酸(short chain saturated fatty acids,SCSFA)和单不饱和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fatty acids,MUFA)的含量占总脂肪酸含量的70%以上,长链饱和脂肪酸(long chain saturated fatty acids,LCSFA)的含量不到10%,据此说明这两个区域有机质均以海源输入为主。在有机物保存和降解方面,海南岛附近海域有机质载荷(OC/SSA)和δ~(13)C之间的正相关,表现了良好的陆源和海源的有机物更替,但是珠江口附近海域系列样品却未见相似过程。不仅在物源更替方面,在有机质降解特征上珠江口附近海域中的有机物与海南岛附近海域和南海陆架深水区也有很大的差别。海南岛附近海域和南海陆架深水区有机质的降解符合一般规律,随着水深的增加降解程度逐渐变大,然而珠江口附近海域随着水深的增加有机质却越来越"新鲜"。结合前人对珠江口附近海域黏土矿物组成的研究,本文认为珠江口附近海域沉积物中有机质之所以会出现上述"异常"可能是因为该研究区域黏土矿物对有机质选择性吸附所导致。  相似文献   
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