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基于重庆小山岩洞XSY1石笋的5个230Th年龄和582个氧同位素数据,重建了23134~19345 a B.P.期间分辨率约6.5 a的东亚夏季风变化历史。此石笋δ18O记录的长期趋势逐渐负偏,在其上叠加了一系列千年-百年尺度季风振荡,呈现为4谷3峰的结构形态。重庆XSY1和南京MSD石笋δ18O记录在数百年尺度的反相关系表明冰盛期时东亚大陆东部水汽并非来自印度洋。与北高纬记录对比显示东亚季风的增强与减弱基本对应格陵兰温度的升高与降低时期,暗示在冰量最大时期东亚季风与北高纬气候仍密切联系。此外,XSY1的δ18O与冰芯10Be通量亦存在明显的对应关系,表明太阳活动对东亚季风的调控作用受冰量边界条件影响较小。功率谱分析结果显示出1011 a、722 a、460 a、337 a和163 a的周期,与太阳活动周期相近,进一步确认太阳活动对东亚季风的驱动作用。石笋XSY1与澳大利亚石笋MC-S2 δ18O记录在千年尺度呈反相位变化,表明冰盛期时东亚季风与全球其他气候系统的动力联系。

对1999年8月11日日全食阴影扫过欧洲期间,设在Annelles,Uccle,Walferdange和Bondy弹簧和超导重力仪的记录进行了分析.为了确定月亮对太阳万有引力可能的遮挡效应的极限,对超导和弹簧重力仪记录进行了比较.同时也对LCR和阿斯卡尼亚重力仪观测结果进行了讨论.结论是如果日食重力吸引效应存在,它应在超导重力仪±1 nm/s2(0.1×10-8ms-2)的观测精度范围之内.研究发现在以上情形下,弹簧和超导重力仪都在它们的精度范围内工作,并且日食引起的异常环境干扰可能使重力信号有重大的改变.  相似文献   
影响人体体感温度的气象要素主要包括温度、湿度、风以及太阳辐射,依据这些气象要素影响人体体感温度的原理,确定了平均气温与体感温度相同时的临界相对湿度、风速及太阳辐射值.以全国有水平面直接辐射曝辐量观测项目的77个气象台站的历年逐日4次定时观测资料为基础,把相邻两个白昼(夜间)的气温差作为因变量,相对湿度差、风速差、垂直辐射差(白昼)作为自变量,以旬为时问分辨率,建立了逐旬多元回归方程.各地所建立的逐句多元线性拟合方程拟合优度相当高,F统计量检验也充分证明线性回归方程总体成立,从气候意义、统计角度来看该方法都具有充分的可行性.  相似文献   
利用MGEX(multi-GNSS experiment)发布的BDS卫星差分码偏差(differential code bias, DCB)产品,比较分析不同太阳活动水平下BDS卫星DCB产品的稳定性变化特性,并采用差分自回归移动平均(auto-regressive integrated moving average, ARIMA)时间序列预测模型,实现不同太阳活动水平下BDS卫星DCB的短期预报。结果表明,在太阳活动高年,BDS卫星DCB日解值稳定度、月稳定性均明显低于太阳活动低年,且不同卫星星座类型的BDS卫星DCB稳定性也存在差异;ARIMA时间序列预报结果与MGEX发布值符合程度较好,优于多项式拟合法预测结果。  相似文献   
虚拟太阳天文台及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着太阳物理研究的深入、观测仪器的发展、观测数据的积累,促使人们去思考这样一个问题:如何使研究者能够方便地检索、分析和使用在不同时间、不同地点、不同波段上观测得到的大量与太阳有关的数据,从而能探索更多悬而未决的科学谜题。这就是虚拟太阳天文台(VSO)项目被提出后得到有关天文台、研究所和大学积极响应并迅速投入运作的原因所在。介绍了虚拟太阳天文台的由来、作用、采用的技术和发展状况等。  相似文献   
西北地区太阳辐射量变化的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
根据西北地区15个日射甲种站观测的近30年来到达地面的太阳辐射量观测资料,经方差分析表明:太阳散射辐射量有2/5的地区在增加,2/5的地区在减少,还有1/5的地区太阳散射、直接辐射量在时间变化上差异都不明显;太阳直接辐射量有4/5的地区在显著减减少;太阳总辐射量几乎各地都在减少,这种减少趋势大致从1978年开始,并且用太阳辐射倾向率的形式概括出3种太阳辐射量季节变化类型。  相似文献   
In this article I describe a site survey facility, which measures the signals of the solar equivalent of a Differential Image Motion Monitor (S-DIMM) and of a six element linear array of solar scintillometers. Combining the S-DIMM r o andscintillometer I observations allows the determination of the fractions of the seeing in the free atmosphere and in the ground/lake layer. From the scintillometer array observations C n 2 (h) is determined for heights corresponding to the first 500 m along the line-of-sight. With minor changes this seeing monitor can also be used for other extended objects like the Moon and planets.  相似文献   
The JPL planetary and lunar ephemerides – DE200/LE200, DE403/LE403, DE405/LE405 and the planetary and lunar ephemerides, EPM87, EPM98, and EPM2000, constructed in the Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS are described. Common properties and differences of the various ephemerides are given. Graphical comparisons of the DE ephemerides with each other and with the EPM ephemerides are presented. A fairly good agreement of planetary orbits is between DE403, DE405 and EPM98, EPM2000, respectively, over the interval of 120 years (1886–2006) covered by EPM98 and EPM2000. Some differences are explained by a slight disagreement in representing the orbits of Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta as they affect the planets. The accurate radar observations of planets and spacecraft make it possible not only to improve the orbital elements of planets but to determine a broad set of astronomical constants as well: km/AU, parameters of Mars rotation including its precessional rate, the masses of Jupiter, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta, relativistic parameters of the PPN formalism, the variability of the gravitational constant G. These have been obtained in the fitting process of the DE405 and EPM2000 ephemerides to observational data, including nearly 80000 American and Russian radar observations of planets (1961–1997), ranging and doppler to the Viking and Pathfinder landers, and other miscellaneous measurements from various sources and spacecraft.  相似文献   
Trials conducted at Dry Creek, a solar saltfield north of Adelaide, Australia, indicate that manganese, as manganous sulphate, can increase both the purity and strength of salt crystals grown at an ambient or neutral-slightly acid pH range resulting in a salt suitable for high purity uses. The improved load bearing strength of the crystals indicates that manganous sulphate could also be useful in salt floor maintenance. However, the impact of an apparently slight rise in pH to 8.5 was significant. Crystals produced at the higher pH from the manganese enriched brine were opaque with many tiny, almost colloidal crystals. The salt did not drain well, had low load bearing strength and was notably impure.  相似文献   
We present a one-dimensional numerical study of Alfvén waves propagating along a radial magnetic field. Neglecting losses, any spherical Alfvén wave, no matter how small its initial amplitude is, becomes non-linear at sufficiently large radii. From previous simulations of Alfvén waves in plane-parallel atmospheres we expected the waves to steepen and produce current sheets in the non-linear regime, which was confirmed by our new calculations. On the other hand we found that even the least non-linear waves were damped out almost completely before 10 R. A damping of that kind is required by models of Alfvén wave driven winds from old low-mass stars as these winds are mainly accelerated within a few stellar radii.  相似文献   
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